cover of episode World Leading Psychologist: How to Master Your Emotions & Deal With Negative People

World Leading Psychologist: How to Master Your Emotions & Deal With Negative People

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The Mel Robbins Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Mel Robbins
一位专注于领导力和个人成长的著名_motivational speaker_和播客主持人。
Susan David
Mel Robbins:分享了自身因压力导致情绪失控的经历,并提出人们在当前社会环境下更容易情绪化,难以应对他人负面情绪的困扰。她认为需要学习有效的情绪管理技巧,特别是应对那些无法控制自身情绪的人。 Susan David:情绪失控源于世界快速变化和缺乏情绪应对技巧的教育。她提出“不受约束”的概念,指人们与自身脱节,缺乏内在的稳定性。她强调培养强大的内心,如同体操运动员的内在核心,才能有效应对外界的压力和挑战。她分享了自己因信任被破坏而情绪失控的经历,并指出情绪爆发虽然能暂时缓解压力,但无法解决问题。她建议人们接纳自身情绪,并通过练习增强情绪掌控能力,保持内心的平静和稳定。 Susan David:情绪的目的是帮助我们适应和生存,但我们常常错误地看待情绪。她强调情绪、想法和故事都是正常的,接纳它们,而不是试图压制或逃避。她建议人们细化情绪,准确识别情绪的成因,并找到解决问题的方法。她还提出‘温柔的接纳’,即以同情和好奇的态度对待情绪,这有助于人们更好地管理情绪,并与他人建立健康的界限。她还强调语言的重要性,建议用更精准的语言描述情绪,例如用‘我注意到我感到悲伤’代替‘我很悲伤’。 Susan David:处理他人情绪失控的关键在于保持冷静和同理心,避免共同抱怨;要学会准确识别情绪,并找到解决问题的方法。被动攻击性行为往往是由于孤独、无聊或不公平感等情绪导致的;与其指责他人,不如尝试理解其背后的需求和价值观。应对情绪化的行为,关键在于保持冷静,理解对方的情绪,并尝试进行有效的沟通;要学会接纳自己的情绪,并与他人建立健康的界限。 Susan David:讨好型人格往往源于对负面情绪的不适感和对他人期望的过度关注;要学会接纳自己的情绪,并设定健康的界限。处理复杂情绪的关键在于接纳不适感,并以好奇和同理心的态度面对;不要试图控制或逃避情绪,而要学会与之共处,并从中学习和成长。不适感是获得有意义生活所必须付出的代价;要学会接纳不适感,并勇敢地面对挑战。

Deep Dive


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Today, you’re getting a masterclass in how to manage your emotions and deal with people who cannot tolerate their own. 

Whether you find yourself constantly annoyed, frustrated, or angry…

Or if you’re sick of dealing with people who can’t handle their own emotions…

This episode is for you. You’ll learn powerful, practical, and science-backed skills to master your emotions so that you can stay calm when you’re stressed, be fearless under pressure, and reach your potential.

Dr. Susan David is here to share her best advice with you. Dr. David is an award-winning Harvard medical school psychologist and bestselling author who has been studying emotions, happiness, and achievement for over 20 years. 

She is here to explain how your thoughts and feelings directly affect your actions, careers, relationships, happiness, and health – and exactly what to do about it. 

For more resources, including links to Dr. David’s work, click here) for the podcast episode page. 

If you liked this impactful episode, you’ll love listening to this one next with Dr. Becky Kennedy: Why Am I So Triggered? 3 Steps to Control Your Emotions & Rewire Your Response to Stress)

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