Mel Robbins
一位专注于领导力和个人成长的著名_motivational speaker_和播客主持人。
梅尔·罗宾斯在她的新播客中,将分享她过去十年帮助数百万人改变生活的经验和方法。她将分享自己的生活经历,包括生活中的高潮和低谷,并提供科学依据的工具和建议,帮助听众创造更美好的生活。播客内容将涵盖广泛的主题,例如焦虑、人际关系问题、职业挑战以及个人成长等。她将与听众分享自己的秘密,并结合最新的研究成果,帮助听众解决问题,庆祝他们的突破。此外,她还会与自己的孩子讨论他们的问题,为听众提供更真实的案例和更贴近生活的建议。播客每周更新两次,旨在为听众提供可立即应用于生活的实用建议,帮助他们克服挑战,实现个人成长。 梅尔·罗宾斯相信每个人都有能力创造更美好的生活,她希望通过这个播客与听众建立联系,成为他们生活的一部分,并激励他们不断前进。她将分享自己的人生经验和感悟,帮助听众找到解决问题的方法,并建立自信。她强调播客内容的实用性和可操作性,希望听众能够从中学到有益的知识和技能,并将其应用到自己的生活中,从而创造更美好的未来。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, it's Mel Robbins, and I am so excited to share this news with you. I'm starting my very own podcast, and I could not be more ready for this. Are you ready? The Mel Robbins Podcast has a simple mission to inspire, motivate, and empower you with the tools and advice you need to create a better life.

I've spent the last 10 years helping millions of people with my best-selling audiobooks and by speaking on stages around the world and with the Mel Robbins podcast. Boy, would I love to help you. Now, you may be wondering, Mel, how's this podcast different from everything else that's out there? Great question. It's totally different. ♪

Because with this podcast, I can welcome you into my life in a way I've never been able to do before. I'm going to share my life with you in real time. The ups, the downs, as it's all happening. I'll bring you behind the scenes, teach you all my best secrets, and distill the latest research as we are laughing and learning together. Some days, we'll talk about anxiety, both yours and mine.

Some days you'll hear me help listeners just like you as they face their struggles, and then we're going to celebrate their breakthroughs. And occasionally, you'll listen in as I talk to my own kids about their relationship problems, career challenges, and deepest insecurities. That is, if they pick up the phone. Mom, I'm literally in the village. Like, you gotta just throw me a bone here.

Absolutely everything is on the table. And I promise every episode of the Mel Robbins podcast will be packed with takeaways that you can apply to your own life. Starting this October, I'm going to be here for you and ready to connect with you twice a week with a new episode dropping Mondays to get you ready for the week and a second one dropping Thursdays to get you through it.

So subscribe wherever you listen to your podcast so the Mel Robbins Podcast can be in your queue, ready to entertain and support you. And I also want to tell you this. I'm here for you. I believe in you, and I believe in your ability to create a better life. And I cannot wait to connect with you and be a part of your life every week, twice a week, with the Mel Robbins Podcast. ♪