The Linux Cast

A weekly podcast about random topics spoken about by random Linux Nerds on the interwebs. #Linux #FO


Total: 171

Containers, Containers everywhere. πŸ‘‡ PULL IT DOWN FOR THE GOOD STUFF πŸ‘‡ ==== Special Thanks to Our

The boys are back, this time to talk about whether NixOS is the future of Linux πŸ‘‡ PULL IT DOWN FOR

The guys come to talk about our essential apps for Linux. πŸ‘‡ PULL IT DOWN FOR THE GOOD STUFF πŸ‘‡ ===

The guys come to battle to the death over which is better: GNOME or KDE? πŸ‘‡ PULL IT DOWN FOR THE GOO

The guys come together to talk about whether corporate distros like Fedora, PopOS and others are goo

The guys come together to talk about Wayland and its Pros and Cons. πŸ‘‡ PULL IT DOWN FOR THE GOOD

The guys come together to talk about the merits of the Linux Foundation. πŸ‘‡ PULL IT DOWN FOR THE GO

Matt and Steve talk about the increased popularity of Linux and whether we want it to become more po

The boys are back for another pod! This week we talk about the topic: Linux and choice. πŸ‘‡ PULL IT

Episode 130: Linux Mega Corp?


Another podcast for you, we have some news of the week and lots more for you this week. Also, for th

The boys are back, this week, we talk about SystemD, Gnome's new Window management, and more KDE

Another podcast for you, we have the news of the week, including more Red Hat news, EU making poor d

Another podcast for you, we have the news of the week, including Ubuntu abandoning debs and removing

Another podcast for you, we have the news of the week, including more Red Hat fallout and a new Linu

The Boys are back, to talk about Redhat and other Linux news! A lot of technical difficulties in thi

This week we talk about some news! Firefox and Pipewire, Steam has some updates and more! πŸ‘‡ PULL I

This week we review Crunchbang++. It should be fun! πŸ‘‡ PULL IT DOWN FOR THE GOOD STUFF πŸ‘‡ ==== S

Microsoft has a new Linux distro, Fedora isn't in the RPM business anymore and Ubuntu is going i

Microsoft wants Firefox to ditch Google, Intel is killing 32 Bit support, and The Steam Deck has a c

Fedora KDE is considering going Wayland only and Mozilla is doing things other than Firefox. Video