A podcast about The Office. The Michael Scott Podcast Company takes a deep dive into NBC’s ‘The Offi
This week – Webisodes! In the summers between seasons NBC released short online episodes featuring d
The Dundies are about the best in every one of us. This week Sean, Edwin, and Alex take a look at th
The Dunder Mifflin Portland branch (Sean, Alex, and Edwin) covers the most pressing topic of the day
In ‘Goodbye Toby’, we say goodbye to Toby Flenderson and hello to Holly Flax. The season 4 finale we
This week we’re answering listener questions, taking all email forwards, faxes from the future, and
In many ways, season 3 of The Office represents a high point for the show. From critic and audience
At the heart of The Office is a romance destined to go down in TV history--you guessed it, it's Kell
In 'Niagara' we see the marriage of Jim and Pam, a signature moment for The Office. We look at all t
Inspired by a voicemail question, the Dunder Mifflin Portland branch looks at repeat jokes and story
In the second episode on Michael in Love, we cover his relationships with Helene, Donna, and Holly,
Michael’s love life is a constant source of laughs, tears, and dramatic, misguided romantic gestures
In Season 2, The Office found its voice and audience. We trace the trajectory of the season, the ‘wi
Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica. This week we take a deep dive into Dwight K. Schrute, Dunder Mif
This week we look at Sabre and the influence it had on Dunder Mifflin over seasons 6, 7, and 8. Then
Is Toby the Scranton strangler? Which characters had an affair? Is Kevin a secret genius? We dive in
Today’s viewers binge The Office on Netflix or watch syndicated re-runs, but the show originally air
‘Would you rather?’ is at the heart of all the world’s great debates. We ask this immortal and hard-
As the head of Accounting, chair of the Party Planning Committee, and resident cat mom, Angela Marti
This week we take a deep dive into season 1 of The Office, focusing on key moments and how the show
We break out the Fluffy Fingers and talk about Darryl Philbin, Dunder Mifflin’s warehouse foreman an