cover of episode US Senators Left Speechless by Hilarious Questions | YES or NO: Tim Scott & Bill Hagerty

US Senators Left Speechless by Hilarious Questions | YES or NO: Tim Scott & Bill Hagerty

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The Michael Knowles Show

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Michael Knowles
Senator Hagerty
Senator Scott
Michael Knowles: 本期节目以轻松幽默的方式采访了两位参议员,就一些意想不到的问题向他们提问,例如他们是否拥有加密货币,是否观看过浪漫喜剧等。Knowles还就堕胎问题表达了自己的观点,并宣传了Preborn组织。 Senator Hagerty: Hagerty参议员承认自己拥有加密货币,但他只购买了一些表现不佳的代币,并因此损失了一些钱。他表示自己不希望拥有加密货币,因为他认为这会造成利益冲突,并会招致媒体的批评。他还谈到了其他一些民主党议员似乎拥有高收益的投资组合,这引发了一些关于他们政府工作的问题。 Senator Scott: Scott参议员表示自己从未独自观看过浪漫喜剧。 Michael Knowles: 节目中,Knowles就堕胎问题表达了自己的强烈反对立场,认为左翼对堕胎的支持等同于杀婴。他多次宣传Preborn组织,这是一个致力于阻止堕胎的组织,并呼吁观众捐款支持该组织的工作。他还就一些轻松的问题向参议员提问,例如他们是否拥有加密货币,是否观看过浪漫喜剧等,并对参议员的回答进行评价。

Deep Dive

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I have watched a romantic comedy alone. I should be throwing the trash can. I know. It's sort of telling on us here.

Senator Haggerty, thank you for taking time out of your otherwise serious schedule today to play my drinking game. No drinks, only getting to know one another. The last time I was able to interview you was very serious. Senator Cruz was there. We were talking about issues and things. Profound questions. Conversation. And I promise you this will be much more frivolous. I will...

Ask the question first. You have to guess how I would answer. Okay. I have an advantage here because you're a U.S. Senator, so I probably know what you think more than you know what I think. I own cryptocurrency. So you have to answer whether you think I own cryptocurrency. Yeah, yeah. I'm going to guess yes. The yes part there. I'm ashamed to say yes.

You're wrong. I would be a wealthier man today. Actually, no, you know what? I answered wrong. You answered right. I do own cryptocurrency. I don't own any of the good ones. Bitcoin or, you know, I don't own the ones that make you money. I've bought the dumb meme coins. Let's go, Brandon coin, Doge coin, all the ones. And so I've lost all my money. But luckily, it was only a small amount of money. But my friends who invested in Bitcoin or other forms of crypto earlier are

are now wealthier than me, probably. - No, I tell you, my children are upset with me because I won't let them invest in it.

I want to be able to legislate. I don't want to have any ownership because I don't think it's a conflict of interest. It would certainly draw ire in the media. So we don't do it, but my kids have been dead. You're making us miss these opportunities. Especially some of your colleagues, I can't help but notice, especially the Democrat colleagues, especially those in the lower chamber, do sometimes seem to have really high-performing portfolios. Oh.

Tell me about it. And raises some questions about their government work. So honorable, even though you're foregoing potentially some great returns. Ooh, I have watched a romantic comedy alone. I should be throwing the trash can. I know. This is sort of telling on us here.

Has Senator Tim Scott watched a romantic comedy? Getting married next Saturday. Yeah, that's okay. So I'm going to...

I'm going to say no. Senator Scott has no... Okay. All right. You're getting married next... It's next Saturday. Next Saturday. I knew you were engaged. Congratulations. Thank you very much. That's great news. All right. 100%. And great news for your wife that you've never watched a romantic comedy alone. I've watched a number of Iron Man shows alone. I've watched Superman. I know DC Comics. People get upset. Yes. But the bottom line is simply this. There are some things a man can do, and then there are some things...

I cannot do. Others may be more comfortable than I am. Sure, you're not casting aspersions. I'm not telling you what you should do. I'm telling you what I will not do. You will not do. There's so much more to say. First, though, go to slash Knowles. The left is zealous for the blood of babies going as far as supporting free abortions at the DNC. Kamala's extreme, radical stance for abortion is clear in her running mate. As First Things reported, quote, Tim Wohl supports the right to infanticide.

Infanticide is the taking of a baby's life after birth. I suppose it would also refer to it before birth, but specifically after birth, that's what they're supporting. It's insane. The media have dubbed this the abortion election. We've got to stand up to this evil. When you join forces with Preborn, the largest pro-life organization in the country, you're protecting the greatest victims in our society, babies in their mother's womb. Preborn's network of clinics is

is positioned in the highest abortion areas in the country. They've rescued over 300,000 babies. When a woman considering abortion searches to end her baby's life, Preborn is there. The power of the ultrasound combined with God's love doubles a baby's chance at life. One ultrasound is just $28. Five ultrasounds are $140. Right now, to donate securely, dial pound 250, say baby.

That is pound 250 keyword baby, or you can go to slash Knowles, slash Knowles. There are valid reasons for hiding money from your spouse. Probably relevant here at the Bitcoin conference. Okay. I think you would say, I think you would say no. You're right. You would say no. Okay. But I've got one counterexample.

What if it's not necessarily intentional, but you're one of these guys who got into crypto 10 years ago and you got a bazillion dollars on a thumb drive and you lost it in your sock drawer and now no one knows where it is. That would seem to me a valid reason to hide it from your space. You would be hiding it from yourself as well. I guess so. But I've heard of people doing this. I think your wife would be very upset with you if she found out that you lost that sort of value. But I tell you, having that sort of openness and clarity, I read an article not long ago about...

about a guy who passed away and he left his 401k to some girlfriend years before and forgot about it. And after he passes away, his family's like, what happened here? Lucky for the old girlfriend. I think generally that's probably... Also because...

I'm not saying I'm bad with money. I find the wives can be a little more organized sometimes. So just even for my own preservation of my own family's wealth, it's better that she knows where things are. I think that's right. My wife is also, she's got a master's degree in economics, but she's very adept at spending money too. Far better than I am. Marvel movies are modern day westerns. How you would answer.

Can I show your audience my answer? - You can, yeah, I'll look away. - Okay. - Man of culture, you say yes. - You got it right, man. Listen, there's no doubt, I was a Bonanza fan growing up. You know, every day when it came on, you wanted to watch it. Everybody liked Haas, you know, Little Joe.

Today, everyone likes Iron Man. Yes. It's undeniably true. It is the pop culture of our time. It's also literally true in that Logan is a superhero movie, but it's a Western. It's basically a Western. It basically has the same...

characteristics, not specifically, but figuratively speaking, as the old westerns, where you have enough time to develop a love and a passion for a character. Yep. Okay. He almost dies, but then he dies again. You're right. If a random stranger were being attacked by a shark in shallow water, I would jump in to help. This is what I'd jump in to help. A random stranger...

I'm learning about myself as I consider this question. I'm going to go with yes.

I at least like to think I would. I don't know if I'd be the most help, generally, but I think it would be, one would be morally obligated to provide some assistance. Absolutely, and that assistance might be the difference in life and death. Yes, okay, that's good. Now, I hope it's not tested. But, and I appreciate your faith in me that I would do the right thing. Cigar, this is an outrageous prompt. This is an outrageous prompt. You have to answer how I would answer. Cigars are just pretentious cigarettes. Oh, okay.

That's all right. This isn't going to take me two seconds to answer. No. Obviously. That's insulting. That is deeply insulting. I wish I had a beautiful Mayflower cigar to give you right now on this. I'm furious at whichever producer wrote that question. Because the other thing is, something is not pretentious if it is not pretend. You know, and cigar smokers...

I'm just speaking for myself. There's nothing, I love a good cigar. I knew the answer to that. All my cigar-loving friends, none of them are pretentious. None of them are. No, no. They pretend. That's right. Best wishes for the nuptials and honeymoon. Thank you very much. Thank you for sitting down. It was a lot of fun. Senator Haggerty, thank you very much for taking the time. That was fun. If you've not already, you must go to slash shop. You must get the Yes or No game so you can play yourself.

Go to slash Knowles. When a woman experiences an unplanned pregnancy, she often feels alone and afraid. Too often, her first response is to seek out an abortion because that's what left-leaning institutions have conditioned her to do. But because of the generosity of listeners like you, that search may lead her to a Preborn Network Clinic where she will choose life. Preborn offers God's love and compassion to hurting women and provides a free ultrasound to introduce them to the life growing inside them. This is how Preborn saves 200,000 babies every day.

Thanks to the Daily Wire's partnership with Preborn, we are able to make our powerful documentary, Choosing Life, available to all on Daily Wire+. This film serves as a crucial counterpoint to the left's narrative on abortion and is available to you now, free of charge at Join me in thanking Preborn for bringing this important work out from behind our paywall

and consider making a donation today to support their life-saving work. You can sponsor one ultrasound for just 28 bucks. If you have the means, you can sponsor Preborn's whole network for a day for 5,000. Go to slash Knowles to donate today. That's slash Knowles or dial pound 250, say the keyword baby. That is pound 250, keyword baby.