cover of episode Explosive Doug Emhoff Assault Allegations, and MSNBC Producer Caught Telling the Truth, with Maureen Callahan | Ep. 907

Explosive Doug Emhoff Assault Allegations, and MSNBC Producer Caught Telling the Truth, with Maureen Callahan | Ep. 907

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Maureen Callahan
Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kelly:道格·埃姆霍夫对性侵犯指控的回应含糊其辞,主流媒体对此事几乎完全忽略。她认为埃姆霍夫的回应属于'非否认式否认',这暗示其可能在说谎。她还批评媒体对埃姆霍夫丑闻的报道轻描淡写,甚至对其进行美化,掩盖了其负面形象。她认为媒体对卡玛拉·哈里斯及其丈夫的采访缺乏批判性,这反映了媒体的偏见。她还指出,媒体对道格·埃姆霍夫的积极描述与他的行为形成对比,这突显了媒体的偏见。她认为媒体对卡玛拉·哈里斯及其丈夫的报道缺乏客观性,并对右翼人士采取双重标准。她认为媒体对卡玛拉·哈里斯及其丈夫的指控保持沉默,这反映了他们对女性的漠视。 Maureen Callahan:Daily Mail获得了三个可靠消息来源的证词,证实道格·埃姆霍夫在法国戛纳袭击了他的前女友。她详细描述了袭击事件,并提供了支持性证据,包括埃姆霍夫与保姆之间关系的细节。她还指出,道格·埃姆霍夫对保姆指控的沉默以及他前女友的朋友们愿意向Daily Mail作证,都表明该事件可能属实。她认为媒体将道格·埃姆霍夫塑造成一个模范的女性主义者,这与他对女性的指控相矛盾。她还指出,卡玛拉·哈里斯在布雷特·卡瓦诺听证会上对性侵指控采取强硬立场,这与她对丈夫的指控保持沉默形成对比。

Deep Dive

Megyn Kelly y Maureen Callahan, del Daily Mail, discuten las consecuencias de la presunta agresión de Doug Emhoff a su ex novia. Analizan su semidesmentida, los detalles clave que no abordó, cómo los medios corporativos intentan enterrar la historia, los detalles impactantes de la historia y los hechos que corroboran las acusaciones. También discuten si la niñera y la acusadora podrían hacer pública su versión en el futuro, y cómo la mayoría de los medios claramente intentan ayudar y promover a Kamala Harris y Doug Emhoff.
  • Doug Emhoff enfrenta acusaciones de agresión por parte de una ex novia.
  • Emhoff emitió una negación vaga a través de un portavoz no identificado.
  • Tres amigos de la presunta víctima corroboraron la historia con el Daily Mail.
  • Los medios corporativos ignoran en gran medida la historia.
  • La negación de Emhoff y la respuesta de los medios plantean preguntas sobre la imparcialidad periodística.

Shownotes Transcript

Megyn Kelly is joined by The Daily Mail's Maureen Callahan, author of "Ask Not," to discuss the fallout from Doug Emhoff's alleged assault of his ex-girlfriend, breaking down his semi-denial about it and what key details he didn't address, how the corporate media is trying to bury the story, the shocking details about the story, the corroborating facts that give credibility to the accusations, whether the nanny and the accuser could go public in the future, how most of the media is clearly trying to help and promote Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff, NPR admitting their hit piece about Rich Lowry was wrong and a mistake, the knee-jerk instinct to assume the worst about a conservative, the failed effort to cancel Rich over nothing, an MSNBC producer caught on O'Keefe Media hidden camera saying the network is doing all they can to get Kamala Harris elected, MSNBC's hypocrisy on trust and journalism, a new report that suggests the Kamala Harris campaign is panicking over Tim Walz's lies, all the times he explicitly claimed he was in Hong Kong for the Tiananmen Square protests, new disturbing reporting about more than 100 alleged sexual abuse victims of Diddy, mostly silence from the music and A-list Hollywood communities, and more.


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