cover of episode Bombshell Diddy Charges, and "Dating Game Killer," with Matt Murphy, Plus Megyn on Tucker, Shawn Ryan, All-In | Ep. 891

Bombshell Diddy Charges, and "Dating Game Killer," with Matt Murphy, Plus Megyn on Tucker, Shawn Ryan, All-In | Ep. 891

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The Megyn Kelly Show

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Matt Murphy
Megyn Kelly
Sean Ryan
Megyn Kelly:就特朗普潜在暗杀者案,佛罗里达州和联邦政府之间存在管辖权争议;就Sean "Diddy" Combs案,其面临多项严重指控,包括敲诈勒索、绑架、纵火等;就Brian Kohberger案,其审判地点将变更,辩方质疑联邦调查局在追踪其身份的过程中可能越界。 Matt Murphy:对特朗普潜在暗杀者的指控,可能面临“企图谋杀”的指控,但此类指控的证明难度较大;检方会调查潜在暗杀者是否存在精神疾病或精神不稳定,以评估其是否有精神错乱的辩护理由;检方会调查是否存在共犯,包括在犯罪前提供协助的同谋和犯罪后提供协助的从犯;嫌疑人持有的武器被误认为是AK-47,实际上是SKS,这将影响案件调查;嫌疑人可能辩称其行为并非企图谋杀,而是为了引起特朗普的注意;嫌疑人携带的陶瓷板是防弹装备,而非瓷砖,这表明其预谋性;嫌疑人携带装有实弹的弹匣,以及其过往言行都表明其有杀人的意图;Sean "Diddy" Combs面临的指控,即使是轻罪,也可能导致其面临数十年的监禁;Sean "Diddy" Combs案中可能涉及RICO指控(反敲诈勒索法),检方可能会寻求与案件相关的证人作证;Sean "Diddy" Combs案中存在大量视频证据,这将对案件调查和审判产生重大影响;洛杉矶地区检察官办公室对Sean "Diddy" Combs案的处理方式令人担忧,这与洛杉矶地区检察官George Gascon的执法风格有关;许多连环杀手外表具有魅力,这使得他们能够隐藏在人群中;Rodney Alcala的案件反映了加州监狱假释制度的重大失败;许多连环杀手拥有成功的事业和家庭,这使得他们难以被识别;许多连环杀手喜欢自己为自己辩护;检察官在处理死刑案件时,既要确保被告的正当程序权利,又要确保审判的效率;Rodney Alcala即使犯下令人发指的罪行,也认为自己并不暴力;Rodney Alcala的汽车内发现大量证据,包括新的地毯(疑似为了掩盖血迹)和望远镜等;Rodney Alcala的储物柜中发现大量女性的珠宝首饰,以及大量儿童和年轻女性的照片,这些都是犯罪证据;检察官在John Meehan案中确保受害者Tara免受刑事指控;John Meehan的汽车内发现大量凶器,这表明其预谋性;John Meehan案中,受害者的宠物狗在自卫过程中发挥了重要作用;Brian Kohberger案中,其车辆的清洁情况是案件调查中的一个重要因素;Brian Kohberger案的审判地点将从爱达荷州莫斯科市改为博伊西市;即使辩方质疑DNA证据的获取方式,检方仍然有足够的证据指控Brian Kohberger;即使DNA证据的获取方式存在问题,检方仍然可以通过“不可避免发现”原则来使用该证据;即使联邦调查局在获取Brian Kohberger的DNA证据的过程中存在违规行为,检方仍然可以通过其他证据来指控他;Brian Kohberger案中,其车辆信息、手机定位信息等证据将对案件调查和审判产生重大影响;Brian Kohberger案中,其多次前往案发现场,以及案发当晚的行动轨迹,都表明其有作案嫌疑;Brian Kohberger案中,检方掌握的证据非常有力,足以支持对他的指控。 Sean Ryan:如果特朗普再次当选,将会引发媒体的强烈负面报道。 All-In播客主持人:就特朗普的各种诉讼案,认为这些案件是政治迫害。 Tucker Carlson:对Taylor Swift的政治立场表示批评。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the Diddy indictment so significant?

The indictment is significant because it alleges a range of serious crimes including racketeering, kidnapping, arson, bribery, forced labor, prostitution, and sex trafficking. It also reveals a pattern of abuse and exploitation, particularly through events called 'freak-offs' where victims were intimidated and coerced into sexual acts.

Why is the change of venue in the Kohlberger case considered a conservative decision?

The change of venue is considered a conservative decision to avoid any potential appellate issues. The defense argued that a fair trial might not be possible in the small town where the murders occurred, and the judge wanted to ensure the case is not reversed on appeal.

Why is Matt Murphy confident that the DNA evidence against Brian Kohlberger will be admitted in court?

Matt Murphy is confident because the DNA evidence is supported by other strong evidence such as cell phone pings and video footage. Even if the initial DNA collection had issues, the defense will not be able to suppress it due to the concept of 'inevitable discovery'.

Why did Megyn Kelly appreciate her interview with Sean Ryan?

Megyn Kelly appreciated her interview with Sean Ryan because he is a thoughtful and skilled interviewer who can keep the conversation engaging and deep without making it uncomfortable. The interview felt like therapy and was very meaningful to her.

Why does Matt Murphy believe that serial killers can hide in plain sight?

Matt Murphy believes that serial killers can hide in plain sight because many of them are charming, intelligent, and often have successful personal and professional lives. They do not fit the stereotypical profile of a 'weird outcast' and can blend in with society.

The episode opens with Megyn Kelly discussing the recent Diddy indictment and the potential implications, introducing Matt Murphy to delve deeper into the case.

Shownotes Transcript

Megyn Kelly is joined by Matt Murphy, author of "The Book of Murder," to discuss whether the would-be Trump assassin will be charged with attempted murder, the disturbing bombshell allegations in the Sean "Diddy" Combs indictment, the big names in his social circle who could have known about his crimes, the major trial that's likely to take place soon, Murphy's experience with big cases like the “Dating Game Killer,” what habits serial killers have and how they can hide in plain sight, the way California often doesn't properly prosecute criminals, the Kohberger change of venue update, and more. Then Megyn Kelly looks back at interviews last week with Tucker Carlson, Shawn Ryan, and the All-In Podcast hosts.


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