cover of episode Trump's Fascinating Rogan Appearance, Michelle Obama's Shame Tactics, and Why Actor Zachary Levi Endorsed Trump | Ep. 928

Trump's Fascinating Rogan Appearance, Michelle Obama's Shame Tactics, and Why Actor Zachary Levi Endorsed Trump | Ep. 928

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The Megyn Kelly Show

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Andrew Walworth
Carl Cannon
Megyn Kelly
Tom Bevan
Zachary Levi
Megyn Kelly:特朗普在麦迪逊广场花园的集会演讲很精彩,但其团队的安排却适得其反,喜剧演员的表演过于粗俗,损害了集会效果,竞选团队应该避免疏远西班牙裔、郊区女性和黑人选民。特朗普在Joe Rogan播客上的表现出色,但其竞选团队随后的失误抵消了这一积极影响。媒体对特朗普集会的负面报道与其集会内容本身无关,而是媒体预设的偏见。民主党也存在双重标准,在批评特朗普集会言论的同时,却忽略了自身活动中的类似问题。 Tom Bevan:特朗普集会因一位侮辱性喜剧演员的表演而被媒体过度解读,掩盖了集会本身的积极影响。最近的民调显示,特朗普的支持率有所上升,而哈里斯的支持率则有所下降。奥巴马夫妇试图通过施压而非说服的方式来影响选民的投票行为。民主党初选选民在2019年拒绝哈里斯,这表明并非种族主义和性别歧视导致哈里斯无法当选总统。 Carl Cannon:特朗普竞选团队在麦迪逊广场花园集会上的安排是一个严重的错误,可能对选举结果造成负面影响。特朗普竞选团队长期以来都存在忽视选民群体感受的问题。特朗普在Joe Rogan播客上的表现展现了他思维缜密的一面,这与公众印象中的他有所不同。哈里斯作为总统候选人的表现不如预期。 Andrew Walworth:将特朗普集会与1939年纳粹集会进行比较是牵强附会,这种做法会疏远选民。哈里斯竞选团队在媒体活动上的表现不佳,这与他们拥有的资源和人脉不相符。哈里斯无法像特朗普那样在Joe Rogan的播客上进行长时间的对话,这反映了两人能力上的差异。米歇尔·奥巴马为哈里斯辩护,认为人们对哈里斯的要求过高,这是一种不公平的指责。 Zachary Levi:他认为自己是一个自由意志主义者,政治立场较为温和,但同时在社会问题上较为进步。他认为这次选举至关重要,因为面临的选择是两个截然不同的候选人。他虽然对特朗普的一些言行有保留意见,但他认为特朗普在第一任期内取得了一些成就,而哈里斯则不具备担任总统的资格。他认为哈里斯将成为一个更阴险的体系的傀儡。他认为人工智能将对就业市场造成巨大冲击,因此他决定挺身而出。他支持特朗普是因为他认为特朗普、肯尼迪、加巴德等人组成的团队能够真正地改革美国。他认为媒体对特朗普的负面描述是虚假的,导致公众对特朗普的误解。他意识到公开支持特朗普可能会损害他的事业,但他仍然选择这样做,因为他相信这是上帝的旨意。他相信爱是解决社会问题的关键。在2017年经历了精神崩溃,这让他更加关注精神健康问题。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the Trump campaign allow an off-color comedian to perform at a rally?

They did not vet the comedian's remarks ahead of time, leading to an unforced error that overshadowed the event.

Why did the media react strongly to Trump's Madison Square Garden rally?

The media exaggerated the event, comparing it to a Nazi rally in 1939, to fit their narrative of Trump as a fascist.

Why did Michelle Obama use shame tactics to convince men to vote for Kamala Harris?

She argued that men's anger and disappointment could harm women if they didn't vote for Harris, framing the election as a moral imperative.

Why did actor Zachary Levi endorse Donald Trump?

He believes Trump's team, including RFK Jr. and Elon Musk, can effectively address corruption and improve the nation's health and economy.

Why did Kamala Harris struggle with her public appearances?

She often appeared inauthentic, switching accents and failing to answer questions directly, which turned off voters.

Why did the Democrats have high hopes for Kamala Harris as a candidate?

They believed she would quickly gain her sea legs and be a stronger candidate than Joe Biden, but she failed to meet expectations.

Why did Trump's interview with Joe Rogan gain significant attention?

Trump maintained energy and humor throughout a three-hour conversation, showcasing a side of him not often seen in traditional interviews.

Why did the media criticize Trump's military knowledge?

They portrayed him as ignorant and contemptuous of military values, but his Rogan interview showed admiration for military leaders.

Why did the left-wing media compare Trump's rally to a Nazi rally?

They used a historical event at Madison Square Garden to draw a false equivalence, aiming to paint Trump supporters as extremists.

Why did the Democrats celebrate Eminem's endorsement of Kamala Harris?

Despite Eminem's controversial lyrics, the Democrats saw his endorsement as a boost from a popular cultural figure.

The discussion focuses on the impact of Trump's Madison Square Garden rally, particularly the controversial remarks made by a warm-up comedian, and whether this could negatively affect Trump's chances in the upcoming election.
  • Warm-up comedian's offensive jokes overshadowed Trump's positive message.
  • Critics argue the event was 'bro-tastic' and alienated female voters.
  • Media reaction exaggerated the event's significance, comparing it to a Nazi rally.

Shownotes Transcript

Megyn Kelly is joined by RealClearPolitics hosts Tom Bevan, Carl Cannon, and Andrew Walworth to talk about the fascinating conversation Trump had on the massive Joe Rogan podcast, Trump's insight into his biggest first term mistake, the massive rally held by Trump at Madison Square Garden, the unforced error by the campaign in allowing the focus to be offensive jokes from a warm-up comedian, whether that and other "brotastic" speeches could actually negative affect Trump's chances next week, the left and corporate media trying to connect Trump's MSG rally to a Nazi rally in the 1930s, they left's hypocrisy in embracing Eminem on the trail and George Lopez' Mexican joke at a rally, Kamala debuting a new accent at a Church service, her awkward "beer" moment with Gretchen Whitmer, a tease that Beyonce would perform at a rally that she just spoke at, Michelle Obama’s comments trying to shame men into voting for Kamala, her tactics of fear and division, and more. Then actor Zachary Levi joins to discuss his decision to support Donald Trump in 2024, why he went from supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard to supporting Trump, the "Avengers" team Trump has assembled with RFK and Elon Musk, his decision to speak out knowing it could hurt his career, why Trump has proven to be the anti-establishment candidate to fight against the system, how his decisions are driven by God, and more.

Bevan, Walworth, & Cannon-


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