cover of episode Media Blames Trump for Assassination Attempt, and Secret Service Concerns, with Piers Morgan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Erik Prince | Ep. 890

Media Blames Trump for Assassination Attempt, and Secret Service Concerns, with Piers Morgan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Erik Prince | Ep. 890

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The Megyn Kelly Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Eric Prince
Megyn Kelly
Piers Morgan
Megyn Kelly:左翼媒体和评论员将特朗普暗杀未遂事件归咎于特朗普本人及其言论,这种说法令人难以置信且不负责任。他们试图转移公众视线,回避媒体自身在煽动暴力方面的责任。斯普林菲尔德俄亥俄州的事件报道也存在严重偏差,将炸弹威胁事件与特朗普联系起来,缺乏客观性。 Piers Morgan:主流媒体对特朗普暗杀未遂事件的关注度不足,与针对其他政治人物的类似事件相比形成了鲜明对比。多年来针对特朗普的煽动性言论可能导致了暗杀未遂事件,媒体对此负有责任。媒体试图淡化事件的严重性,并试图将责任推卸给特朗普本人。特勤局在保护特朗普方面也存在严重失职,他们没有尽到应尽的职责。

Deep Dive

Megyn Kelly and Piers Morgan discuss the media's reaction to the assassination attempts on Donald Trump, criticizing their downplaying of the events and attempts to shift blame. They also discuss the Secret Service's failures in protecting Trump and Kamala Harris's recent interview.
  • Two assassination attempts on Trump in two months.
  • Media downplays the severity of the attempts.
  • Secret Service failures in protecting Trump.
  • Kamala Harris's incoherent interview.

Shownotes Transcript


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Welcome to the Megyn Kelly Show, live on Sirius XM Channel 111 every weekday at noon east. Welcome to the Megyn Kelly Show, live on Sirius XM Channel 111 every weekday at noon east.

I'm Megan Kelly. Welcome to The Megan Kelly Show. The left and the media have found new ways to blame former President Donald Trump for his own attempted assassination, the second one in two months. It's unbelievable. I mean, yet it's totally believable.

And then the Springfield, Ohio story continues to be covered in an absolutely absurd way. Turns out there was bomb threats, some 30 plus of them. They were from overseas, from some other country. And yet, if you read the New York Times, you would think that it was still the fault of J.D. Vance and Donald Trump. There's a lot to get to. We've got a big show for you today. We were going to have Eric Prince here for the first time later, plus Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who's got some thoughts.

on the migration issue. But we begin today with Piers Morgan, host of Piers Morgan Uncensored on YouTube. Grand Canyon University is a private Christian university in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona. And they believe that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. GCU believes in equal opportunity and that the American dream starts with purpose. By honoring your career calling, you can impact your family, friends, and community.

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Piers, welcome back to the show. Thank you, Megan. Lovely to be here. Lovely to have you. All right. So the reaction now in these leftist corners is coming fast and furiously. And it's interesting because I said yesterday, what are they going to do? Because we're so close to the election. They're not going to be able to pretend they care about Donald Trump and the assassination attempt. And they're certainly not going to want to pull back on their incendiary rhetoric. So they're in a bit of a pickle.

And as I've watched them over the past 48 hours, it turns out no pickle, no pickle at all. Pedal to the metal on the incendiary rhetoric. And also it's all Donald Trump's fault. He has only himself to blame for the fact that twice now in two months, someone tried to kill him. What do you make of it?

Well, my immediate take on this is, isn't it incredible that the man who was president several years ago and may be president again later this year or early next year is in a situation where he has two assassination attempts on his life within a few weeks. And when I turned on the news today, a lot of the news channels are already keen to move on. This happened on Sunday.

Do you think they'd be moving on if this was Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, who had been out in public when some lunatic with an AK-47 had their sights trained on them? Of course they wouldn't. It'd be the biggest news story for several weeks. And it shows the desperation to me of the very liberal skewed mainstream media in America to just not want to focus on these assassination attempts on Trump.

notwithstanding the fact that they are the biggest news story that I can think of. When has there been a presidential candidate

who within a space of a few weeks has had two attempts on his life. One where he's hit by a bullet and one where he comes within three, four minutes of having an AK-47 bullet smashing into his brains, which is almost certainly what would have happened if that Secret Service agent hadn't somehow spotted in the bushes a rifle barrel. So this is an enormous story. And yet already everyone's keen to move on.

And already what they're trying to do is say this had nothing to do with the rhetoric that we spewed about Trump for years, that he is the new Hitler, that he is a clear existential threat to democracy in America and the world. You don't think that an impressionable mind might at some stage go, wow, this guy is going to kill democracy and he's the new Hitler. I better stop it.

And that is what is happening. And it's incredibly dangerous. And I just look, I'm looking at this from across the pond, completely aghast that twice now the Secret Service have been, in my estimation, an abject failure in protecting Donald Trump from these lunatics. They have got to step up and raise their game.

Yeah, I agree with you. We'll do them second. Let me stay on the media for one minute. Not to be outdone by her counterparts at NBC, Lester Holt and ABC, which was hosted by Lindsay Davis, debate moderator on Sunday night, who immediately tried to shift from Trump was almost killed to Trump is basically almost getting others killed in Springfield, Ohio, with his rhetoric.

CBS's Nora O'Donnell, who was on her way out, she's been booted from the position. Oh, it was a voluntary resignation. Okay, sure. And she decided to report on the Trump assassination as follows. Look at this.

Donald Trump is blaming Democrats for inflaming political rhetoric, but the former president's own words seem to be increasing the threat of political violence in Springfield, Ohio. That's where a false and ugly accusation against Haitians, thousands of whom are legal permanent residents, is impacting everyday life.

Okay, so we now know that these bomb threats that were called into Springfield were from some country overseas. The Ohio governor told us that. He didn't yet say which country. I'm sure the Democrats will think it's the Russians. But it was not a Donald Trump-inspired thing. We don't know what it was that was behind the foreign country trying to mess with us. But still, the news agencies doubled down on somehow this is the fault of Trump and Vance.

Yeah, but it's worse than that. What it's also doing is massively downplaying what has happened to Donald Trump. And they're doing this quite deliberately. And again, I ask the question, if this had been Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, who twice in the space of two months have had assassination attempts on their life, do you think anyone in America's mainstream media

would be trying to immediately downplay that and immediately look for things that they have both said in the previous year to try and justify the fact that they might also be culpable for potentially creating violence that hasn't actually happened.

So there's a complete double standard here in the way they're treating the story. And Donald Trump, look, he's no angel. You and I know that, Megan. We've known Trump a long time, good, bad and ugly. There's all those strands to him. But right now, he is the Republican nominee for president and the election's in 50 days time. And right now, he is showing unbelievable personal courage. Would you be going out again for any more rallies if you were Trump?

with two people trying to kill you in the space of two months. And why are those people doing this? Yes, they're deranged. Of course they are. Anyone that does this kind of thing is a lunatic.

But why are they doing it? Well, in the second case of this shooter on the golf course, you could chart a radicalization from someone who was originally pro-Trump that became a vehement Trump hater. But somebody who began to parrot exact talking points that were said about Trump by Kamala Harris, about it being a threat to democracy and so on.

This is somebody who has a deranged mind, who has been directly influenced to think that Trump represents an existential threat to democracy. And maybe he's also heard that he's the new Hitler because they keep using that phrase about him. And I think it's completely outrageous to equate Donald Trump with the leader of the Nazis who murdered 12 million people. So there is a shocking double standard. There is a shocking attempt to diminish democracy.

and reduce the impact of what happened on Sunday and indeed two months ago, about which we still don't know enough of that first assassination attempt. And what they're trying to do is say, you know what, this guy had it coming. And I had a guest on Uncensored yesterday who made a very good point, which is, I think it's Ben Ferguson, who said, you know, this is a bit like the argument that people use when women go out and they wear,

you know, a short mini skirt or something and they get raped. Well, they brought it on themselves, didn't they? It's that kind of equivocation that Trump brought this on himself because he uses incendiary rhetoric. And I think it's completely shameful.

I'm thinking of the song from the play Chicago sung by Roxy. He had it coming. He should have been there. That's really what the media is singing from every rooftop today. He had it coming. Here is Tom Nichols, who is absolutely disgusting. He writes for The Atlantic with the following headline. Donald Trump is using another possible attempt on his life to inflame tensions in America. Yeah.

Which is one more reason you should never be president again. It's unbelievable. What do you mean possible attempt on his life? A guy literally sat in a bush for 12 hours.

He had an AK-47 with a scope on it. He had the ceramic tiles to protect himself in a shootout. He had a GoPro to record all this. And he was a pathological Trump hater by the time he did all this. We know that from his social media trail and other stuff. So this was not potential or possible. This guy came to kill Donald Trump.

And if it hadn't been for one Secret Service agent with very sharp eyes seeing the barrel of a rifle poking out of a bush, four minutes later, Donald Trump would have arrived at that hole, the green, and he would have been in clear sight within, I don't know, 30, 40 yards of a guy with an AK-47 with a scope on it. He'd be dead.

So, this again, is part of this campaign that is already going on. We're only two days on, Megan. Again, can you imagine if this was Barack Obama or Biden or what, or Bill Clinton before? If this had been this attempt, would this be how the media would respond? That you had it coming? That you shouldn't have been saying X, Y, Z, or you wouldn't have these people wanting to kill you?

And it's not to justify everything that Trump says. He says a lot of dumb things. I thought it was stupid of him to come out and say, I hate Taylor Swift. I think it's an act of self-harm. Why would you alienate millions of young women voters because they happen to like Taylor Swift and you don't like her because she votes the other side? I think those kind of things are stupid and a bit incendiary. But there is a massive difference between Trump gobbling off about Taylor Swift

And what is going on here with people literally trying to kill him? And they're doing it with an unbelievably alarming regularity.

And you know what's so galling is after the first assassination attempt, since we're doing it on fingers now, one and two, Trump really didn't go here. He didn't actually go on offense against being on the cover of the New Republic as Hitler, not to mention several other magazines. He was, I think, a little bit more rattled after actually having been shot at that and one of his supporters was killed and so on.

So he held his fire on this in sort of saying to everybody, stop talking about me this way. And then it happened again. And after this time, he released a statement and then said something to Fox News about...

They're going to get me killed. They are getting me shot at twice. And here are some examples of the things they're saying. And then you've got pricks, forgive me, like this guy, Tom Nichols, saying he's using the possible attempt on his life to inflame tensions in America. Finally, he's speaking out to say, stop talking about me this way.

And the left's reaction is you're inflaming. And here was morning Joe. They same thing full on this morning. He brought it upon himself. It's his rhetoric that's led us to have to say the nasty things about him. And they put together peers, a butted, sought, but it's sound on tape of their worst examples of the things Trump has said. When I found that interesting, they have a team of 100 people. What did they find? Let's watch it.

They said, "Mr. Trump, there may be somebody with tomatoes in the audience. So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously." I will pay for the legal fees, I promise. I promise. We will fight for America like no one has ever fought before. 2024 is our final battle. It's our final battle. We're gonna win that battle. We're gonna turn this nation around. We're gonna make America great again. America first.

But it's our final battle. It's the last battle. If we don't win on November 5th, I think our country is going to cease to exist. It could be the last election we ever have. I actually mean that we don't win. I think this could be the last election we ever have. Kamala Harris, you're fired. You're fired. Get out. Get out. She shouldn't be there anyway. She had no votes.

She's a threat to democracy, right? That's what they say. They always say Donald Trump. You know, it's a soundbite for them. Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. Now she's a threat. That's it. And can I tell you the number of papers I read this morning saying he says she's a threat to democracy, something he only unleashed in response to say I'm the threat. She's the threat, right? It's so that's it. That's all they're showing about Trump.

And what they're not doing, Megan, they're not saying that she or Joe Biden are the next Adolf Hitler. And this is what they say about Trump all the time. And every time they do it, I go nuts at them because I say, hang on a second. Do you know what you're saying? Do you understand that you're equating Donald Trump, who...

famously never took America to war in the four years that he was the president of the United States, pretty uniquely for a Republican president, I think. You're equating him to a man who ran a genocidal regime of monsters, the Nazis, murdered 12 million people, executed a Holocaust on Jewish people of six million, who died many in ovens, gassed to death by these monsters.

And you're seriously telling the American people on an almost daily, hourly basis that Donald Trump is the next Hitler? He's here, he's the new Hitler? I find that so incredibly offensive. And yeah, Trump can be offensive. And he doesn't do that.

But look what happened last week. On Tuesday, Kamala Harris stood up there in front of an audience of 60 million people and resurrected the, he said, white supremacists are fine people, very fine people in Charlottesville lie. She resurrected the, he's promising a bloodbath

if he doesn't win. Lie. No fact check by ABC. But all of this sprinkled into the national conversation. Bloodbath. He loves white supremacists. He's Adolf Hitler. And they want to compare that soundbite I just ran of Trump, of him saying, if somebody comes with tomatoes to throw at me during this rally in 2016, punch him in the face. They want to compare that to

to this, which is just a patent absurdity. Let me move on because there's so much I want to get to and I don't have that much time with you.

The Secret Service. You would have thought that the Secret Service had a had a perfect day on Sunday, that they heard this guy talking about showing up at Trump's golf course to do this. And they got him sitting in his apartment, still unarmed. As we all know, that's not what happened. The acting Secret Service director, Ronald Rowe, is the guy who's very worried about the Secret Service agents wearing red ties. As we know from Dan Bongino's congressional testimony, that's what he's been focused on.

Um, and this guy gets up there yesterday and defended, I mean, entirely the actions of the secret service. Here's a bit of it sought for.

The subject, who did not have line of sight to the former president, fled the scene. He did not fire. The protective methodologies of the Secret Service were effective yesterday. And the agent's hypervigilance and the detailed swift action was textbook. The president is aware that he has highest levels of protection that the Secret Service is providing him. Again, what I go back to is yesterday was an off-the-record movement, off the record. And the president...

Wasn't even really supposed to go there. It was not on his official schedule. And so we put together a security plan and that security plan worked. So we have done more with less for decades. And they are rising to this moment and they are meeting the challenges right now. The security plan worked. Unbelievable. Sorry, it's just I watched that live and I was chucking stuff at my television. I was like, are you guys completely and utterly deluded? You're on a victory lap.

after Donald Trump came for the second time, perilously close to being assassinated because you lot dropped the ball. Let's be clear what the Secret Service actually admitted to yesterday. They never checked the perimeter of that golf course. Yet Donald Trump, when he's back home at Mar-a-Lago, plays there most weekends, that course. And secondly, Megan,

Where did the shooter choose to hide? He hid in the corner of the course around the sixth hole, the fourth, fifth, sixth, all run concurrently around together. And I'm a golfer, I played this morning, I understand the layout of golf courses. He chose a corner accessible from a public road

which is deliberately used by the media when they want to get a photograph, ironically a clean shot with their camera of Donald Trump playing golf. It's where you get the best opportunity for a good photograph of Trump. So this guy probably knew that because he probably looked at pictures taken of Trump on that course and realized they were all taken pretty much from that corner. And that's where he went and hid. And my question for the Secret Service is this.

two months after you nearly lost Donald Trump to an assassin's bullet, if he decides to go off the record and wants to suddenly have a round of golf at his own golf course in his own name at a place he plays at with almost weekly regularity,

The very least I expect you to do before he steps foot on that golf course is check the perimeter. I don't think that's too much to ask that the Secret Service, you have one job, which is to protect the president of the United States, the vice president and other dignitaries, but primarily the president or people who've served in that office, that they check the perimeter of the golf course. This guy was sat there for 12 hours. They never bothered to check.

I'm amazed that the current director, who stepped in because the last one had to resign, hasn't also resigned. And if I was Donald Trump, I'd be absolutely incandescent. I would demand publicly that he go because clearly he has failed again to protect Trump. Again, this one agent happened to see the barrel of a rifle. Good on him. Brilliant work by the agent.

But if he hadn't seen that barrel poking out of that bush, then the abject failure of the Secret Service to properly, properly go around the perimeter and check nobody was there and to continue monitoring while Trump was exposed for hours on that golf course, then that is a failure by the Secret Service. So, yes, the agent would have changed the world. But the but oh, my God, can you imagine?

And can you imagine the reaction from Republicans and people that support Donald Trump if after all the promises that were made after the rally shooting, it turned out that they had literally not even bothered to check the perimeter of a golf course where he plays all the time. So there's no secret that that's where Trump may be on any given weekend when he's in Florida. That's what he does.

I just found it absolutely breathtaking. It's not a spike the ball in the end zone moment for the Secret Service. And they should be ashamed that this guy got within 300 yards of Trump with a loaded rifle again. Next up. OK, there's so much to go over. We we've got to spend a minute on the Kamala Harris interview that hit in Philadelphia local TV over the weekend. Yesterday was so busy with assassination news. We did not get to this, but this must be gotten to.

I regret to inform you that the possible next president of the United States on the Democratic ticket is an idiot. She's a moron. I'm sorry. There's really no other way of putting it. I love her new bout of self-confidence that she actually thinks she did so well in that debate that she should put herself out. Go for it because she's doing something with the National Association of Black Journalists today. She's doing something with Oprah Winfrey on Thursday. You go, girl. Get out there. Let's hear more from you.

Because this is how it went. We should point out yet again, it's ABC, ABC local, and they did about as good a job as ABC national in asking her tough questions and follow-ups. Um, so we'll get, we'll get, let's just start with the beginning where he asks her again, just the no brainer question about the economy. His specific in is how are you going to bring down prices?

It doesn't matter. What you hear as the subject is economy. You have your answer on the economy ready to go. People want to hear a specific plan. How are you going to help them? This is how it went. Saw 21. You talked about creating an opportunity economy. I wonder if we can drill down on that a little bit. When we talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people, what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that? Well, I'll start with this. I grew up a middle class kid.

My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard. I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn. You know? Oh, my God. And I was raised to believe and to know that all people deserve dignity and that

We as Americans have a beautiful character. So when I talk about building an opportunity economy, it is very much with the mind of investing in the ambitions and aspirations and the incredible work ethic of the American people and creating opportunity for people, for example, to start a small business. My mother worked long hours and our neighbor helped raise us. She was a small business owner.

I love our small business owners. Our small businesses are so much a part of the fabric of our communities, not to mention, really, I think the backbone of America's economy. What did we just listen to? It's just word, sound and gibberish. It's gibberish. It's word, sound and gibberish. But that's where I would criticize Donald Trump for what happened in that debate, because he should have been able to pick up Kamala Harris

He's one of the great debaters I've ever seen. But he fell for one of the oldest tricks of the book. She played to his ego, to his narcissistic streak. And she wound him up. She laid the bait like an expert angler. And unfortunately for him, he fell for it. Had he just let her speak?

and try and explain what her policies are, what she would do for the economy, et cetera. What would she do for people who have pride in their lawns, whatever that means? If she'd just let her speak, she would have hung herself with her word salad dancers. Because Kamala Harris, as we know from before she got suddenly deified as the second coming, as we know before, was a very unpopular, unsuccessful vice president.

who is jointly responsible for everything that Joe Biden did, not least crashing the economy and soaring inflation and so on. But also if you go further back, when she tried to run before to be Democrat nominee, they didn't want to know because they know she just talks in this word salad nonsense way and has no actual substance to what she says about what she would do to give this aspirational American voice.

the opportunity she says she wants them to have. How is she going to do it? That's right. And if she is, if she has all the answers, why hasn't she given it to them in the last three and a half years?

Right, right. My husband, Doug, was saying what Trump should have done at that debate was say she didn't answer the question. Listen, every answer of this debate for her to dodge on the economy. She has no plan. She didn't answer because she has no plan. If he could have just kept saying that and pointing out she goes to word salad and her middle class background, which is fake because she doesn't have a plan. She does. The only thing she said is the six thousand dollar child tax credit. J.D. Vance wants five thousand, by the way, not that material difference. And

And she's got some $25,000 help for first-time homebuyers that is flawed for a whole bunch of other reasons. But that's really what she's proposing, those two things. She says she's going to help small businesses. We don't know how. Here was the other thing. She's on record, of course, as

supporting a ban on fracking. She's never actually reversed it. She claimed to Dan a bash that she had. She hadn't. All she'd done was in that 2020 VP debate, say that Joe Biden wouldn't ban it because he had won the contest and he was at the top of the ticket. We're in Pennsylvania. Does this reporter follow up and say, Madam Vice President,

For once and for all, you didn't actually ever reverse your stance on banning fracking. Will you do so now and ask her about the flip-flop? Nope, no. Instead, he goes to guns.

Oh, you said something. Listen to this anodyne, empty question on guns. The question should have been, you're also on camera saying you want to ban guns and would implement a mandatory buyback program. That's what you said, mandatory buyback program. Do you stand by that? Watch how this went. And I think you actually probably caught a lot of people off guard, maybe a bit by surprise in the debate the other night when you mentioned that you are a gun owner. I know you said it in 2019 as well.

I want to talk about your values on this issue. When it comes to gun ownership, where do you draw the line in America on gun ownership and gun use? Well, like you said, Brian, I am a gun owner and Tim Walls, my running mate, is also a gun owner. We're not taking anybody's guns away. I feel very strongly that it is consistent with the Second Amendment and your right to own a gun to also say we need an assault weapons ban. Okay.

So we don't get her pressed on the gun, on the mandatory buyback. That's completely memory hold because yet again, this ABC reporter, Brian Taff is his name decides to run cover instead of do his job.

Yeah, I think the same thing happened at the debate. I mean, Trump was constantly fan chained and that's fine. But you've got to be equal in the way that you do that. And Kamala Harris, as you said, the bloodbath comment alone was such a disingenuous thing to say. They all know the Democrats, what Trump meant. He was talking about the car industry and the damaging impact of that. That was the context of that word bloodbath. And yet now we have them trying to make out he wants literally a bloodbath.

And they know that's a lie. And yet they weren't challenged. So my argument about the way they moderated that debate was, if you're going to keep fact checking Trump, you have to do it to Kamala Harris too. And they didn't.

You know, peers, I don't think that last part of that answer about her wanting the assault weapons ban was even aired. They put the full interview on their website, but they only aired clips of it on their actual TV program. And I think they pulled that piece out. They pulled a bunch out that made her look even more rambling. If you watch the full 11 minutes, Trump has released it saying our latest campaign ad, it's that bad. Um, but ABC tried to clean it up for her and make her look better than she is. And here's the last Kamala Harris sound I want to play for you. I can't, I can't get over it. It's

It's everything we know about Kamala Harris. Empty. What we've been talking on the show about how she says absolutely nothing in so many words, like a reporter shouted out to her when she was walking up the stairs of the plane. What's next, Madam Vice President? And she was like, what's next is I'm going to walk up these stairs and get on this plane. That's how she thinks. She's entirely small ball. She is not a deep thinker at all. And we have yet another example of that from Pennsylvania last weekend. Watch this.

How are you feeling about Pennsylvania? I am feeling very good about Pennsylvania because there are a lot of people in Pennsylvania who deserve to be seen and heard. That's why I'm here in Johnstown. And I will be continuing to travel around the state. What does that mean? It doesn't mean anything. This is what I mean about it. It's just the words that were said to her.

Right, but the problem that Donald Trump will have is time is running out. If I'm Kamala Harris, I don't want to do another debate. If I'm Trump, I'd be desperate to do that. He says he doesn't, but I would be desperate to get back on stage and do what he should have done the first time, which is let her hang herself with this word salad. Let her talk. Trump spoke for six more minutes than Kamala Harris in that last debate. Part of that was down to the fact-checking going on, but part of it was also him continuing to just keep talking when actually the more she talked,

the fewer votes she's going to get. I genuinely believe that. And she will now give very few interviews. She must know how these interviews are playing out. They're getting clipped to pieces and people are like, what? What did she just say? So I just think that Trump has to let Kamala Harris talk, be exposed to the media, tell us what her real policies are, because as you said, there is very little meat on the bone here in terms of actual substance to what she says.

All right. Last but not least, P Diddy has been indicted. He is in custody in federal custody now following that very public raid on his home back in March. Six months later, he's in federal custody. He is charged with creating a criminal enterprise among many other things, sex trafficking, multiple acts, including kidnapping, arson, bribery, forced labor, prostitution, illegal sexual activities, possession with intent to distribute. I could go on. What do you make of that?

Well, unbelievably serious charges, if even half of that is true. I doubt we'll see him come out of prison. Obviously, he vehemently denies it all. But what I would say about P. Diddy is we all saw that video that came out a few months ago of the appalling violence he was wreaking on a girlfriend. And I just found that disgusting.

And that's just something that came out, which is probably not even related to these specific charges. A man that's capable of that is pretty well capable of anything. So, you know, I always believe in these cases. Let's wait for the court case. Let the evidence be put forward. Let him have his defense. Let justice play its way out of this. But I would be very, very surprised if,

given what we've already seen about P. Diddy, if a lot of this is not true and if he's not going to prison for a very long time.

It is part of the case that that moment they mention it in the indictment, which was just unsealed within the last hour. Among other acts of alleged violence. I mean, that one's not alleged. We know he did it saying this is a pattern and she wasn't his only victim and that what he would do is get these people very, very drugged and have these weekend long meetings.

forcible sex sessions with male sex workers where he kept the women completely out of their minds and that he would threaten them if they went to the police or if they complained. It happened over and over. And I think one of the main questions people are going to be asking after, did he do it and can they prove it, is who knew? Who else knew? Because he was a very...

and is popular man in music and Hollywood circles. And the odds of none of those people knowing he was like this peers are very, very slim.

It will be like Harvey Weinstein, where they all go, I didn't know anything about any of this. All of them, all the Hollywood crowd that hung around Harvey Weinstein for 30, 40 years and were supposed to believe none of them had an inkling, a clue about what he was really like. We'll hear the same with Diddy. You watch.

Mm hmm. Exactly. It's like an Epstein thing to Weinstein Epstein. And we'll see what his defense will be. He's got the same defense lawyer who represented the guy from that next to NXIVM cult up in my hometown of Albany, New York. It didn't go well for him. Keith Ranieri, he's been convicted and is in jail right now. Piers Morgan, always a pleasure, my friend. Thanks for coming on.

Megan, always love doing it. Thank you very much for having me. All right. And we'll be right back with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who's got some thoughts on what's being said about Haitian migrants in Ohio. And for that matter, the effect of migration and immigration on the United States writ large. If you're tired of the same old coffee from those mega corporations pushing their woke agendas, listen up.

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I'm going to bring on Ayan in one second, but first I want to bring you an update in this ABC News alleged whistleblower story that we brought to you yesterday. There have been some developments. ABC News did respond late yesterday, and the response is somewhat stunning. Just to refresh those of you who didn't listen yesterday, and you really should just listen every day because your life will be better and you'll be more informed. Um,

This person purporting to be a news whistleblower from ABC News came forward with an affidavit that was released, as far as I can see, exclusively to someone on X who goes by the name Black Insurrectionist. He hasn't been on X that long. He has some hundred thousand followers. He's gained 30,000 followers over the past week as he's been teasing this.

So many of us thought this could be what we call engagement farming, you know, trying to just jack up your followers. But he did indeed produce the affidavit he had been promising on Sunday. This alleged whistleblower says in a what he purports to have here as a sworn affidavit.

signed under penalties of perjury and allegedly notarized by a notary public that ABC News coordinated with the Kamala Harris campaign in advance of the presidential debate to rig the debate in her favor. He has minor allegations like they gave her a smaller podium that we know did happen, but he claims this affidavit was signed on

September 9th, the day before the debate. So and that it was notarized and so on and that he's going to be able to prove and that he sent a certified copy of this whole thing to Speaker Mike Johnson via certified mail. We asked his office if they have it. No response yet in any event. So he wouldn't have known that if it really was something that was legitimately sent on September 9th from watching the debate.

All right. So that says thing about the podium. He says she negotiated to look a certain way on the split screens. He says that ABC news agreed to fact check Trump only and not her. Um, he says that they provided sample questions, not the exact questions he alleges, but sample questions covering similar topics that would appear during the debate. He says that

They had agreed certain topics would be off limits, including the perceived health of Joe Biden, her tenure as attorney general, and her brother-in-law, Tony West, who used to work at DOJ and is accused of settling cases at very large numbers when the plaintiffs were Democrat operatives or anyone he thought he wanted to or could curry favor with.

That's a short form description of all that. He talks about the observed bias against Trump within ABC. And then he says in this affidavit, I have secretly recorded several conversations that will prove the Harris campaign insisted upon not only the fact checking of Donald Trump, but also insisted on what questions were not to be asked under any circumstances or else the Harris campaign would decline to participate in the debate. All right. This is all there.

Do not know. We went through some of the questions about the affidavit. It's not the most beautiful document I've ever seen. A lot of not grammatical errors. Actually, there aren't any. There's no spelling errors, but there are grammatical errors in it. And then there's a notary public seal.

or sign without the seal. But black insurrectionist says he's redacted the seal and a notary public seal does reveal the identity of the notary. So that would make sense if you're trying to maintain anonymity all around that you might do that. Okay, so we don't know. We don't know whether this is real or not real, but we are open minded to it and we are trying to report on the story. Well, not surprisingly, those who are covering it in the media are dumping on it.

laughing at it. We'll find out whether it deserved to be laughed at. But ABC News finally responded. They finally responded. Kamala Harris has not responded. And this is what they said. They gave a statement to the Daily Beast, quote, ABC News followed the debate rules that both campaigns agreed on and which clearly state no topics or questions will be shared in advance with campaigns or candidates. That's it.

We followed the rules which state no topics or debate questions will be shared in advance. What did you have private negotiations with Kamala Harris and her campaign? Did you agree that she would have a special look on stage from the podium to the split screen situation? Did you agree that you wouldn't ask about Tony West, about her tenure as a G about her, uh, about president Biden's mental fitness and her role in covering it up? Did you agree to any of that?

Do you deny that there could possibly be tapes of an executive or someone at ABC News reiterating that promise or making it in the first instance? This is so generic and empty as to cause more concerns than we had yesterday. It is not a denial that sounds like a truth telling denial.

If you, I've anchored many presidential debates, as you know, if you ever accused me of any of this, what I would say is I can categorically deny that we did any of this. Now I'd have to look at the executives at Fox news for behind the scenes negotiations with the campaigns because we as anchors didn't do that, but they'd have to tell me as the anchor, if I wasn't allowed to ask certain questions,

I'd have to share with them my specific questions so that they could be forwarded on, right? The sample questions. So I'd know at least that that had happened. I mean, I could honestly say back in that 2016 debate or 15 debate that's so famous now between Trump and the others and yours truly and Brett and Chris, I kept my questions like this. I mean, Roger Ailes never saw them. He was very angry with me after that debate because he never saw the questions and he was pissed off. In any event,

This is a non-denial denial.

So I have more questions today than I did yesterday. And this cannot, it cannot be left at this. Bill Ackman now, billionaire investor and successful businessman, has not only brought this to Bob Iger saying you need to respond, but he's saying I'm going to have to bring this to the SEC. There may be a question of corporate governance here. What ethical rules, if any, were crossed? Maybe none. Maybe the whole thing is bullshit and we are falling for some hoax by the Russians, by whoever called in the bomb threats. No clue.

But I will tell you, having gone back through the affidavit again, there are some things that are weird. Why does he say I live in Manhattan, New York? That's not really how we refer to ourselves when we live in Manhattan, which I did for 17 years. But it could just be a way of saying I'm in the borough of Manhattan where ABC is. Twice he says ABC News, lowercase news. Once he says AB News, capitalized. People are batting on him for that. Okay. But then he goes on to say,

The Harris campaign received these particular accommodations, a podium that would be smaller assurances regarding split screen television views that would favorably impact Kamala Harris's appearance relative to Donald Trump. To me, like that does not sound like some Russian troll. Like that actually, to me, does sound like something a campaign might ask for. I don't know what the specific ad, there could be a version of that. That's okay. You know, like,

How are you going to have her on camera when he's talking? That might be something a campaign would ask. So this could be benign or it could be not benign. But that doesn't sound like trolling to me from some hoaxer. And then he goes on to talk about how they spoke with the Harris campaign without Trump present or Trump campaign present. And he writes, to my understanding, any rules, negotiations and conversations pertaining to the debate should have had both the Trump and Harris campaigns involved.

The Harris campaign had numerous, numerous more calls, once again, grammatical stuff regarding the debate rules without the Trump campaign aware or on the call. That, again, is something that sounds to me like it is potentially from a TV insider, but

who understands the normal protocols and ethical boundaries when dealing with two sides in a presidential debate. We don't know. The person says they've been working in tech and administrative roles for ABC for over 10 years. This affidavit, as I said yesterday, if any portion of it is true, is very damning. And this denial from ABC is

followed the debate rules. No topics or questions would be shared in advance. Those were the rules does not get it done. Uh, so this scandal has officially grown today and ABC Kamala Harris and yes, speaker Johnson must speak out. Okay. I've got a little time to bring an eye on, which I'll do. And then we'll continue her, uh, on the other side of our break, which Sirius XM.

has at 1251. Okay. Uh, Ion Hersey Ali is here to talk about what's happening in Springfield, Ohio. And the latest as the corporate media continues, they're absolutely awful reporting. Ion's a fellow at the Hoover institution and founder of the Ion Hersey Ali foundation. Ion, welcome back. Great to have you. Can I just ask you for your overall take on what you're seeing with this media? Try and run cover

for what's happening, what's actually happening to the residents of Springfield? So it's a media machine. It's a democratic machine. We don't really have a media anymore. I think that the institutionalized media is part of the Democratic Party propaganda machine. And what they're trying to do is protect their candidate, and their candidate is very weak. And that's why I think someone remarked yesterday on saying Donald Trump has had more assassination attempts than she has given interviews.

not funny, but I think that's what's going on. And what Springfield, Ohio has done is I think it's opened up this big Pandora's box on the issue of immigration. And it's not just in immigration in America, but on the entire Western societies. You see a small town of nearly 60,000 people

People with all sorts of challenges, no jobs, there are opioid challenges. It's a poor town in middle America and they've brought in about 20,000 Haitians. And the first question that comes to my mind is Springfield, Ohio is not on the border. How did these people make their way to Ohio?

And that then leads me to ask the questions of what is going on within the Department of Homeland Security, but also the Department of State, which is to abuse, in my view, the asylum rules and the asylum laws where this ideology they call social justice ideology, but really it is communism on steroids, is to bring

masses and masses of people from poor countries to so-called rich countries, but these people that are like the Haitians, they're not being resettled

in the zip code where John Legend lives, they're not being resettled in Martha's Vineyard. I mean, there was a time when I think it was the governor of Florida who tried to take the immigrants to the sanctuary cities and these rich communities quickly evicted them. Martha's Vineyard.

Yeah, exactly. It was Martha's Vineyard. Yeah. So what you have is really taking this is playing with human life. In my view, it's criminal. It's incentivizing poor people in poor countries and getting them to come here or transporting them somehow and then resettling them in poor communities in America. And you see this also happening in Europe.

But to stick with America, I think that this is the story that no one wants to talk about. This is the Biden-Harris immigration policy. It's leaving the border wide open and it is abusing the asylum system to bring in lots of people using NGOs, non-governmental organizations and other tools to help.

transport, relocate people who are culturally different, who are very poor, and bringing them into these, yeah, into poor towns all across America. So you've been reading about Springfield, Ohio, but then there's also Dayton, Ohio. It's all of it. It's all of America. And some people say they're doing this so that they can get more votes.

There's something in there, but they're also doing it, I think, for ideological reasons. I think when they tell us that they want immigration justice, what they mean is exactly what you're seeing in Springfield, Ohio. They want to transform the populations of the West to achieve their ideological fantasy of equality. That is, instead of developing

the poor countries so that poor countries can adopt good governance policies. They want poor people from poor countries to come to rich countries. It's a form of redistribution. And that is what we're not talking about. And these are the policies of the Biden-Harris

And this is what should have been talked about. They are talking about cats and dogs and, you know, all sorts of, in my view, totally irrelevant issues. But if you are Kamala Harris and you really say in this word salad that you care about middle class people, then why bring 20,000 very poor people to a very poor community like the one in Springfield, Ohio? That's what she needs to be questioned on.

Mm-hmm. We've just gotten the new and latest numbers on the number of these so-called legal migrants who have come to this country under Biden-Harris, thanks to Bill Mellugian of Fox News. They're stunning. I'll get into that next with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who stays with me. Don't go away.

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Back with me now, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, fellow at the Hoover Institution and founder of the Ayaan Hirsi Ali Foundation. So Ayaan, to put some meat on the bones of the numbers, Bill Malujian of Fox News releasing a post either today or last night that reveals as follows. Per newly released Border Patrol data, nearly 530,000 migrants have flown into the U.S. and have been paroled, meaning been released, and

into the U.S. as part of the Biden administration's controversial mass parole program. Another 813,000 migrants are scheduled to be released into the U.S. They have appointments right now under this same program.

And he points out that Border Patrol, that ICE does not have the manpower or resources to find and deport such a large population of people because they're supposed to be paroled or released into the U.S. on two-year humanitarian parole grants.

And then they're supposed to have a hearing and we decide whether they can stay. But we usually say they can't stay. And then we're supposed to deport them. And what he's reporting is we don't have the manpower for that. Bill reports that each ICE officer currently manages an average of 7000 cases.

7,000. They do not have the bodies to track and remove this additional population right now. They're overwhelmed trying to track down the aggravated felons and so on who sneaked into the country illegally. These are so-called legal migrants that we're talking about in Springfield, but they're posing a massive problem. And you've been comparing this

In every way you know how. I mean, you're one of our first guests on the podcast raising concerns about what's happening in France from this so-called legal migration that they're having there.

Um, you've been comparing what's happening in Ohio and elsewhere to what's happening in Europe. Exactly right. So what you, what you just, the numbers you had to me and the inability for ice to do anything about it is the emasculation of ice resources are reallocated away from ice that's power and money taken away from ice and ISIS job is to keep immigrants out and you know,

bring in legal, I mean, if you come through the legal procedure, then that's a completely different story. But what's happening, this is an abuse of the asylum system. In 1951, the Geneva Convention was about taking people who were trapped behind the Iron Curtain and bringing them into the West. And we were talking about really small numbers. What happened, at least since I know of the 1990s and beyond, is large numbers of people either come

asking for asylum or they're relocated. It's called a resettlement process. But what you're seeing in America is the abuse of this resettlement process by ideological thugs, in my view, who are abusing the system to bring large numbers of people and dump them in poor communities and among poor communities in America. And there is no congressional inquiry. It's the Congress that's supposed to have oversight

over these departments. It's the Department of Homeland, it's the Department of State, and it is this wild growth of so-called NGOs, non-governmental organizations and other agencies that are, in their view, acting on what they call

immigration justice, but justice for home exactly. They're basically taking poor people from one country and imposing it on poor people in another country. And these people, aside from the material poverty, there are also radical cultural differences. You can't just expect to have 30,000 Haitians settle in

in Springfield, Ohio and see Kumbaya, people celebrating the same whatever. That's not what's going to happen. These people have, only because they've come to America, they haven't shared their ways of doing things. If voodoo is their religion and they practice that, that's very important to them.

And then you have the local people saying, oh, my gosh, we are horrified by some of these things. But then you go to the material things that inhabitants of Springfield, Ohio, are told there are no resources for you, no housing for you.

no medical care for you. I watched one of these people who was a veteran who said he was on this long wait list for Medicare, but he's not getting it because, and then he looks at the Haitians and he says, well, they've got houses, they've got driver's license, they've got cars they can't drive. And you're basically setting up

You're mining racism in my view. This is a mining of racism because these poor local people are going to react with resentment. And I would say justifiably so because their own needs are not met. And they're bringing people in from outside whose needs seem to be met. You create resentment. You create, yeah. And then sometimes this is going to be a long skinned,

you know, I don't think the people of Ohio are racist, but I think they're being driven to a place where they can be called racists. And this media in America, but also on the Western side, the only way they could shut up the working class communities and make them accept these large numbers of immigrants was to call them racist, to call them xenophobic. And these people are not xenophobes. They're not racist. They just can't meet their own, you know, they can't

They're not being taken care of by their own governments. And so this is really a form of-

And to me, if that's a cultural norm and if that has been brought to a place like Springfield, that among many other behaviors would be found downright shocking. I was thinking about it. It's like, what if you took Bianca Sensori, Kanye West's latest wife, and dropped her in the middle of Saudi Arabia in her little outfits that are comprised of pantyhose and a throw pillow? I mean, it would be shocking. It would be offensive. No one would want

20,000 women like that being, you know, helicoptered into Saudi Arabia, it would be deeply offensive and upsetting. It's just we all have very different cultures and there's not a thought given to that. And nor, Ayaan, is there a reason to believe the Haitians want to assimilate to American customs?

The Haitians have been lied to. They've been told, you know, you're going to get a chance and build an opportunity in a place that's going to be accepting and welcoming and so on and so forth. They've been lied to. And the inhabitants of Springfield, the residents of Springfield, Ohio, have also been lied to. They haven't been told about the different culture. They haven't been told about the voodoo. They haven't been told about, you know, the scale of the number of people that were going to be resettled there. They haven't been told that they're going to be displaced.

So this is really playing with human life. This is ideologically driven, and these ideologues have seized power in parts of the United States government, using and abusing the laws of asylum and refugees, and this is how it's been used. I think what we need right now is a review of this 1951 Geneva Convention. Does it work in the 21st century? This is the question that Europeans are asking themselves. Europeans are confronted with people who, for instance, they come from

Muslim countries and they want to implement Sharia law in France, in Germany, in the UK, that you have all of these confrontations, it never gets better because the numbers of people who come in, they never get a chance to assimilate

There are no assimilation programs. And it's just the sheer scale of the problem. And they keep bringing more and more people in, either through people who show up at the border and they're allowed in on, you know, we can't turn them away because this is according to the asylum law.

Or, as in America, through the resettlement programs. And this is just not going to work out. And I really thank you for calling out people like John Legend, where you get all of these celebrities who get themselves involved in controversial topics they know nothing about. Oh, yeah, come in. I grew up in Springfield, Ohio. He doesn't live in Springfield, Ohio. No, not anymore. He's in Beverly Hills now.

He lives in Beverly Hills. It's the people in Beverly Hills, people in the media, people who have nothing to do with the consequences, with the negative unintended consequences. The sexual violence, that's a topic on its own. It's explosive in Europe at the moment. When I came to Europe in 1992, women were moving freely,

from A to B, any time of day or night, with any chosen attire of their own. That's all gone now because of bringing men, single men in, in large numbers from countries that don't respect women. You go on X, and again, thanks to Elon Musk, because the media is not reporting this, but if you look at the stories that are showing up on X, it's poor people. There's this woman who is saying, I was sexually assaulted. The media doesn't cover that.

The woman, I mean, Kamala Harris was talking about the lawn. She said it was in her last word. People care about their lawns where I grew up.

That's about the loans. But what about the woman in Ohio? This guy brings a huge mattress and drops it on her lawn. What about that? So someone needs to be held accountable. These are policies by the Biden-Harris administration. We should be talking about them all the way to November 5th. This is what they've done. They've created these chaos and they need to be held accountable. And I think they get away with it because, yeah, unfortunately,

unfortunately in that debate, they started talking about cats and dogs, but I'm fine with talking about the cats and dogs. If it's going to lead us to the actual problem. Me too. Uh, I want to tell people that they can find ions writing and it's well worth your time at restoration That's where she posts her stuff now. And she's, as you can tell, absolutely brilliant. Do you have another minute or do you have to run on? Cause I wanted to ask you about what, uh, some of the trans insanity.

I will. I have another minute. And definitely for that topic, that's child abuse. Okay, good. So here's the way I want to get into it. Um, out in Palo Alto, which I don't, I don't have to tell you having, you know, lived out in that region with Stanford, um, is one of the most liberal progressive areas in the United States out in Palo Alto, a big controversy over this has erupted because what's happening is there's

an elementary school, Herbert Hoover Elementary, which is being redone. You know, the construction is underway right now for a new facility. It's set to open this spring. And

They are going to have only gender neutral bathrooms. So what's going to have to happen is the boys and girls are going to go into the same bathroom facility. They'll be in stalls right next to each other. And then they'll come out and wash their hands at the same sinks. Just like Sirius LA, by the way. I love you, Sirius XM, but you need to stop that. But these are elementary kids. And amazingly, Ayan, they showed up

at a school board meeting and they were mad. Listen to this little girl. She's in third grade.

I'm a third grader at Herbert Hoover Elementary School, and I do not like that we have to share a bathroom with boys. At Hoover, a boy has punched me in the stomach and spit on me. I really do not feel comfortable in an all-gender restroom. When I come to the bathroom, I do not like that there is pee on the seats and toilet paper on the ground. It feels very uncomfortable. I was at Hoover in previous years,

I should ask...

that staff will make sure that the bathrooms are cleaned in the new construction. And I'm sure staff will make sure that there are procedures in place to make sure the bathrooms are clean. That's it. The response is, oh, we'll try to clean them up. But they are not bowed by this little girl's testimonial, Ayaan.

No, it's outrageous. And this is the state of California. They have these crazy social re-engineering ideology where they want this to go on and they are going to deprive girls and women from all the rights that we fought for for such a long time. They're mutilating children. They want to do this behind the parents' back. And

This is what I was thinking when I was looking at the Haiti thing. And I see people were getting upset by what was being done to cats and dogs. And I think that's the right impulse because in our society, we no longer get upset about the disfigurement and the deformation of children. I remember when I first started talking about female genital mutilation, all my Western audiences would, you know, tightly put their legs together and say, no, you don't do things like that. It's horrible.

And the whole idea was how can we get these immigrants to stop doing that? It's a horrible practice. And now what? Less than 30 years on, we are doing it in the name of pseudoscience. We're listening. This is an ideology and it's these young children are being deformed and it's happening on our watch. It's one of the most horrible developments that I can talk about, that I can think of. And it's across the spectrum, right? This is that what's happening in the bathroom situation is on, you know, with,

with all due respect, the lighter end of the scale, genital mutilation of our young children is on the opposite end of the scale, but that's not to diminish what's happening to these children. And in many ways, it's a gateway into accepting the whole line of radical gender ideology. Cause once you get inured to it, it's fine to share the bathroom spaces with the boys. Gender is not a thing. You are on the pathway that these progressive leftists want you to be on and

We had Kelly J. Keene on the show last week, who's an activist in this space. And one of the things she was saying was when you have the gender neutral and there's no single sex option available, what happens in schools is the little girls just hold it. They hold it all day, which can be unsafe. It can be unsanitary. It's not good for a little girl to do that. And sure enough, what did we hear in progressive Palo Alto? But listen to this, a fifth grader and a couple moms here. Watch.

I'm a fifth grader at Herbert Hoover Elementary School. I don't like that we only have general, neutral restrooms. At Old Hoover, we had separate restrooms and they were clean and comfortable. Everyone was okay with the system there. At Greendell, many other students feel uncomfortable going too. I've heard from some students that they try to avoid going when they need to, which isn't good for you.

You shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable every time you need to use the restroom. I think I was made aware that she holds on and doesn't want to go to the bathroom because it's dirty and she often has to clean it and that just feels very gross to her. So I think the pledge is just going to be that if they can have girls' bathroom, boys' bathroom, and an all-gender.

I am here because my daughters who spoke strongly prefer girls' restrooms. These children have a right to comfort, privacy, health, gender expression, and cultural and religious expression.

Children's perspective is completely missing here and their rights are not being upheld. We're all aligned. We want to ensure there's inclusivity of all groups. Why must we add friction into specific child's day-to-day for this? Why must we hurt their education? You know, as I watch this, my own reaction is,

with, you know, with respect to the girls, I'm glad this is happening because these progressive moms in California are starting to get it. The progressive moms are starting to get it because of the pain of the children, but the progressive ideology is still there. And what happens, so the, so this, you said this was third grade or fourth grade. So, you know, one year up, the periods are starting going to show up and the bullying and the change of,

the body and what will girls do? So what you see in the developing world is when you make girls uncomfortable and you make school cool for them, they don't want to go to school.

So what they're calling progressive is going to have a regressive outcome. You're pushing girls not only out of their bathrooms, but you're going to push them out of school altogether. That's what it's going to. And then you bring in all the other cultures, the Catholics, the Muslims, the religious groups who say they don't want girls and boys to mix.

And then you're going to have girls-only schools. You're going to have, especially with the Muslim communities, their excuse for, we don't need to send girls to school to begin with. So this is the same. The immigration justice is the same as the gender justice and the climate justice. It is this elaborate ideology that to the people who hold onto it on university campuses, it sounds very appealing.

But once you start to translate it into policy, which is what they're doing, they're hurting a lot of people. They're causing a lot of pain. And really, Megan, there's just no other word for it than that it's criminal. And it really needs to stop. Yeah. Thank you for speaking out. Again, I want to tell everybody, go to to read Ayan's latest piece, What the Springfield Cat Controversy Exposes About Immigration. Always worth listening to you, Ayan, and reading you as well. Thanks so much for being on.

Thank you very much. Thank you for doing all the work that you do. Oh, God bless you. We're so lucky to have you. Okay, we're going to take a break. But before we do, I just want to add one additional piece to the discussion that we're having on the subject of Springfield, Ohio. You've seen, I mean, it is unbelievable the amount of people who continue to blame Trump and J.D. Vance for these bomb threats that came into these schools and other venues.

It came out yesterday that it was a foreign country. That came out from the governor of Ohio who made that clear. Here he is in stop 40. Leased 33 separate bomb threats, each one of which has been responded to.

And each one of whom has been found as a hoax. So 33...

threats, 33 hoax. I will make that very, very clear. None of these had any validity at all. We have people, unfortunately, overseas who are taking these actions. Some of them are coming from one particular country. We think that this is, you know, one more opportunity to mess with the United States.

And they're continuing to do that. Let me just remind you of that Nora O'Donnell clip that we just played. This is her last night, last night, Monday night. We knew by then that it was not a local, that it was hoaxes from overseas. Listen.

Donald Trump is blaming Democrats for inflaming political rhetoric, but the former president's own words seem to be increasing the threat of political violence in Springfield, Ohio. That's where a false and ugly accusation against Haitians, thousands of whom are legal permanent residents, is impacting everyday life.

She just goes with it. Just double down. Didn't happen. Didn't hear it. No, it's gotta be a Trump inspired loon. It's the proud boys. It's one of those guys for sure. I just know it in my heart, notwithstanding what the governor had released. We knew this yesterday afternoon and here's Anna Navarro. Here she is on the view yesterday before we knew, but she was totally is sorry. She was no, no. Okay. Sorry. This is a, yeah. So this

Here she is. Yes, here she is on CNN this morning after we knew. Okay, after we knew. Take a listen.

Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are not questioning their rhetoric. Right now, because of their rhetoric, because of what he said in that debate, there's been 33 bombing threats in Springfield, Ohio. That would not have happened but for this false conspiracy theory being spread by the vice presidential and presidential Republican candidate. She's on CNN News. In news...

She should have been fact checked with that isn't true. And she was she did receive blowback online for saying that after we heard the governor of Ohio say it isn't true that this was a hoax. That's what you heard him. That's his word. These were hoaxes by people trying to just mess with us.

This was not inspired by Trump. If it was, there's zero evidence of that, Anna, zero. What's your proof? You're so upset about proof on the cats and dogs. I mean, I saw two cats on a barbecue, so there's that. But let's put that to the side. What's your proof that Donald Trump inspired this as opposed to the town council meeting last week that person after person showed up to complain at?

How do you know what the cause is? What forensic deconstruction did you do of the hoax calls to get to the bottom of it? When Don Jr. online called her out on it, she doubled down. There's just no even attempt to stay factual. There's none. I mean, on this show, we told you, we don't know what the truth is about the animals, but we're showing you the evidence that's on the one side. And we're telling you about what the city officials are saying on the other side.

The rest of the media wants to pretend that they have affirmatively settled it and they haven't. Just false claims, false claims. And of course, this all belies and undermines the overall issue, which is what the migrants are actually doing to this town, what the residents are actually going through, not just in Springfield, but in towns across this country, because there are over a million of them there or on their way, thanks to this administration. Not to mention the

the deaths caused in Springfield by these migrants and the murders of Americans caused by illegal immigrants who are literally everywhere. 10.4 million of them plus in the last four years alone. Okay, we're gonna take a break. We're gonna be back with Eric Prince, who's got thoughts on the Trump assassination. Very insightful.

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Donald Trump's not gonna make it to inauguration day with this current regime in charge of the Secret Service. Clearly their decisions are not working because Donald Trump's almost been killed now twice in two months. I mean, when I got on the line on the poster was in the Secret Service office was you elect him, we protect him. They cannot seem to do this with Donald Trump. How much failure are you willing to accept from this entity?

Ron Rowe has been doing presidential protection since 2006, folks. It's 2024. He has no excuse. He blames the OTR movement. How the hell did the alleged shooter here or assassin then beat you? Because he seemed to know 12 hours in advance.

The Palm Beach Trump golf course is really, really close to where they were yesterday at Mar-a-Lago. It would have taken 10 minutes to get a bunch of agents over there to do an external sweep of the perimeter. You're telling me that the alleged shooter in this case had more intel than the Secret Service?

That was our friend Dan Bongino, former Secret Service agent with some sharp critiques of the Secret Service and in particular, the leadership. Welcome back to The Megyn Kelly Show. Joining me now, Eric Prince, host of Off Leash with Eric Prince, former U.S. Navy SEAL and founder of Blackwater. Eric, thanks so much for being here. First time we've ever had you on the show and I appreciate it. What do you make of Dan's critique? Look, he's exactly right. And as a former Secret Service agent himself, I'm sure he is

rightly horrified that an organization which had a proud track record in credibility is rapidly failing. I don't think people realize the cost that if Trump had been killed in Butler, Pennsylvania, or on Sunday, what are the effects, the ripple effects that would have had on American society is really, really frightening. And that's their job.

Now, maybe it's time to split the functions so that the Secret Service only focuses on executive protection and not so worried about credit card fraud and counterfeit currency. The fact that Senator Hawley had the whistleblower memo

talking about how the lead agent who was supposed to be protecting him in Butler, Pennsylvania, had failed horribly some test, some qualification test they were supposed to make. And it was waived by the previous director and that the agents supposed to be protecting him in Butler, Pennsylvania, had not had any formal executive protection training, but only watched a two hour video course.

That is really beyond laughable. It's, it's, I can't even imagine it. What are these people doing? You don't think you could have conducted your duties as a Navy SEAL by watching a two hour video that showed you how to do it?

There's a lot of jokes about the later guys who say, yeah, you must have done the correspondence course. But that's just absolutely laughable. What it means is these are unserious people put in positions of great seriousness, and they shouldn't be anywhere near any kind of levers of power to send people in to do a difficult, dangerous job that has a high consequence of failure.

The fact that this guy on Sunday had been there for 12 hours in a final firing position, and he put his ballistic panels up against the fence, kind of preparing for counterfire with his GoPro mounted on the fence. Why? Because that guy was trophy hunting. So, yes, there's an enormous competency problem, but there's a huge language problem on the left because they have so...

for so long, unleashed every invective and hyperbole saying Trump is Hitler, he must be eliminated, he is the end of democracy, all these things that unlock every left-wing crazy to say, I'm going to self-actualize myself by killing Donald Trump. They're 0 for 2,

Imagine if this was actually a professional, a proper attempt at taking out Trump. I mean, the fact that the Secret Service agent, the advanced guy who was walking the course, only one hole ahead of where Trump was, saw the guy, fired four times, didn't hit him, which is not good. And he got away. If he'd been wearing a ghillie suit, you know, the old...

British gamekeepers would wear a ghillie suit to really disguise themselves to hide in the terrain.

a proper, a proper sniper would have been successful. Fortunately, you know, what's crazy is not only did they miss, but he got away. The only way they found him was thanks to this good Samaritan who saw him get into this black Nissan and took a picture with the plates and then was helpfully there to give it to secret service. But I mean, there is a chance this guy could have gotten away and come back for another shot at it.

If it hadn't been for this bystander, I want to say two things, though. One, the staffing problems at the Secret Service

Susan Crabtree, who's been doing the best reporting on this for, she's a Secret Service correspondent, basically. She knows all of the stories. She reports that not only are they understaffed on protecting Trump and others, but right now the UN General Assembly is in session and they've got some 600 agents protecting all of these dignitaries from four. We've got like a guy on the president of Ghana. Like,

Nobody wants to kill the president of Ghana. And if they do, shouldn't that be Ghana's problem? Right. It's not our problem. Who cares? Yeah. So there's that. So that's in terms of manpower. But secondly, you raise the perimeter and the now acting head of the Secret Service, Director Ron Rao.

spoke to that yesterday. He was asked, this is the problem, right? It was a perimeter problem in Butler where they put that building outside of it and it wasn't well looked after by the locals. And it was a perimeter problem down in Florida on Sunday. So this came up and listen to how this guy answers. Stop three.

Is there any evidence to suggest that the suspect knew that Donald Trump would be on the golf course at that time? And was the golf course searched thoroughly before the former president's arrival? It was an off the record movement, meaning it was not on the former president's official schedule. There was a front element. It did its job in sweeping ahead of the president. That's what identified this individual who was in that wood line. And the swift action of that agent doing his job

pushing out ahead, sweeping while the president was behind him several hundred yards and several holes away out of sight from the gunman did his job. Were there any evidence to suggest that the suspect knew that Donald Trump was going to be on that golf course at that time?

Based on what I know now, and it's an active investigation, I don't have any information on that. How many times did your agents go around the perimeter and scope out the golf course during the 12 hours that this guy was holed up in the shore? So this was an off-the-record movement. It wasn't a site that was on his scheduled, it wasn't part of his schedule. So there was no posting up of it because he wasn't supposed to have gone there in the first place.

So he didn't answer because it appears to be zero. What he seems to be saying is we didn't know he's going to play golf. And when we found out, we did not sweep the perimeter, which we all kind of know because the guy was lying in wait for hours on end and then almost took a shot.

Yeah. So they had a perimeter problem in Butler, 140 yards. The guy was lined up in this case. This guy could not have been more than two or maximum 300 yards from where I think the fifth hole was where Trump would have next been. That's that's.

at best elementary school grade executive protection, they should be at minimum 1,000 meters for any kind of line of sight or any kind of proper sniper capability. But they're very 20th century in thinking that because with the advent of drone technology, now somebody with a very small payload can fly that drone from 10, 15 kilometers away, right?

and put a five-pound weapon on the fifth hole at the putting, you know, right at the putting green long before they could ever, ever respond. So they are clearly behind the times. They have gone backwards in capability.

And to me, it's a microcosm of the greater federal government problem we have is an enormous amount of federal agencies that are completely out of control and bloated and filled with largely useless people that are actually maligned to any kind of mission for that organization instead of actually adding value. I had one friend that interacted a lot with the Secret Service in the last few years and said,

There's about 10% of the agents are great. They are Olympic grade. They're trying to carry all the water. There's another 40% that are just the absolute mid-grade bureaucrats. And the other half are not just useless. They're beyond useless. So it's not a matter of just adding people. You have to add the right people. And I'd say the next director there has to rescreen every person

almost like a reform program and see what standard they can hit and cut the bottom half and either find them a different job. Because remember, all these HSI agents that were assigned in Butler, HSI is really just ICE. It's Immigrations and Customs Enforcement rebranded because Democrats didn't like how ICE sounded. So they renamed them HSI agents.

Um, but even, even if there's a lot of secret service agents, they should be focused solely on executive protection. That's it. Not focused on credit cards, currency, and, uh, and other bank fraud. Mm-hmm. So we are learning more about the attempted shooter here and it's,

It's very curious. You tell me what you think is really going on here, because now the latest is that he was known to the FBI, that he was reported and the subject of a previously closed 2019 tip to the FBI where it was alleged that he was a felon in possession of a firearm. And following up on the tip,

The alleged complainant was interviewed and they're saying that he did not. The complainant did not verify providing the initial information. So there I guess there's some question about whether the informant stuck by the actual allegation. And then they said that the FBI passed the info to local law enforcement in Honolulu.

Um, this guy was on the feds radar because in thanks to some of his overseas work going to Ukraine and trying to get freedom fighters over to Ukraine, he was so nasty and upsetting to people who were over there that they sat with customers in border control and said, there was one nurse in particular who said of all the people I've met over here, you need to watch this guy. He's a threat. This is not a good guy and he's going to do something to somebody one day. So

And not to mention all of his criminal convictions for having a weapon of mass destruction in 2002 and multiple other convictions that from that point forward, this has many people wondering what is the likelihood that he's just this rando who is going to take out the president? Could it be there are other forces at play here?

Those are questions that must be answered. I've asked people involved in the Afghan evacuations and Ukraine, and some of them had heard of him and found him to be a kind of a wild loser looking for a mission. So if I'm going to type the guy, I would say he tries to attach himself to the Afghan evacuations.

And then he pivots from there to Ukraine and makes that his passion. I think the guy was almost a social media addict and really got fed the mass psychosis that the Dems were feeding him. And with all the horrific language used against Trump,

They wind this guy up and now he's going to self-actualize by becoming the guy who takes out Donald J. Trump. That's why he had his GoPro mounted on that fence. He was trophy hunting to leave his mark. I don't trust the feds to do an adequate job investigating. They can't be

trying him or rating Mar-a-Lago on a bogus documents case. You know, the FBI agent in charge of the Miami field office had to scrub his social media account, all his accounts before he was named Miami SAC because they were so virulently anti-Trump. So I can't believe that they're going to do an honest job of looking at any other link analysis of what spun this guy up. Now, supposedly he was driving a stolen car.

Did he carjack it? Did he steal it by hot wiring? How did he do that? Did he have help? Apparently, according to the phone data, he'd been on location for at least 12 hours. How did he go if he was from North Carolina, but then living in Hawaii, how did he make it there and decide to set up and effectively stalk Trump for 12 hours?

a thorough proctology of all of his electronics and movements has to be done. I'm really glad Governor DeSantis said, yes, we're going to do a proper parallel investigation because we just don't have confidence in the feds. That's exactly what state governors should be doing. There should be a significant tension in a healthy republic. There should be significant tension between the states and the federal government because the federal government has gotten way too bloated

and overbearing. And as we see repeatedly now, exceedingly incompetent. The guy had no money. He was, I think he was what it was at $3,000 a month he was getting, but he had to pay for his home in Hawaii. He has a son who has got a blue collar job. He had what was described as an arsenal at his home in North Carolina, which costs money.

Um, he did get a plane ticket, obviously from Oahu all the way to Mar-a-Lago. He had a GoPro and other equipment, as you point out. So there's a question about money here and whether he could have funded all of this on his own. Any thoughts on that?

Again, seeing where those deposits came from. He supposedly gave a lot of money to Act Blue over the years. Yep, 19 donations. It's going to be impossible for the Dems to try to recharacterize him as some right winger. But again- Oh, they're trying. Former Trump supporter. That's what I've heard him describe. Former Trump supporter. Yeah, it's absolute madness that

The, the, the feds have memory hold anything and everything to do with Butler, Pennsylvania. How did this kid get explosives in his vehicle? All the, all the preparation that he was doing.

Again, no output, no press conferences, no updates at all from the FBI. It's shocking. Can we just be explicit? Can we just be explicit? Because I'm always like, it's just bank on an incompetent government. That's really almost always the answer. But are we entertaining the notion, truly, like this was an inside job that somebody in our federal government took out a hit on Donald Trump? I'd like to think if it was an inside job and a proper hit, that they would have found someone more competent.

Right. Because if you're going to take if you're going to take the risk of going to that extreme measure, make sure it works. So what does it look like to you? Foreign government or just lone loser? My my unprofessional but life experience opinion would be these people get so spun up in a leftist echo chamber that Donald Trump is Hitler, that anything they do to stop him makes them a hero.

It is like it initiates the hero's journey. And that's what's happening. And so you have that problem providing a supply of jackasses that are trying to hurt Trump. And at the same time, you have a very incompetent federal government that has not been responsive. Who's been fired since Butler, Pennsylvania? No one. The former director was forced to retire because they were going to impeach her. That's all. There's not been a revamp of their training programs. There's not been any...

actual visual, visible change. And so now you have this where another perimeter, Oh geez. Yeah. The, the, the current acting director says there's a, there's a perimeter problem. Yes. The normal perimeter is at least a thousand meters. Are these guys going to step up and do their job or not? I've advocated because a lot of people said, yeah, you know, get the private sector in there to supplement. It's exceedingly difficult for the private sector to interact with

at that level with the feds because the private guys will always get thrown under the bus, especially if they have the one that takes a shot. But what they can do is they can supplement from the military. There are military detailees that get assigned to the Secret Service all the time, especially for explosive ordnance disposal. You could do the same thing with some very, very high-end capable tier one operators from JSOC, from Delta or SEAL Team 6.

and put them in the advance, put them in the outer perimeter, because you want people that think like predators. Putting law enforcement in this, I think, is a mistake because cops tend to look backwards for evidence to make a case. You want people that are saying, how am I going to kill Donald Trump? Make that list, and then making sure every item on that list is blocked and occluded and locked down. Nobody is thinking that way, apparently, at the Secret Service because they're now

Two very near attempts within the last two months. And we still have a long ways to get to the election.

I know you sold Blackwater a number of years ago, but something tells me that if they called you while you still had all those resources and said, Eric, we're getting rid of the Secret Service. Can you protect Donald Trump? You would have known how to do it. There wouldn't be mission failures two in two months. They're looking at us like we're making unreasonable demands of the Secret Service, that it's just impossible because Donald Trump likes to golf. Megan, if they call me

If they called me by Thursday to be ready on Monday, even now, we would be ready on Monday. That's what needs to happen, honestly. I agree with those who are worried they're going to take him out by election day. They're just, they're, the media reaction of just, hmm.

He's controversial. Shows you everything you need to know. And you're talking about the media, the Democrat rhetoric, because now they're like, it's all Trump's rhetoric. That's what got him shot at. It's not our rhetoric. Completely ignoring, we put together a little montage, the messaging we've been hearing apart from Hitler, apart from Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, which is in written form everywhere. A little walk down memory lane. Here it is. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans.

represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. And he must be stopped. He cannot be president. They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. The movement is a threat. The extremists that we're dealing with every single day, we've got to kill and confront that movement. Clearly, you know, this is a...

Literally, call to arms. Literally what conservative white folks do when they don't get their way. They turn violent. You know who I got to vote for to keep Hitler out the White House? Yeah, Hitler, White House. We keeping them out. Keeping Project 2025 out. That's all I care about. Up and down the ballot from the rooter to the tutor. And if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant at a gasoline station, you get out of the crowd. Yeah!

And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome.

With this kind of inspiration, I will go and take Trump out tonight. I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. It is just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office and he has to be eliminated.

And yet you have in the Cincinnati Inquirer yesterday in a letter to the editor, they published Trump brings these assassination attempts on himself. That's where the media is going with it. Yeah. Um, it's, uh, it's projection and it almost seems like they feel like they can get away with it because they never suffer any consequences for it. So I don't know if there's a, um,

A way to litigate against that or to put a marker down to say, if you've said this calling for the elimination of Donald Trump and something actually happens to him, then you yourself will be eliminated. So the wind reaps the whirlwind. Or just bring back dueling. Maybe people were a bit more civilized in the 19th century because –

When people threw down with very combative words, people could answer back and say, all right, pistols at dawn. I'll see you tomorrow, pal. And it doesn't have to be pistols. Maybe it's pugil sticks. Maybe that's a whole new use for the octagon. Maybe that's where the Dems want our country to spiral to. But they can't keep calling for the elimination of a presidential candidate.

and expect that the other side is going to just continue to take it because one guy has already been murdered. Two other people grievously shot. Donald Trump was shot in the head. How much more of this do we have to take? I certainly don't want to see violence against Dan Goldman or anybody else. But this is it's got to stop. Last question. I heard you say yesterday you don't think Ron DeSantis should turn over the suspect, Ruth, to the feds. Stand by that?

Yes, look, the feds can interview him, sure. But keep him in a Florida state controlled facility, keep control of his electronics. The feds can have copies of everything, but Florida should run a full and wide open investigation because I just don't have the confidence in the feds to do anything, to do the right thing on this. Are you worried we're gonna see an Epstein moment where suddenly the guy winds up death by suicide?

Maybe. Yeah, look, because yes, he had a weapon with a serial number removed. Obviously, he was there stalking, so attempted murder. I'd say in a Florida jury, we'll certainly find him. It'd be interesting to see if the guy takes a plea

in exchange for testimony, what he might testify to. And yes, I would want him in the state of Florida's hands, not the Fed hands, if that's the case, because he might Epstein himself. Wow. I trust Ron DeSantis. I don't know about these Feds. I agree with you, but I think that ship has sailed. We'll find out. Eric Prince, so nice to talk to you. Thank you so much for your insights. Thank you, Megan.

We're going to be back tomorrow with our pal Dave Rubin. This will be his first interview since he was accused of being like a Russian stooge because of that tenant media. He hasn't spoken out. You'll hear him here tomorrow exclusively. We'll see you then. Thanks for listening to The Megyn Kelly Show. No BS, no agenda and no fear.

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