Hannah Simone
Lamorne Morris
Lamorne Morris: 本集重温了《新女孩》第二季第十一集"圣诞老人",详细回顾了剧情梗概,包括派对、角色关系、以及一些令人难忘的拍摄趣事,例如蔓越莓大战、测试蔓越莓是否会卡在耳朵里,以及在拍摄过程中尝试方法演技的经历。他还分享了关于"甩掉幻想"(Dump Fantasy)的看法,即期待前任后悔分手并回头,并讨论了剧中人物Jess、Nick、Schmidt和Cece之间关系的复杂性以及他们处理方式的各种问题。此外,他还谈到了剧中一些令人捧腹大笑的即兴台词和场景,例如Winston对Jess说"滚开,笨蛋",以及Nick和Angie在圣诞老人的雪橇上发生性关系后,Nick的尴尬反应。最后,他还提到了剧中Angie故意露出胸部以及他与脱衣舞娘约会的故事。 Hannah Simone: Hannah Simone分享了她对圣诞老人的童年回忆,以及她对剧中"爱尔兰式告别"的看法,并讲述了她和Lamorne Morris第一次争吵的故事,以及他们如何处理这次争吵。她还讨论了剧中人物处理关系的方式,以及她对剧中一些搞笑场景的看法,例如Jake Johnson在剧中跳舞的场景,以及她对忘记了这个场景感到惊讶。此外,她还谈到了拍摄地点的特殊情况,例如陡峭的坡道和房子的主人带着猫住在房子里,以及她对剧中一些角色关系的看法,例如Cece和Schmidt之间关系的复杂性,以及Nick和Angie关系中的动态。最后,她还提到了剧中一些令人难忘的时刻,例如Schmidt为Nick跳的舞,以及她对剧中"圣诞奇迹"的看法。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


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May I please speak with Zoe? Oh, hello, Lamorne. Let's patch in Hannah. God, I forgot what it was like working with you guys. Hannah, Hannah, Hannah. Hey, welcome to our show. Welcome, welcome, welcome to our show. Welcome to our show. If you're just tuning in, Hannah is calling in from some sort of exquisite location.

Yeah, boo. I'm in Greece. What? But you know what's more exciting than me being in Greece? Me being in Greece is really exciting. Let me tell you. And wonderful and crazy and fun. I did also something wonderful, crazy and fun today. I cut my own bangs. You cut your own bangs? Did you use scissors?

Yes, I use scissors. You know our friend Nikki, who was part of the hair department for New Girl for many, many, many, many, many, many years and cut my bangs all the time. She gave me real professional bang scissors. And I just went for it. I went for it today. What do you think? You can see. I can see. Hannah, Hannah.

This isn't my favorite look. I'm kidding. You look good. You look fantastic. You understand? So you're going cross-eyed and it's like backwards and you're in the mirror and you're like cutting. It's the craziest thing that I don't look insane. I'm impressed with myself for cutting my own bangs and for being in Greece. I cut my mustache. I had that thick mustache. I cut that off and grew in my beard. Yeah.

That's about it. And I had somebody else do it. I don't know why you did this yourself. Because I've only ever really had Nikki do it.

And I once let someone else do it. It did not go great. And so I was like, man, if I'm going to be mad at somebody, it might as well be me. So let's go. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah. You know what I mean? All right. So anyway. All right. Today we're going to talk about an episode, which I will fully admit when I rewatched it, completely forgot about its existence.

You know what's crazy? I had a similar thought up until a point. I remember certain moments. I remember the cranberry fight in the beginning. I remember having to talk loud because I thought a cranberry was stuck in my ear. You love that storyline. Well, I thought it was interesting. I just thought I get to talk loud.

- Get paid to shout at people. That's a dream, actually. - Yeah, and when we were, I was testing out actually seeing if a cranberry would get stuck in my ear 'cause I thought that was a ridiculous premise. I said, there's no way a cranberry's gonna get stuck in my ear. She talked to certain doctors, they've pulled cranberries out of certain parts of people's bodies, but ears had never been one of those parts.

You pulled all the doctors. Yeah. I pulled all of them. Um, and I, and I, and I, and during that episode, I was trying to see if I could get one stuck in, in fun fact, in real life, in real life. I was like, not trying to see if it gets stuck, but seeing if it would actually get some, get some method acting going. If y'all don't know me, that's one thing about me is I'm very method. That's you. Yeah. And I couldn't, and I, I low key got one a little bit stuck in there and,

And so it is doable to get one of those runt, the runt of the cranberry litter. Man, safety never takes a day off, kids. Seal up your ears around the cranberries. But then as the episode went on, as I was watching it, I remember...

of certain things. I remember working a lot with like, or being around Olivia Munn for the first time. Because I don't think I spent much time with her on a previous episode. I'm not too sure. But I think I remember...

Being there, being at the house, that cool, whatever the hell that house was. And I kept going, you know, I do remember this episode kind of vividly now. But there's these little lulls in that first Christmas party where I did not remember any of it. Any of it. Okay. So we are discussing, we're just so excited to talk about it that we're just diving right in. Season two, episode 11, Santa written by Love Raque, directed by Craig Zabriskie.

Zisk, you want to deep dive and give us the full recap?

So it's a few days before Christmas and Winston really wants to believe Santa Claus is real. Which, you know, that's still up for debate. Now everyone is headed back home for the holidays. Jess, she's not content to let the season go by without having one more loving group hang. Now Jess offers to be the designated driver so everyone threw down their invitations and they decided to go party hopping. Yes, love a good party hop on Christmas.

And they go to Sadie's, right? They go to Sadie and Melissa's, what we call in the episode is the Lesbian Cookie Party.

And they run into Sam. Yes, Dr. Sam, who seems to be very intent on speaking to Jess. Now, Jess, she panics, right? And her response is to scream, Irish, goodbye, and then try to leave. Well, he clearly sees her, right? Now, Nick wants to be as adventurous and as carefree as Angie, but he's having a difficult time measuring up. You know what I'm saying? Now, Sam...

Shockingly is also at the next party, which is which is very weird. How the hell did he get there? It turns out he's been looking for Jess and he wants her back in his life But Jess remembers the pain of the breakup and has a difficult time trusting Sam So she lies and tells him she's dating Winston, which duh I mean obviously I'm the go-to Winston's the go-to. He's the man from top to bottom handsome chiseled He measures up

Now, this lie quickly falls apart when Winston regains the ability to hear. He dramatically dumps Jess. He throws a drink at her. It's just to be gone, you know. Now, going on outside, meanwhile, Nick is joining Angie and Santa's sleigh for a little bit of sexy, sexy good times, which, if y'all don't know what that means, that means sex. They're having sex out in public in Santa's sleigh. But they end up breaking the sleigh, and they wind up tumbling down the lawn half-dressed.

Do we or do we not see Jake Johnson's butt? We see Jake Johnson's butt. Maybe his John. Maybe we flash a glimpse of his John's. I don't know. Slow it down. You do see butt crack for sure. Now, Angie, she takes a bow for the gawking audience. Like what? She just bowed. She's got no shame in that. But Nick, Nick is living his worst nightmare and he wants to hide. Now, Nick reveals what's going on. Right.

He's feeling a bit insecure and Angie questions whether or not Nick can handle her being a sex worker. He says he can. He can do it because he knows it's only temporary. Angie never gave a time limit on her career and she is very much so insulted that Nick would leap to such conclusions.

Now, meanwhile, Cece wants to give Schmidt a gift as a friend, but the fresh hurt turned Schmidt into a real asshole. Piece of D. He's a real piece of D, this dude. So he gives away the gift to the first blonde who walks by and then asks her out right in front of Cece. Cece says, "Peace." We see the back of her head as she says, "Peace." And Jess is trying to understand why Sam came back in the first place, but Sam interrupts that.

He interrupts the talking it out part and just throws a kiss on her mouth with his mouth as if to make her be quiet. He hopes it's perceived as a romantic gesture, but just tells Sam that she won't be falling for his kiss again anytime soon. You know, she walks out of him. She says, peace. The camera turns around and she says, peace. Now listen, the final part that the audience sees is at Winston's job.

Jess and Nick are both feeling bad about their roles and their potential breakup. So they turn to one another for support. That's what they do as friends. Nick tells Jess she's the kind of girl a guy would come back for. And that she should give it another try. Jess tells Nick that fearless Angie might be the cure for his cowardice. He messes her up. Nick apologizes to Angie and gives her the best damn lapdance of her life. It was a terrible lapdance.

be sure. Um, Channing Tatum would be ashamed. Angie tries to return the favor, but Schmidt, he has some notes. He will not be out there. Now on the way to the next party, Jess begins to rethink her decision to cut Sam out of her life. She swerves to go to the hospital and she is pulled over by a cop. Yes, if you do dumb shit like swerve on a Freud, yeah, the cops gonna pull you over. Don't do dumb shit. She smells like the liquid that Winston threw in her car.

She's swerving and doing dumb shit. She's tired. It's late. As she begins to explain the difficulty of her night, she starts crying. And a Christmas miracle occurs. The officer, who looks like Black Santa, he believes her. He lets her off with a warning. Oh my God. She just cries? You tell me she just cries? And then Black Santa Claus believes her and lets her off with a warning? That's what happens.

The spirits are restored. They race to the hospital. It's after visiting hours, so Angie flashes her boobs so they can go and find Dr. Sam as one would do in desperate situations. You've just done it millions of times. So many people have seen my areolas. Now, when a security guard tracks them down, they try to sing Deck the Halls, but no one knows the actual words because it's been a while. But they've got that Christmas spirit and Zooey Deschanel's lovely, beautiful voice. So everyone comes out of their rooms to applaud the performance.

Jess tells Sam she believes that he wants her. And they kiss. They get set to each other. They just kiss right there in the middle of the hospital. Schmidt reveals he didn't give away since his bracelet. The ugly bracelet. And then Nick is somewhere with Angie hooking up in the hospital. Probably in the ICU somewhere. Just slapping parts. And, you know, that's the story and I'm sticking to it. Okay, beginning of this episode. That's right.

They really are basically bringing up this idea of is Santa real, which made me think of like who ruined Santa for you? Who did you ever believe in Santa that did someone school? You know, I got it growing up. We never really. So I don't know if that was a thing amongst like.

Black folks on the south side of Chicago. I don't remember ever anyone talking about Santa Claus I don't ever remember it being a thing. My mom never had to have the talk we I just like especially because we grew up in the church Which where it was like it was Jesus, you know Jesus and

You know, my mama is Santa Claus. Everybody else is Santa Claus, but Santa Claus. Ain't no man creeping in our house because if he was, there'd be a problem. You know what I'm saying? So I never had that thought. I never had that idea of of old St. Nick, you know, sliding down, eating all your cookies because we weren't leaving cookies out for people either, because then that's how you attract roaches. So you leave spoiled milk and roaches all in your house. So we never did that.

First of all, I would just like to say the fact that you say my mom never to sit me down and have the talk and it was about Santa, not sex is one of the funniest things ever. It's a weird thing. I don't.

I definitely was, I remember presents at Christmas and it would say from mom, from dad and from Santa. So I definitely remember, and this is the weird reason why I remember is because my dad has beautiful handwriting. And I just remember how he would just like, Santa. It was very beautiful. And so, and still to this day at Christmas, my dad will give me a present from Santa. So he's trying to keep that alive, I guess. Yeah.

But I don't remember. So I guess it wasn't that traumatic. I guess somebody at some point was just like, that's still from your daddy and your mommy. But I don't remember it being some big trauma thing. But I do remember some kids at school, like having their whole world shut. But as you get older and you're around kids, like little kids and Christmases start, it

It's a weird thing to explain as a positive that while you're sleeping, if you've been a good little boy and a good little girl, a man going to creep into your house who's been watching you all the time, all the time, and will give you presents if you are a good little boy.

And you better give him a cookie. Oh, I'm not giving Santa my cookie. Santa, that's my cookie. That's my no-no, Santa. What the hell? It's a weird...

thing and to be like, and it's great. And it begs a lot of questions for a child's mind, like how they get around the world and how do they get every single person's house? And do some people not get them because they, they didn't say thank you when they left the restaurant the other day? Like what's the, what's good, what's bad. And so I am, I feel like there is this new wave of parenting where people are just sort of like, it's a story. It's a

fable and it's wonderful that it's part of like the christmas cheer but nobody's creeping to your house baby when you sleep yes it's fine we have adt security a security system with alerts also in the chimney

I almost screwed up someone's life recently. I was at a friend's house and they have two little kids and I hadn't seen them in a while and we were just kind of catching up. Me and my buddy were like literally like sipping on whiskey and they were eating pizza and the mom was there and it was like right before their bedtime and I made some sort of weird joke because there are toys all over the place. I don't know. I forget what the joke was.

but it was something in regard it was something on the lines of um like santa claus not being real it was in that vein and my buddy and my buddy and his wife looked at me with the most like fear in their eyes like what did you do and then the daughter goes what and i was i was just about to go

"You don't believe in Santa Claus, do you?" I was this close to dropping the bomb for her. And then I looked at my friends and they were like, the look on their face was pure panic. And I was joking. And I had to say, "I'm just joking. I love Santa Claus. I met him before." And they're like, "What?" And then I had to slowly backtrack. - Then you went too far. This is where elements of our characters sometimes are embedded. It's like you went too big.

Way too big. Way too big. Because it was their need for that. I am Santa, and I have a present for you. Yes, I love Santa Claus. He's my good buddy. And it's me. Oh, my God. He's at my house right now, actually. They're like, we're going. Yeah. So, which I found to be very interesting that Winston is like, whether or not Santa is real. Yeah.

Even when I read that in the script originally, I immediately tacked it on to all the weird things about Winston. And I just died laughing at the table read. What? I do love that about our show so much, though, because we did a lot of holiday episodes. And I feel like that there was always that, you know, that little leap.

into like the Christmas magic where you had to do something goofy like have a character still kind of maybe believe in Santa and then do that moment at the end where it's like yeah Black Santa Black Santa I thought it was just um I don't know I just thought it was really like

lovely and the fact that it was so silly and starts with like a cranberry in the ear. I like it sometimes when we got super goofy. But like I said, I had zero recollection of this episode. When I watched it, I was like, "What?" Then when they leap into the party hopping, I remember that when I moved to LA and

everybody would throw these Christmas parties because nobody was with their family, but they're all, we're going to be with their family in a week. So they wanted like a big sendoff with their friends, but there was a million Christmas parties, but it's LA. So they're all like 45 minutes away from each other. You need a designated driver. So the fact that they were, that was such like an LA like response. I felt like when they're all like, no, we're not doing this. And then she's like, well, I'll be the designated driver. And everyone's like, oh, and okay,

cool. Let's go to the party. Because here's the thing. You want to be festive. You know what I mean? As a kid, you had your limitations of how festive you could be. And as a grown up, Christmas really is about going to these parties and drinking and celebrating and kicking it. And so if somebody else is driving, then great. Especially back then because Uber wasn't around back then.

That's right. It's true. You needed someone to kind of be like, all right, I got it. And then the other part of this episode that I thought was really great and I could relate to was the discussion of the exit strategy of getting out of a party because I am the queen of an Irish goodbye. I know. I know. You know. We all know it. You know. I just like, was she ever there? Did she even come? Yeah.

That's it. That's it. I go shake the hands and kiss the babies. Grab a couple drinks, maybe a cookie and bye-bye. Can I share a story for our fans out there that I don't think we've ever told anyone? Oh gosh, I'm scared. Okay. This, Hannah. Oh no. You're talking about Irish goodbyes. Hannah. Oh no. Okay. Is this a shirt? No, this isn't a shirt. This is when you ripped my very, very fancy shirt.

This because you thought it was a snap-on shirt Which is but you just ripped the whole thing up that wasn't it It was it was a and that sounds weird. We were all out All out you would try to be funny and you yeah, but but there's nothing to do with that This is very strong to it. But once I think it was maybe a GQ Party like man of the year party and I drove and

And you wanted to Irish goodbye. And I didn't. Oh, yeah. Because I was really, that was my first time ever being at a place like this. And I was like, this is pretty damn cool. The fanciest party we've been to. And you were like, had a like halfway through the party was like, peace, let's go. And I was like, what are you talking about?

And we got into an argument on the way home. I remember that going like, I feel like Hannah and I have never been in an argument before. And the other day I thought about it and I went, no, we did. We had one argument and it was right in the beginning of our friendship that happened. I remember. And,

It was just so interesting because it was such a real like brother sister moment. Right. Where I was like, I'm done. I want to go. And you're like, it's a fun party. And then we were like, now what? And I remember the conversation the next day. Well, it's funny. Yeah, you lost. And then I won. Isn't like we left. But I remember being so sad.

Because I knew that you and I just had that thing where we were going to be lifelong friends. Forget this job. It could be canceled after a year. I just knew it. You're always supposed to be in my life and always supposed to be in my world. And I knew it. And so I got really sad. So I'm like, this doesn't feel right. Like this is someone I know I'm going to love so deeply. And then it was, I just remember the next day, I feel like I wrote you this big thing and you then called me.

And then when we were like, all right, cool. And now, and now we know that about each other and we'll, we'll just figure it out better next time. And what was really cool about it is that we put it down and maybe until now, this episode reminded us of it. We've never ever picked it up or thought of it again, which is like mature. Oh, 100%. If you really think about it, we have kind of, it must be sitting in the back of our minds because I've never picked you up again.

never how do you drive yourself i'll meet you well that's because we know we know what's gonna happen do you like to stay you like to be the last person at the party you're the one who keeps it going and i walk in i do a lap and i leave we can never ride together to a party we'll never roll together that's so funny but so the irish goodbye when i watch this made me laugh so hard because she gets there just gets there she sees her ex

And then tries to hide. It doesn't work. He spots her and she shouts Irish goodbye and runs out in the biggest fashion ever, which is the opposite of an Irish goodbye. No one's supposed to see you do it. You just gotta say peace out.

I did not remember that shooting that I can't usually when I watch something, I'm like, oh, I remember where that was. I remember the location. I remember whatever it is. I do not remember that at all. And then when I saw the dress I was wearing, I was like disappointed in myself for not remembering because that was a gorgeous dress. I was so angry. I was like, what happened to my brain is Swiss cheese that I would not remember that dress.

That's how I break words. Yeah, I don't remember anything about that particular party. In that party, I don't remember being there at all. I think I'm struggling to figure out where it was. Especially because Walton was there and Olivia Munn was there. Yeah. Right? And it's so funny. I wonder why.

I didn't remember it until the next party because I remember we shot at that crazy, crazy, crazy house that you mentioned in the beginning. And the reason I remember the crazy house, I don't know if you remember this, is because it had the steepest driveway in all of Los Angeles. Oh, yeah. You had to go up literally at the most extreme speed.

I mean, extreme angle. It was crazy to get up there. So once we were up there, they were like, that didn't feel safe driving you guys in this little van. You guys are just going to stay there. So we stayed at the house. And we stayed there. We all stayed there, which is kind of crazy.

crazy in terms of how you shoot a TV show, because if you're not in a bunch of scenes, you can go back to your trailer and relax or leave or whatever. But we couldn't for that. All the stuff shot there. We all had to stay there till like three in the morning because there was no way to get up and down this literal mountain of a driveway. Yeah. I remember walking around that house thinking to myself one day, one day I'm going to live in a house like this. And then fast forward, Hannah Simone bought that very house.

No, but I did do a photo shoot there years later. Really? Yes. It was really funny. And they were like, we're doing a shoot at this house. It's really beautiful. It's got a great view. And I was like, all right. And then we started to drive up this crazy hill. And I was like, without ever laying eyes on the house, I was like, I know this house. I saw Jake Johnson's Johnson in this house.

It was a really cool house, though. It's like 50s retro. What do they call it? Like Danish modern inside. I think it was all of that now. It's just pure events like an event space now. Maybe. No, the guy was there with his cat. I remember that. Yes, because they would lock themselves in a back bedroom. So the cat didn't get loose and it was like super off limits. You cannot go in this bedroom because the man is in there with his cat.

And you didn't want to move the cat. I remember that also very clearly, which was hard because there was they had hired a ton of these amazing background actors that were with us up there also with nowhere else to go. And so we were all just kind of like stuck in the one free room at the owner and a cat.

Locked in it. Yeah, that's the, that, I didn't know that. I, you know, I couldn't imagine some guy in the back of his room with like security cameras everywhere just petting his cat while he's watching us. Terrified, like, well, they just broke that bull. I know. Well, they just scuffed that door and that reindeer just fell in my pool.

So, so, so the, what is, what is this dump fantasy? We're at this house, we're at this new fancy house. And then she sees, you know, Sam, he kind of appears out of nowhere and it creeps the hell out of her. And, you know, Winston obviously gave Sam the address in exchange for a little ear exam. And, you know, he thought Jess would be happy that Sam was crawling back to her. And I think Schmidt calls it the dump fantasy. Yeah.

Right? Is that a real thing to you? Because I personally, there are times when I'm like, yeah, that would be great. Like when I was dating Zoe Kravitz and I dumped her and I was like, man, that'd be really cool if she came just crawling back to me. But there are moments where I break up with people or they break up with me and I'm like, good riddance. Don't come crawling back because I'll give in too easy. I think it's the dumb fantasy is around...

people that maybe like did you wrong right and then they dump you and you're just like hold up i'm amazing and you shouldn't have treated me like that and who do you think you are and how you're walking away in your high house wonder you were gonna realize yeah how amazing i am and you're gonna come crawling back and then i'm gonna be like nothing cute bye-bye right and you want this

You want that opportunity. And so the fact that he kind of did her dirty, Sam did her dirty. She like spilled her heart out. And then he was just like, no, thank you. Now here he is crawling back being like, I want you. I want you. And she has the power. So yeah, I think a lot of people have that dumb fantasy.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And Jess obviously weirdly goes about handling things in a very strange way. You know, like when she decides to she decides to tell him that she's been she's been seeing Winston. And which I thought, you know, I thought is obvious, you know, but in certain moments, I'm always like it also makes me the butt of the joke. And part of me was like, well, hold on.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

I thought that was a very funny moment, especially with the confusion going on because Winston can't hear a damn thing. And as she's explaining to Sam all these things and he's kind of cosigning it purely accidentally. I thought it was a very funny moment, especially when Sam and Winston had that little sit down where he pulls the cranberry out of his ear and he's saying, yeah, I knew it would be you.

I knew you'd be the guy, you know, which means he totally had it wrong because I think we know where this is headed. The what you say when you do the fake breakup. One of the funniest things ever. The things you call her, the throwing of the drink.

Unnecessary. Completely. Way out of hand, but that made me laugh out loud. What did you say? You called her a... I said, be gone, honky. I said, threw a drink at her.

- Wait, do you know if you made that, was that improvised or not? - I did. There's no way I'm improvising calling somebody a honk. This ain't the 60s. - I was like, what? Where did that come from? Who wrote it? I wanna ask, 'cause it was Love who wrote the episode, right? - Love, that sounds like a Love joke. - Be gone. - I can't, I gotta ask him. That is one of the funniest things. I was like, whose mind was like, you know what?

And even the throwing of the drink, I think I remember something. I remember a moment where it was, are we throwing the drink in her face? Or are we throwing the drink on her? And then it being a bit of a discussion on set. And it didn't make any sense for me to throw the drink on her face. No. I'm putting on a ruse. I'm just kind of like, here, I'm tossing the drink at your face.

You know what I mean? Something really light and easy. And I remember it being a thing like, are we going to throw it in her face? No, I don't think we're going to. It was also one before they'd established that Winston does go too big, though. Like, I feel like if that had been established, you could have thrown it in her face. But two, I also feel like it was really cold when we shot this, which is why everybody's in a coat.

And we only had this location for a little bit of time. And to do the reset, if you threw it in her face for hair and makeup would be super annoying. Those are like the practical things I think of shooting a TV show sometimes where you make decisions where it's not just all about what would my character do? It's just like, that clock's a ticking. Just a little on

What would hair and makeup do? That's right. That's the question right there. That's right. Go talk to Glam and see what we can have happen. Hey, folks, give us a second. We will be right back.

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Text BVJOBS to 97211 to apply. Remember that, by the way, we're back. When you just threw the break, it reminded me of those. After these messages, we'll be right back. Yeah. Remember that? I do remember that. After these messages. Fun fact. Fun fact. This is not a fun fact. This is a fun searchable fact. Folks, find out who sang that song.

Send a little jingle. The jingle for what?

Yeah, it was might have been like TGI Friday or our son cartoon after these messages Yeah, maybe other cartoons Saturday morning cartoons for all the little Hanna-Barbera Mm-hmm. That's do it get to do with me that you need that Tom and Jerry You're gonna have to sit here and be sold some GI Joes, you know, mine was I think pro stars I think that was a Michael. It was a cartoon with Michael Jordan Wayne Gretzky. I want to say Bo Jackson and somebody said pearl stars

Pearl stars. And I was like, pearl stars? What? Pro stars? Pro stars. I think it was called pro stars. It was a cartoon that came out back then, but we digress. Now, we got two other little weird relationship-y things going on here. We've got Cece and Schmidt. You gave him a gift.

And he's acting like, you know what I mean? He's acting like a little real rude. Like, I get it. If you're just like, look, I'm not ready to be friends with you right now. So I'm going to take some space. One thing. But to be that rude and relentless, I was like, man, CC has more patience than I ever, ever would have. And then when he takes it and hangs it to like some rando chick.

I was like, all right, bro. Because at the end of the episode, if you remember, when they're standing in the halls of the pediatric ward, they have this sweet moment looking back. I would not give anybody a sweet look after that night with that man. I don't even care if something sweet's happening or it's Christmas. You're still going to get the full dirty look. That's true. That's true. So obviously, you had made a decision to take your talents elsewhere, right? That's right.

So then you bring him a gift. First of all, that's your fault. Also thought that was like ridiculous. I was just sort of like, you know what it is? It's not that it's,

people in their 20s in relationships that still have feelings, but they don't want to have feelings. So then they sit there and say, well, let's just have a friendship, but they don't know how to handle the friendship and it's mixed messages and it's messy. And that's also why New Girl I thought was like such a great show because of course it doesn't make sense, but nobody when they're dating in their 20s and they fall in love, but they don't know how to handle the relationship makes smart, rational, sensical choices. Yeah.

So in that way, it checks out. Of course, your weird ex that doesn't want anything to do with you would show up and give you a present. And you'd be like, what are you giving me a present for? You said you didn't want to be with me. Classic. Classic. Yeah, that makes sense. I'm not going to lie to you. I still every once in a while look at my ex-girlfriend's IG stories. So it's the same thing.

She knows you're looking. I doubt it. You're like, I have a whole burner account. I have a ghost IG account. It's called welcome back to our show. Welcome back to our show. Okay.

Okay. All right. So, but also simultaneously what's happening in this episode, I will say is, is Nick, you know, Nick is dating Olivia Munn in this one, or Jake is dating. You know what I mean? And so it's a weird, it's a weird dynamic between them too, because she is a stripper, which fun fact, I dated a stripper. Um,

And that's the story. That's the whole story. But it's nothing different. It's not like, you know what I mean, you're walking into orgies every day or something like that. I think what they're trying to imply with him, though, is that he's intimidated by her comfort around sex and her body and being confident about

But it's really, I think that's what her whole thing is. She just is. She is just a confident human who happens to also do that for a job. And so I feel like that's where she gets super offended because she's just like, I'm just a human being and I do that for my job. And yes, I'm confident. And yes, I'm ballsy and strong.

And you need to get it together. That's why that moment when they go to that third party. I love that scene of Jess and Nick in the phone booth where they're kind of calling each other out. And it's like a real friendship. It kind of reminded me of a lot of conversations you and I had in our trailers as friends. We were dating people and figuring things out.

um it was just really honest and but kind yeah yeah because making mistakes everybody was making mistakes yep um but it's a really sweet um it was a really sweet another little christmas moment but this is what i will say about that christmas party and i don't know because again i did not remember this episode so i watched it with fresh eyeballs um when

Jake comes over and does the lap dance for Olivia Munn. And there's nothing I love more than watching Jake Johnson dance in a show because I know he hates it so much. So he gets super weird with it to make it funny. He's uncomfortable. So it's my favorite thing to watch as a friend watching a friend have to do that. So I'm already like laughing. But when Max. Yes.

stepped in and pushed Olivia out of the way and said, this is how it's done. Because in my mind, this is the first time I've ever seen this.

And does this scene and the way Jake slithers to the floor between his legs and runs out. It honestly is the, I, I started laughing so hard and I started crying. It, one of the funniest moments. And I was like, how is one of the funniest moments maybe in our series? That's just little moment. I forgot. Cause I don't forget that stuff.

I was so delighted that I could rediscover a moment like that in our show and it could catch me off guard and make me laugh that hard. Oh, yeah. No, no, no. I died laughing watching it. I was rewatching this the other day and I was in tears. Tears! Because I don't remember being there for that. I was just like, what?

But now I'm like mad. We could have been in the room and watched Jake have to sit through it with Max. And you know, Max would want to make him feel the most uncomfortable because it's super funny to him. And the way Jake would have to get, I would, the fact that we could have had front row seats, because I bet you we weren't in the room when that happened because we were nowhere near that. It just kills me. That's a close set. That's a close set. There's an intimacy coordinator. Yeah, I know. Yeah.

Man, it's going to now be in my top 20 funniest moments of New Girl ever. For sure. I'm so grateful I got to rewatch it. Now, there's a moment also when Winston is singing, you know, up on the housetop, click, click. I think I get royalties from that. Ha ha ha!

Still, I... Random story. I was... I'd made a little bit of music in my day, like stupid stuff. Dumb comedy albums and whatever, and parody videos. And so, you know, you have to register that type of stuff with publishing companies, which is... I don't know anything about this type of stuff. And then BMI is one of them. And I get these emails randomly saying, check your BMI statement. Check your BMI statement. The new statement is in. And I'm going...

I don't even know my login. What is this? And I go in there and there's so much random, you know, checks in there. It's just like 300 bucks here, 500 bucks here, 200 bucks here for like over the years. Right. And so they obviously get sent over and direct deposited, but I'm not seeing them physically. So I'm looking at all of these statements and I'm going, what are these for? And singing, singing,

Elations is on there. So me and Sam Richardson get paid from Elations. Elations. Get out. Yes. And then this, me singing this song. I am in shock. I was like, what the hell? Why didn't I sing more stuff on the show? What was wrong with me? I made some mistakes. Every show you're on, just start singing. Yeah.

Oh, yeah. The things you learn too late. They got to get they got to pay you. They got to pay you for that beautiful voice of yours. You know, I'm a voice of an angel. That's what people say. They see me on the street. They're like that. You are so out. It's don't make her sing anything. No, she's got to pay us if she wants to sing it. No, no, no, no, no, no. You had a beautiful voice and everyone knows.

Let's fast forward to the end of this episode because I have to ask about the Olivia Munn boob flash. Yeah. Here's the thing. That is Nick's girl. And then Schmidt runs out to take a peek and Winston. And I was like, these are not your friend. Winston didn't take a peek. Winston had dropped something. He had dropped something. He had come back to pick it up.

I was like, these are not your friends. That's the most disrespectful. I was like, this is a Christmas episode. Yeah. What is happening? It was weird, but at the same time, I got to say, you know, that's real. That'll probably happen. You know, she is out in the open. Like, the clerk gets to see. What are you talking about? What are you doing? There's this great show called Colin from Accounts, an Australian show that I love so, so, so, so much. And there's...

from the pilot um the lead actor she walks out and she uh flashes a boob just like impulsively and then the guy goes to work um and uh his friend is just like you you saw like a like a a freeze a free stranger boob but like out in the wild

Like you didn't have to do anything for it. And they didn't expect anything. They're like, this is like the unicorn of all unicorns of life, man. Like this is, that's just like, that's the most, you just had the most incredible experience of life. And I just remember this incredible speech that happens in Colin from accounts. I love that show. I love the couple that created that show. It's a wonderful show. You should watch it. But it made me think of in this episode, I was like,

Two guys. Two guys in our episode saw a free boob in the wild. Two of them. Just two boobs in the wild. Which I guess for a lot of people, that's just like highlight of the year. Never forget that time was a free boob. Loose boob. That's a loose boob. Loose boob. It's a loose boob. The Christmas gifts in this episode. Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah. A couple of loose boobs. These are the real gifts for me. And fun fact, everybody. No, she didn't really flash the clerk. No. No, we didn't really see her boobs. Okay, guys, calm down. Put your testosterone away, you weirdos. But I will say the actor who played Black Santa never saw him again. So maybe that was real Santa. Maybe that was real Santa. Maybe that was Santa. We should look him up because hopefully nothing sad happened.

So maybe it was really Santa. Maybe it was. Maybe you click on his account. There's there's nothing there because he he's the Christmas. I'm trying to end this podcast like that. I believe. OK, ask me my favorite question so that I can be really happy about it. And we have. Well, are you happy? Are you are you going to be happy about the question I'm about to ask you?

You're going to see. You're going to see. Hannah, I think me and all the fans out there really want to know, where's the bear? Now it's time for Where's the Bear? Where's the Bear?

Where's the Bear is brought to you by Hyundai. When it comes to your journey, Hyundai is thinking of every mile. Ooh, where's the bear? Ooh, where's the bear? I'm singing it. Hopefully I get like a royalty, but it's my own song. So I guess it doesn't work like that. Well, let me tell you, this is why our listeners are the best. The best. And they're on the quest with me because I got a DM sent to me.

from shy stuff and she said miss shy stuff she said the where's the bear moment in season 2 episode 11 santa is in the first 10 seconds of the episode nick says that santa gave him his own fire truck and a teddy bear that smelled like his dad's cigarettes thank you so much y'all for helping me

Prove my theory right. Bear in this episode. Well, well, also fun fact. Shista, I'm sorry, but you dropped the ball. Shista, there are a couple of more moments. Not when Bear was just said verbally. We also see Nick Johnson's bare ass face.

And we see Olivia Munn's bear boobs. This is my Christmas miracle that you would count that. That makes me so happy because it basically shows me that you're also on the bear believer side, which is a very, very, very nice thing for me to hear on a Christmas episode. So thank you for supporting it. Bear butts, bear boobs, teddy bears. I will take them all. I needed bears. I'll take the trifecta.

100%. And you being from Canada, Bare Naked Ladies. Yeah. Which is a band. Which is a band, guys. They're a great band. Thanks for helping us with our Bear Hunt Hyundai. Remember, with Hyundai, it's all about the journey. Whatever your destination, they've got the latest tech to get you there safe and keep your passengers entertained along the way. From shopping to buying to owning, Hyundai has your back. Learn more at

I love doing this episode. Yeah, Santa's not real. Santa's not real. Let's just end it on that note. Santa is not real. That man a liar. He's a creep in your neighborhood who just has an excuse for sneaking into your home. That should be a relief to people. It should be a relief. I'm so sorry we ruined that for you, but you should be relieved that no one's creeping into your house and watching you all year round. Yeah. No, no, no. That's weird. That's weird. Yeah. Let us help you out. Okay. We'll be right back. Bye.

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Text BVJOBS to 97211 to apply. And folks, we are back. And we were, you know, as we always do on this lovely, lovely show, we're going to end this thing with a little segment we like to call Nick's Box.

Now, since we're missing Zoe, you know, we're doing a very special Knicks box. We're going to go back to our closets and pull out our favorite memories from Santa. So, Hannah, what was your favorite memory? This is the one. Honestly, it's a Christmas miracle. OK, because I truly believe so far in all the episodes we've watched, I have remembered all of them.

So clearly every single one. And the fact here's the gift of the fact, though, except for those stuff shot in that crazy house, because I remember that house so clearly the Christmas miracle. And so now it's my favorite memory of not only this episode, but it's going to be up there in the season is is going to be the moment.

where Schmidt lap dances for Nick. That is just going, it's just, and the fact that I didn't know it was coming and I got that punch in the chest laugh is, it's going to make me smile like all week. One of the funniest things, I'm so grateful I got to see it with fresh eyes and my Christmas miracle is that I forgot it ever happened. Thank you so much, Black Santa.

Yeah, Black Santa. That's probably my favorite part of this was getting to hang out with an old dude with a beard. An old black dude telling me all these old civil rights stories. No, I'm kidding. Black Santa's alive! Yeah, his name is Jairus Poindexter. Poindexter. Jairus Poindexter. He's still alive. He's not creeping in your houses. He's an actor, folks. He's not real Santa. He's not really Santa Claus.

fantastic actor. But no, I would say that's probably one of my favorite moments. Because I love the moments when we're all sitting in a car or all doing a bit. We're all in the scenes together. You know what I mean? And when he shows up, that just adds a little fun, quick little moment to kind of tie up the loose end of Winston not knowing...

you know, if that is real or not, you know what I mean? And to me, it just keeps adding to the mystique and stupidity of, of Winston. And obviously down the line, you'll see more and more stupidity come from him. So yeah, I'd probably say that it's my favorite moment. I love doing this episode with you, Morn. It was great. Oh, you as well. It was well.

So folks, go ahead and give us five stars. You know, if you like this episode. I like how shameless we are. We're just like, we love doing this podcast so much. We really love hanging out. We love rewatching our show. I love all the messages you send and help me on my bear quests and things you notice. It truly is like, it's just the best thing.

I can't even call it a job. So I think that's why we're shameless. We want people to know how much we love it. We hope you love it. So let us know if you love it. That's right. Go buy a mug. All right. Bye. See ya. Bye. Bye. Bye.

Welcome to our show is a production of iHeartRadio, hosted by Zooey Deschanel, Lamorne Morris, and Hannah Simone. Our executive producer is Joelle Monique. Our

Our engineer and editor is Daniel Goodman. The Welcome to Our Show theme song was written by Zooey Deschanel, performed and produced by Zooey Deschanel and Pierre Derrida. Follow us on Instagram at WelcomeToOurShowPod. If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at WelcomeToOurShowPodcast at Don't forget to rate, subscribe, and share far and wide. Thanks for listening. We'll hear you next week. Welcome to Our Show.

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