cover of episode BREAKING: Another Trump Assassination Attempt Foiled, with Buck Sexton, Rich Lowry, Susan Crabtree, Dave Aronberg, Bill Stanton, and More | Ep. 888

BREAKING: Another Trump Assassination Attempt Foiled, with Buck Sexton, Rich Lowry, Susan Crabtree, Dave Aronberg, Bill Stanton, and More | Ep. 888

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The Megyn Kelly Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Bill Stanton
Buck Sexton
Carol Markowitz
Kamala Harris
Megyn Kelly
Sheriff Rick Bradshaw
Megyn Kelly:对特朗普总统两次暗杀未遂事件表示震惊,并质疑特勤局的安全措施。她还批评媒体将责任归咎于特朗普,并指出媒体对特朗普和哈里斯言论的双重标准。 Buck Sexton:认为对特朗普的第二次暗杀未遂事件凸显了其面临的严重安全威胁,特勤局的安保工作存在严重不足。他批评民主党对特朗普的激烈言论,认为这助长了暴力行为。 Bill Stanton:认为特勤局需要进行彻底的审查,并指出其存在懈怠和冷漠。他批评现任总统对事件的沉默,并认为政治言论助长了针对特朗普的暴力行为。 Carol Markowitz:公布了疑似枪手的照片和姓名,并描述了其社交媒体内容,包括对乌克兰战争和反犹太主义的言论。 Sheriff Rick Bradshaw:解释了警方在特勤局报告枪击事件后迅速找到目击者并逮捕嫌疑人的过程。 Charles Marino:认为左翼的政治言论导致了针对特朗普的暴力行为,特勤局需要根据威胁程度调整安保措施。 John Spears:认为左翼已经跨越了言论的阈值,导致了针对特朗普的恐怖主义行为。他建议特朗普竞选团队寻求地方执法机构的协助以加强安全。 Rich Lowry:对特朗普面临的持续安全威胁表示担忧,并批评媒体对事件的反应不当。他认为民主党对特朗普的负面言论助长了暴力行为。 Dave Aronberg:提供了关于枪击事件的最新信息,并解释了联邦政府将接管此案的原因。 Susan Crabtree:对枪手使用其女儿的汽车表示担忧,并认为这可能表明伊朗参与其中。她还批评特勤局的安全措施不足,并指出特勤局内部存在问题。

Deep Dive

Megyn Kelly reports on another assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump. The suspect was apprehended by authorities. Trump released a statement confirming his safety.
  • Second assassination attempt on Trump in two months
  • Suspect arrested with AK-47, scope, and GoPro
  • Trump confirms he is safe

Shownotes Transcript

Megyn Kelly covers the breaking news of another assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump thankfully foiled again, and is joined by Buck Sexton, Rich Lowry, Susan Crabtree, Dave Aronberg, Bill Stanton, Charles Marino, John Spears, and Karol Markowicz to talk about what we know about the arrested gunman, how he was spotted before he could fire a shot, how outrageous it is that this happened again, what we're learning about the suspected assassin, the overheated rhetoric that's been aimed at former President Donald Trump by Kamala Harris and others since the first assassination attempt, some in the media now saying it's on Trump to lower the rhetoric, the increased threat level we've seen over the past few months that have now led to multiple assassination attempts of Trump, how lucky we are that these haven't been successful, the difference between stochastic vs. deterministic terrorism, the danger of mentally unhinged people who still are able to plan these assassination attempts, the arrest of the would-be Trump assassin and how he was caught, corruption of the Secret Service, and more.