
Deep Dive

The comedy of a Mexican genius crossed borders and conquered the heart of America, becoming a symbol of global television.

Shownotes Transcript


Hi, I am Lacey Lamar. And I'm also Lacey Lamar. Just kidding. I'm Amber Revin. What? Okay, everybody, we have exciting news to share. We're back with season two of the Amber and Lacey, Lacey and Amber show on Will Ferrell's Big Money Players Network. This season, we make new friends, deep dive into my steamy DMs, and we'll be right back.

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In a world where TikTok didn't exist yet, las películas no tenían color, the comedy of a genio mexicano crossed borders y conquistó the heart of America. Sonoro y Our Hearts, My Cultura Podcast Network present Nace una leyenda. Chespirito. No faltaban con mi hasta.

How did a Mexican writer become a symbol of global television? Listen to Nacional Leyenda, Chespirito, en la aplicación iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you stream podcasts.

Welcome to the CINO Show. I'm your host, Cino McFarlane. I'm an addiction specialist. I'm a coach, I'm a translator, and I'm God's middleman. My job is to crack hearts and let the light in and help everyone shift the narrative. I want to help you wake up, and I want to help you get free. Most importantly, I don't want you to feel alone. Listen to the CINO Show every Wednesday on iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Get emotional with me, Radhi Devlukia, in my new podcast, A Really Good Cry. We're going to be talking with some of my best friends. I didn't know we were going to go there on this. People that I admire. When we say listen to your body, really tune in to what's going on. Authors of books that have changed my life. Now you're talking about sympathy.

Which is different than empathy, right? Never forget, it's okay to cry as long as you make it a really good one. Listen to A Really Good Cry with Radhi Dabluqia on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Andrea Gunning, host of the all-new podcast There and Gone. It's a real-life story of two people who left a crowded Philadelphia bar, walked to their truck, and vanished. ♪

A truck and two people just don't disappear. The FBI called it murder for hire. But which victim was the intended target and why? Listen to There and Gone South Street on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Ring, ring, ring, ring. May I please speak with Zoe? Oh, hello, Lamorne. Let's patch in Hannah. God, I forgot what it was like working with you guys. Welcome to the show.

Okay, well, welcome to our show. Welcome to our show. Guys, I was just in Italy, in Venice, and met some, like, you know, we were, I had a film premiere and there were, like, people kind of with pictures and stuff with, like, doing autograph signing and stuff. And, um...

And a lot of these folks out in Italy said they're listening to Welcome to Our Show. So I thought that was so cool. Very nice. Hi to our Italian fans. Thanks for coming out and saying hello to me. That was really amazing. Nice. It's all those same Italian fans. Please.

Shoot me a DM and shoot me something cool from the Italy. I do like it. I feel like, didn't you see, I feel like so many people sent the videos of our show being dubbed into Italian and all of us doing the show in Italian. And I love that so much. I love an Italian CC. I haven't heard it in Italian. What does my voice sound like? I noticed that like, like,

Like, for the longest time, whenever I'd go to a different country, I think before New Girl was like, you know, where I do movies and it's like more of like one-offs. And I'd hear the person dubbing my voice and their voice would be like an octave higher. I was about to say, your voice is very high. I know, my voice is...

But in real life, it's not. No, my voice is extremely low. So that's why I'm like, I don't know if they decided like my look, the look of my face and my, that I would have been better suited with like a very high, like Minnie Mouse kind of voice. I think that's true with everyone on the show. When they dub it over in Italian, it's a higher voice.

It's higher pitched. Or low. I feel like Jake's voice is very low. I thought mine was pretty high. I think I remember hearing it. Well, Jonathan in every country, they dub him really low. He was like a husky guy. Like a lumberjack type. That's what they think goes with his physicality, I guess. Right.

Well, shout out to all the Italian fans out there. Thank you guys for coming out. We love our show. And for listening. So happy. You can also buy some merch for the show, Rep It. Rep It on the streets of Italy. Yeah. You know, rep our podcast. We got some good merch, guys. I know we say it every week, but it's really good. It's like some of my favorite merch ever that I've ever been involved with. And everything is Italian cut, too. Yeah.

It's got the good Italian cuts. Very flattering. Very Italian designers, so make sure you go out and get it. We have to dive in because this is such a- Tomatoes. Welcome back, New Girl fans. The episode is 122, Tomatoes. Tomatoes. I love this episode because I only worked two days on this episode. It was great. Nick's heart is broken, but don't worry.

He found the cure, and it's tomatoes. But it's hard to mend a broken heart when Winston is there shoving his beautiful love with Shelby in his face. Meanwhile, Jess is on her way to a broken heart when she discovers the chaotic passion Uli and Russell shared is something she longs for. But Russell's been there and done that. He don't like it when lovers throw coasters at his head or hum the same song for eight hours. He finds it annoying and stupid.

He wants peace. That's what he wants. So Jess decides to call things off. However, she briefly discovers that same passion with Nick.

It's too bad he took Winston's advice and got back together with his ex. Now Cece, she struggles to admit she has feelings for Schmidt and tries to end things. So Schmidt retaliates and takes her roommate Nadia out on a date. In addition to having nothing in common, Nadia's right angled vagina breaks Schmidt's penis. That's right. Here's a broken penis. Schmidt's penis is broken. It's broken. Don't work anymore. It's shaped like the letter L.

Cece is forced to admit her feelings when she rushes to the hospital to check on him. Schmidt's happy to see her, but his penis can't handle it. The arousal causes pain. Now back to our show. Just the cold open is one of my favorite cold opens. Really? That's so interesting. I think it's so... Except for, I will say this. Well, it's just so funny. Jake's speech is so funny to me. That idea of like, I'm leaving...

I'm leaving the world of love to grow tomatoes is such a funny little idea, except for when I watched the cold open, it reminded me of when we recapped the second episode. And I remembered being scared, tripping down Spencer's stairs and like going to twist my ankle in the heels. And I got that physical like memory back in my brain. In this episode, in that cold open, they have me in these clothes.

I don't know, six, seven inch heels. And I went to walk away while they were doing another camera setup

And I did. I twisted my foot, which twisted a nerve under the bottom of my foot, which still to this day is like an issue I have. That's why you have the limp. That's why I just wear sneakers. That's why you have a limp all the time. That's why I have a little limp is from this cold open. No, leave my back alone. Do you remember that whenever we had to exit that set, we'd have to go in that weird stairwell and then just wait because we were on the roof of a building that was like...

Like, not at all related to where we actually were shot. For the folks out there, yeah, we shot downtown. In MacArthur Park, right? MacArthur Park. The rooftop. That rooftop was in MacArthur Park. So if you've ever seen the show, the rooftop, whenever you see us on a rooftop. It's like Koreatown. Yeah, it's filmed at a place called Park Plaza. And here is the address for the folks that want to go and take photos and tag us in it. It's also where they filmed...

Drive. Drive. They filmed a lot of stuff there. We filmed a lot of interiors there, too. The Bollywood dance, right? Bollywood. A lot of the wedding. Every time there was a wedding in New Girl, it was either that place or it was the place...

The hotel next to Fox. So there were like two places where we would film like event type scenes. And those were the two places. This cold, cold, it's massive. There was a time, I don't know if it was this rooftop scene, but because there's one building across the street that's just as tall.

Do you remember this? And there was like paparazzi staked out. No, no. This was the day. So guys, I was going to say this. Yeah, I was going to add to this because you said you were nervous because of your heels. I was nervous because we knew there were paparazzi. Somebody spotted them. There were like a number of them and they were taking pictures. And one of them had like a very unflattering lens on their camera. And when the pictures came out, I mean, I looked...

Really bad. And I was like, oh my God. I was like that...

It was so unflattering. And then I was like all like embarrassed about it. And then when I saw the episode, I was like, I looked fine. It was like their damn lenses. They were so unflattering. It made me look like it was like a fun house mirror. That's right, though, because I remember because subsequently, because we shot there for many years afterwards, but we knew that they would sometimes hide in that other building. We would kind of try to protect ourselves because they would take ugly pictures.

Yeah, because whereas it would have been like most pleasant to sit up like out in the sun, like on the roof, like, you know, with the fresh air. We ended up like going in the like dusty. Yeah, we ended up hiding. It's a building they film stuff in, but it's not like a functioning building. There's like a lot of like abandoned empty rooms that are just dusty. Yeah, it's an abandoned hotel. So like.

Where we would go to like get away from a paparazzi would be like just a dusty room. I'm also like allergic to dust. So Lamorne, hit him with the address so you can go into the location if you want to go check it out. Oh, thank you. Yes. For the folks out there who want to go and check it out, it's 607 South Parkview Street. That's in Los Angeles. A lot of fans, they post photos outside of the exterior of our lofts.

I'm going to mention there was a jewelry heist like a couple blocks from this place. So like maybe just be aware of your surroundings. Daytime. Daytime visit. Daytime. You know what? It might be fun to go at night too. Might be fun. You never know. If you know karate. Yes. If you're in Los Angeles. Don't wear jewelry. If you know karate, you can go to this location. No, I'm sure. It's a very cool neighborhood. I just know there was a jewelry heist while we were there. So like in my mind. Yeah.

Isn't it also where we shot Bells as well? Oh, yeah. In the park. At the park right across the street. It was a big New Girl location. It's a famous park. Very famous park. Yeah. For a lot of things. Wait, you kind of looked at me, though, funny when I said that this is one of my favorite cold opens. Not one of your favorites, Zoe?

It's a cool episode and lots of amazing things about it. There's just like a lot of very different things going on. Like Nick's growing tomatoes. Like there's so – I feel like all the stories are so – feel so like disparate. And I think there were things in this episode that I found difficult –

They were challenging for me. And then watching it back, I was like, yeah. Like in my own critical mind, I was like, I didn't... That thing I was trying to make work, I'm not sure I succeeded. So I think like I have a little bit of a like...

critical mind toward myself in this episode, but I really liked the episode and there are so many amazing things about it. Like Rebecca is beyond amazing in this episode. Oh my gosh. The like tomato stuff is great. I mean,

Jake, you guys are great. What didn't you like? Name names. I didn't like me. Are you talking about where you had to squat and be buggy-eyed and beat up? No, well, that was... Because that was so funny to me. Oh, thank you. That one was hard to make work, but I felt like...

better about that. It was like the tap dancing in the restaurant. I remember being like, I don't know how to make this work. And then and then watching it, I was like, yep, didn't do that. But, you know, the thing about making a

Well, thank you. Listen, you know, we all have different experiences and things. Sure, sure. I think, you know, as an actor, like, and especially, like, on a TV show, you only have, like, so much time to shoot something. And you're like, you just, like, better hope you can make it work in the time that you have to do it. And I just remember that being just, there were things that,

I was like, it's hard. You know, it's just sometimes there's a, you know, you have special challenges. And so that one, this was a challenging episode. I love Jean Triplehorn, guys. Did you guys get to meet her? No. Maybe at the table read or maybe at some point. Oh, yeah, table read. She is so nice. Yeah, but not on set.

She's so nice, and she is such a good actress, and she's also so gorgeous. Oh, my God. Like, just stunningly beautiful. You would know. You would know. You saw her naked in the shower. I was standing right up. Yeah, close. A right X-er. Yeah, she is, like, amazingly gorgeous and so nice and so talented. So, so nice to have her on the show as well. You know what? You say this word in the episode.

And I didn't realize that it makes me uncomfortable when people...

say it now now i realize i have to say it now that i said what i you know like some people like get or have a reaction to where the word like moist moist yeah yes i don't that's fine moist is fine i don't care that's okay good so you can describe cakes accurately which is great no problem i could be on bake off in a heartbeat i'd have zero issue um i it just makes me a little uncomfortable and giggle because i'm a little immature of when you talked about like

her like Uli's nipples I was like no I can't do it it got me feel squirrely you're like I saw her nipples or something there was like a line in the episode and I was like I don't like it I gotta go oh that's so funny I have like zero problem nipples Hannah I just don't know why it made me giggle fine with a penis you literally had a scene at the end where you were talking about a broken penis I could talk about a broken penis all day

No, they're not nipples. You know what? Maybe it's just like the word nipple. It's the word.

That's the word. It just sounds funny to me. How about a triple nipple? I don't like it. Isn't there a drink like a slippery nipple? No, thank you. It's too. I think it's slippery navel. Right? Really? Is that right? I don't know now. Yeah, I think it's something like that. Fuzzy navel. Fuzzy navel. Yeah, fuzzy navel. It's not a fuzzy nipple. I don't know.

I don't know. I don't like mixed drinks, so I'm like mixing metaphors. I'm like, no, it's a Midori nipple. I will say the one thing I loved about this episode so much, see, I thought there were such good tie-ins, like the flashback of the tap dancing and then you doing it

exact same way in the restaurant I thought was wonderful and then like the fight that Uli and Russell have and then when you and Jake have to do it near the end of the episode and how it spiraled yeah I totally agree I love that they can't have you guys kiss and have it be so obvious so they make it turn into a butt dance I was like oh this is great I did say

I thought that like them having us shake our butts for that long was a totally like I was like, OK, this is this is new girl. Like like keep like other shows or like, you know, I think like the maybe it's not other shows, but like the the classic instinct would be to cut out right after, say, like

Well, then why don't you look at my ass or look at my behind, whatever it was he said, and then cut out before, you know, like maybe watch him walk away or whatever.

This our show had him turn around, shake his ass. Then I turned around, shake my tushy. OK, and then they let it go on for like a full 60 seconds. Oh, it never ended. And then trying to get out of it was even funnier. Just trying to watch you guys in real life go like now we have to.

Somehow stop looking at my ass was the was the button. I was like, OK, that was like a super joke on super joke. So I was like, I appreciate this. I love this about this. Like, I love this about this show. And it's like what we had nothing to do with. And I very much appreciate like the, you know, editors, the post-production side, like Liz, you know, Jake, all the people that were like really heavily involved in it. Jake, sorry, Jake Katzen, heavily involved in the edit side.

making those decisions to linger on certain things that like in a way that I felt was very confident and, and like made it kind of a,

a special thing, but they also like would let us go for long periods of time and like riff on things that, that allowed them, you know, like that allowed us to like have the, all, all that extra material. Well, it's funny because you think about it, they shoot right. Like 30 to 40 hours worth of material. And the show is just over 21 minutes and

And so they overshoot. They have so much stuff they can use. And so a lot of stuff, like you're saying, does get chopped up, shortened. You end as fast as you can to get out of things. So for them to let that breathe for that,

I mean, so much stuff had to be taken out, but it was such the right move because you just could sit in it. But it's very hard in a sitcom to sit in anything because you have so much story you have to get through and wrap up because it's only 21 minutes. So I appreciated that a lot too. Yeah.

Yeah, Fox, they had to have four acts, which I think is different from other networks. I'm not like exactly sure like what what. But I remember the writers were always saying it was a big challenge that because it was based around commercial breaks, like that your acts, your act breaks are your commercial break, you know, like are when your commercials come. So they had to have a certain number of commercial breaks there for a certain number of acts. And it's a lot to like cram in the 22 minutes.

There was a lot of cramming in this for sure. Oh yeah. A lot. This was like an epic episode. A lot, a lot of different storylines. One of which is, um, what exactly what you were talking about, Nick shaking his butt in defiance to you and you shaking your butt in defiance to him. Now that was showing, uh, let's talk about that a little bit. That was showing a passion between you two or the fire between you two that didn't exist with, with Russell. Right. Yes. Yeah. Right.

And I think the show does a great job. I know we talked about this before. There are all these little pieces that they drop leading to that big, you know, will they moment, you know, and this is, and this is one of them that I found to be, to be pretty cool. You can't, you don't have that negative energy or passion with Russell the way he has with Uli and you have it with Nick, even in a moment where you probably didn't see it coming because Nick was sleeping with his ex.

Right, right, right. I know the setup of the episode is so interesting because I felt like, and look, I know the show. So obviously I know the first kiss happens in Cooler, right? I know that.

But I honestly, I was watching it last night and I was like, well, they're going to have to kiss. They have to break this tension. There has to be. And I had forgotten that Nick turns around and shows his ass. And so I was like, wow, like they managed, like you're saying, to really build the stakes of the will they won't they. You know a kiss is coming now at some point during this show. And I just thought this was one of the best scenes

setups to having that happen. And then he goes and turns and goes back to his ex to go be with her. And she storms off because now she's figuring things out about Russell. But we just had this incredible moment for the season and the series and the characters. And I mean, I think this episode does so much groundwork for the show in that space. Also with the CC...

Schmidt storyline really testing now the emotional foundation of that relationship I thought was like wow like they did all that work for the Nick Jess and the Cece Schmidt stuff laid all of that right here in Tomatoes. It was definitely a great relationship episode. Yeah. Yeah. I was like so surprised that it all happened in this one. Can I just also say one more thing really quickly because it's one of my favorite things is that scene with Nadia and Schmidt

In the loft. I can't. It's too good. You can tell. So if you rewatch that scene, look at Max's face.

His eyes are a different color than the rest of his face because you can tell he is obviously broken, has been crying, laughing and has wiped off any eye powder, makeup, whatever they put on us for TV. And it's all gone and it's red from tears. And those were the usable cutaways they could use of him because he was laughing so much at Nadia saying these words. Yeah.

Oh, yeah. It's so funny to me. All the things she loves. So actually, I remember this this episode had one of my favorite lines that I I remember just a line that I loved that I had to say was I'm like, you're letting Nick go out with Nadia.

She was kicked out of Russia, Cece. Russia. And I was like, oh my God. Yes, I love it. But it so defines that character. It's so good. And this, she just crushes it. I mean, it made me laugh to the heart. Are we to believe that Cece would forgive Schmidt

That quick. You know, here's the thing. That's the commentary I would talk to Liz about, which is their relationship is so based in hookup culture. Right. It's sort of like it's no big deal to me. No big deal to you. That's what this is about. We're just like helping each other with our needs. It ain't that deep.

Right. And it gets tested. He calls her on her bluff. Right. And then they realize something about each other. So they weren't in a relationship where they had set boundaries and said they were going to be exclusive. And this kind of pushed them in there because they both didn't like it.

So it was an interesting way to get there, but it's not your traditional romance and it's not what you usually see. So I thought that was kind of cool because it is, I think, what a lot of people do go through, which is they get scared emotionally. So then they back off and then they see them with someone else and they go like, hold up. I may have caught some feelings. Yeah.

Let's try this again. But it'd be one thing if the relationship, if it just happened and then, you know, he didn't want to be with Nadia and then, yeah, you know, hookup culture, blah, blah, blah. But now, now Schmidt's walking around with that BDE.

That broken dick energy. Yeah. Ooh. Yeah, you know what? I think, you know, we should... That should start circulating. Because, you know, people use the BDE for a while to refer to something else. But, guys...

There's another BDE on the block. Broken. So Schmidt has the broken dick energy and you, it's, it's almost like feeling sorry for him is what, is what makes you kind of come out of that, you know, that, what do you call it? Defiant state of yours. And then just say, you know, I actually do like you, but it's weird because he, it's almost like,

In the earlier part of the episode, you say wear protection, you know, because she's around. I know she's covering the covering. Like, it's just sort of like, I don't even care. I don't even care. And when she walks in the hospital and he starts walking her through all the different.

things they were doing with like he was doing with Nadia. Like I love that they had CC kind of be hurt and upset and I don't want to hear it and screw you. I'm out and done until it unpacks and they, and they realize that this is, we have to admit we have real feelings and I don't want to play these games anymore and let's figure it out. And you've obviously paid the price for stepping out on me because you got your,

Snapped. Snapped. Because her vagina was shaped like a L. There's a right angle in there. Is that what he says? There's a right angle in there. Oh my gosh. Been there. Am I right? I don't know. Are you? When she's laughing, she's like, I dropped small man off at hospital. She's so good. And then she's like, he was crying so much. Yeah.

Oh, she's so funny. And I love the fact that it's LA and there's so many hospitals in LA. And you just, you just knew. You just found it. You knew which one. The worst one. Oh, the hospital. I'm sure she dropped him off at whatever hospital. Also like her description of what America is, is the funniest thing to me. Salad bar. Tosh 2.0. Wilmer Valderrama. Yeah.

That also cracked me up. I'm like, this is what you think America is about. 1-800-SLIM. What? Have you called that yet? No, I feel like we should call it. I don't want to be charged. That's right. You get a bill for $9,000. I don't want to be charged for slim advice.

Wait, 1-800-SLIM, was that like the number you called to get like Nutrisystem or something? I feel like that's what it was. Yeah. Some diet drink. Like some frozen meals or something. There was another interesting part of this episode that –

There was a line that I forgot Nick had said. And I don't know why it made me go, what? It's when he said, we were talking about, we were on the roof talking about how he wanted Winston to stop bragging so much about his relationship with Shelby. Winston's kind of throwing it in his face a little bit. And I don't know where he goes. I used to be your Shelby.

I don't know why. I was like, what? I didn't remember filming that. That's an odd beat right there. No, it's not odd. I feel like girlfriends feel like that all the time when they get a new boyfriend. Oh, yeah. And you're like, I was your best friend. And now here's Chad. And you do all the things we used to do, you do with him. And I think it's a common thing, but it is unusual to hear like in a guy friendship, a guy express it. And that's what I loved about.

It was funny. You know what made me laugh so hard was picturing you guys having a joint online dating profile because you didn't want to pay for individual ones. Oh my gosh. For all the fans out there, please. What was it? Ninstan Willer. Ninstan Biller. Ninstan Biller. Ninstan Biller, I think.

There was also a moment in that chat, Lamorne, where you show him like a picture, right? And you're like, oh, this is, you know, look at Shelby's cat sleeping on my face. And I was sitting on the couch going, oh, please cut away. Please cut away and show the picture of Lamorne having to have a cat on his face because I'm like, I know it's season one.

And Lamorne would not have told the producers, I'm allergic and I don't want to do it because we didn't gain the confidence to speak up and be like, this actually doesn't work and realize they would find another way around and it wouldn't get you fired. And I was like, oh, please tell me there's a picture of Lamorne laying there with a real cat. Oh,

his face and they never showed it it did establish you as a cat Winston as a cat man though yeah but I don't lay with cats everybody who knows me knows I don't lay with cats but you would have in season one of a TV show that's right season one you would not have said no you would not have said no

Guys, so I looked this, I just looked the episode up just for a second to check out a few things. And I looked up New Girl Tomatoes and there's a like varietal of tomato called New Girl now. Really? Don't get too excited, but it's true. When we come back, we'll list them all. We're going to a commercial. And when we come back, we're going to list all these tomatoes. I've been thinking about you. I want you back in my life. It's too late for that.

I have a proposal for you. Come up here and document my project. All you need to do is record everything like you always do. One session, 24 hours. BPM 110, 120. She's terrified. Should we wake her up? Absolutely not. What was that? You didn't figure it out? I think I need to hear you say it. That was live audio of a woman's nightmare. This machine is approved and everything?

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In a world where TikTok didn't exist yet, las películas no tenían color, the comedy of a genio mexicano crossed borders y conquistó the heart of America. Da, da!

And his catchphrases are part of our culture, but...

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I'm Angie Martinez. Check out my podcast where I talk to some of the biggest athletes, musicians, actors in the world. We go beyond the headlines and the soundbites to have real conversations about real life, death, love, and everything in between. This life right here, just finding myself, just relaxation, just not feeling stressed, just not feeling pressed. This is what I'm most proud of. I'm proud of Mary because I've been through hell and some horrible things.

That feeling that I had of inadequacy is gone. You're going to die being you. So you got to constantly work on who you are to make sure that the stars align correctly.

Life ain't easy and it's getting harder and harder. So if you have a story to tell, if you've come through some trials, you need to share it because you're going to inspire someone. You're going to give somebody the motivation to not give up, to not quit. Listen to Angie Martinez IRL on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome to our show.

And we're back. And we're back. Wait, what are they called? What are the varietals called? Tomato, New Girl, and here's the scientific name, Lycopersicon hybrid. Yeah, it's a type of tomato. It just looks like a tomato on a vine. It's like listed on several like nursery sites, like tomato seeds you could buy. They look like, they look nice. They look like nice tomatoes. Maybe they could go into a lettuce grow.

They might be able to. Can you grow tomatoes? I'm sure. Yeah, you can grow tomatoes. Oh, yeah. Tomatoes are amazing in the lettuce grow. I mean, it feels like a perfect fit. Tomatoes. Yeah, you can grow a lot of stuff. It's very good for your brand. New Girl Tomatoes growing in the lettuce grow. This is very good. We do a New Girl Tomato in a lettuce grow. Farm stand, guys. It's everything.

So Michael Spiller directed this episode. Do you guys remember him? Yes. He was a really good director. And he directed, like, lots of Modern Family. And then he went on to the Mindy Project after this. Oh, yeah. And was... Crushed it. I think he was, like, a directing producer over there. So he was a great director. And we were lucky to have him. We loved working with him. Who wrote this episode? So, yeah. David Walpert and Kim Rosenstock wrote this episode. Great writers. Um...

Great episode. Great episode. And it sets the foundation for so much to come in this series. Yeah. Yeah. No, it was a great story episode. See, I feel like we slowly turned you around on this episode, Zoe. You came in a little suspicious. No, I liked the episode. I liked it. I just felt like...

I felt like I had, you know, I felt like I hadn't fully nailed a couple of moments, but I, you know what? You, you restored my confidence in myself. So I didn't, I don't remember. I remember being there, but

You know, I only worked two days on that episode. I was in and I was out. Well, lucky you. Well, I actually thought that. I was like, almost all of your scenes were on that rooftop. And I was like, guaranteed. Because I don't think I filmed on that rooftop except that cold open. And so I was like, okay, well, I was definitely there the day you guys were shooting.

On the rooftop. But I'm like, you only shot like one other scene, like I think in the kitchen. And I was like, yeah, in the kitchen where you guys talked about the shared dating profile. And I was like, dang, no.

Lamorne got like three days off this episode. That's all I could think about. I was like, ah, lucky. If I were Hannah, because what Hannah used to do when she had days off, she would leave the country. That's right. Hannah would go to like, she's like, I'm in Bali. Just a quick trip, y'all. Just a quick trip.

Make the most of those days off. No, like Hannah is really like a travel blogger. Yeah. Like if you don't follow her on Instagram, like definitely check her out because even if she's here, I believe she's like in another country because she's, she's like her and Jesse are like taking photos as if they're in Europe or, you know, Southeast Asia. Yeah.

And making it look like so freaking romantic. And then I realized like, I'm like, no, they're just like in Santa Monica having dinner. That's right. That's right. No big deal. You just saw my post about dinner. It's basically becoming a food account, you guys. I did and I was jealous and I thought you were in Europe and I was like, oh no, she ain't in Europe. Yeah.

Oh, I just went to a place that had that melty cheese. Cheese, it's amazing. You melt cheese, bam. That's my love language right there. Just melt some cheese on anything. Guys, you don't have to melt cheese for that to be my love language. Cheese just...

I actually said, this is something we have in common. I like melted cheese, but like just cheat. I said, a friend of mine was like, I'll make a cheese plate for like, we were like going on a little road trip. And she's like, I'll make a cheese plate. I was like, cheese, cheese is my love language. Just cheese in general. Cheese. Perfect.

Because like cheese just is so good. A cheese plate. And like, guys, three cheese is not enough. Like we were at a place last night and they were like, three cheese plate or a five cheese plate? I'm like, this is so ridiculous. A cheese plate? How dare you offer me a three cheese plate when there's a five cheese plate? A cheese plate on a road trip? Guys, you will be backed up for miles. Ha ha.

That's my time, y'all. I'm out. Okay. Okay. All right. That's you. That's not... I'm... Look, I know we have to talk about it, so I'm just going to talk about it really quick, but I don't want to talk about it a lot because, you know, it's sensitive for me. Yep. You failed. What? You failed, Hannah. Bear. The bear. You didn't do it. Where's the bear? Where's the bear?

You didn't do it. You're going to rely. You're going to rely. You know what? Actually, I'm going to go back and revisit the email because I went through I did a, you know, a listener Q&A last week, which is my favorite thing to do in the world. And there was an email that broke down all the bear sightings in season one.

And I'm going to print it out and maybe I'm going to do a little special. I could do a little special episode where I just kind of go through and gather all of the different fan inputs because I know this is what's going to happen at the end of this season. I know that there is a bear and I'm going to do it all by myself and put it up there so listeners can go to that episode. Yeah.

You created that extra work for yourself. I did. We didn't. I'm very excited about it. I've been passionate about it from the beginning. But we'll send you a cheese plate to enjoy while you're... I want five cheese minimum, y'all. Five cheese minimum. Five cheese minimum. Don't be rude and give me three. Don't be rude. Don't be rude. Don't be rude. And I want... I need those little like sweet nut medley. Give me three.

Give me a candy pecan. There's like a walnut covered in sugar or something. Give me that. Give me that. I need an olive. I need those fried apricots. Would love an olive. Give me some tapenade. Give me some olives. Give me some like sweet fig spread, okay? Are you doing all this on a road trip? Are we still on the road trip? No, we're not on the road trip anymore. I was at a restaurant last night with Jonathan and he ordered a five cheese plate and I was like,

that's the i was like i need to taste five different cheeses um and i was i was not mad at it i've been thinking about you i want you back in my life it's too late for that i have a proposal for you come up here and document my project all you need to do is record everything like you always do one session 24 hours bpm 110 120 she's terrified should we wake her up absolutely not

What was that? You didn't figure it out? I think I need to hear you say it. That was live audio of a woman's nightmare. This machine is approved and everything? You're allowed to be doing this? We passed the review board a year ago. We're not hurting people. There's nothing dangerous about what you're doing. They're just dreams. Dream Sequence is a new horror thriller from Blumhouse Television, iHeartRadio, and Realm. Listen to Dream Sequence on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

In a world where TikTok didn't exist yet, las películas no tenían color. The comedy of a genio mexicano crossed borders y conquistó the heart of America. Da, da, da!

And his catchphrases are part of our culture, but...

Sonoro y iHeart's My Cultura Podcast Network present Nace una leyenda. Chesperito. I'm Felipe Esparza y te llevaré de viaje por la obra del super comediante Chesperito. From his television debut hasta la cima del éxito. ¡Síganme los buenos! Listen to Nace una leyenda. Chesperito. As part of My Cultura Podcast Network en la aplicación iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you stream podcasts.

I did a poll because I was really curious to know if my followers are just as excited and if people are like,

yay or nay or not another one, you know, because there's that. But they're genuinely excited and someone responds, which I think is the same sentiment. I was like, you know what? That's a really good point. Better to have the sequel rather than the remake.

Because honestly, that movie, there is nothing to change about it or remake about it. It is a perfect movie. Listen to The Bright Side from Hello Sunshine on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Meet the real woman behind the tabloid headlines in a personal podcast that delves into the life of the notorious Tori Spelling as she takes us through the ups and downs of her sometimes glamorous, sometimes chaotic life and marriage. I don't think he knew how big it would be, how big the life I was given and live is.

I think he was like, oh, yeah, things come and go. But with me, it never came and went. Is she Donna Martin or a down-and-out divorcee? Is she living in Beverly Hills or a trailer park? In a town where the lines are blurred, Tori is finally going to clear the air in the podcast Misspelling. When a woman has nothing to lose, she has everything to gain. I just filed for divorce. Whoa, I said the words.

that I've said like in my head for like 16 years. Wild. Listen to Misspelling on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

I'm Angie Martinez. Check out my podcast where I talk to some of the biggest athletes, musicians, actors in the world. We go beyond the headlines and the soundbites to have real conversations about real life, death, love, and everything in between. This life right here, just finding myself, just relaxation, just not feeling stressed, just not feeling pressed. This is what I'm most proud of. I'm proud of Mary because I've been through hell and some horrible things.

That feeling that I had of inadequacy is gone. You're going to die being you. So you got to constantly work on who you are to make sure that the stars align correctly.

Life ain't easy and it's getting harder and harder. So if you have a story to tell, if you've come through some trials, you need to share it because you're going to inspire someone. You're going to give somebody the motivation to not give up, to not quit. Listen to Angie Martinez IRL on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Guys.

Should we do True American? We're derailing, so we might as well go straight into a game that is basically being derailed all the time. And cue True American because that's what True American is. Okay. Welcome to True American, where we leave more confused than we started off. This week's episode, two of our favorite couples begin their love affair. Cece and Schmidt decide to make it official, and Jess starts to recognize her feelings for Nick.

We're going to revisit some other classic TV couples by trying to match them with popular quotes from their show in this multiple choice game. We're calling the F Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald love talk. All right. Who wants to start this one off? Lamorne. Me. Okay.

Here we go. You know what? You're the one who ended things. Yeah, because I was mad at you, not because I stopped loving you. Ooh, that's good. Ooh. Okay, what are the options? The options are A, Kevin and Winnie, The Wonder Years. B, David and Maddie, Moonlighting. C, Ross and Rachel, Friends. Or D, Lucy and Ricky, I Love Lucy. I feel like I'm watching the Emmys. Who should we pick?

Do you think Ross and Rachel? I feel like it's Ross and Rachel. Yeah, me too. I feel like it, though I could definitely see it living in Moonlighting. I loved Moonlighting. Yeah, I agree. But I'll... Joel said correct, but I don't know. I just said two things. Was it Ross and Rachel? Ross and Rachel, right?

Yes. Zoe, your first instinct was right. Ross and Rachel. Yes. On Friends, a show that I've never seen. Get out. You've never seen Friends? Are you serious? I've never seen Friends. Read episodes of it. I might have seen pieces in passing when I was walking to do that. It's so good. Is it? It's so good. It's funny. I hadn't seen it in a long time, and we were like, we...

We're on like a little like weekend trip and got to the hotel. I wasn't like feeling that great. Didn't feel like going to dinner. So we turned on the TV and like there was like a friend's marathon on and we watched like five episodes. And I'm like this show is.

It's so good. I could just watch it all day. I mean, I guess that's why it's successful. I guess that's why. Yeah, I don't know why. We've discovered this new show for you listeners. It's a real hidden gem. There's a new show. It's called Friends. It's called Friends. You guys should check it out. It's called Living Single. That's what I was watching. I was watching Living Single. I didn't watch Friends. That's a good show, too. Yeah.

All right, number two. Maybe it's a different era, though. Wasn't Living Single a little bit pre-Friends, or is it the same? I think they did one season before Friends, and then Friends came out, and they still wanted to do more seasons. It was around the same time, same time period. Yeah. I don't know why. I've never seen it. It's just Friends. I just would see it on, and it's one of those things where you go. Well, do yourself a favor. There's like 12 seasons. Is it 12 seasons? It might not be 12, but it was over 10. Oh, my gosh.

10 seasons. Wow, I gotta go watch this. This Friends you guys speak about. All right, let's keep going. Hannah? You go. Maybe I do believe it, all this meant to be stuff. Why not believe it really? Who doesn't want more romance in their life? Maybe it's just up to us to make it happen, to show up and be meant for each other.

That's sweet. Edith and Archie, all in the family. Derek and Meredith, Grey's Anatomy. Monica and Chandler, friends. Ralph and Alice, the honeymooners. Maybe I do believe in it. All this meant to be stuff. Why not believe in it, really? Grey's Anatomy? I don't know. I've never seen Grey's Anatomy, actually. And I know everybody loves that show, so I guess I got to check it out. It's like still on, I think, right? Yes. I think so.

Boom. Hannah got it right. Grey's Anatomy. Get out of town. What? Good job, Hannah. You know, it just felt like some like that real good, good. And everybody loves Grey's Anatomy for all that good, good. Have you seen Grey's Anatomy? Never. Not one minute of it. What?

Are you kidding me? Listen, mister, I have never seen Friends except for when I'm walking casually past the TV. Yeah, that's what I was making funny. Grey's Anatomy is still on. I haven't seen one episode of Grey's Anatomy either. Hey, see? They are episode, they are season 47. I know, they really are. We have a lot to catch up on. Let's do a, we'll do a little watch. We can watch on the phone, Hannah. It'll keep us going until we're 90. Until we're 90, that's right. All right, you're up. Okay, number three.

Ever since I said I do, there are so many things we don't. Ooh. All right. And there's multiple choices. A lot of real throwbacks. Samantha and Darren bewitched. Jeannie and Larry. I dream of Jeannie. Mork and Mindy. Mork and Mindy. Lucy and Ricky. I love Lucy. I love Lucy. I'm going to say Lucy and Ricky. Yeah. Right.

Well, because the other ones are more zany and less grounded in reality. I just don't see that conversation happening in the other shows. That's true. That's true. And you were correct. Yes. Okay. Okay. So you guys, so far as a team, because we're on the same team, right? I never know if we're competing against each other or not. It's so true, America. No, we're not. We're not. We're all on the same team. So right now we're...

Like three of three. Doing well. So this last one is high stakes because I would like to get an A+. By the way, I know the answer to this one. Oh, really? You do? Okay, Lamorne, read it and let Zoe knock it out of the park. You blew into our lives five years ago like a whirlwind. Made us all feel alive again. For that alone, I'll love you forever. Oh!

I think I know which one it is, too. Okay. Of course. Yeah, I think I know what this one is, too. Is it A, Doug and Carrie, King of Queens? Is it B, Mr. Sheffield and Fran, The Nanny? C, Will and Grace, Will and Grace? Or D, Jane Gloria, Modern Family? It's Mr. Sheffield and Fran from The Nanny, of course. Yes!

The Nanny? Yes. Of course. Fun fact. Did you hear this? Daniel's father wrote all three episodes. What? Is that real? Of The Nanny. Wrote three episodes. Not all three episodes. Oh, I thought it was like, wait. Three episodes of The Nanny. Daniel, your dad was a writer on The Nanny? What?

Is that true? Yeah, he wrote on The Nanny after his stint on Dinosaurs. I love Dinosaurs! Oh my God, I love both those shows. Holy crap. I can quote both of those shows. I love them. Wow, that's so cool. When I was a kid, like my impression, I liked to do Fran Drescher impressions. Oh yeah? Really? Yes. Bobby Snackman, ha ha ha ha.

That is spot on. We love her. We love her. Oh my gosh. That's awesome. Love her. We did it. 4-4. Man, we crushed it. I'm not going to lie to you. I didn't get any of those correct. I let y'all do it. We crushed it. Well, we know our TV. What was the one we were terrible at? The presidential one, maybe? Yeah. Yeah, there's been other ones. None of those.

There's two things I don't know about. But we were great with the sad songs. The sad songs, yes. Sad songs, we were great. This one, Zoe and I did the heavy lifting. Lamorne, you were very good to cheer us on. Listen, I didn't watch any of these shows. Well, I watched All in the Family. What was your favorite show, Lamorne? Probably Fresh Prince, Martin. Those are great shows. Great shows. I watched...

Looking back, like whenever anybody mentions any comedy from like the 80s, 90s, early 2000s, I'm like, yep, watched it every, like every episode. Like I watch every show. Like name a show. I'm like, I watched, I watched it like every week. Anything on TGIF. Anything on TGIF I watched. I watched TGIF religiously. It was like the night I could stay up till 10. I ate at TGIF religiously. I used to work there. Get out. Yeah. Yeah.

I've never been to TGI at the restaurant. You had your little overalls? Really? Overalls? What overalls are you talking about? No, suspenders, not overalls. Oh, good. Didn't they make us wear overalls? Yeah, well, you could. It's called flair. You could laugh it up with some suspenders or some pins. Yeah, I didn't do that. The pins! Yeah, I didn't do that. Did you do all that? Which one did you work at, Lamar? In Lyle, Illinois. It was Lyle, right? Or Downers Grove, same thing. Yeah, Downers Grove. I think it was Lyle. Lyle, uh,

Illinois right off 75th Street I believe so if you guys went there when did you work there what couple years ago right is that when you're between new girl and woke yeah I want to say 2020 2002 2003 so when you guys went to eat the TGI Fridays in Lyle

Early 2000s. You probably had LeBron as your friendly waiter. Mr. Morris in his suspender. Snap. Your friendly server. Quite a few restaurants, folks. Yeah. Anyway. Serving up tomatoes. Ba-bam. Serving up some tomatoes. There we go. Full circle. Full circle. Bringing it back. Full circle. Bringing it back. Well, this was fun. All right, you guys. So good to see you. You as well.

Thanks, everyone, for listening. We're so happy to hear from you. Please reach out. Tag us in your merch. You guys have been doing that. It makes us so happy. All right. We love you all. And ciao. Ciao. Like and subscribe. Thank you to our amazing Italian fans. We love you. And yeah, please keep reaching out. We love hearing from you. Peace. Ciao. Peace. You've been listening to Welcome to Our Show, a New Girl Recap podcast.

Welcome to Our Show is a production of iHeartRadio, hosted by Zooey Deschanel, Lamorne Morris, and Hannah Simone. Our executive producer is Joelle Monique. Our engineer and editor is Daniel Goodman. The Welcome to Our Show theme song was written by Zooey Deschanel, performed and produced by Zooey Deschanel and Pierre Derrida.

Follow us on Instagram at Welcome to Our Show Pod. If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at Welcome to Our Show Podcast at Don't forget to rate, subscribe, and share far and wide. Thanks for listening. We'll hear you next week.

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In a world where TikTok didn't exist yet, las películas no tenían color, the comedy of a genio mexicano crossed borders y conquistó the heart of America. Sonoro y Our Hearts, my cultural podcast network present Nace una leyenda. Chespirito. No faltaban con mi hasta.

How did a Mexican writer become a symbol of global television? Listen to Nacional Leyenda, Chespirito, en la aplicación iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you stream podcasts. Hi, I am Lacey Lamar. And I'm also Lacey Lamar. Just kidding, I'm Amber Refe.

Okay, everybody, we have exciting news to share. We're back with season two of the Amber and Lacey, Lacey and Amber show on Will Ferrell's Big Money Players Network. This season, we make new friends, deep dive into my steamy DMs,

Answer your listener questions and more. The more is punch each other. Listen to the Amber and Lacey Lacey and Amber show on Will Ferrell's Big Money Players Network on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Just listen, okay? Or Lacey gets it. Do it. Get emotional with me, Radhi Devlukia, in my new podcast, A Really Good Cry. We're going to be talking with some of my best friends. I didn't know we were going to go there on this. I'm going to go there on this because this is...

people that I admire. When we say listen to your body, really tune in to what's going on. Authors of books that have changed my life. Now you're talking about sympathy, which is different than empathy, right? Never forget, it's okay to cry as long as you make it a really good one. Listen to A Really Good Cry with Radhi Devlukia on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Welcome to the CINO Show. I'm your host, Cino McFarlane. I'm an addiction specialist. I'm a coach. I'm a translator. And I'm God's middleman. My job is to crack hearts and let the light in and help everyone shift the narrative. I want to help you wake up and I want to help you get free. Most importantly, I don't want you to feel alone. Listen to the CINO Show every Wednesday on iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.