cover of episode Kamala’s Final Moment: Election 2024

Kamala’s Final Moment: Election 2024

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The Matt Walsh Show

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Andrew Klavan
Ben Shapiro
Dennis Prager
Jeremy Boreing
Kamala Harris
Matt Walsh
Megyn Kelly
Michael Knowles
Spencer Lindquist
Ben Shapiro:对左翼将败选归咎于美国人民的预测,以及对左翼未来走向的分析。对民主党过度依赖名人效应的批评,以及对卡马拉·哈里斯竞选策略的质疑。认为主流媒体已经沦为左翼媒体,并对主流媒体的新闻调查能力和公正性表示担忧。对一些保守派人士因为对特朗普的厌恶而放弃其价值观的批评。认为美国人民的政治观点较为稳定,并对民主党未来面临的挑战进行分析。 Matt Walsh:对卡马拉·哈里斯败选演说的期待,希望她能够将责任归咎于拜登。对卡马拉·哈里斯在未来的政治生涯中表现更好的期待。认为左翼不会放弃权力,并对哈里斯败选后缺乏暴力抗议活动表示关注。 Michael Knowles:用醉酒司机撞电线杆的比喻来形容他对选举结果的最初反应,以及对国家重要性的强调。对左翼媒体对特朗普的负面描述的批评,以及对卡马拉·哈里斯竞选策略的质疑。认为政府和文化中的腐败问题会得到一定程度的解决,但民主党不太可能改变其错误的道路。 Andrew Klavan:认为特朗普是一位优秀的政治候选人,并分析了他两次总统大选的成功原因。认为特朗普是一位政治天才,能够解决复杂的问题。预测特朗普的第二个总统任期将会非常成功,并分析了其原因。呼吁重新统计人口普查数据,以纠正2020年人口普查中的错误,并预测这将对未来的选举产生影响。分析了民主党未来面临的挑战,认为他们失去了在福利和堕胎问题上的优势。认为特朗普在2020年处理新冠疫情的方式值得批评,但其他西方领导人也犯了同样的错误。 Jeremy Boreing:对Cabot的发言进行更正,指出Dennis Prager是节目中唯一一位非常重要的人物。描述了拍摄Daily Wire主持人鼓励人们投票的视频过程中的趣事。认为美国人民对左翼项目的全面拒绝是特朗普获胜的原因,并指出左翼不会消失。关注特朗普的实际行动而非言论,认为他恢复了美国的正常状态。认为选举结果是对左翼项目在堕胎、多元化、变性人、经济、犯罪和移民等问题上的全面否定。虽然取得了胜利,但战斗并未结束,未来的目标是将胜利的论点转化为实际的立法和政策胜利。高度评价Matt Walsh的作品对本次选举的影响,认为其作品在女性、啤酒和多元、公平、包容等问题上对左翼造成了巨大打击。 Dennis Prager:认为纽约时报等媒体已经失去了对美国的影响力,并成为左翼媒体。尽管纽约时报等媒体已经成为左翼媒体,但它们仍然拥有强大的新闻调查能力。认为主要媒体已经沦为迎合左翼读者的工具。认为David French等保守派人士因为对特朗普的厌恶而放弃了他们的价值观。认为人们对政治观点的失望会导致对国家的信念动摇。强调了在选举中尊重多数人的选择的重要性。认为特朗普的胜利增强了人们对民主制度的信心。认为民主党需要重新审视其议程,并寻找新的领导人。认为左翼人士不太可能改变其在性别认同等问题上的立场。认为一些保守派人士因为对特朗普的厌恶而无法支持其他共和党人。认为人们对政治观点的失望会导致对国家的信念动摇。 Megyn Kelly:解释了她对特朗普的支持,并强调了国家利益高于个人恩怨。认为特朗普是目前最合适的人选,因为他是一位斗士,能够对抗左翼的激进议程。解释了她为何在特朗普的最后一次集会上为他背书,并试图说服那些对特朗普持观望态度的女性。 Spencer Lindquist:描述了在哈里斯发表败选演说前后的现场气氛变化,指出人群数量减少,气氛低落。观察到哈里斯败选后缺乏暴力抗议活动。分析了人们在哈里斯败选演说后返回现场的原因。描述了华盛顿特区在哈里斯败选后的气氛。 Kamala Harris:表达了对选举结果的接受,并感谢了支持者和团队。虽然承认败选,但她不会放弃为自由、公平和平等而奋斗。承诺继续为妇女权利、控枪和民主而奋斗。鼓励年轻人不要放弃,并相信他们有能力创造更好的世界。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Kamala Harris lose the 2024 election?

Kamala Harris lost due to her lack of genuine policy positions and achievements, making her an opaque candidate. Her campaign was also marked by scare tactics and hyperbolic rhetoric, such as comparing Trump to Hitler, which ultimately backfired.

What were the key issues that led to Trump's victory in 2024?

Trump's victory was driven by a total rejection of the leftist agenda on issues like abortion, DEI, trans rights, the economy, crime, and immigration. The American people stood up against these policies, leading to a decisive win for Trump.

How did the left react to their loss in the 2024 election?

The left reacted by blaming the American people, calling them rubes, hicks, and horrible people. They also continued to push radical agendas and doubled down on their divisive rhetoric, showing no signs of learning from their defeat.

What role did celebrities play in Kamala Harris's campaign?

Celebrity endorsements, such as those from Jennifer Lopez, Christina Aguilera, and Cardi B, were part of Kamala Harris's closing argument. However, these endorsements were out of touch and did not resonate with voters, contributing to her loss.

Why did Megyn Kelly endorse Donald Trump in 2024?

Megyn Kelly endorsed Trump because she believed he was the best candidate to fight against the radical leftist agenda. She felt it was crucial to support a fighter like Trump to protect women's rights and civil liberties.

How did the media's portrayal of Trump impact the 2024 election?

The media's constant negative portrayal of Trump, including false claims and hyperbolic comparisons to Hitler, backfired. The American people saw through these lies and voted for Trump, showing their rejection of the media's narrative.

What does the 2024 election result say about the future of the Democratic Party?

The 2024 election result suggests the Democratic Party needs to reevaluate its agenda. They must either find a new cult figure like Barack Obama or reconsider policies from more moderate times, such as those of Bill Clinton, to regain relevance.

How did Trump's handling of COVID-19 impact his 2024 campaign?

Trump's handling of COVID-19 was a mixed bag. While it was weaponized against him by the left, he also made mistakes that hurt his credibility. However, the American people ultimately forgave him, focusing more on his overall policies and leadership.

What was the significance of the Electoral College in the 2024 election?

The Electoral College played a crucial role in Trump's victory, ensuring that his broad support across various states translated into a decisive win. It also highlighted the importance of state-level politics and the need for a national coalition.

How did the left's reaction to the 2024 election reveal their true beliefs?

The left's reaction revealed their deep-seated disdain for the American people and their commitment to radical ideologies. They showed no willingness to compromise or learn from their defeat, instead doubling down on divisive and extreme policies.

Megyn Kelly discusses her decision to endorse Donald Trump and speak at his final rally, despite past public sparring.
  • Megyn Kelly's endorsement was about the country and the future, not personal feelings.
  • She felt Trump was the man for the job, even if they had their ups and downs.
  • Kelly critiques Trump when she disagrees with him, which he doesn't like.

Shownotes Transcript

Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, Jeremy Boreing, and special guest Dennis Prager are “burning brighter than a billion stars in the night sky” for Kamala Harris’s finest (and final) moment of the 2024 campaign: her concession speech.