The Michael Shermer Show

The Michael Shermer Show is a series of long-form conversations between Dr. Michael Shermer and lead


Total: 510

Shermer and Päs discuss: monism vs. dualism • What is time? • What is a field? • Is math all there i

Shermer and Gold discuss: diversity, equity, and inclusion in the media • social justice movements a

Shermer and Hardy discuss: Hardy’s religious journey (raised Catholic, now agnostic) • origin of Pen

Shermer and Klein discuss: sex therapist and the reasons people seek therapy • self-help sex books •

Americans have long been skeptical of corporations, and that skepticism has only grown more intense

In this episode Michael Shermer speaks with the stoic philosopher and evolutionary biologist Massimo

In this conversation, based on a leading cult expert Steven Hassan’s books (Combatting Cult Mind Con

Physics has always sought to deepen our understanding of the nature of matter and the world around u

Awe is mysterious. How do we begin to quantify the goose bumps we feel when we see the Grand Canyon,

Pacifists who fought against the Second World War faced insurmountable odds — but their resistance,

Shermer and Bernstein discuss: the SCOTUS case on affirmative action and race preferences at Harvard

Shermer and Rees discuss: existential threats • overpopulation • biodiversity loss • climate change

Shermer and Cobb discuss: objections to genetic engineering (political, religious, cultural) • selec

Ditching the stuffy hang-ups and benighted sexual traditionalism of the past is an unambiguously pos

Shermer and Daum discuss: unauthorized autobiography • Feminism (first, second, third wave, and beyo

For too long, the term insubordination has evoked negative feelings and mental images. But for ideas

Shermer and Thusi discuss: how she gained access to police and sex workers in Johannesburg • what it

The Blind Storyteller is an intellectual journey that draws on philosophy, anthropology, linguistics

Nicholas Dirks is a strong advocate for academic and scientific collaboration across disciplines and

In this important guide to science and society, cosmologist Stephon Alexander argues that physics mu