cover of episode Trump's New York Surge, and Hillary Says Asking For Kamala's Policies is Sexist, with the Ruthless Podcast Hosts | Ep. 893

Trump's New York Surge, and Hillary Says Asking For Kamala's Policies is Sexist, with the Ruthless Podcast Hosts | Ep. 893

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The Megyn Kelly Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
John Ashbrook
Josh Holmes
Megyn Kelly
Michael Duncan
Megyn Kelly:对美国总统大选的民调结果进行分析,指出特朗普和哈里斯之间的竞争非常激烈,并对一些关键摇摆州的民调结果进行了详细解读。她还讨论了哈里斯在竞选活动中的一些表现,例如她使用新的拉丁口音以及她在辩论中的表现。 Josh Holmes:对哈里斯的政治策略和言论进行批评,认为她像变色龙一样,根据不同的听众改变自己的言行,让人无法信任她。他认为哈里斯缺乏明确的政治立场,并且为了赢得大选,会不择手段地改变自己的立场。 Michael Duncan:对哈里斯的政治策略和言论进行批评,认为她的言论前后矛盾,让人难以捉摸她的真实立场。他认为哈里斯为了赢得大选,会不择手段地改变自己的立场,并且民主党已经实现其目标:建立一个自我运行的行政机构,并利用纳税人的钱来满足自身利益。 John Ashbrook:将哈里斯与特朗普进行对比,认为哈里斯是典型的政客,而特朗普则更加真实直接。他认为哈里斯利用性别和肤色等因素来提升自己的形象,并且民主党在2020年和2024年都操纵了总统候选人的提名过程。 Hillary Clinton:为哈里斯缺乏政策立场辩护,认为这是性别歧视的体现。她认为人们对哈里斯缺乏了解,以及对女性总统候选人的偏见,导致了对她的政策立场提出质疑。 Nancy Pelosi:对哈里斯赢得民主党总统候选人提名进行解释,认为哈里斯赢得提名是因为她政治上精明,而不是因为存在公开竞争。

Deep Dive

Kamala Harris debuted a new Latina accent while speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, raising questions about her authenticity. She frequently boasts about being in the "Role Model Club" due to her identity, but this has been met with criticism and eye-rolls. Her actions highlight her tendency to adapt to her audience and raise concerns about her core beliefs and policy positions.
  • Kamala Harris adopted a new Latina accent.
  • She repeatedly calls herself a role model due to her gender and race.
  • Critics see her as a chameleon who changes her persona for different audiences.

Shownotes Transcript

Megyn Kelly is joined by the hosts of the Ruthless podcast to talk about Vice President Kamala Harris debuting her new Latina accent, bragging about being in the "Role Model Club" multiple times throughout the years, and what it means for American culture, her cringeworthy moments and inability to speak coherently, Hillary Clinton's ridiculous claim that people who want to know Harris' policy positions are sexist, Harris refusing to take definitive positions because she's trying to win the election, Trump's massive rally in New York last night, the way he balances humor with heartfelt moments, Trump's appearance on the comedy news show Gutfeld, what the latest polls tell us about 2024, the breaking news that North Carolina GOP candidate Mark Robinson may drop out of the race, the rumblings about some negative reporting coming out soon, the wild rhetoric coming from a recent MSNBC guest comparing Trump to Hitler, Hillary's crazy comments about the dangers of Trump, the outrageous comments made by Sunny Hostin and a recent MSNBC guest regarding interracial marriage, the "brain rot" on the left over Trump, and more.

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