CNN's lead DC anchor and chief Washington correspondent, Jake Tapper, hosts this two-hour long weekd
Hurricane Ian has made landfall on the western coast of Florida just after 3:00pm ET. The eye crosse
Florida’s west coast is getting ready as Hurricane Ian closes in on the United States. Florida Gover
Evacuations are ordered as Hurricane Ian is on track to become a monster category 4 storm. Plus, som
Sources say the attorneys for former President Trump are fighting to keep witnesses from testifying
Jake sits down for an exclusive interview with French President Emmanuel Macron to hear his reaction
A new lawsuit from the NY attorney general against Donald Trump and his adult children takes aim at
The border crisis continues as Delaware prepares for a possible influx of immigrants shipped from Te
Rising water washes away bridges and roads as Hurricane Fiona slams into Puerto Rico. 1,000 people h
Will Donald Trump versus the United States of America end up before the Supreme Court? This as quest
In the decades long debate over how to solve the crisis at the border, Ron DeSantis is shipping migr
The White House steps in as freight rail workers threaten to strike. The contingency plans are under
Stocks tumble as the Dow drops more than 1,000 points prompting fears the Federal Reserve will raise
President Biden delivers a speech about his initiative to reduce cancer deaths in the United States.
As the Royal Family's meticulous plans are laid out as an official period of mourning begins. Plus,
We continue our special, three-hour edition of The Lead, as Jake and a bevy of guests discuss the li
In hour #1 of a special, three-hour edition of The Lead, Jake and a bevy of guests discuss the life
The Washington Post reports FBI agents found nuclear documents at Mar-a-Lago, material so secret tha
CNN obtained a new video showing a fraudulent Trump elector escorting operatives into an elections o
A judge sided with former President Donald Trump allowing a special master to sift through documents
As we wait for a judge to decide whether to appoint a special master to review the materials seized