CNN's lead DC anchor and chief Washington correspondent, Jake Tapper, hosts this two-hour long weekd
46 states increase or flat in new cases, just 4 states declining; U.S. death toll tops 125,000 as ca
CA, TX, & AZ see spike in new cases, hospitalizations; Health system in Miami reports 101% incre
Fauci: “Disturbing” and “troublesome” surge of cases; Texas cases numbers nearly quadruple, Florida
NYT: Bolton writes Trump's corruption went well beyond actions with Ukraine; Tulsa Health Dept direc
Top General: Taking part in Trump's photo-op was a "mistake"; Senate panel votes to remove confedera
Minneapolis police chief promises reform, says parts of the police dept are "broken"; Report: Chauvi
Officer arrested for Floyd's death charged with 2nd degree murder; 3 other officers charged with aid
Any minute: final weather call for NASA/SpaceX launch; U.S. nears 100,000 coronavirus deaths; Fauci:
WH advisor: double digit unemployment could last to November; W.H.O. we could have a second peak, no
All 50 states to be partially reopened by Sunday; Texas opening up gyms at 25% capacity as cases spi
Defense Secy: We'll deliver a vaccine by end of year; Trump: I gave staffers choice to wear masks in
Bright: "Window of opportunity is closing" to address pandemic; Bright: My warnings caused commotion
CDC to warn about condition in children associated with virus; DC extends stay-at-home order until J
Fauci: Reopening too soon may lead to "suffering and death" that could have been avoided; Dr. Fauci
Fauci, heads of CDC & FDA quarantining after virus exposure; Iowa governor in modified quarantin
Pres Trump confirms Pence's press secretary tested positive; 40+ states start reopening despite risk
Valet to President Trump tests positive for coronavirus; Trump says he had "very little contact" wit
Cases spike in prisons, food plants & nursing homes; As more states reopen, avg. plane now carry
Trump says Dr. Fauci can testify before Republican-led Senate panel, but not Dem-led House because i
NYT: New internal Trump admin. document projects up to 200,000 cases and 3,000 deaths a day in June;