cover of episode Megyn Kelly on Kamala's "60 Minutes" Fail, and Her Shameful Hurricane Politics, with Evita Duffy-Alfonso and Link Lauren | Ep. 910

Megyn Kelly on Kamala's "60 Minutes" Fail, and Her Shameful Hurricane Politics, with Evita Duffy-Alfonso and Link Lauren | Ep. 910

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The Megyn Kelly Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Evita Duffy-Alfonso
Link Lauren
Megyn Kelly
Ron DeSantis
Megyn Kelly:卡玛拉·哈里斯在《60分钟》采访中表现糟糕,对重要问题缺乏清晰的答案,尤其在经济和移民问题上;Bill Whitaker的提问不够犀利,未能有效挑战哈里斯的观点。哈里斯在其他媒体采访中也表现出类似的问题,试图回避尖锐的问题,并未能有效地区分自己与拜登政府的政策差异。 Megyn Kelly还批评了哈里斯在飓风救灾问题上将政治置于民众福祉之上,并指责她未能有效地与佛罗里达州州长德桑蒂斯合作。此外,Megyn Kelly还讨论了媒体对特朗普言论的歪曲解读以及对道格·埃姆霍夫性骚扰指控的忽视。 Evita Duffy-Alfonso:哈里斯在《观点》节目中的表现未能有效地向年轻选民传达她与拜登政府的不同之处,反而损害了她的形象。她未能有效地回应关于飓风救灾的批评,并被指责将政治置于民众福祉之上。Evita Duffy-Alfonso还批评了媒体对特朗普言论的歪曲解读以及对道格·埃姆霍夫性骚扰指控的忽视,并指出左翼人士在堕胎和公平性等问题上的双重标准。 Link Lauren:特朗普在民调中落后于哈里斯,部分原因是他未能有效地接触到女性选民。Link Lauren还批评了媒体对道格·埃姆霍夫性骚扰指控的忽视,并指出左翼人士在堕胎和公平性等问题上的双重标准。此外,Link Lauren还对联邦紧急事务管理署(FEMA)在飓风救灾中优先考虑“公平性”而非最大限度地帮助受灾民众的做法表示批评。 Bill Whitaker: 对卡玛拉·哈里斯的采访相对温和,没有深入追问其政府的政策失误,尤其是在移民问题上。 Ron DeSantis: 反驳了哈里斯的指责,并指出哈里斯在之前的灾难中没有参与救灾工作,认为哈里斯将飓风救灾政治化。 Aisha Mills: 对特朗普言论的解读过于极端和失实,将特朗普与希特勒相提并论,并暗示特朗普将试图消灭某些群体。 Aaron Burnett: 在Aisha Mills的极端言论面前,未能有效制止其不当言论。 Kamala Harris: 在《60分钟》采访中表现糟糕,对重要问题缺乏清晰的答案,尤其在经济和移民问题上;在《观点》节目中未能有效地区分自己与拜登政府的政策差异,在飓风救灾问题上将政治置于民众福祉之上。

Deep Dive

Megyn Kelly analyzes Kamala Harris's recent 60 Minutes interview, critiquing her vague responses on foreign policy, economic plans, and immigration. Kelly highlights Harris's inability to articulate a clear vision and questions her qualifications for the presidency.
  • Harris provided evasive answers on foreign policy and economic issues.
  • Her immigration stance was criticized as inconsistent and dishonest.
  • Kelly questioned Harris's preparedness and suitability for the presidency.

Shownotes Transcript

Megyn Kelly begins the show by dissecting how terribly VP Kamala Harris did during the 60 Minutes interview, the "nice guy" CBS host Bill Whitaker who didn't press her hard enough, her total inability to answer questions because she appears not to actually know anything, Harris' rambling and incoherent answer about Israel and Netanyahu, the very telling economy Q&A between Whitaker and Harris, Harris' terrible answers to immigration questions on 60 Minutes, the one moment Whitaker pressed her hard about the border, what actually happened when Biden and Harris took office in 2021 about immigration, and more. Then Evita Duffy-Alfonso, host of "Bongino Report Early Edition," and social media influencer and former RFK advisor Link Lauren join to discuss Kamala's fawning appearance on "The View," how she likely got the questions in advance, failing to differentiate herself from President Biden despite the softball questions, Harris turning hurricane relief into a political game with Ron DeSantis, her lack of involvement in previous disasters, the devastation so far and what's to come,the media hoax about Trump saying “bad genes," how he clearly said "murderers" but the left is pushing that he meant "immigrants," a CNN pundit making outlandish comments and comparing Trump to Hitler, new details about Doug Emhoff's misogynistic past and treatment of women reported by The Daily Mail, how the media is blatantly ignoring the scandal, and more.





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