cover of episode Adam Kinzinger on "Our Better Angels"

Adam Kinzinger on "Our Better Angels"

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Adam Kinzinger
Rick Wilson
Rick Wilson认为,再次选举特朗普将终结美国民主,而选举哈里斯将开启新的篇章。他分析了提前投票数据,指出民主党和女性在提前投票中占据主导地位,这预示着特朗普在选举日将面临更艰难的局面。他还认为,与共和党相比,民主党人的热情可能被低估了,而共和党内部存在大量负面情绪。“拯救国家”的使命感能够激励更多美国人参与投票。他认为哈里斯能够团结从伯尼·桑德斯到利兹·切尼等广泛的政治联盟,形成一个能够获胜的联盟。他还指出,自2016年以来,共和党在全国范围内损失了大量的席位,这表明他们的策略并不奏效。特朗普的联盟并非一个获胜的联盟,因为他输掉了普选票,而且这次也可能再次输掉。为了保卫民主,需要在温和的右翼、中间派和左翼之间建立一个不太舒服的联盟。即使哈里斯获胜,也需要继续努力对抗特朗普主义,因为它已经根植于共和党。即使特朗普失败,像JD Vance或Vivek Ramaswamy这样的人可能会继承特朗普主义的衣钵。特朗普的继承者们可能会比特朗普更擅长运用语言,这将使对抗更加困难。像JD Vance和Vivek Ramaswamy这样的人可能会利用他们的精英背景和流畅的表达来传播特朗普主义。特朗普即使在国会骚乱后仍然能够卷土重来,这出乎许多人的意料。特朗普即使失败,也可能会继续影响共和党的候选人提名。特朗普可能会利用福克斯新闻等媒体平台来维持他对共和党的影响力。通过对异见的压制,特朗普能够维持对共和党的控制。 Adam Kinzinger强调,民主党需要一个能够获胜的联盟,而不是一个可能导致失败的纯粹的民主党派。他同意持续努力对抗特朗普主义,即使在选举之后。他提到最近收到越来越多以前失去联系的人的来信,他们表示将投票给哈里斯,可能会有更多人投票给哈里斯,但不会公开承认。他观察到,与他联系的大多数人属于国家安全保守派,他们对特朗普在乌克兰、朝鲜等问题上的立场感到不安。如果特朗普获胜,将严重损害美国的全球地位和在乌克兰问题上的立场。即使是特朗普的支持者,也开始对他感到不适。他认为特朗普在麦迪逊广场花园的集会表明了他对白人民族主义者的迎合。民主党需要更好地接触男性选民,特别是年轻男性。哈里斯的竞选活动表现出色,她对政治议题的真诚关切令人印象深刻。媒体需要反思在报道特朗普问题上是否过于温和,避免对特朗普的言论麻木,并避免双重标准。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Adam Kinzinger concerned about the future of American democracy?

He believes electing Donald Trump again would be the end of American democracy, while electing Kamala Harris would start something new and positive.

What does Adam Kinzinger think about the early voting numbers?

He sees them as showing real motion and potentially opening up a harder Election Day equation for Trump, with Democrats and women dominating early voting.

Why does Adam Kinzinger think saving the country is a higher calling than vengeance?

He believes it motivates people more to get out of bed in the morning and take action, rather than just stewing and sitting on Twitter all day.

What does Adam Kinzinger see as the broad coalition supporting Kamala Harris?

He views it as a coalition ranging from Bernie Sanders to Liz and Dick Cheney, encompassing a wide spectrum of political beliefs.

Why does Adam Kinzinger think the Republican party has been on a losing streak?

He attributes it to the party playing to get rid of impure people, which has led to short-term wins but long-term losses, including losing a thousand seats nationally since 2016.

What does Adam Kinzinger predict will happen if Trump loses the election?

He expects there won't be a real awakening within the party, and instead, someone like JD Vance or Vivek Ramaswamy will inherit the mantle of Trumpism, continuing the authoritarian populist movement.

Why does Adam Kinzinger think it's important to keep the coalition together even after the election?

He believes the authoritarian populist craziness brought by Trump needs to be stamped out, and maintaining the coalition is crucial for this ongoing fight.

What does Adam Kinzinger think about the media's role in covering Trump?

He believes the media needs to have a reckoning about normalizing and minimizing Trump's authoritarianism, and should provide rigorous coverage without double standards.

What is Adam Kinzinger's take on Kamala Harris as a candidate?

He finds her genuine and concerned about the country's future, and believes her campaign has been pitch perfect, significantly improving her position since joining the race.

What does Adam Kinzinger think about the final days of the campaign?

He believes it's all about turnout and that the candidate has given their closing statements, so there's not much left to do except ensure maximum participation.

The discussion begins with the hosts analyzing the early voting numbers and their potential impact on the election, emphasizing the importance of Democratic enthusiasm and the broad coalition supporting Kamala Harris.
  • Early voting numbers show a significant Democratic turnout.
  • The coalition supporting Kamala Harris ranges from Bernie Sanders to Liz and Dick Cheney.
  • Republicans for Harris aim to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump.

Shownotes Transcript

Touching on themes of good prevailing over evil, Adam and Rick shed light on the broad coalition behind Harris and gauge what the signs of early voting could signal for this election.

Follow Adam Kinzinger on X at @AdamKinzinger) and see him talk more about politics regularly on CNN.

Follow Rick Wilson at @TheRickWilson) on X and subscribe to his Substack at )

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