cover of episode Kamala's Fox Debacle is Missed Opportunity, and Media Smears Voters and Baier as Sexist, with Ruthless Hosts | Ep. 919

Kamala's Fox Debacle is Missed Opportunity, and Media Smears Voters and Baier as Sexist, with Ruthless Hosts | Ep. 919

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The Megyn Kelly Show

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Josh Holmes
Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kelly:卡马拉·哈里斯在福克斯新闻的采访中表现糟糕,未能抓住机会赢得新观众。她回避了关于经济计划、移民、变性人手术和拜登精神状态等关键问题,只重复空洞的谈话要点,并对提问者的追问表现出不满。她的策略是错误的,她应该展示自己如何改善选民的生活并赢得他们的信任,而不是一味抨击特朗普。 Josh Holmes:布雷特·拜尔在采访中表现出色,他坚持追问哈里斯,要求她给出真实的答案。民主党人对哈里斯采访的反应荒谬,他们误解了新闻工作的本质。哈里斯错失了与拜登政府保持距离的机会,她的表现糟糕透顶,过于抱怨,肢体语言传递出敌意和令人讨厌的印象。 Michael Duncan:哈里斯的竞选团队缺乏一致的中心信息,她的策略是孤注一掷的,这表明他们知道自己落后了。哈里斯在采访中使用了一种新的口音,对黑人选民的迎合是令人反感的。 John Ashbrook:将对哈里斯的批评归咎于种族主义和性别歧视是一种站不住脚的论点,美国男性选民厌倦了被指责为问题的根源。哈里斯在采访中回避问题,这让她看起来不值得信任,表现得像一个民主党活动家,而不是一个值得信任的候选人。

Deep Dive

Kamala Harris's Fox News interview was marked by her inability to answer direct questions and her reliance on repetitive talking points, particularly bashing Trump, which failed to resonate with Fox viewers.
  • Harris did not address specific policy issues or how she could help Fox News viewers.
  • She repeatedly dodged questions, especially on immigration and Biden's mental fitness.
  • Her strategy of bashing Trump did not win over Fox viewers, who are either pro-Trump or open-minded about him.

Shownotes Transcript

Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing Vice President Kamala Harris's recent interview with Fox News, the key missteps and missed opportunities, why she failed to move the needle with a new audience, Kamala's infuriating dodges during her Fox News interview, her inability to answer direct questions on immigration and the border, her non-stop use of talking points and weak answers, her struggles to address critical questions regarding President Biden's mental fitness, her vague answers about "turn the page," and more. Then Josh Holmes, Comfortably Smug, Michael Duncan, and John Ashbrook, the hosts of the Ruthless podcast, join to discuss the media's absurd reaction to Kamala's Fox News interview, the spin that has emerged in her defense, the attempt to attack Bret Baier for daring to ask actual journalistic questions, Kamala's reliance on scripted talking points even during friendly interviews like with Charlamagne, her new accent in that interview, the new narrative that criticism of Kamala is sexist, the latest battleground polling and what it reveals about the 2024 election, whether Trump or Harris has the lead, and more.

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