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Michael Knowles Instant Election REACTION

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The Michael Knowles Show

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Michael Knowles
Michael Knowles: 特朗普的胜选是美国历史上最伟大的胜利之一,甚至可以说是最伟大的胜利。他以压倒性优势获胜,赢得了几乎所有方面,包括参议院和众议院,甚至可能赢得普选票。这不仅是一次世代性的胜利,也使特朗普成为世界历史人物。他的胜利也证明了美国人民普遍反对民主党的政策,转而支持特朗普和MAGA运动所倡导的积极政策。民主党候选人糟糕,其政策也遭到美国人民的普遍厌恶,导致他们惨败。特朗普的胜利也打破了格罗弗·克利夫兰的纪录,成为唯一一位赢得非连续任期的美国总统,并且经历了更加艰难的挑战。这次胜利的意义重大,也部分归功于上帝的恩典。特朗普在竞选中强调了宗教的重要性,并在社交媒体上发布了圣母玛利亚和圣米迦勒的祈祷文。美国建国者和制定者都认识到信仰上帝的重要性,这体现在美国的货币和国歌中。 Michael Knowles: 特朗普的胜利具有压倒性优势,甚至可能赢得普选票,这使得民主党无法质疑选举的合法性。民主党只能将失败归咎于那些被他们称为“垃圾”、“可悲”和“不可救药”的普通美国民众。然而,这些都是对那些热爱国家并希望国家变得更好的人的污蔑和诽谤。特朗普的胜利也证明了即使是那些被贬低的人,仍然拥有投票权,并且他们的声音仍然能够被听到。

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President Donald John Trump will be the 45th and 47th President of the United States. Please pardon me one moment. That is a Mayflower Corona Gorda

made for me in a run of 2,000 personal cigars that I never had a chance to smoke because we sold out too quickly and they had to sell them. And I'm smoking it for the first time tonight to celebrate this historic victory. One of the most, perhaps the most historic presidential victory ever in the history of the United States. I was bullish going in. I was cautiously optimistic that he would win. And he did win. I even thought he might win tonight.

What I didn't expect was that he would win by so much. He won in a landslide. He won, practically speaking, everything. And then he won the Senate. And then he might have even won the House. He certainly has won the Supreme Court during his first term and now almost certainly in his second term too. This is a generational win and Donald Trump is a world historic figure.

And the cherry on top of the sundae is that the Libs have nothing to say about it. They have nothing to say. Because what they wanted to be able to say, they wanted to say Kamala would win. She did not because she's a terrible candidate. And beyond her terrible candidacy, their policies are terrible and the American people hate them. And everyone hates them.

Southerners hate them and Northerners hate them. People on the East Coast and the Midwest, even toward the West Coast. Men hate them, women hate them. Black people hate them, white people hate them. Arabs, Jews, everybody. They rejected the Democrats policies and they voted for the affirmative, good policies advocated by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement. And that is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

This win tonight now replaces Grover Cleveland as the only American president to win non-consecutive terms. Now Trump also has taken that. And Cleveland wasn't nearly imprisoned four times and nearly murdered twice. So this is a truly historic victory for the man. But the cherry on top of the sundae.

If the Democrats couldn't win, what they wanted to be able to say was that this election was illegitimate because they don't like the electoral college, because they don't like the Constitution, because they don't like the system that our framers gave us. And they can't even say that because Donald Trump looks, at this moment, it's 2 o'clock in the morning, looks on track to win the popular vote. This would be the first time that a Republican has won the popular vote since 2004, the first time in this decade.

Millennium, other than Bush 04. First time in 20 years. Unbelievable victory. They have nothing to say. The only people that the Democrats can blame

are you and they already tried to blame you because they called you garbage. And guess what? The garbage still has a vote in America and the deplorable still have a vote in America and the irredeemable still have a vote in America and all of those terms are just smears and slander and baseless insult for good ordinary American people who say and still have the right to say that they have a good country and they want to continue to have a good country and they want to make their country better and they want to make their country great again.

The significance of this victory cannot be overstated and the glory for this victory is due in part to Donald Trump's cooperation with the grace of God and ultimately it's due to God. And I don't mean that in the way the politicians often talk about it or football players talk about it when they spike the football in the end zone. I mean that in a really tangible, practical way. The man nearly had his brains blown out in Butler, Pennsylvania and he turned his head inexplicably at the last second, 20 degrees, and his life was spared. Then he was almost killed again.

President Trump has made religion an important part of this campaign. He's posted Our Lady, Our Lady of Guadalupe twice. He posted the St. Michael prayer, which was composed by Pope Leo XIII to terrify demons as a way to repel the devil after a vision he had. He posted that to Acts. He posted on All Saints Day. He pointed out that if you want to have a good country, you've got to turn to God.

Our founding fathers knew this. Our framers knew this. This is why it's on our currency. That's why it's in our national anthem. Conquer we must, when our cause it is just, and this be our motto, and God is our trust. And our trust was well placed, and we give great thanks to God for this victory. And we can finish our cigars and raise our glasses of champagne and look forward to a future that will be better because of what happened tonight. Wonderful thing. I'll see everybody in a matter of hours, and we'll look forward to...

At least another four years, at least another day for our country. Thank you and God bless.