cover of episode Elite Establishment's Ties to Big Pharma, and Keys to Avoiding Ultra-Processed Food, with Dr. Casey Means | Ep. 887

Elite Establishment's Ties to Big Pharma, and Keys to Avoiding Ultra-Processed Food, with Dr. Casey Means | Ep. 887

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The Megyn Kelly Show

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Dr. Casey Means
Megyn Kelly: 本期节目讨论了美国医疗保健机构对真正能帮助美国人的方法的"故意视而不见",以及我们被告知的关于食物的谎言、超加工食品的真相、美国国立卫生研究院和其他政府卫生组织中存在的巨大利益冲突,它们如何最终成为加工食品行业的公关部门,医学院如何被大型制药公司左右,以数量而非结果和根本原因为主导的医疗激励机制的缺陷,有多少制药公司的广告在传统媒体上投放,为什么精英阶层害怕未经审查的独立媒体,大型制药公司推销药物而不是全食物和健康习惯,为什么肥胖和其他疾病正处于历史最高水平,拜耳和孟山都合并的细节和危险,我们食物和农产品中大量存在的杀虫剂,超加工食品对我们细胞健康的危害,为什么饮食大战是一种转移注意力的策略,关于种子油的真相,哪些油是健康的并且含有好的脂肪,令人作呕的菜籽油生产方式,塑料和铝如何进入我们的系统等等。 Dr. Casey Means: 阐述了代谢健康的重要性,指出代谢功能紊乱是几乎所有慢性病的根源。她批判了美国医疗体系的现状,认为其关注点在于治疗症状而非根本原因,并且受到大型制药公司和食品工业的利益驱动。她强调了饮食在改善健康中的关键作用,建议人们食用未经加工的、富含营养的天然食物,并避免超加工食品、农药和塑料等毒素。她还分享了一些改善代谢健康的实用建议,例如:多运动、保证充足睡眠、减少压力、食用富含纤维、欧米伽-3脂肪酸、益生菌、优质蛋白质和抗氧化剂的食物等。 Dr. Casey Means: 详细解释了为什么美国人的健康状况正在恶化,并指出这与我们细胞所需与环境提供的严重不匹配有关。她列举了大量数据,说明美国人的肥胖、糖尿病、自免疫疾病、癌症、不孕不育等慢性病发病率都在急剧上升,预期寿命却在下降。她认为,这与我们摄入的超加工食品、农药、塑料等毒素有关,也与缺乏睡眠、久坐不动、慢性压力等生活方式因素有关。她呼吁人们重视代谢健康,并采取行动改善自己的健康状况。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Megyn Kelly is joined by Dr. Casey Means, author of "Good Energy," to discuss the "intentional blindspot" our medical and healthcare establishment has for what can actually help Americans, lies we're told about food, the truth about ultra-processed foods, the massive conflicts of interest in the NIH and other government health organizations, how they end up being the PR arm of processed food industry, how medical schools are being swayed by Big Pharma, the faulty incentive structure in medicine focused on volume and not outcomes and root causes, how many ads for pharma companies are advertising on legacy media outlets, why the elite establishment is terrified of uncensored independent media, Big Pharma pushing medicine and drugs instead of whole foods and healthy habits, why obesity and other diseases are at an all-time high, the details and dangers of the Bayer and Monsanto merger, the abundance of pesticides in our foods and produce, the harms of ultra processed foods that are destroying our cellular health, why diet wars are a distraction, the truth about seed oils, what oils are healthy and contain good fats, the disgusting way canola oil is made, how plastic and aluminum can get into our system, and more.


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