Lamorne Morris
Lamorne Morris: 我和剧组演员的合作非常默契,我们经常即兴发挥,让拍摄过程充满乐趣。剧中一些看似荒诞的桥段,其实也反映了我们私下里轻松搞怪的性格。Theodore K. Mullins这个角色的灵感来源,一部分来自编剧,一部分则是我在尝试不同音调时偶然发现的,它听起来很像演员Russell Hornsby。 Lamorne Morris: 关于剧中煎饼翻转的场景,我只需要一次就完成了拍摄,因为我非常擅长煎饼翻转。 Lamorne Morris: 我认为Allie和Winston应该会有七到九个孩子,因为他们非常相爱,并且渴望拥有一个大家庭。 Lamorne Morris: 在拍摄去墨西哥的剧集之前,我并没有看过《Wicked》这部剧,但是我很快地记住了歌词并完成了拍摄。 Lamorne Morris: 我最喜欢的服装是剧中的‘鸟衬衫’,虽然一开始我不喜欢它,但后来我爱上了它,甚至还尝试过推出同款商品。 Lamorne Morris: 在拍摄期间,我一开始会吃掉所有提供的食物,导致体重增加。后来我学会了如何假装吃东西,并通过一些技巧来避免体重继续增加。

Deep Dive

Lamorne Morris discusses the improvisational nature of the cast and how they made their on-screen chemistry fun for both themselves and the audience.

Shownotes Transcript


Hi, I am Lacey Lamar. And I'm also Lacey Lamar. Just kidding. I'm Amber Revin. What? Okay, everybody, we have exciting news to share. We're back with season two of the Amber and Lacey, Lacey and Amber show on Will Ferrell's Big Money Players Network. This season, we make new friends, deep dive into my steamy DMs, and we'll be right back.

answer your listener questions and more the more is punch each other listen to the amber and lacy lacy and amber show on will ferrell's big money players network on the iheart radio app apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts just listen okay or lacy gets it do it

In a world where TikTok didn't exist yet, las películas no tenían color, the comedy of a genio mexicano crossed borders y conquistó the heart of America. Sonoro y Our Hearts, My Cultura Podcast Network present Nace una leyenda. Chespirito. No faltaban con mi hasta.

How did a Mexican writer become a symbol of global television? Listen to Nacional Leyenda, Chespirito, en la aplicación iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you stream podcasts.

Welcome to the CINO Show. I'm your host, Cino McFarlane. I'm an addiction specialist. I'm a coach, I'm a translator, and I'm God's middleman. My job is to crack hearts and let the light in and help everyone shift the narrative. I want to help you wake up, and I want to help you get free. Most importantly, I don't want you to feel alone. Listen to the CINO Show every Wednesday on iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Get emotional with me, Radhi Devlukia, in my new podcast, A Really Good Cry. We're going to be talking with some of my best friends. I didn't know we were going to go there on this. People that I admire. When we say listen to your body, really tune in to what's going on. Authors of books that have changed my life. Now you're talking about sympathy.

Which is different than empathy, right? Never forget, it's okay to cry as long as you make it a really good one. Listen to A Really Good Cry with Radhi Dabluqia on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Andrea Gunning, host of the all-new podcast There and Gone. It's a real-life story of two people who left a crowded Philadelphia bar, walked to their truck, and vanished. ♪

A truck and two people just don't disappear. The FBI called it murder for hire. But which victim was the intended target and why? Listen to There and Gone South Street on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Ring, ring, ring, ring. May I please speak with Zoe? Oh, hello, Lamorne. Let's patch in Hannah. God, I forgot what it was like working with you guys. Welcome to our show.

Hey, hey, hey folks, welcome back to another episode of Welcome to Our Show. Now folks, we're going to do things a little differently today. Yeah.

Now, listen, we created this podcast so we could give all the new girl fans out there behind the scenes peeks. OK, or sneak peeks. You know what I mean? I'm giving you a little peep show. That's not what I mean. We're giving you a little something to. OK, this episode is all about your questions. That's right.

Everywhere I go, people ask a question. Is Ferguson as ugly in real life as he is on the show? And I'm like, no, he's cute. Shut up. Okay. People ask me all kinds of questions about the show and we get them in the comments. We get them in our emails. We get them randomly text to our phone. I'm not sure how y'all got my phone number, but I got to change it. And we just want to address some of those questions.

Now, remember, folks, if you do have questions, please send them to us at WelcomeToOurShowPodcast at That's WelcomeToOurShowPodcast at Make sure you send your questions and your concerns right in there. You could also send your questions as a voice note. Ooh, ooh. You can send them as a voice note, and then we will play it on this show. Damn. Damn. What?

We will play it on the show. Okay, let's dive in. Okay, so question number one comes from Megan Morris. Megan Morris. That's interesting. I'm Lamorne Morris. Maybe she's related. Maybe she's a distant relative. Maybe she's one of my ancestors. I don't know how old Megan is. Megan could be 100 years old. Megan could be 200 years old. I don't judge. But here we go.

Lamorne, you and the boys are so hilarious during your storyline. I was hoping you might tell us more about that experience. The moment where Schmidt is pretending to be Janine in bed with Nick. And then you're there taking notes. I literally never see coming and I laugh out loud every time. This is also the culmination of Theodore K. Mullins, which you joked about in a previous episode after Schmidt had been referred to as Ellis Island.

Theodore K. Mullins is so hilarious. What inspired that character bit? Again, from my ancestor, Megan Morris. Well, Megan, interesting. Our chemistry is...

it's hard to explain. We kind of just clicked immediately. So every storyline we get, we try to improvise and make it as fun for the audience as it is for us when we're performing it. So this particular moment here where Schmidt's pretending to be Janine in bed with Nick and I'm taking notes, that is

It's in the script, sure. But that's kind of how we are off camera as well. We do like full on bits and carry on bits. I know for sure Max and Jake have carried on bits for years. The same bit like over. It's silly, stupid. That's just who we are. So we had a lot of fun definitely doing that one. Also, Theodore K. Mullins. Let's talk about it. Let's get into it.

I don't know what inspired the bit. Now, I could tell you the writers came up with that idea. The writers came up with Theodore K. Mullins. The voice that I add to it is, it's interesting. I was trying to just go deep in the register with this particular voice. And so I was going deep like this. And then eventually...

Russell Hornsby came out. You don't know who Russell Hornsby is. Fantastic actor. He's from that show, Lincoln Rhyme, Bone Collector, a bunch of other stuff. Obviously, he was in Fences. You know, when I it just to me, it sounded like him. And then I just kept doing it. So that's kind of where Theodore K. Mullins came from.

So again, much love to you, Megan Morris, my great, great, great, great grandmother. Thank you. Thank you for your question. Okay. So next question. Next question comes from Andrew Stern. That's Andrew Stern. Any relation to the late, great David Stern of NBA commissioner fame? I hope so. I hope the family has tickets that you can give me for answering this question.

"Any relation to Howard Stern?" Howard Stern's an icon. I wanna be like him. Maybe not, but you get what I'm saying. Andrew Stern. The question is as follows. "Season four, episode 22. "Winston makes a crepe in the Regis crepe pan "and basically blind flips the crepe out of the pan "and catches it on a plate. "How many takes did that take?" Andrew Stern, thank you for your question.

You're not going to believe me when I tell you this, Andrew Stern, because people ask me this question all the time and you're not going to believe it. A lot of things in this life that I do well, but then there are some things that I do even better. And flipping a crepe, flipping a crepe is one of those things. Flipping a crepe is something that I do in my sleep. In fact, just the other night, I thought I was having a nightmare. I thought I was having a nightmare because I woke up in a cold sweat.

I woke up in a cold sweat and I looked to the left of my bed and I saw a plate on the ground. And I saw a crepe on the ground, but the crepe was about six inches away from the plate, not on the plate. That indeed was my nightmare. Andrew Stern, I can flip the shit out of a crepe. One take to answer your question. One take. Don't get it twisted. I've been thinking about you. I want you back in my life. It's too late for that. I have a proposal for you.

Come up here and document my project. All you need to do is record everything like you always do. One session. 24 hours. BPM 110, 120. She's terrified. Should we wake her up? Absolutely not. What was that? You didn't figure it out? I think I need to hear you say it. That was live audio of a woman's nightmare. This machine is approved and everything? You're allowed to be doing this? We passed the review board a year ago. We're not hurting people.

There's nothing dangerous about what you're doing. They're just dreams. Dream Sequence is a new horror thriller from Blumhouse Television, iHeartRadio, and Realm. Listen to Dream Sequence on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. In a world where TikTok didn't exist yet, las películas no tenían color. The comedy of a genio mexicano across borders y conquistó el corazón de la ciudad. Da, da, da!

And his catchphrases are part of our culture, but...

Sonoro y iHeart's My Cultura Podcast Network present Nace una leyenda. Chesperito. I'm Felipe Esparza y te llevaré de viaje por la obra del super comediante Chesperito. From his television debut hasta la cima del éxito. ¡Síganme los buenos! Listen to Nace una leyenda. Chesperito. As part of My Cultura Podcast Network en la aplicación iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you stream podcasts.

Next question comes from Maida Pierce. Maida Pierce, how many kids do you think Allie and Winston have? Maida Pierce. Any relation to Paul Pierce, Boston Celtic fame, NBA Hall of Famer, the truth, Paul Pierce? If so, do you have basketball tickets? Can you loan me some? Maida Pierce.

Hmm. Okay. How many kids do you think Allie and Winston have? I could tell you right now, if it were Lamorne and Nassim, we'd have 20 kids. She likes me, but it's not. It is Allie and Winston. And I will say, I think they have five, but I will say that by now they're probably up to like kids seven and eight.

Kids seven and eight. Yeah, because, you know, you know, they like to go at it. They like to they love each other. You know what I mean? They're really passionate about populating the earth and, you know, about about being fruitful, you know, and multiplying. And I think that's something that there's a there's a top three list in Ali and Winston's list of things to to live by. Number one, always be truthful.

Always be truthful. Number two, treat each other with kindness and respect, not just each other in the relationship, but also the folks out there in the world. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. And then number three on their list of things to live by is to throw them babies out. Gotta pop them babies out. Gotta pop them babies out. Gotta pop them out. Babies just pop right out. Got them childbearing hips. Yes, she does. Yes, she does. Anyway,

Hopefully that answers your question. About nine, eight or nine, eight or nine kids, something like that. From Maida Pierce. Niece to Paul Pierce. Okay. Next question comes from Cynthia Adams. Cynthia Adams. Any relation to Stephen Adams of Memphis Grizzlies fame, formerly of the OKC Thunder fame? Any? The Kiwi?

The New Zealander? I think that's where he's from. Cynthia Adams? Because if so, if you are related, please hook your boy up with some basketball tickets. Anyway, the question is as follows. I'd love to know if Lamar knew all the lyrics to the Wicked show tunes before you did the episode when he drove to Mexico. He was great. First of all, thank you, Cynthia Adams. Thank you for saying so because I don't get the respect that I deserve for that. That thing was on the charts. I climbed the charts.

with that song. But to answer your question, no, I do not know the answer. In fact, I had never seen Wicked. In fact, I still haven't seen Wicked. Dun, dun, dun. Somebody send me over some tickets to see Wicked and then I'll go.

Johnny Wicked or whoever's out there, whoever runs Wicked, please shoot me over some tickets and then I'll definitely go. But no, I hadn't seen it. I read it in the script and I immediately went and downloaded the music legally, of course. Do people steal illegally? I don't know if people illegally download music. I don't know if that's possible. Anyway, I downloaded the song.

And then I memorized it. So actually before filming, before filming, I knew the words to the song. I memorized words to songs quickly. In fact, fans, send some songs in. Send some songs in right now. I will sing those songs on the podcast without looking at the lyrics because that's how good I am. That's how dope I am at memorizing songs. I just heard a song today.

Today, literally today, I heard a song and I already know the words. Would you like to hear it? A, B, C, D, E, F, G. I heard that song today.

Thank you, Cynthia Adams, for your question. It was greatly appreciated. This next question comes from Azalea. Is this Azalea Banks? Is this Iggy Azalea? If this is Iggy Azalea, can you please ask Nick Young, your ex-boyfriend, for some basketball tickets? I would love some basketball tickets. But I have a feeling this is not Iggy Azalea. I don't think Iggy Azalea listens to the podcast. I hope she does.

Iggy Azalea, if you're out there, please give us a listen. Call me, text me. My number is in the phone book. Anyway, this question comes from Azalea. You all had amazing outfits during your time on the show. Do you have a favorite costume? Interesting question, fun question.

It's not that I have a favorite costume per se, because I have a lot of favorite costumes. It's hard to remember which ones were which, but I could tell you this. I love the idea of the bird shirt. The bird shirt was something that I hated initially. I thought, why am I wearing this weird ass shirt with all these weird birds on it? This bird looks strange. I don't even know what this bird is. And this bird right here ain't got no wings. So does it make it a snake? I don't know.

I don't know. But I had those shirts on and it disgusted me. But then guess what? Your boy got used to it. I got used to him real good. I got used to him real good and real fast. And I loved him. I loved every moment of wearing those shirts. People would see me on the street and they would go, yo, where's a bird shirt? And I would go, yo, I don't wear them every day. Maybe I should.

I love them so much. I tried to make a bird shirt line. I'm not sure. Go to Amazon. You might be able to find them. Just go to the link in my bio. You might be able to find. I don't know. Merch coming soon. Loved them so much. So so I would say bird shirt, the bird shirt era, if you will. That's that's my favorite costume. The bird shirt era, because now you got you got a bunch of little kids out there running around with bird shirts on. Some of these little kids are so young, they don't even know what birds are.

They'll look at a bird and go, oh, my God, is that a snake? Dumb kids. Kids are so dumb, ain't they? But I love them. You got to love the kids. But you know what I love more than the kids? The bird shirts. I do. I do. Not my own kid. Your kid. I don't know your kid yet. You know what I'm saying? I love bird shirts because even though you got a bunch of birds on the shirts, they don't poop on you. They don't poop on you at all.

You know who does poop on you? Kids or live birds. It's a fact. It's a fact and everybody knows it. So Azalea, maybe it's Iggy. Maybe it's Azalea Banks or maybe it's just Azalea. Thank you for your fantastic. I've been thinking about you. I want you back in my life. It's too late for that. I have a proposal for you.

Come up here and document my project. All you need to do is record everything like you always do. One session, 24 hours. BPM 110, 120. She's terrified. Should we wake her up? Absolutely not. What was that? You didn't figure it out? I think I need to hear you say it. That was live audio of a woman's nightmare. This machine is approved and everything? You're allowed to be doing this? We passed the review board a year ago. We're not hurting people.

There's nothing dangerous about what you're doing. They're just dreams. Dream Sequence is a new horror thriller from Blumhouse Television, iHeartRadio, and Realm. Listen to Dream Sequence on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. In a world where TikTok didn't exist yet, las películas no tenían color. The comedy of a genio mexicano across borders conquistó the heart of America. ¡Cállate!

And his catchphrases are part of our culture, but...

Sonoro y iHeart's My Cultura Podcast Network present Nace una leyenda. Chesperito. I'm Felipe Esparza y te llevaré de viaje por la obra del super comediante Chesperito. From his television debut hasta la cima del éxito. ¡Síganme los buenos! Listen to Nace una leyenda. Chesperito as part of My Cultura Podcast Network en la aplicación iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you stream podcasts.

Next question comes from Maya. Good old Maya. Hmm. Is this Maya the singer? Is this Maya Rudolph? Is this Maya Angelou? I know why the bird shirt flaps his wings. Which Maya are you? Hmm. A lot of people with just one name, y'all. We got Azalea and now we got Maya. So damn cool.

There's only a few of y'all in this world. There's Prince, there's Beyonce, there's Azalea, and there's Maya and Jesus. Anyway, Maya asks, you guys ate a lot on the show. Were the meals always practical? What was the best meal you ate in character? Good question, Maya. Good question, Maya. Maya, I can tell you this.

I started out eating all the time. The food was good. The props department, they always made sure that we had food that I wasn't allergic to or food that was rather tasty. They would order it from a local restaurant. Something nice, you know, something delicious. If it was Spanish food, it was something delicioso. You get what I'm saying? Yum, yum in my tongue. But then you would get full. You would eat, you would eat, you would eat and you would get full. After that episode, you put on 10 pounds.

And then when you're shooting the next episode, you come back, you come back thick because y'all do them. Y'all saw me. I was thick. I came in there. I looked like John Morant when I started next episode. I look like Zion Williamson. I was a big boy. I was husky. I had childbearing hips. I love handles. I had something to grab on to. And then I realized quickly I can't eat on every take. I can't do that. That's a no, no. That's a that's something you don't want to do.

So what did I do? Well, I'm glad you asked. I slowed it down. I faked like I was going to eat. I might take a bite here or there, but in the background, I'm acting like I'm... The trick is to always play with the food as if you've been eating it, move it around a little bit. But then right before you put it in your mouth, you got to say something. You got to say a word, say one of your lines, give a reaction. And the editors do a good job of cutting around that. In the next episode, I came back shredded.

Kept it tight. I came back. I was petite. Oh, yeah. No more love handles. Yeah. I mean, I was still thick. You know what I'm saying? But you know what I'm saying? I was solid. I was good. You know, I was healthy. I was healthy because I stopped eating all that in-character food. So thank you for the question, Maya. I really do appreciate that. Guys, if you have any more questions, please feel free to send them in.

Send them in. Ask away. We will answer your questions. We will do an episode like this here and there just to make sure the fans are heard because we want to hear from you. You got questions. We get answers. And if we don't get answers, sorry, we forgot the answers. If this were a test, we might get a 90 percent. We might not get them all correct. We might not have the answer. I could tell you half of these answers I made up. I don't know who Theodore K. Millens is.

I still don't. I don't know. I looked it up. I don't know who Theodore K. Mullins is. I was just making stuff up. But I love you for that, Megan Morris, because you're my great, great, great, great grandmother. Much love, y'all. You've been listening to Welcome to Our Show, a New Girl Recap podcast. Welcome to Our Show is a production of iHeartRadio, hosted by Zooey Deschanel, Lamorne Morris, and Hannah Simone. Our executive producer is Joelle Monique. Our

Our engineer and editor is Danil Goodman. The Welcome to Our Show theme song was written by Zooey Deschanel, performed and produced by Zooey Deschanel and Pierre Derrida. Follow us on Instagram at WelcomeToOurShowPod. If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at WelcomeToOurShowPodcast at Don't forget to rate, subscribe, and share far and wide. Thanks for listening. We'll hear you next week. Welcome to Our Show.

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I didn't know we were going to go there on this. I'm going to go there on this because this is...

people that I admire. When we say listen to your body, really tune in to what's going on. Authors of books that have changed my life. Now you're talking about sympathy, which is different than empathy, right? Never forget, it's okay to cry as long as you make it a really good one. Listen to A Really Good Cry with Radhi Devlukia on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

In a world where TikTok didn't exist yet, las películas no tenían color, the comedy of a genio mexicano crossed borders y conquistó the heart of America. Sonoro y Our Hearts, my cultural podcast network present Nace una leyenda. Chespirito. No faltaban con mi hasta.

How did a Mexican writer become a symbol of global television? Listen to Nacional Leyenda, Chespirito, en la aplicación iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you stream podcasts. Hi, I am Lacey Lamar. And I'm also Lacey Lamar. Just kidding, I'm Amber Refe.

Okay, everybody, we have exciting news to share. We're back with season two of the Amber and Lacey, Lacey and Amber show on Will Ferrell's Big Money Players Network. This season, we make new friends, deep dive into my steamy DMs,

answer your listener questions and more. The more is punch each other. Listen to the Amber and Lacey, Lacey and Amber show on Will Ferrell's Big Money Players Network on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Just listen, okay? Or Lacey gets it. Do it.

Welcome to the CINO Show. I'm your host, Cino McFarlane. I'm an addiction specialist. I'm a coach. I'm a translator. And I'm God's middleman. My job is to crack hearts and let the light in and help everyone shift the narrative. I want to help you wake up and I want to help you get free. Most importantly, I don't want you to feel alone. Listen to the CINO Show every Wednesday on iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.