cover of episode Jack Smith's "Election Interference," and Truth About Walz's Abortion Law, with Michael Knowles and Mike Davis | Ep. 905

Jack Smith's "Election Interference," and Truth About Walz's Abortion Law, with Michael Knowles and Mike Davis | Ep. 905

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The Megyn Kelly Show

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Megyn Kelly
Michael Knowles
Mike Davis
Megyn Kelly:Jack Smith 提交的 165 页法律简报并非单纯的法律诉讼,而是为了在 11 月大选前影响公众舆论,属于选举干预行为。简报中许多论点缺乏上下文,并且选择性地呈现对特朗普不利的证据。 Mike Davis:该法律简报是政治文件,目的是在 11 月 5 日大选前对特朗普进行政治打击。法官 Tanya Chutkan 的行为也显示出政治偏见,允许该简报在特朗普方提交动议之前公开发布。这属于前所未有的政治干预行为,是对美国民主的破坏。 Mike Davis:Jack Smith 的起诉书是政治文件,旨在通过媒体曝光来干预 2024 年总统大选,而非基于公正的法律程序。他利用了过时的法律条款,并且忽略了最高法院的裁决。这显示出司法部门的政治化和武器化。

Deep Dive

Megyn discusses Jack Smith's lengthy legal brief against Trump, its timing close to the election, and how it's being perceived as a political maneuver rather than a purely legal one. She questions the new information presented and highlights the media's enthusiastic response.
  • Jack Smith's 165-page brief against Trump was unsealed just before the election.
  • The brief is significantly longer than the original indictment and repeats existing allegations.
  • Megyn argues that Trump's actions were inappropriate but not criminal.
  • The media's response to the brief has been overwhelmingly positive, focusing on negative portrayals of Trump.

Shownotes Transcript

Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing Jack Smith's giant Trump January 6 case filing that was conveniently unsealed the day after the VP debate, how this is evidence of "election interference" through a "paper trial," and more. Then Mike Davis, founder of the Article III Project, joins to talk about Jack Smith's "political" filing, the corporate media celebrating the filing, why this is an attempt by Smith and others to hurt Trump's electoral chances before November, what actually is in the indictment that Smith says he fond through using forensic evidence tracking Trump's phone, and more. Then Michael Knowles, host of The Daily Wire's "Michael Knowles Show," joins to discuss Tim Walz's tendency to say he just "talks like everyone" when he is caught in a lie, how that's an insult to Americans, his new spin about the Tiananmen Square lie, Walz's new exaggeration that his son witnessed a shooting, the truth about the Minnesota abortion law under Gov. Tim Walz, the reality of "comfort care" for babies that are born alive after botched abortions, Melania Trump’s strongly pro-choice stance in her new memoir, the reaction from "The View" saying she hates Christmas (and her husband), and more.



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