cover of episode Press Covers Up How Extreme Kamala Was, and What "Eating Pets" Media Focus Shows, with Buck Sexton and Steve Deace | Ep. 886

Press Covers Up How Extreme Kamala Was, and What "Eating Pets" Media Focus Shows, with Buck Sexton and Steve Deace | Ep. 886

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Buck Sexton
Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kelly:主流媒体存在严重的偏见,对特朗普的报道 overwhelmingly negative,而对哈里斯的报道则 overwhelmingly positive。媒体对哈里斯关于变性手术和非法移民的真实立场缺乏了解或故意忽视。 Buck Sexton:媒体为了赢得选举,不可能诚实地报道哈里斯的立场。哈里斯利用替罪羊和媒体盟友来掩盖其真实立场,这与2020年隐藏拜登病情的方式如出一辙。媒体对哈里斯极端立场的报道不足,Kaczynski的报道被主流媒体忽视。哈里斯支持在联邦身份证上增加第三性别选项,并支持为非法移民和罪犯提供变性手术。哈里斯支持结束移民拘留设施和与移民相关的私人监狱,并大幅减少ICE的资金,这是一种激进的立场。拜登-哈里斯政府对边境问题的处理造成了严重的非法移民问题,包括数百万等待庇护听证的人和数百万非法入境者。拜登-哈里斯政府的移民政策导致了创纪录的非法移民涌入,这些人来自180多个国家,对美国城市造成了灾难性的影响。拜登政府的政策鼓励非法移民涌入,这些人缺乏教育和技能,对经济造成负面影响。庇护城市政策妨碍了执法部门的工作,导致非法移民犯罪行为增加。非法移民涌入对美国城市造成了负面影响,包括奥罗拉和斯普林菲尔德。委内瑞拉移民涌入奥罗拉导致了暴力犯罪的增加。 Megyn Kelly: 主流媒体对特朗普的报道存在严重偏见,对哈里斯的报道则 overwhelmingly positive。哈里斯在2019年的ACLU问卷调查中明确表示支持为被拘留的移民和联邦囚犯提供纳税人资助的变性手术,媒体对此的反应和ABC辩论中对此的回避构成严重失职。哈里斯利用替罪羊和媒体盟友来掩盖其真实立场,这与2020年隐藏拜登病情的方式如出一辙。媒体对哈里斯极端立场的报道不足,Kaczynski的报道被主流媒体忽视。

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Welcome to The Megyn Kelly Show, live on Sirius XM Channel 111 every weekday at noon east.

To set the record straight, with all the lying that is going on in the mainstream media, it's cathartic for me to sit here and talk to you directly about what is real and the absolute lies being told to you in every corner of the media.

The debate this week between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris exposed ABC's Trump derangement syndrome as it has officially descended into no longer being a news organization. That is better for us to know. It's truly between that Media Research Center report on how the coverage of Kamala Harris was 93 percent positive, 92, and Trump was 97 percent negative. And then what we saw on Tuesday night, it's

It's great. It's great to have these reminders because most of us aren't watching them like a hawk. We're off living our lives. But it's important to know these things. Of course, it's not just ABC. We are learning a lot about the biased corporate media in the wake of the debate all over the place with organizations like Time magazine, The New Yorker and CNN proving they either do not know or do not care about Kamala Harris's actual positions, actual positions.

There are some egregious examples and we're going to get to it all. Joining me now is Buck Sexton. He's co-host of the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton show and host of the Buck Sexton show.

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Tax Network USA's support and take charge of your financial future. Visit slash M-E-G-Y-N today. Buck, welcome back. There's so much to go over, but here's where I think I want to begin with the media, including Time Magazine telling us that

It's not true that Kamala Harris supports, I'm not going to say supported, she hasn't reversed herself, taxpayer-funded sex change operations for illegal immigrants and prisoners. Illegal immigrants and incarcerated people. Trump raised this at the debate yesterday.

And many in the left-wing media freaked out, saying it was another crazy Trump lie. Notably, there was no question about this by the ABC moderators. And then you had reactions. I'll get to the Time magazine, but just I'll give you a taste for how this went. Here's Keith Olbermann in Soft 5. There was then an extraordinary moment in which, you know,

What were we expecting in an hour and a half long debate? 50, 60 outright fabrications and lies, all of them familiar. Well, we have a new one. We have Kamala Harris wants to take your tax money to perform transgender operations.

on illegal immigrants. The fact that she was able to manage for 90 minutes, almost without interruption, a look of I'm about to burst into laughter, but I'll manage to control myself because I love the flag is something I've never seen before in politics. Okay. So he's obviously an extreme nutcase, but let me tell you about Time Magazine. Time Magazine

The headline is, "How Kamala Harris Knocked Donald Trump Off Course." The former president repeated a baseless internet rumor that migrant invaders were killing and eating pet dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio, and claimed that Harris wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.

This is all under the auspices of how off base and a factual Trump is. They had to issue a correction yesterday at time magazine quote, this story mischaracterized as false. Donald Trump's statement, accusing Harris of supporting transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison. As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants.

They had to call themselves out after all the blowback they got because this is not Breitbart reporting that Kamala Harris reported this. And I like Breitbart, but I'm just saying the left wing always dismisses them. It was CNN and Andrew Kaczynski, a K-file who now is being

harassed because of his reporting and unearthing this ACLU questionnaire she filled out over the death of his young baby daughter by insane lunatics on the left. Then there's the New Yorkers' Susan Glaser, who is a far left loon. She has a piece titled Donald Trump had a really, really bad night.

His line about how the vice president, quote, wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison was pretty memorable. What the hell was he talking about? No one knows, which is, of course, exactly Harris's point. As of 5 p.m. last night, I haven't checked it yet this morning, no correction by the New Yorker or Susan Glaser. This is the K-File report.

by Andrew Kaczynski. He did what a reporter should do. He pulled her ACLU questionnaire she filled out in 2019. And indeed, she answered yes to all of this controversial stuff, saying indeed that, let me find it. Let me get it exactly. Okay. She supported

She wrote, she supported taxpayer funding of gender transition surgeries for detained immigrants and federal prisoners. Harris was asked if as president, she would use executive authority to

Harris replied, quote, yes. And then she added, quote, this is her writing.

It is important that transgender individuals who rely on the state for care receive the treatment they need, which includes access to treatment associated with gender transition. She viewed gender transition treatment, quote, as a medical necessity and said, I will direct all federal agencies responsible for providing essential medical care to deliver transition treatment.

This is a scandal and the media failure and actual pushback on it is a secondary scandal. And the fact that ABC did not raise this at all is a third scandal connected with scandals one and two. Your thoughts.

Well, first off, I've seen video of Kamala Harris, which is now circulating where she essentially states that position and actually takes credit. We have it where she's speaking of what she did for prisoners. No, it's OK. I'll let you finish. But that's where she's speaking, what she did for prisoners. The additional bonus of funding these procedures for all illegal immigrants here is another piece of it.

But I'm just saying, I mean, there's no question about this. The only question is how long the media thinks they'll be able to lie and then pivot. I mean, look, Megan, as far as I'm concerned,

uh, concerned about all this stuff is from what I see, uh, it's a good news, bad news situation. I'll start with the bad news. Um, there's going to be nothing but what you are talking about until the election, uh, because this is the whole game plan. It is impossible for them to be honest about Kamala Harris's record, uh,

Uh, and, or, or just who she is and what she stands for and have a realistic shot at winning this election. They know that, okay. They're, they're not so delusional that they think that if it came out, what Kamala has stood for, not just, you know, it's not like we're dredging stuff up from what she wrote about in a college editorial. This is when she was vice president. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, as far as I can see, she was running for vice president in 2019.

I mean, these are all of her beliefs until five weeks ago. I mean, this whole thing is absurd. But that's the thing about this one. She's done nothing to reverse this, unlike all the other things. And we can talk about whether those are real reversals, but she has not reversed this.

Yeah, well, I think that she won't reverse it, by the way, no matter how much pressure, no matter what comes out about it, she'll do what she has done up to this point, which is bizarre. But again, I understand the strategy. It's have surrogates tell media allies she's no longer on that

position so that then people like me and you and anyone else out there who just wants to get to the truth is always hit with this, hey, here's Kamala's policy. Oh, that's not her policy anymore. And you go, says who? Says some anonymous source from the campaign that told Politico or Axios or whatever. It's absurd. But we have to remember that they used this same tactic in 2020 of hiding Biden and

So they were able to hide a dementia patient from the American people. By the way, I know he got worse and I would admit that he got worse over the last four years, but it was clear that he had lost many a step and wasn't where he needed to be even four years ago. They hid a dementia patient from the American people, made him president. They're trying to hide a communist from the American people or a far left radical or however you want to describe it, a San Francisco Bay progressive.

They're trying to hide who she is until after the election. Then it's, oh, fooled you. But I did. I told you there was a good news part of this. The good news part of this is that the more that this has set in, I think, Megan, the more the reality comes to the forefront for anybody who is still thinking about this election, meaning they're not in for one side or in for the other.

This is it's just a sham. But what the media did, what ABC did, I mean, you couldn't have scripted it any more clearly that there is a machine that's operating against Trump. And I think the good news for Trump is he defies the laws of legacy media gravity. They can throw everything they have at him. They can throw four criminal prosecutions at him as they have. They can defy.

break all kinds of norms and cross Rubicons and throw institutions out the window in order to get Trump. And somehow it doesn't stop him. And I actually think that they're getting increasingly desperate, which is why what you're talking about, again, the Kamala, they're trying to back up Kamala, but it's so sloppy that it's actually just going to bring more attention to how dishonest the whole Kamala campaign is. Yes.

So that's how I see it playing out right now. The attempted fact check of Time magazine and the New Yorker of Trump's comment only to have it come boomerang back in their faces. They can't believe, even they can't believe she's this radical.

This K file report didn't get enough attention. It really has been almost ignored by most in the mainstream media, corporate media. And it that's it doesn't stop there. Here's just a quick one. This is a problem for people like me and you. But here she is. He references.

in this piece of the fact that when she was at a town hall event in New Hampshire in April 2019, she was asked by a voter if she supports adding a third gender to federal ID cards. It's quick, but watch. Right. So as president, I was wondering, would you recognize a third gender marker on federal IDs? Sure.

Sure. She wants a third gender. She wants us to pay for sex change operations for people who are here illegally and for felons who are in prison. And then this thing goes on to talk about what she wants to do on the border. You know, now she's John Wayne. She's down there. She's personally wants us to believe when she was A.G. and D.A., she was down there making sure none of them there are immigrants are coming across that southern border. It isn't true. This is OK. What she said.

When asked about criminal justice reform, she wrote she would end immigration detention facilities along with private prisons related to immigrants. Harris also said she supported decreasing funding for ICE dramatically.

that she wanted to end the use of ICE detainers, meaning ICE requests to local and state law enforcement to hold an individual up to 48 hours beyond their release time so ICE could take them into custody. That's Sanctuary City. What she's saying is she wants to make this a sanctuary country that ICE would no longer be able to issue detainers anywhere.

Because she would like to end the use of ICE detainers so that all illegals who commit crime in this country, if arrested on petty crime, would not be turned over to ICE and deported. This is radical, radical stuff. And then they point out that as San Francisco DA, she supported immigrants' rights by defending the city's sanctuary status. Yeah. Look, Megan.

The one area where I had some frustration with with Trump and just in terms of getting across his message was was on the border and really just on the invasion of this country by illegals who are overwhelmingly scamming the system. They know what they're doing.

they're abusing the system and they're abusing it really in collusion with the Biden-Harris administration. The numbers are absolutely staggering. I don't think Trump actually got out during the debate, and I think this is a good opportunity to remind everybody that when all is said and done, the number of people who are

inadmissible and you get into all these legal technicalities, right? There's a legal entry, but then they do secondary or defensive asylum requests. So then they're technically in the country legally for a period pending their asylum hearing. Oh, does anyone want to know how many people are pending their asylum hearing? It's in the millions right now. They're not going to be seeing asylum judges until 2045 or something. It's a total disaster. 10 plus million illegals coming into the country illegally.

over the course of Biden's four years, which, of course, Kamala Harris is the number two and was the border czar for. And if anyone's wondering, what does enforcement look like under the Biden administration? If I could have just whispered this into Trump's ear. And again, I think overall, actually, him dealing with the onslaught really sort of

did what it needed to do for him, which is just look at what a scam, what a sham this is. But if I could have whispered something in his ear, it'd be not only 10 plus million illegals, and that's an estimate, I'll admit that. That's actual illegal entries, which is over 8 million in four years. 10.4 million. Plus all the gotaways. 2.34 under Trump. 2.34 under Trump's four years, 10.4 under Joe Biden.

And Kamala Harris.

142,000 deportations total. And that includes people in most cases. That's not interior enforcement. That's people who were caught near the border and were turned away, essentially. So they've changed the way that they actually put numbers to this so that it can make it seem like effectively everyone needs to understand if you're in this country and you are illegal, the chance of you being deported unless you kill a few people and even

Even then, by the way, if it's like a drunk driving accident, you know, you'll have the ACLU saying, oh, human rights is effectively zero. So while Biden and Kamala Harris are talking about how Trump killed some bill, which isn't even true, the smart Republicans in the Senate knew that the whole thing was a trap and a scam and wasn't going to do anything. They have destroyed interior enforcement. So the number that everyone's seeing that's really important, the 10 plus million, that's catastrophic of

Of course, but the fact that you've also gotten rid of, right? It's like it's getting bigger on one end and getting smaller on the other.

This is the worst border illegal immigration invasion we have ever seen as a country by far. Nothing else even comes close. People talk about the 90s with a lot of Mexican nationals come. Megan, they were coming back and forth and often being counted many, many times. And they were working and then going back to Mexico and coming back in the country and going back into Mexico. These are single adult males from 180 countries.

And we see what's happening in different cities across the country. And what everyone needs to understand is that Kamala and Joe want this. This is not a side effect of their policies. This is the policy. They have this CPB1 app that lets you...

You know, it's like an app now that in a whole bunch of different countries, Nicaragua, Haiti, Venezuela, you can set up your appointment. The Biden administration has been flying people into the country under this, under reunification, hundreds of thousands. And then they give them temporary protected status. They're never. And when I say this, people yell at me. They say, well, Trump will kick them out. If Democrats have their way, they're never going to leave.

What happens with all these people? We don't know anything about them. There are a number of them. I can't give you a percentage that are serious criminals. Now we have to handle that. They can't compete in the economy. Most of them don't even have an eighth grade education in any language, never mind being able to speak English. What are we going to do? It is a disaster beyond...

And I sit here and I look at what the media is trying to say about Kamala and Joe. They want to secure the border. What you said, Kamala is going to go down on the border, be serious about this. It's like she's the greatest arsonist in history posing as a firefighter. That's so well said. You're exactly right. I wanted to do this since the debate, because my I share your frustration about

Trump on immigration in particular. And there's just so many opportunities for him to shove it down her throat. And he tried to bring it up, but it just didn't do the most effective job of it. But I've, I have this little bit I'm going to show you with these soundbites. It's just a, it's a run. It's just this one Q and a, it went for two minutes, but I, I sliced and diced it. So you can see, we can forensically go through just how effed up the whole thing was this clip. I'm

David Muir was, how frustrating Kamala Harris was and how frustrating Trump was, which is why we're all feeling so frustrated about this debate. Those of us who do not want to see this woman ascend to power in the presidency. So let's let's go to the issue of when they did ask Kamala Harris about what took you so long to try to do anything about the border. Right. Six months before the election, Joe Biden puts by puts a Band-Aid in place to try to look like

Oh, we've got control of the border. We all knew why he was doing that. He doesn't care about the border for all the reasons you just espoused. So here's the question to Harris. My question to you tonight is why did the administration wait until six months before the election to act? And would you have done anything differently from President Biden on this? Okay, good question. Why did it take so long? And would you have done anything differently? Here we go. Fair question. Let's hear what she has to say.

So I'm the only person on this stage who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations. John Wayne. For the trafficking of guns, drugs, and human beings. And let me say that the United States Congress, including some of the most conservative members of the United States Senate, came up with a border security bill, which I supported. And I'm going to actually do something really unusual. And I'm going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump's rallies. Because it's a really interesting thing to watch. Nothing to do with immigration.

You will see during the course of his rallies, he talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter. He will talk about windmills cause cancer. And what you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom.

So she pivots off of one of the most important issues in the country today. Why didn't you do anything about this? And would you have done anything differently than your boss to his rallies? And we all knew what was going to happen because she was like something shiny over here. And Trump, that is his trigger spot, his rallies, his crowd sizes ran like Strudwick after the liver snaps. When I throw them on the side lawn, ran for it with gusto. Here he is.

People don't leave my rallies. We have the biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of politics. That's because people want to take their country back. Our country is being lost.

OK, so then you're like, please pivot back to the issue. Please, Trump, bring it back to immigration. Like shove all those facts that you just said down her throat. He could have brought up Lake and Riley. He could have brought up the families he's been spending time with at the border, whose daughters have been killed at age 12 by these illegals crossing into America. He went a different way, which it was an issue and it's fine to talk about. It was not the best issue. Here's where he went.

And look at what's happening to the towns all over the United States. And a lot of towns don't want to talk. It's not going to be Aurora or Springfield. A lot of towns don't want to talk about it because they're so embarrassed by it. In Springfield, they're eating the dogs, the people that came in. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what's happening in our country.

Now David Muir comes in to save the day more. Oh, here I am. Objective fact checker. I'm going to hammer orange man. Watch.

I just want to clarify here, you bring up Springfield, Ohio, and ABC News did reach out to the city manager there. He told us there had been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed, injured, or abused by individuals within the immigrant community. Well, I've seen people on television. Let me just say here, this is the- The people on television say my dog was taken and used for food. So maybe he said that, and maybe that's a good thing to say for a city manager. I'm not taking this from television. But the people on television say their dog was eaten by-

the people that went there. Again, the Springfield city manager says there's no evidence of that. Vice President Harris- We'll find out. Now the moderator is arguing with Trump over a city manager in Springfield, Ohio versus what Trump has seen on television. By the way, that's why you should not fact check a thing that is in dispute and has not been settled, David Muir. But things are spinning off the rails. How far away are we right now from the

the Joe Biden immigration policies and whether she would have done anything differently. So now he turns to Harris. This is your opportunity, David Muir, to get this thing back on track and look at her and say, the question, madam, was would you have done anything differently than Joe Biden did? He does turn to Kamala Harris and this is what happens. So I'll let you respond to the rest of what you've heard. You talk about extreme. What?

That's not the fucking toss. This is, I think, one of the reasons why in this election, I actually have the endorsement of 200 Republicans who have formally worked with President Bush, Mitt Romney and John McCain, including the endorsement of former Vice President Dick Cheney and Congress member Liz Cheney.

The toss to her is not, would you have anything to say? Just a follow up? Would you like to respond? It's, you didn't answer the question. You talked about rallies. And of course, what does she say? Nothing about immigration. All these Republicans love me. He's unhinged. This is why we felt sick when this thing was over.

Well, this also shows you and I like that you broke it up in that way. It's very clear that Kamala Harris memorized different little speeches and responses and her whole game plan was get to speech A, get to speech B. It had nothing to do and avoid, of course, actual policy discussion, which is which is what happened happened there.

That was, I'll be honest with you, Megan, I'm having a little flashback trauma to watching that just because- Me too, me too. That was, if these are two boxers in a ring, that was Kamala Harris, unsteady on her legs,

ready for the knockout blow and Trump going off into the corner and doing a little dance and waving, you know, to people in the crowd. That for me, and she, and it just makes me so mad because she knew exactly what she was doing and it worked. Okay. You and I, it worked. She was able to- It worked. Like a charm.

Work like a charm and Trump went right for it. And but, you know, the other side of it. And I know that there's there's a lot of people who like they think everything Trump does is great. I'm not one of those people. I do like Trump a lot and support his presidency with with all that I can.

he's not a, he's a great presenter and entertainer. He's not a skilled debater. Those are different skill sets. You and I know, like there are people who, people say, oh, so-and-so is so good, so good on current events. I'm like, they read off a piece of glass. They don't know anything, right? I mean, they're, even within media, people can have different areas of competency or lack thereof. Same thing in politics. But I do think that

Because of the, I don't know if persecution narrative is the right way to put it, but because of the sense that everything is always stacked against Trump by the establishment, this very much plays into that. Trump has never had a great debate performance, you know, has never had a great debate performance. I don't know. I don't agree with that. And yet has still won. I don't agree with that. He sliced and diced those Republicans in 2016. I thought he was good.

Oh, I'm thinking about general election debates. But yeah, I mean, that's he's very good and funny when he has what was amazing about Trump in the general election. I'm sorry, in the primary against Republicans was how much he was able to command the stage, right? Like you've got eight other people there or whatever it was.

And it was like Trump and really nobody else was there. And that's like a superpower, right? I mean, really, most of the time you have all these politicians like, excuse me, like, you know, they look like the kid in the class who really wants to get in and answer all the questions. And it's just not a Trump just stands there. And with limited time was always the center of attention, no matter where he was. And he was actually center stage because he was first in the polls in general elections. I mean, I'd have to think back. I don't think he did a great job against Hillary Clinton in the debate. I think he had an amazing campaign and obviously won that.

I can't say that he did a great job against Joe Biden. To memory, I'd have to go back and look at it the first time around. He obviously had a knockout blow against Biden this time around, but

It wasn't really just Joe Biden. It wasn't really him. It was Joe Biden. He was good. I mean, Trump didn't step on it. But here's the thing, Buck. I also think the debates. I agree with you. Look, I think people understand how unfair this was. I do think people understand how unfair this was. And I don't think this debate is going to move the polls. And we'll get to people who disagree with me. We've got some of that sound queued up. But this Trump has been spending time

with grieving families whose kids were killed by illegals. He knows, he knows these facts. It's just, he's driven by whatever he's seen on TV most recently, but we have been covering, I mean, look at this soundbite. He went down to the border and he met with moms who talked about the murder of their daughters. Watch this.

she's 12. she had dreams to be famous she wanted to be a famous actor june 17th was the day her life was taken she was left with no clothing from the waist down was thrown in a bayou left and strangled to death

We believe, yes, she was assaulted. They had no reason to do anything that they did to Jocelyn. There was over 300 detention beds that they should have been at because they were detained and they were released when they shouldn't have been released. And one had an ankle monitor. It didn't stop anything. So now I have to go through the rest of my life with my son.

always asking for his sister. Please take into consideration how important border control is because we're losing very innocent people to heinous crimes. Please help him make a change.

This poor woman, her name is Alexis Nangare. Her daughter was Jocelyn. There was another mom down there, Patty Morin, talking about her daughter's murder. And both of the suspects had illegally entered the United States this morning.

year. They were released into the country. One had claimed he feared for safety if he'd been sent back to Venezuela. The other was fitted with an ankle monitor, but removed it after it was determined he had no known criminal history. And they're murdering 12-year-old American girls.

This is not just about Trump. Yes, that's what Trump should have said. Those two girls, Lake and Riley, for the listening audience, Trump was standing next to these mothers. He took the time to go down there and meet with them and listen to them, unlike Kamala Harris. But that's not where we went with the debate. And because of ABC News, that's not where the debate wound up being steered when it got off course into GOP officials love me and rally sizes, which was all a Kamala Harris determinant.

Well, one of the most important things in the immigration debate that I think people should always have in mind, and I think Trump, he's having these events where he's allowing people to hear these stories, which are gut wrenching, but the American people need to know is that the decision is being made in these sanctuary cities day in and day out to

effectively get in the way of law enforcement. I mean, they won't do this with anything else, by the way. I worked at the NYPD Intelligence Division for about 18 months when I was a CIA officer. So it's a long story. But anyway, I was there and you had federal, local, all these different law enforcement agencies that were working together on immigration is where all of a sudden that suddenly breaks down. It's only because of politics. And there are these decisions made by really every large city in the country right now

that they won't help with immigration and customs enforcement. So what that means is that when you have somebody in the country who's an illegal and they're arrested in many cases, and then ICE says, hey, they put in something called the detainer request. They say, hey, can you hold on to that individual? We're coming to get him.

in New York, in San Francisco, in Chicago, in LA, good on the list. They say, no, we will not help you, federal law enforcement. We are specifically letting this person out so that you can't get them. And sometimes those individuals, in some of the most high-profile cases recently, by the way, go on to murder, rape, do heinous things.

After that, they're in the country illegally. They broke an additional law, whatever it may have been, to be taken into custody. But the people in charge who are Democrats think it is more important that we import the third world and pay for all their stuff.

than to protect the American people from exactly these kinds of situations. I just think it's so important, Megan, because, you know, there's this idea like, oh, all these illegals come in. How could we know? No, they specifically decide that criminal illegal aliens, which I know is kind of saying the same thing twice, but I mean, additional criminality to their legal status in the country. They don't want to deport them either.

They don't want to deal with, you know, the ACLU and Amnesty International, all these groups that are going to say that's a human rights violation. You mentioned that this guy said that this, you know, this one perpetrator,

said that he fears violence in his country. I've been at the border. I've seen the wristbands that are just in massive piles on the ground that say that you've paid off the cartel, different colors or whatever, to make sure that they know what your status is. That's how much of a business this is for the drug cartels, by the way, which means a tremendous amount of human trafficking, of sex trafficking, of minors. I mean, horrible stuff going on at the border, making the cartels billions of dollars.

And they train people. They actually tell people that all you have to do is say that you have a credible fear in your home country and you'll be able to get through this screening process at the border because we're a bunch of chumps. They actually tell, sometimes they have little sheets of paper, Megan, that they're trained to read off of.

And the border patrol guy has to go, okay, credible fear of violence in your home country, 180 countries. It is so much worse than 90 something percent, I think, of the country honestly realizes. Yes. And we're being scammed in ways that, I mean, you know, I'll tell you my relatives in New York City who live right in Manhattan, they see it and they understand it in a way that very few people do these days. It is a mess. Well, that's why it was smart of Trump, though,

maybe not our number one issue to raise. I mean, I would have rather heard about the dead Americans, the dead children, but it was smart of him to raise what's happening in Aurora, Colorado and in Springfield, Ohio, because these are two of the centers that have been overwhelmed in one with Venezuelan migrants in Colorado and one with Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio. Overwhelmed.

these towns are with these migrants that have been shipped there by the Biden administration. The City Journal, which does a great, they do great reporting in general, but in a piece entitled Chaos and Aurora that came out the day of the debate, how the federal government subsidized the migrant madness in suburban Colorado, does a great job of documenting what happened

in Aurora with these Venezuelan migrants, some of them members of gangs who have taken over a series of apartment buildings there and unleashed terror that some have been implicated in attempted homicides, shocking security footage showing heavily armed men forcibly entering one of the apartments. Look at this.

And that this is all at the Biden administration's hand. The story begins in 21 when the Biden administration signed the American Rescue Plan. They allocated $3.8 billion of federal funds to Colorado. The city of Denver declared itself welcoming to migrants and drew on the reservoir of money to launch an emergency migrant response resettlement program, wanting to house and provide services to this massive flow of migrants Joe Biden had allowed.

Denver signed multimillion dollar contracts with two non-governmental organizations to provide housing and services and so on. They created a magnet is what they did. Buck. And now the citizens of Aurora, Colorado are overrun. And what's happening in Springfield,

Ohio is equally disturbing. We've now spent three days arguing about whether cats are being killed. There are testimonials that they are. The city manager says it's not true. I don't know what's real. I know that poor city is overwhelmed. And you want to know how I know? Because we watched that entire city commissioner meeting, not just the most incendiary soundbites, which we've shown the audience of the guy claiming that ducks are being beheaded and eaten from the local pond.

There's also a 911 call of people calling saying they're stealing geese and killing them. There's also a Facebook post of somebody saying they skinned a cat and hung it up like a deer. Unverified, but it's there. But listen to this woman talking about what her life is like living in Springfield Sop 9. I was looking at the giant holes in some of our buildings. I noticed all of the old familiar spots bearing new signs in an unfamiliar language.

I watched as groups of strangers walked around the city like lost tourists, and it was like a punch in the gut. A terrible sadness came over me, and I began to cry.

I immediately started to think back to when I was little, walking from my grandma's house on South Fountain through downtown and all the way to Snyder Park, going to Wren's to get new school clothes and shoes. The excitement of the mall for lunch at the Blue Fox or even better to see Santa, riding down High Street, admiring the beauty of those stately homes and their amazing architecture, dropping pennies in the fountain and making wishes.

And now all those warm memories are becoming fuel to the fire of anger inside of me. I feel like we have been invaded by some sort of pest. I'm angry that my friends and family are packing up and moving away. I'm angry that foreigners are using up the resources that were set up for the Americans that reside here. I'm angry that another country's flag was being flown in our city.

I'm angry when I see our businesses and recreational areas littered with garbage left by people that do not know or understand our laws and culture and are making no attempt to learn about them.

And let me be clear, this is not about race. This is about people being given the privilege of coming here from another country and having no respect for our people, our land, or our life's work. People living their life here the way they did in Haiti, angry, stealing, polluting, living in filth, and acting like animals. These are not civilized people. Opening containers in our grocery stores, helping themselves to what's inside, and throwing the rest onto the shelves and floors.

Pulling off of the highway to publicly clean and gut the roadkill lying there in front of anyone that passes by. Stealing animals from farmers and leaving their severed heads at the site of an old school where children play. Relieving themselves in public. Making some barbaric stew out of the birds that live in our park. This is insanity and it has to stop.

Coming soon to a city near you, thanks to Biden-Harris. Buck. You know, I spent in my earlier years, Megan, in the CIA, I spent a number of years of my early life in some very nasty third world places where there's tremendous poverty, tremendous corruption. And the

the anarchy of a failed state all around you. One of the ways you can actually always tell about how sophisticated or not a country may be is by how it deals with its crash. And for example, anytime someone brings up that recent migrants have a different

handling of refuse, culturally speaking. You're told, oh, that's so horrible. It actually is true all over the world. This is a reality that countries that are orderly and have rule of law tend to also be better about dealing with their refuse. So all these things that she's saying that she's dealing with

not surprising to anyone who's been to countries that are as poor as Haiti, as I have, and dealing with these things. It always falls on the working class. It falls on people who just bought their first home, who have been saving up for years. And now in their neighborhood, in their schools, in their local hospital, it's deal with it. If you have a problem with it, you're a bad person. Why don't you want all these migrants here? I think of the case of New York City, for example, and the way that

There are so many migrants now that first of all, hotels, you want to go to New York for the holidays. Guess what? You're going to be paying, I think, 20 or 30 percent more than you ever have before in the city of New York. Part of that, I know, is also the Airbnb ban, but it's a big percentage of the hotel rooms.

are being given to these migrants. People who understand the history of Ellis Island in reality, not just the poem on the Statue of Liberty, will tell you that about a third of Italian migrants during some of the great waves of migration to the United States went back home.

Why did they go back home? They went back home because there was no welfare state here. And if you couldn't make it, it just was too hard. And they wanted to go back to the home country. I think very few people know this. I think more people should know this. I think a lot of people should go check out what it was like for Irish and Jewish and Italian and other immigrants to this country in the early 20th century, living in the tenements of the Lower East Side. You know, there's the Tenement Museum. Yeah, they were just putting their children. I'm sorry.

Those are my people. That was our family. I come from Irish potato famine people. They would have outbreaks of cholera and typhus and they'd be stacking their children dead out front like firewood and nobody cared. It was a different time. People who talk about this like, oh, give me your tired, your poor, your weak, your hungry. They're showing up now with

with food cards and free housing and free medical care. If this is the new policy, we need to take in a billion poor people who don't give a crap about America, but they want free stuff. We can't actually do that. They sent Trump's accountant, I know this seems like a huge digression, but I don't think it is at all. They sent Trump's accountant to prison in Rikers Island for not putting company use of a car on his taxes.

But then they're giving people who are not even supposed to be in the country free hotel rooms with your tax dollars. I mean, think about the country we live in. Think about the two tier justice system that exists. This whole thing is absolutely insane. And I mean, if I were Trump, this affects the economy. This affects our our our cultural and political continuity as a nation.

I think this is the biggest issue that exists right now. And Kamala and Joe Biden are the worst ever on this. It's not even close. Obama was the quarter in chief badass compared to them.

Yep. I agree. And it's not, you know, yes, we have these reports about what's being done to animals, but you don't have to go that far. Listen to what that woman said. Listen to, there was a young boy who was killed after one of these migrants hit a school bus. 20 children were injured and one boy killed and he was not the only one. Take a listen to this soundbite again from the city council meeting on Tuesday. It's not 12.

My mother-in-law, Kathy. On December 1st, I received a phone call that changed my life forever. She was collecting her trash can from her driveway when a car struck and killed her instantly. A task she had done over 2,000 times spanning four decades in Springfield. That morning, though, a Haitian immigrant was allegedly driving recklessly when he struck and killed her.

I say allegedly because to this day there's been no punishment, not even for the expired tags on the vehicle he was driving. Months before she was killed, I began noticing the reckless driving and complete disregard for our driving laws by some members of the Haitian community. It made me angry. But now my anger has turned to fear for the safety of my family and the citizens of Springfield. Okay, but let me just add to this, Buck, because this is how the media is coming after it.

Do you see this story everywhere? Do you see what's actually happening in Springfield, Ohio or Aurora, Colorado, all over the news? No, this is why Trump and others have raised it. For whatever reason, this pet narrative has gotten more attention. And this is what NBC, Yamiche Alcindor, says to J.D. Vance when she gets access to him. This is how she decides to hammer him on this whole issue. Watch this in SOT16.

Well, I don't think that...

No one has spread false claims. What they've said is that a small migrant community, 20,000, so it's big for the city of Springfield, but it's small compared to all Haitians in the United States of America, that that small migrant community has caused a lot of problems. It's led to higher rates of communicable diseases. That's a verifiable fact. It's led to animals disappearing. Many of my constituents have said that has been happening.

It's led to higher home prices. That is a verifiable fact. So this influx has led to a lot of poverty in Greenfield. But you said that immigrants have eaten animals, and city officials have said that that's not true.

have said that's not true, that's not actually accurate. What they've said is that there's no evidence that immigrants are eating animals. And you have been saying, and Donald Trump just said on stage, that they are eating animals. I'm asking you- Would you like me to answer the question? Yes, I'm asking you- Keep interrupting me. I'm asking you-

Can you ask the question and then let me answer it? Yes, please. The city manager said there's no verifiable evidence. A lot of residents on the ground have said that there is. That just means the city manager, I think, isn't fully in touch with what's going on on the ground there. I've heard from many of my own constituents who have seen these things with their own eyes, who've seen these abductions with their own eyes, who've seen geese being taken out of local parks and slaughtered in front of their eyes. What do I think is a bigger problem? Insulting 20,000 people or the fact

that my constituents can't live a good life because Kamala Harris opened the border. Perfectly done. Yeah, I just want to note that there were some people on the right who were, oh, J.D. Vance, they were getting all worried about him. J.D. Vance is a super high wattage guy who I think represents the American dream, the American dream for all, you know, for all races, for both genders, you know, which is you don't have to come from a lot and you can make a tremendous amount of yourself. And I think that that doesn't get nearly enough

attention these days because it's all, you know, you didn't build that and it's the state that has to help you and everything is collectivist. It's garbage. I know that's a little bit of a digression, but I just think JD got from our side, got a lot of people all of a sudden questioning like JD is is incredibly sharp. He's not by the way, he's not even like a friend of mine or anything. I'm just objectively looking at I think his skill set that never happened. And I think what

We we've always been very supportive of the pick. Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, absolutely. His morality is just his honor, his honor. I mean, I got to know him a bit back when I interviewed him five years ago and six years ago now.

The he's an impressive Republican panty grabbing over J.D. Vance and him not being like a Nikki Haley was ridiculous at the time. He's proven himself to be a brilliant pick by Trump. And, you know, let's be honest, if J.D. Vance had been under the same kind of fire Trump was under the other night, it probably would have been handled much differently, which is why some of us are looking forward to this VP debate.

Yeah, well, I think I think J.D. Vance is going to wipe the floor with Tim Walls to anybody who look, Walls knows he's sort of his his like cuddling. I'm just a Midwestern dad. I've got so much flannel. I mean, we all know where he's going to go with some of this stuff. Fortunately, you know, it's just he's such a clown, but he's also weird. I think Tucker's been saying that a lot. And I agree with Tucker. There's something. Tucker says he's a creeper. He goes, mark my words, that guy's a creeper.

I mean, I don't I don't think Tucker's wrong on that. So but but back to the substance of what J.D. was saying here and what he's saying about the sort of Haitian migrant community in this area. Find me any town of 40,000 people anywhere in the world.

and dump 20,000 foreigners on it who overwhelmingly don't speak the language, certainly don't share the culture, and are suddenly just there, essentially, of course, supply and demand is still a real thing. Housing costs are going to go up. Emergency room access is going to go down. My friends, New York City did a study, I think it was about six months ago,

30% of ER visits in New York with 8.6 million residents, 30% of them were illegals, were the migrants. You know what that means? You go in there and you've actually like dislocated your shoulder in a fall. It's well, you know, we've got these guys who've come in and, you know, they have to get first line services here. And the places that get hurt the most, Megan, are the places that don't even have the resources. New York is spending billions of dollars. Springfield, Ohio doesn't have it in the budget to handle this.

But this is what the Democrats are doing all over the country. We have a wide open border. Our country is falling apart in slow motion because of this. Anybody who understands the issue can see it. And I just hope that Trump, I don't know if there's going to be another debate, but I hope that the campaign makes this very clear to everybody because single biggest thing they're going to try to do is find some way to do

People keep saying, oh, they can't get amnesty through in Congress. Megan, there are a million little tricks they'll pull where the amnesty isn't even going to matter because they'll have been here for 10 years. We're living in amnesty right now. This is, we have a de facto amnesty at the moment. It is an amnesty. Fuck, I got to run. Thank you for coming on. It's great to see you, my friend. Thanks. Thanks, Megan.

Speaking of Tucker, you guys want to tell you tonight, uh, tonight I'll be headed to Kansas city, Missouri to appear with Tucker on, uh, on the road. He's been doing this sort of road show thing. And, uh, I'm really looking forward to it. If you, I think there are a couple of tickets left. We'd last week checked. It was like 95% sold out. So that was a couple of days ago, but check it out. It's Tucker slash events.

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Monumental happens here.

Joining me now, Steve Dace, host of The Steve Dace Show. Steve, great to see you again. So continuing a discussion that we just started with Buck Sexton, we were talking about what's actually happening in Springfield, Ohio and in Aurora, Colorado, as the media just freaks out over just what kind of animals are being killed, if any, and in what context, and completely ignoring the actual human toll of what's going on in those cities. Played a little bit from that town hall or city council meeting earlier.

With Buck, I wanna get a little bit more on the record because it's actually deeply alarming. Let's take a listen to Sat 10. Mr. Heck, I sent you video of the homeless people living in the back of Lincoln School. I have the pictures here today.

They're living in back of Lincoln School. I even showed you video of them. You could see the monkey bars. Nothing has to be done. Code enforcement won't come out. The police won't come out. Come to the real life. Go to Walmart and watch those Haitians open up jars of the tomato paste, pizza sauce, dip their fingers in it, and they eat it. Go to Kroger's. You know how Kroger's has a little fruit up front for like five bucks?

They pick it up and start eating it, then discard the thing. I've seen them do it. So I'm not here saying I know they're doing it. I've seen it. The city is going to shit.

And you guys think we're doing good. But my car insurance goes up. So I called nationwide, which is my car insurance and my homeowner's insurance. You know what they said? Because the accident rate in Springfield has tripled. I don't see any squatters, tent cities or anything here, but we got them in our neighborhoods. Shouldn't we share?

Are we all not in this together? Are we all not in this together? I've heard people express concerns about personal safety, women who are afraid to walk in stores, women stalked out into parking lots with their children. But not once have I heard people complain about race. And I wish you guys would stop pushing this through the filter of identity politics because it's allowing you to ignore our real concern. And that's what you've been doing. You've been ignoring us.

Very powerful. Your thoughts on it, Steve? Well, number one, if they saw all of our cat memes on X, Megan, that means they saw all of the videos like the ones you just played that accounts like yours and mine have and shows like yours and mine have been sharing with our audiences for the last few days.

Right. And so that's one of the beauties of social media, particularly X since Elon took over in 2022, is everyone has no excuse. The idea that you do not know, the idea that you just didn't hear about this or you didn't see this stuff. Cognitive dissonance is no longer permitted. Everything now is into the information gene pool.

Everybody sees everything, right? So if they, I think that's a point we need to stress. If they saw our cat memes, which were wonderful, by the way, but if they saw our cat memes, then they saw these kinds of testimonies that we shared as well. And so it's very simple. Why don't they just go there, find these people, interview them and see if there's any factual basis to their claims. And then number two, I've done mission work in Haiti.

extensively and have seen most of that country. And I got to tell you, what's being reported on the ground by people like what you just played in Springfield is exactly what I saw on the ground in Haiti. It's a decimated country. It's a decimated culture. And, you know, there were movies like Gangs of New York written about when, you know, my ancestors came over here from Sicily and Italy and some of the things that they did.

to bring some of the old world ways that destroyed their culture and tried bringing them over here as well. But the difference was at that point in time in our history, the institutions pressured you, incentivized you into assimilation, to leave that stuff behind and assimilate into what it means to be uniquely American.

We don't have those kinds of things anymore. And so you can see Haitian immigrants that have lived in Florida, for example, for many, many years, where you have institutions down there, particularly under the current governor, that incentivize, if not punitively punish you. If you do not want to be a law abiding citizen, if you don't want to set your craven desires and some of your base instincts that destroyed your previous culture, you don't want to set those aside. You won't get away with that.

in places like Florida. And you've seen now onto a second generation of Haitian immigrants, they have assimilated very well and they're productive members of the culture. The problem we have under Kamala Harris as borders are and Joe Biden as president, I guess, is that all the institutions actually are weaponized against those that want

to make people assimilate, that want people to incentivize people to assimilate. You are instead encouraged to bring your basic instincts and craven nature that destroyed your previous culture and bring them here and let the freak flag fly. And if anyone, including the taxpaying citizens, dare to stand up and say, hey, I'm going to call BS on that. That's not how we do things. We have a social compact in this community. We don't just openly pillage and plunder one another. We don't just commit acts of violence.

violence against animals, live bait out in the streets, you know, like a third world country. You're the racist. You're the problem. And herein lies the problem, Megan. We can't share a country with people who have completely decimated our social impact or compact and then try to punish us when we want to reinforce it. We don't want to. We don't want to. Those people are being very honest about the same feelings we would

all have if this happened to our community. But unlike what happened with Haitian migrants in the past, this has been dumped on them. This has been dumped on them by the current administration. On purpose. On purpose. All in one fell swoop, right? It's not like a natural migration situation. Correct. I guess just Springfield, Ohio was one of the towns chosen by Biden-Harris, and now they're dealing with the real life effects of this. I'll give you another soundbite. This one is SOT 11. Listen to this poor lady. I am...

a disabled elderly woman that has such high anxiety leaving my house that I rarely do. And when I do, I'm armed and I have my 220 pound pit bull with me. I've been followed. I've been groped. I'm 58 years old. I've been called racist because I'm white. I'm scared. I'm scared for the women here.

I'm scared for my granddaughters.

I cannot believe the media is getting away with this, just zeroing in entirely on the dogs and the cats and the geese, which by the way, there's almost no doubt in my mind that the thing with the geese is happening. That's been proven. There's a 911 call. I don't know about the cats. I only saw the one post about that. But I also saw a pastor post saying that's true too. So it's unresolved at best. But their laser-like focus on this...

at the expense of all the human stories. They don't care. They just want to fact check on Trump on that one thing and ignore this lady and the men we just played in the butted soundbite before that and all of the carnage happening in that city and beyond because she needs to win and she'll be even worse than Joe Biden on this issue.

You know, I remember during COVID when Regeneron, that was the antibody treatment, was really helping to save lives. And just as the Sunbelt was getting its seasonal wave of COVID, suddenly the Biden administration starts rationing that treatment.

Right when those states that just so happen to be voting red right now, right when those states need it the most. I wonder, is Springfield, Ohio being punished? Because this used to be a swing state. I mean, Ohio used to be a state that was the bell cow determiner of presidential elections going back to the mid 19th century.

And it's a state that in the Trump era has become reliably red. Basically, Trump did to Ohio in many respects what Obama did to Virginia, took it as a swing state, one that leaned one way. Well, now Ohio is even deeper red than Virginia is blue. And so I wonder, why didn't they drop these people off at Martha's Vineyard? Why didn't they drop them off in Manhattan? Why didn't they drop them off in Hollywood? Why weren't they dropped off in Portland?

Why were they dropped off in Springfield, Ohio? Are you being punished for wrong think? Are you being punished for wrong vote? It's just funny how this always, always seems to work one way, right? You don't ever have to see the folks on Rodeo Drive or the Upper East Side show up at the city council meetings wondering why are there vagrants going and migrants going through our stores and opening up dried goods and just eating them there and killing geese and walking into my home. Funny how that stuff never seems to happen there. Weird.

Hmm. On the subject of the 911 call, I will play this for you just so you can hear it in part. Um, so, so far again, just to make clear, we've had at least the Facebook posting, they're skinning cats and eating them. We have had now I'll read you the pastor's, uh, recitation claiming that is true unverified, but that, that is in writing from a pastor, uh, and his friend who relays what he said. And the pastor himself is available on Twitter. We're actually reaching out to him as others are, I'm sure as well. Um, and we've got,

The the video of the man at the city council meeting saying that they had grabbed ducks and beheaded them. We heard the other person at the city council meeting say the same thing, that they're killing the ducks from the local pond. And now here's a 911 call on the geese.

I'm sitting here. I'm riding on the trail going to my orientation for my job today. And I see a group of Haitian people. There was about four of them. They all had geese in their hand. There was two men, two women, and two women.

I couldn't tell the eights. I'm trying to make it to this orientation on time. I'm time crunching here. And I saw that. I'm like, yeah, this has got to be reported. How many geese did they have? They each had one.

I mean, like who would do a fake 911 call over this? I guess we're just supposed to dismiss it. And last but not least, Steve, this is the guy, Michael Forster, Foster is his name. He's the pastor of East River Church and co-author of It's Good to Be a Man. He lives with his wife and eight children on a small farm in Ohio, which is outside of Springfield. And he said this post is about his other pastor friend in Springfield. He says...

I know two local Catholic charities who have contracted with the federal government to relocate quote refugees. The results are predictable and I can confirm the stories are true. Traffic accidents involving Haitian drivers have skyrocketed property damage, hit and runs more. One kid was killed when a driver slammed into a school bus filled with kids. Petty crime is out of control. Stores are locking down merchandise due to rampant theft. Driving without a license is ubiquitous. The schools are chaotic.

The local district has to spend north of $300,000 on translators. Some of these Haitian families have bank cards from somewhere with $20,000 earmarked for buying homes. The market was already tight and now the prices are soaring. Don't get me started on the hospitals. And yes, the stories about Haitians killing and eating neighborhood cats and ducks from the local parts is true. He goes on from there. Instead, what we got was David Muir,

overriding all claims to the contrary, putting all stock in this city manager whose politics I haven't looked into, but I bet they're left leaning from him saying, you can't be racist. And it's unfortunate that this has turned into a contest of hate. In any event, that's what we have in our media, not interested. And when the issue comes up, fact check erroneously.

Everything that that pastor described, I saw with my own eyes on the ground in Haiti. Megan, I'm just going to tell you the most harrowing experience of my entire life was driving through Haiti in our van.

I mean, between having to be in a bullet-protected vehicle, there were no traffic signals, no traffic signs. It was Lord of the Flies, Megan. I mean, it was every homo sapien for themselves at full speed. I finally had to just put my head down and not even look out the window. I was going to have my very first ever PTSD on-time real-board experience. So everything and then the practices of the culture in terms of etiquette and food and

Everything that he describes is what I saw on the ground in Haiti. The problem also then becomes what I said earlier. When your institutions no longer incentivize assimilation into the broader culture, but instead are weaponized against you,

who want to defend your culture, who want to have assimilation into your culture. And right away, you're a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic bigot that just goes to show you right there the conditions are on the ground for this stuff to be true. It's what's in their culture. I saw it with my own eyes. On top of that, we've all lived through the last few years, and we know that our border's been wide open. Our institutions are weaponized against us. Your former network has been running a graphic for two months now

about the jobs for immigrants compared to native born. I mean, it's almost as if I was trying to stir up and this weird thing that Biden has been saying whenever he's lucid about, you know, we've got bombers, you guys can't shoot us. It's kind of weird. If I was trying to instigate and stir up the populace of my opposition to act out so that maybe I could act against them. These are

Really, the kinds of things that you'd be kind of doing in order to stir those kinds of feelings of resentment and sentiment, a lack of agency, a lack of representation. Nobody listens to you. This stuff is really sinister.

You know what I would do is I would move, but I have the resources to do that. Most people cannot just up and move. Particularly in this economy with these interest rates, this is the worst housing market since at least 06. And when you factor in the overall cost of living now and the overall taxation level now, I would economically argue it's the worst housing market in American history right now. It's not easy to move.

If I moved, then they'd accuse me of white flight. Correct. Of course, you're trying to avoid the skin color of these people as opposed to the behavior on the subject of fact checks and these ABC debate moderators, because we're still on that as well. The Seattle Times weighs in with this fact check of Trump. Trump was out there the other night. Do we have what he said teed up or I'll just I'll just tell the audience what he said.

Um, okay. He said, quote, we have it standby. Okay. Let's watch it. South four. One of the people that burned down Minneapolis is going to be prosecuted or in Seattle. They went into Seattle. They took over a big percentage of the city of Seattle. When are those people going to be prosecuted? They took over a big percentage of the city of Seattle, the Seattle times,

Wanted to fact check that because Trump, I guess, according to them is egregiously wrong. Here's their fact check. The zone's size fluctuated, but it essentially occupied about six city blocks. They're mad that he said a big percentage

When it was six city blocks, which is a lot. But in the mind of the Seattle Times, they needed to fact check erroneous Trump again because he said large percentage. Never mind the people who were killed, who were robbed, who were beaten. The lawlessness once again, right? A complete not seeing the forest for the trees here. It's all about...

Is six city blocks a big percentage? Is it fair to say that cats are being eaten when really it might just be geese and ducks and the city manager says it's not totally verifiable? This is the gaslighting that we're being put through, Steve. Correct. 100%.

A hundred. It's a hundred percent gaslighting. And you saw that when, uh, when Kamala repeated the, the, the lie about Charlottesville and even Snopes and PolitiFact who are basically captured institutions themselves, even they couldn't hold that back any longer and declared those things to be lies. And there was no fact check about that whatsoever. Not, not, not, uh, Daniel Dale over at CNN. He said she only lied one time. And we believe that was about fracking in his view. We'll get to fracking, but not,

No, he didn't see any of those as lies. I think, first of all, we should congratulate David Moore. He has he I mean, it was a splendid audition to be a potential press secretary for President Kamala. I mean, he nailed that, stuck the landing. OK.

OK, so congrats on his potential future employment that hopefully will deny him on November the 5th. But this just goes to show I've used a term a few times here with your audience, social compact. I think we should unpack that a little bit. And basically, social compact, every all human relationships have forms of social compact. And it's that which intrinsically binds us together. And then we will itemize it, we'll quantify it in a marriage ceremony, in a constitution, in a declaration of independence, in a city charter, in a corporate charter, in a corporate monarchy.

And those are the things that intrinsically bind us before we quantify them, that this is how we are going to be in agreement in relationship, in business, and in marriage or in communion or community with one another. And what you're seeing right now on the American left is they are taking they've already shredded the Constitution.

And they are now taking the last thing that creates e pluribus unum in this culture, and that's the social compact. And they are violating it, the terms of the agreement. These are the kinds of things, if you've ever been a child of a divorce or watched a family member go through a divorce, when the relationship deteriorates to the point now that you will say the things out loud to each other that when you wanted the relationship to continue, you would never dare say.

That's where we are now when you will act against the other party in ways when you wanted the relationship and the arrangement to continue, you would have never dared done. Those are the things that you end up doing when you want it to end. Those are the things the American left is now doing to us. So well said.

The, the frustration of like the, the number of misleading statements that were made during the debate that have been made since the debate as the gaslighting continues is rising. It rises day to day. Um, CNN, you know, I'm having whiplash because they've got Andrew Kaczynski of the K file who did go pull to his credit, the ACLU, uh,

applicator questionnaire that she filled out. And it's just absolutely devastating what's in there. I talked earlier about the transgender surgeries for prisoners, for illegals on the taxpayer dime that she supports, the open borders and the defunding ICE and allowing the entire country to become a sanctuary country where we don't. I hate to interrupt. Can I ask you a question about that, Megan, for just a second? Do you mind? I want to ask you something.

Because you have been where I have not been, most people in our industry, particularly on the right, have not been, and most people in your audience have not been. You have been at the upper echelons of corporate media. And we were completely mystified on my show this week that Dana Burnett on CNN, normally when they do what Rush used to call accidental journalism, it's what you saw when they tried to get rid of Biden. They knew he couldn't win.

And so it was to further their narrative. And that's why they were doing journalism was for their narrative. But on our show, we were mystified when Aaron Burnett decided to tell CNN's audience that Kamala is really a communist and unearthed these kinds of things. We could not figure out for the life of us why they chose to do this. So I would like to know what you think. You've been there.

Well, so here's what's so interesting. So CNN has been trying to be more middle of the road to win back some of their centrist and right-leaning viewers since they left entirely during the Trump years under Jeff Zucker. And what it's, there's,

So there's still honest reporters at CNN and sometimes you see them. You know, I believe that Harry Enten is somebody who is trustworthy. There's a guy, his name escapes me right now, who does legal analysis, who I think is pretty down the middle. He's not bad. You've got this Kaczynski who does reports that Ellie Honing, that's who it is. You've got this guy Kaczynski who does these big

you know, larger exposés and has proven that even if it's a Democrat, he'll, he'll expose them. But then you've got the talent, right? At the, in the anchor desk positions, none of whom is open-minded to the right. I mean, truly like the, the people who control and are in the anchor positions at CNN are not, uh,

open-minded to Trump in any way, shape or form. So Kaczynski's done this big report and they've got to air it somewhere. So Aaron Burnett has him on. Okay, fine. What did you find? But she has no idea how far left Kamala Harris is. To her, this is downright shock. And to all of us, we're like, yes, we understand she's an insane left-wing loon, but here's what happened when he went on her show.

She said she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants. She also said she supported- Taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants. For detained migrants. She actually said she supported that. She wrote, both wrote and answered in the affirmative when she was asked this. And she said she also supported it for federal prisoners.

She doesn't believe it. Just like Keith Olbermann didn't believe it. The New Yorker Susan Glazer didn't believe it. Time Magazine didn't believe it. They just live in their own bubble, Steve.

There's an old joke about the morning after the 1972 election when Richard Nixon mopped the floor with George McGovern and a reporter for The New York Times gets into an elevator and they're just stunned at the results of that election, which were almost a mirror of the blowout LBJ had over Goldwater just about a decade earlier. And The New York Times reporter is said to have remarked, I don't know anybody that voted for Nixon.

And one of the last corporate media appearances I did before the media went from biased but usually credible on facts to just openly narrative casting and malfeasance, as we see today, is NPR. Their news hour brought me on the day after the 2016 election.

All right. And can someone explain to us from the right what we missed here, how we all got it wrong? And I asked Judy Woodruff was hosting the show. And I asked Judy, how many people alive on the air, how many people in your newsroom? You guys talk about diversity. And I come out of the newspaper business and I heard it at the newspaper. I worked at all my career, diversity, diversity, diversity as if it's a mantra. OK, but what about ideological diversity? How many people in your newsroom go to church at least once a month?

How many people in your newsroom are even moderately pro-life? How many people in your newsroom have ever voted for a Republican not named Mitt Romney or John McCain? And it got really quiet and really silent on the other end of that discussion. And Megan, that's the last time that the NewsHour on PBS ever invited me on.

Oh no. Oh, that's, that's unfortunate. No, you're exactly right. I've told the audiences before, but I was invited to go out West and speak with all these, you know, the high, all the tech companies that you know, and I spoke with many of them. And one of the things that they were looking at was how do we win back or

right wingers? You know, how do we become more fair when it comes to the way we cover the news? And I said, get some Republicans in here, actually employ them, put them on your corporate board, include them in the discussion. Yeah, that didn't happen. On the fact checking. So here's CNN. You saw Erin Burnett. It was a great point that you raised. She was stunned. She couldn't believe her own reporters reporting. Not for nothing. But this guy, Kaczynski,

he, this poor guy has been through a lot. His daughter, his baby daughter died a couple of years ago. And he talked about it on what wrote about it on Twitter. And it was absolutely heart wrenching. And if you have a heart at all, you watch this and you thought, oh my God, you know, the humanity and you prayed for him and his family. And, um, I saw he was attacked. He's getting actually attacked by a lot on the left, um,

over this report, you know, the tolerant left. And I'll just give you one of the comments.

At least your dead daughter will never know what a terrible person you are. Because of this report. I'm so sick of being lectured to by these people about how they're the tolerant ones and people who are more right-leaning are racists and intolerant and hateful, right? This is such an absurd. I'm worried about those people in Springfield. I'm worried about the families and the mothers down at the Southern border whose 12-year-olds are being raped and

and murdered. And I do have empathy for Andrew Kaczynski, even though he's probably on the other side politically than I am. I don't know. And he works at CNN. I don't care. I care for him. I'm sure he's done a lot of reports I wouldn't like. I don't give it. I would. What kind of a person? Anyway, it's just it's so aggravating. So on this on the topic of CNN, let me just take it here. Abby Phillip, who is one of their anchors. Right. So now we're back to

She's biased. She's really biased. She watched that debate on Tuesday night, and this is what she tweeted out about the fact-checking. Just FYI, when there is asymmetrical lying, there will be asymmetrical fact-checking. Okay, that's her. She has no idea. And then here she is today, no, last night, I think this was, seemingly unaware of the fact that

When Kamala Harris allegedly reversed herself on fracking at the 2020 vice presidential debate, she did not actually reverse herself at all. She only spoke of Joe Biden's position. If he were to become president, look how clueless this woman is.

She, in 2019, when she was running, she said, I'm done with fracking. We're going to do away with it. You can't say you're going to do away with it. They had her dead to right on that. What you can say as a candidate that I'm not in 2019, I'm not in 2020, and you know what? I changed my mind. I guess the point, the reality of it is that

She reversed herself in 2020. Like that. That's not true. No, she did. That's a weak argument. Look at that. She had no idea. She doesn't have to, Megan. She doesn't have to. There's no accountability. No one, no one, no one systemically gets held accountable for almost anything. I mean, Julie Swetnick

still out roaming the streets claiming Brett Kavanaugh's a marauding rapist. Okay. Okay. No one is ever held. Yeah. No one's ever held accountable for anything. And, and when you're, when you create an enclave of people where it's just, um, uh, you know, the two of you just sitting around and smelling each other's flatulence and saying, boy, that smells like rosewater. That's the best I've ever, that's the best I've ever torn one off. And no one questions that kind of reeks guys.

No one, no one, no one interrupts. No one interjects. No one calls BS. No one gets held accountable. No one goes to jail. Of course you're going, you don't have to be fact-checked. You are the facts. You don't have to know the truth. You are the truth. You, you are your own ministry of information. You are a law unto yourself. And that's what you see in this media culture. It's been funny, by the way, I don't know if you've been watching Nate Silver's feed.

Here for the last couple of weeks since he flipped his model to favor Trump and he is spending half of his time sub tweeting people on his fellow leftist who now he is suddenly a hack. Now he's suddenly terrible at his job. Now he is suddenly a sellout. Now he suddenly is is in the tank for Trump.

When I knew that we were really in trouble with corporate media, when we had gone, it was 10 years ago, the New York Times sent a reporter out here to Iowa to profile me before the Iowa caucuses for my role of influence in that process. 10 years later, they wouldn't even dare acknowledge someone like me exists. And when I knew that we were really in trouble, that we had moved from bias to malfeasance, is when I saw what happened to Andrew Sullivan.

And for people that don't know who Andrew Sullivan is, Andrew Sullivan is basically the Benjamin Franklin of the modern gay rights movement. He was their first great intellectual that was taken seriously by mainstream America, uh, and invited to the table of corporate news shows to debates, uh, as an open, as openly gay, uh,

He was even, I mean, with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Zack Snyder's, you know, Batman versus Superman as a figure of pop culture and a mock panel on cable news. He was, it's a name I know you know, he was a celebrated name.

Well, what happened is when he saw the trans stuff and everything else getting introduced and now we're going to try to give drugs we give to pedophiles and prisons to kids to deny them puberty and all this crazy stuff we're seeing right now, he starts speaking out against that.

And he's like, morally, I don't agree with that. Not to mention, I think politically, if you guys are trying to erase the gains that we have made on our side in this last generation, doing that to people's kids and that kind of backlash is a great way to do it. He got totally excommunicated by the movement he basically helped to found and he mainstreamed.

And when and that told me if there is no room at the end for critical thinking for the likes of Andrew Sullivan, who street cred on the left, who when many of these leftists who would say things like that, that you mentioned to Kaczynski when they were still in diapers, dude was out fighting people with my belief system, frankly, in the culture war. If there is no more room in the critical thinking in for the likes of Andrew Sullivan.

If I've got more in common with Andrew Sullivan than he does with corporate media, that gives you an idea now how that process is irredeemably broken. All I could think of was a couple of people made nasty comments about Tim Walz's son at that debate. And whether they knew he was special needs or not, I don't know. But it was vile and it was gross. It was inappropriate. And it was a story that went everywhere.

I wonder whether anybody, even at CNN, will report on the hate that Andrew Kaczynski is receiving because of this report. If they if, you know, bringing up his deceased baby daughter, like, is that something CNN might report on just to for the dignity of its own reporter and to defend its own reporter? I wonder. I'll wait.

Here's what's what's in the news now. As the reaction continues, you know, the left is celebrating what they think was a clear victory for Kamala Harris. And you've got Frank Luntz with this take on it. You know, longtime pollster and he does the focus groups. But Frank has never been a Trump fan at all. And it's colored a lot of those groups. Here he was on Piers Morgan after the debate.

Do you think Kamala won? And does that mean she may now win the election? I think more accurately is that Donald Trump lost. And this is not the worst debate performance I've seen in my career, but it's very close to it. It was a pretty negative performance, pretty pessimistic, cynical, contemptuous. And I think that this will cost him

Yes. I'm trying to decide if I want to go on record. And the answer is yes. I think that that he loses because of this debate performance. Oh, M.G. Nothing could be further from the truth. I don't think this is going to move the polls much, if at all. And I certainly don't think that by the time voters go to the ballot box on November 5th, they're going to be thinking about this debate. Steve, what do you think?

I've always tried to be, let me take this personally for a second, Megan. I've tried to be nice where Frank Lentz is concerned, even though I'm

He's not a voice I take seriously in my daily work. But early in my career, I got invited to a conference in New York and we have a mutual friend and he let me stay at his pad, okay? When he didn't have to do that. And I couldn't afford to go to New York otherwise if he had not done that, all right? So I've always tried to, it was nice, it was kind. And so I've just kind of chosen when he says something I find to be silly, which is often on various fronts, just to kind of look the other way, okay? Yeah.

So let me as politely as possible put it this way.

Listen, I'll be honest. If I were a Democrat operative and I've worked on presidential campaigns, I've done debate prep on I've done spin room for multiple presidential campaigns. If I was a Democrat, if I was a Kamala operative, I mean, I was I was down to the cuticles. I was down to the subcutaneous of my fingernails before that debate started thinking we're going to get knocked out right now, 50 days before the election. She at least survived. And so I'd be ecstatic if I was a Democratic operative. We got out of there and didn't get nuked.

OK, but but keep this in mind. Fifty four days ago, Joe Biden was still the nominee of the Democratic Party. About 61 days ago, Donald Trump took a bullet to the face. I mean, 54 days in an election.

is an incredible amount of time, particularly one that has had so many. I can't believe that happened, happens all the time in this election cycle. All right. I mean, the, the, I, the idea, I think if the, I think we put the wonder woman lasso of truth around Donald Trump there, I think he would tell us, you know, I had a chance to knock her out and I let her off the hook. Okay. But the idea though, that nothing else is going to occur over the next 54 days,

That will remove what people think of that debate.

Listen, Kamala survived. And to that, if I were a Democratic operative, I'd be ecstatic because there's a reason why she's still even after the debate. I thought Trump made a great point yesterday. Hey, if she if they really think she did so well, then why is she still not doing unscripted appearances after the debate? OK, but 54 days in this cycle is an eternity. Fifty four days ago, we were looking at a dramatically different election than the one we've been looking at right now. A lot can happen in the next 54 days.

I'll be fascinated to see what the short-term polling shows. I just, I'd be shocked if this actually moved the needle. I mean, they had huge ratings, 67 million people watched the debate because it was available, of course, across all platforms and all networks. And that's the total number.

I bet that the ratings were bigger in the beginning for the first half hour where Trump did a little better than they were as the debate went on. But I just don't I think people are too dug in on their general feelings about these two. And the flash focus groups done by the various networks, CNN, CBS, after the debate showed that if anything, people tended to be moving a little bit more towards Trump. So we'll see. We'll get an answer on this thing. But here's what's so galling about it, Steve.

You see this. I just I made a list just on the back of my packet today about what happened at that debate because it's so annoying. She tried to claim that Trump was lying when he said she wanted a mandatory firearm buyback program.

That was a lie by her. She said, stop lying. It's a lie. She's on camera saying she won. In fact, we have that queued up in a butted soundbite of what she said at the debate and what she's actually said in the past. Here it is.

This business about taking everyone's guns away, Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We're not taking anybody's guns away. So stop with the continuous lying about this stuff. I support buybacks, and it's something I'm so passionate about and so looking forward to being president to address. We've got to deal with this. How mandatory is your gun buyback program? It's mandatory. Stop with the continuous lying about this stuff.

Unbelievable. Done by the redheaded libertarian online. A great fact check. No fact check by David Muir or Lindsay Davis. Trump called neo-Nazis very fine people and the bloodbath. Yeah, okay. Trump did try to self-fact check that on the stage, so I can give ABC a pass on that one because Trump jumped in and tried to do it himself. Trump claimed that babies are being killed outside the womb. That is true here in America. And not only did they...

just, you know, that's a, that's a real thing. They did try to jump in on that when ABC in fact, check it to the contrary saying it wasn't true. It is true. I'll just give you a couple things in, in Minnesota, eight babies who survived abortions. That's the issue that Trump was trying to raise, uh, were abandoned and died. Five were born alive in 2021 during failed abortions. Um,

None received life-saving care to got comfort care. Three died in 2019. No life-saving care was provided. That's in Minnesota, the home state of one of the people who's on the tickets. Kamala Harris is running mate. It happened. National review pointing out in an article that

the CDC says 143 cases of infants born alive between 2003 and 2014. And they admit the CDC does, they could be underestimating the number word where they were born alive and allowed to die on the table, not giving life saving care because of this belief that if you, if a mother wants to abort her kid and it happens to be born anyway, that it has no rights to life. This is an issue for pro-life conservatives and pro-life Democrats too, that,

that ABC doesn't know anything about because that's not the, that's the bubble they're in. They don't, same way Abby Phillip didn't know about the fracking and, you know, none of these other, the guy in the elevator of the New York Times had never heard of anybody who voted for the conservative. Like that's, that's the problem here. She said that she, she laughed when Trump said she wanted to defend the cops. No fact check by David Muir. She is on record as having said that. She, let's see, she said it's not true.

that abortion can be performed in the seventh month as Trump claimed explicitly. She said the words not true. We are not doing this, she said. No fact check by ABC, even though last year, The Atlantic profiled a Colorado abortionist who performs elective abortions in month seven. Nine states in D.C. place no limit on abortions. In D.C., you can go to clinics who provide abortion of up to at least 36 weeks.

I could go on. Police died on January 6th. No, they didn't. No fact check. The fracking lie she told about how she changed her position, her position in 2020. No fact check by ABC. I mean, we could be here all day, but that's why it's so aggravating to see someone like Frank Luntz say Trump was cynical and lost the debate in a way that will lose him the election.

Trump walked into an ambush by Kamala Harris and her two media enablers and did the best he could. Was it what you or I would have liked? No, it wasn't. But any assessment of his performance that doesn't factor that in is dishonest. I'll give you the last word, Steve.

When elections are about issues, Republicans win. This is a metaphysical certitude of the universe of American politics. Iron law of the universe, as Tucker likes to say. When elections are about issues, Republicans win. Doesn't matter who the candidates are. When elections are about personalities, Democrats win. Doesn't matter who the candidates are. And every presidential election since the dawn of the television era has been decided by the side that better articulated a vision for the future.

Regardless of what you think about the performance of the two candidates on stage, the substance of what was unveiled, which may be the only unscripted moment, however unscripted it actually was, it may be the only unscripted moment of Kamala that the Trump campaign gets the rest of the way. There is a treasure trove.

of issues to hit her on. If I were on that campaign, my struggle would be narrowing down the message because there's at least 20 commercials there. If you run too many with too many different attacks, they become white noise and don't resonate. My heart, my temptation would be, how do I narrow this down to two or three and just keep hammering those over and over again? Because

She was forced, despite her performance, which I do think exceeded a lot of people's low expectations. She was forced to articulate things on the issues and expose herself that can be exposed now moving forward by the Trump campaign to their advantage. Oh, definitely. Well, I will see what they do because their ad game is getting better. But I did. I told the audience she was she was strong in that debate against Mike Pence. And she's very good at memorizing answers. And she proved that on Tuesday. Steve, great to see you. Thanks for being here. Thank you. Thank you.

You bet. All right, we'll be right back with another debate angle. We've got a body language expert who's got thoughts. I want to tell you about the Daily Wire's documentary that's exposing the left's precious DEI industry. It's called Am I Racist? And it's hitting theaters nationwide on September 13th. From the same team that brought you What is a Woman? This film proves that the only way to take DEI seriously is to laugh it into oblivion. Right on. Matt Walsh goes deep undercover. Yeah.

Well, you'll see how deep in the twisted world of diversity training and the results are as hilarious as they are shocking. Here's the deal. Let's pack these theaters for these guys. This is not just entertainment. It's a counterpunch to Hollywood's woke propaganda. Every ticket sold is a blow to the left's narrative. The more tickets sold, the more theaters will show it. That's how it works.

Go to and get your tickets now. Bring your friends, your family, even bring a liberal. They might actually learn something about this nonsense. Let's show conservatives can dominate the box office and make opening weekend a big success. Don't sit this one out. Head to and get your tickets now.

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Monumental happens here. I'm Megan. I'm Megan Kelly, host of the Megan Kelly show on Sirius XM. It's your home for open, honest and provocative conversations with the most interesting and important political, legal and cultural figures today. You can catch the Megan Kelly show on Triumph, a Sirius XM channel featuring lots of hosts you may know and probably love. Great people like Dr. Laura, Glenn Beck, Nancy Grace, Dave.

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Welcome back to The Megyn Kelly Show. We've talked about the debate, but here's my conversation with someone who watched the debate from a unique perspective. The handshake, Kamala Harris's chin stroke, her dry mouth. Dr. Donna Van Natten, aka the body language doctor, is a renowned motivational speaker and is the author of The Body Language of Politics. Decide who is lying, who is sincere, and how you'll vote. Watch.

Kamala Harris, it's a good debate. Have fun. Thank you. Welcome to you both. It's wonderful to have you. It's an honor to have you both here tonight.

Go ahead. Yeah. So most definitely she had an agenda that she was going to shake hands because probably had been noted before that it didn't happen with Biden and Trump. So she extended her hand first. I saw a couple still photos afterward. And, you know, it's the first time strangers physically touch each other and were pretty sensitive to that. So she had a long stretch with her arm, more so than him. But he didn't pull her in, you know, like we can or you see sometimes males do. He actually popped off a little bit and gave her.

Yeah, almost definitely because he's a large person compared to many people. And he's very aware of how he handles his body from when he's sitting. He might put elbows on knees to take a smaller position in the room or if he wants to be larger. But he definitely had gave her the slight palm up and let her have the handshake, even though he kept his elbow bent more than she did. And then she crossed the room. So, yeah, that was one of the first things everybody noticed. So he wasn't trying to do a power move on her in response to her attempted power move on him.

He did not. He did not. They both did a couple of things really well. Um, let's look at how you dress. Um, you know, he had the traditional, I mean, he dresses very well, you know, at this point in his life, the red, white, and the blue, very intentional, both had the flags on, you know, the, the, uh,

The little details, but they did a pretty good job with her as well. They knew to put her in a suit, a slight heel, nothing that would be wobbly. And her top, very modest on the chest area and the way the fabric flapped over kind of simulate a tie, but not be as masculine as a tie. Neutral nails, neutral makeup, hair done. So I would give to them both that they knew that they were going to be on a global stage and to dress the part.

Yeah, and no distractions in the dress. That's really what you want to avoid in their position. No one should be thinking about your dress, your jewelry, or, you know, your hair, et cetera. She did, in the first half an hour of the debate, have quite a few facial reactions to what he was saying. We've got a bit of a video montage put together. Can you talk about what you noticed on her physical reactions to his statements? We can just play it and talk over it. Sure.

Yes. Right. So that's putting the hand to the chin is very intentional because typically we don't touch our faces unless we want to trigger a reaction or an emotion. And typically when you see the hand to the face, it's an evaluation. So she's

subtly or very overtly considering what he says, but the smile on the face, it's not a genuine smile, that would be a Duchesne smile, says that she's entertained or amused by what he's saying. And yes, as part of her prepping, she knew that she would look at him often

And as part of Trump's prepping, he was not going to look at her. He was focused straight ahead. Hands almost never left the podium unless they were making a point, which they both at that point used their hands to draw, you know, to make the point. Opened palms for both of them, except at one time in Harris's final takeaway where she had a slightly closed fist to make her point in the passion that went with it, you know, that she was really ramping up on her speech. Other than that,

Both Trump and Harris did have similar use of hands. One of the things that we did notice about Harris was when she started speaking that she had some stress that you could see coming through on the cartilage in her throat. You could only see the lines, the muscles of the cartilage. And she had a slightly elevated tone, which indicated a little bit of stress. But as the time went on, that went away and it softened around her neck.

Yes, she also definitely had some dry mouth, which you could hear. We actually pulled an example of that. My team's amazing. They had an example of everything. Here's 61. Same old tired playbook, a bunch of lies. What the Wharton School has said is Donald Trump's plan would actually explode the deficit. Donald Trump hand-selected three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Roe v. Wade.

And they did exactly as he intended. What do you make of that? We call that, it wasn't lip smacking, but it was definitely dry mouth. You know, whereas when we look at over a hundred micro expressions of the face, from the squinting of the eye, does it match the face to the raising of the eyebrow, like a surprise to being sarcastic in response to,

to pursing of the lips like he had, almost like a donut or a pursing at one point when she was talking about something. You know, almost when you close your lips tightly together that you don't, you're literally holding the words in so you don't say them. You know, we look for symmetry in beauty and everything and in our faces. And when we break symmetry...

whether it's smirk or disgusting or a tilting of the head, it catches our attention because something is going on inside their head that's being displayed through their bodies. And that's what we try to pick up on. Because technically, you could turn the sound down and we'd be able to figure out a lot of what they're saying just on how they're engaging or not engaging with each other. That's what the challenging part is that we were limited

What did you make of the fact that Trump didn't look at her? We noticed that ourselves last night. He was straight ahead and she kept looking over at him. So what does that say about both of them? Well, they had good training is what it says. They spent a lot of time and his camp said, you will not look at her because we're

perhaps they didn't want him to be distracted by her theatrics, right? Of the this, of the this, of the smiling, of the pulling back. Remember, she's a prosecutor, so she too is comfortable, if you will, on some sort of a stage by presenting how she wants the story to look, as is he on a public platform of how where he wants to stand and what he wants to do. So they both went in with an agenda that she would look at him

and he would not look at her. A few times where the clock was located, you would see his eyes go up to watch the time, and that's when his eyes became physically bigger. But I think it was really interesting in...

When we analyze Trump from previous times, you know, there's been a lot about his coloring or his makeup or his hair. This time, there's not really been much talk, which has been interesting because somebody in his entourage has figured out not to have that tinted or that orange, as some people have said, and to style the hair that is flattering to the camera this time, which is an improvement. Yeah, I know the same.

He did not look orange last night. He looked like just a little tan, like a golfing guy, as opposed to his sort of signature color. Thanks for joining us today. Tomorrow, Dr. Casey Means is here. Oh, I can't wait to talk to her. This is the doctor who was on Tucker like a month ago. And RFKJ mentioned her in his Trump endorsement speech. I've read her book. There's so much goodness in here. You guys, you're going to want to hear this. We'll see you then.

Thanks for listening to The Megyn Kelly Show. No BS, no agenda, and no fear.

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