cover of episode How To Reinvent Yourself & Make The Greatest Comeback Of Your Life (At Any Age)

How To Reinvent Yourself & Make The Greatest Comeback Of Your Life (At Any Age)

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The Mel Robbins Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Mel Robbins
一位专注于领导力和个人成长的著名_motivational speaker_和播客主持人。
@Mel Robbins :人生的各个阶段都可能需要自我重塑,这包括职业变化、寻找人生目标、成年后交友、重大生活变故后的重启、分手后的约会以及大学毕业后的规划等。她将提供一个逐步的流程,帮助人们重塑人生,并强调自我重塑并非从零开始,而是利用之前的经验、智慧和韧性。人生如同一次旅程,要掌握方向盘,而不是仅仅作为乘客。关于约会、职业转变、开启人生新篇章以及寻找人生目标等问题,核心都是关于自我重塑,即明确目标并付诸行动。自我重塑并非从零开始,而是基于过去的经验。人生如同公路旅行,自我重塑就是规划路线、选择目的地和规划路线的过程。自我重塑的第一步是“停车休息”,反思现状并规划未来。人生中的挫折和意外如同公路旅行中的意外事件,需要停下来处理,然后继续前进。不要沉溺于过去,要向前看,规划未来。人生中的挫折和意外可能并非坏事,而是引导你走向正确方向的契机。分手后,要专注于自我提升和自我爱。感到情绪低落是正常的,关键是要识别并积极应对。应对情绪低落的第一步是承认现状,第二步是设定目标。设定目标能带来能量、可能性和改变。当感到疲惫不堪时,添加一些积极的活动,而不是减少活动,可以提升能量和效率。对时间的感知和对生活的态度,与个人的叙事有关。人生只有一次,不要在自动驾驶模式下度过,要勇敢追逐梦想。 @Sarah : 描述了她40岁面临的困境:糟糕的婚姻、失业和体重增加,并表达了对开启人生新篇章的渴望和恐惧。 @Jen : 分享了她经历分手的痛苦和挣扎,以及在工作和生活中感到迷茫无助的感受。 @Mechano : 讲述了他即使生活顺利,却仍然感到情绪低落、缺乏动力和目标的经历,并表达了想要改变现状的愿望。 @Denis : 分享了她二十年来一直梦想成为配音演员,并在过去六个月内付诸行动并取得显著成就的经历,展现了她积极进取的精神和对梦想的执着追求。

Deep Dive

Mel Robbins introduces the concept of reinvention and how it applies to various life stages and situations, emphasizing that reinvention is about tapping into desires and taking bold action.
  • Reinvention is not about fixing what's broken but about tapping into desires.
  • Mel shares her metaphor of life as a road trip to explain the process of reinvention.
  • No matter the age or stage, everyone can choose their next destination.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, Mel is giving you the step-by-step roadmap of how to reinvent your life.

Whether you’ve just graduated, you’re an empty nester, or you’re somewhere in between, this episode will provide you with the steps to make a pivot.

You’ll learn why reinvention is not about fixing what’s broken, but about tapping into your desires, following your curiosity, and taking bold action. 

By the end of this episode, you’ll be fired up and ready to take control of your future. This is an encore episode with new and exciting insights from Mel at the top of the episode where you’re getting Mel’s simple guide for stepping into your next chapter.

For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this one next: 9 Small Things That Will Make a Surprisingly Big Difference

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