cover of episode The Moth Podcast: A Family Circus

The Moth Podcast: A Family Circus

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The Moth

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kate Tellers
Mary Lea Carroll
P.T. Smith
Kate Tellers: 本期播客探讨了为人父母的挑战性方面,分享了两个真实故事,展现了养育孩子的复杂性和压力。节目还提到了亲子关系和家庭支持的重要性。 Mary Lea Carroll: 作者分享了她养育两个孩子的经历,以及她试图从母亲和朋友那里学习如何更好地应对养育孩子的挑战。她发现,朋友间的互相支持和适度的放松是应对压力的关键。她反思了母亲那一代人养育众多孩子的经验,并意识到,虽然没有明确的秘诀,但互相支持和适度的放松是应对压力的关键。 P.T. Smith: 作者分享了他初为人父的经历,以及他克服对为人父不确定性的过程。他起初对为人父感到恐惧和不确定,寻求建议却不得要领。最终,他意识到爱是为人父最重要的品质,而不是遵循刻板的规则。 Mary Lea Carroll: 我在养育两个年幼的孩子时感到不知所措,并试图寻找自己母亲带大九个孩子的秘诀。我母亲的朋友们,她们自己也养育了众多孩子,她们聚在一起互相支持,分享经验。她们的友谊和互相支持帮助她们克服了养育孩子的挑战。我尝试向她们学习,但得到的建议却出乎意料,这让我意识到,养育孩子的过程没有明确的秘诀,重要的是互相支持和适度的放松。 P.T. Smith: 我起初对为人父感到恐惧和不确定,我寻求建议,却得到了毫无帮助的答案。我意识到,为人父最重要的品质是爱,而不是遵循刻板的规则。当我的孩子出生时,我经历了巨大的恐惧和不确定性,但最终,我对孩子的爱帮助我克服了这些挑战。 Kate Tellers: 本期节目分享了两个关于为人父母的真实故事,展现了养育孩子的挑战和应对方法。节目强调了家庭支持和朋友间的互相帮助在应对养育孩子压力中的重要性。同时,节目也探讨了为人父母的经验和感悟,以及爱在养育孩子过程中的重要作用。

Deep Dive

Mary Lee Carroll reflects on the seemingly effortless parenting of her mother and her friends, the "Can Cutters." Overwhelmed by the challenges of raising two young children, Mary seeks advice from the last surviving Can Cutter, Dorothy. Dorothy's simple secret? A 5 o'clock cocktail.
  • Mary Lee Carroll grew up in a large family with nine siblings.
  • Her mother only befriended other women with large families, forming a group known as the "Can Cutters."
  • Mary Lee becomes overwhelmed with the challenges of raising her own children and seeks advice from a surviving Can Cutter.
  • The secret to managing a large family, according to Dorothy, is a 5 o'clock cocktail.

Shownotes Transcript

On this episode, we feature two stories all about the hectic, maddening, hair-pulling side of raising kids. Plus, we feature some very special guests reading the credits. This episode was hosted by Kate Tellers.


Mary Lea Carroll tries to figure out how her mom raised so many children without absolutely losing it.

PT Smith learns the true meaning of fatherhood.

Special thanks to Fritz & Olai (9), Nilah (8), Iris & Harvey (6), Zelda (4) and Esi (9 months).