cover of episode Obama Tries Shaming Black Men, and Kamala Gets Vogue Treatment, with Mark Halperin, Sean Spicer, and Dan Turrentine  | Ep. 914

Obama Tries Shaming Black Men, and Kamala Gets Vogue Treatment, with Mark Halperin, Sean Spicer, and Dan Turrentine | Ep. 914

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The Megyn Kelly Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Dan Turrentine
Mark Halperin
Megyn Kelly
Sean Spicer
Megyn Kelly:奥巴马指责不支持哈里斯的黑人男性为性别歧视者,此举具有冒犯性且无效。媒体对道格·埃姆霍夫性侵指控的处理方式令人担忧。哈里斯竞选团队的策略存在严重问题,包括奥巴马的批评、针对男性的广告以及沃尔兹的谎言等,这些都未能有效争取选民。 Mark Halperin:哈里斯竞选团队面临长期存在的支持率问题,奥巴马的批评虽然引发关注,但并非最佳策略。民主党需要巩固优势,而特朗普则占据进攻优势。 Sean Spicer:哈里斯的媒体宣传活动收效甚微,反而适得其反。越来越多的传统民主党支持者转向支持特朗普,因为他们发现自己并非孤军奋战。哈里斯未能有效解决选民关心的核心问题,例如经济和安全问题。 Dan Turrentine:民主党对黑人男性选民问题的忽视和应对不力导致了目前的困境。哈里斯竞选团队的策略存在严重问题,例如试图通过发放迷彩帽来吸引保守派选民以及制作夸张的广告等。哈里斯未能有效利用竞选时间,未能向选民解释自己的立场。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Megyn Kelly is joined by Mark Halperin, Sean Spicer, and Dan Turrentine, hosts of "The Morning Meeting" on the 2Way YouTube channel, to talk about the controversial comments made by former President Barack Obama regarding black male voters who are considering voting for Donald Trump, his assessment that it's "not acceptable" and claiming it's their inherent sexism why they won't vote for Kamala Harris, the panic within the Democratic Party regarding Kamala's potential loss, the various options for what they'll blame for the loss, how race and gender are already being discussed, the key moments from Kamala's Univision town hall appearance, her glaring weaknesses on display, Harris' inability to move the needle during her media tour, Tim Walz struggling again to explain his lies during a GMA interview with Michael Strahan, his failure to deliver as a surrogate for Harris, Kamala landing on the cover of Vogue just in time for the election, whether this sort of media actually helps her win, Joe Scarborough's apparent decision to avoid questioning Doug Emhoff about Emhoff's assault accusations, Scarborough and the rest of the media ignoring the important story, the state of the U.S. senate races, Trump slamming Detroit in Detroit, and more.






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