From sinners to saints, kings to commoners, rock stars and regular folks. Everyone is here and they
Mens Room Question: Where is the strangest place that you've fallen asleep, or what's the strangest
Shot of the Day
Mens Room Top 10
Your Guess is as Good as Mine
Question of the Day
Shot of the Day, Profile This, TV Time with Ted and Headlines!
Emails, Your Guess is as Good as Mine Categories: Presidents & Metallica! Plus Headlines Mike is
It's time once again for the Random Question Question!
Ted vs FCC
Shot of the Day, Bad Choice, TV TIme with Ted and Headlines!
Emails, Every Loss from Ted vs the FCC so far! Plus Headlines Mike is NOT working on!
Mens Room Question: Good or Bad: What was your most memorable experience involving food?
This week we talk about Father's Day plans and VD joins us for some lovely conversation of Father's
Ted's Meat & Potatoes