CNN's lead DC anchor and chief Washington correspondent, Jake Tapper, hosts this two-hour long weekd
Former President Donald Trump has arrived in Florida for his court date. Tomorrow, he will be the fi
The federal indictment against former President Donald Trump and one of his associates has been unse
A majority of the Supreme Court has ordered Alabama to redraw their states' congressional map to all
Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie joins to discuss why he’s running for president and why Do
An explosion destroys a dam in Ukraine with devastating flooding and now thousands of people are bei
Military fighter jets go supersonic when a private plane doesn’t respond while flying near the natio
Two sources say Donald Trump’s attorneys have not found the classified document described by Trump o
Donald Trump is on the campaign trial in Iowa and just weighed in on CNN’s reporting that the specia
Sources tell CNN that Donald Trump not only knew he kept classified documents, but talked about them
Legislation to raise the debt limit is facing its first hurdle as a new problem for Speaker McCarthy
The debt limit negotiations finish with a written bill just days until the U.S. runs out of money. P
One day after the six-week abortion ban went into effect in South Carolina, a judge has ordered the
The leader of the Oath Keepers has been handed down the biggest sentence yet in the attempt to steal
Tina Turner, the resilient signer hailed by many as the “Queen of Rock and Roll,” died at the age of
Former President Trump has learned the start date for his criminal trial in New York for the Stormy
President Biden and House Speaker McCarthy are meeting tonight to try and avoid a default as we exam
First: Your elected leaders have taken a pause to try to prevent economic catastrophe. What's seen a
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that tech giants can remain relatively unaccountable for what people po
The National Archives plans to share with the special counsel 16 records showing Trump and advisers
President Biden just cancelled the second part of his overseas trip. Is this a sign that the debt ce