Every week, I deconstruct one big idea around creative work, human behavior, and mental philosophy w
How do you find your purpose? By solving your own problems. How do you make an income in the new eco
Focus is not only about deep work. It is the entirety of your life. Learn to master it or live with
Why would you continue doing something you don't enjoy? Why would you not try to find enjoyment in t
There will be low and negative points in your life. Life comes at you in waves. Are you emotionally
What is the best niche? I'm here to answer this age old question by not answering it at all. Instead
Your mind is a system. Systems require consistent energy to be maintained. If they don't receive tha
“Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world.” The Koe Letter: htt
Don’t learn “marketable skills.” Well, at least until you learn the skill that makes the marketable
Your mind is a set of complex systems, like a supercomputer. Your attention is RAM. Life is a game t
Your life is a the culmination of your choices. Conscious choices determine the positive outcome of
Creativity is not skill-dependent. Being a graphic designer or artist does not imply that you are an
Internalizing this fact will save you a lot of pain. Everyone is operating from their own reality. C
There is one thing that all top creators, strategists, visionaries, and inventors have in common. T
Humans are divine creators. If you are not consciously creating a better life for yourself, you are
Life is a game. Here’s how you play it for maximum confidence and positive life direction. Topic St
You have been copying everything around you since you were born. If gone unnoticed, you will end up
In the future, there will only be one career path to take. The career path of You. If you can become
There are 3 phases of life when you are pursuing your own goals. Understanding how to navigate these
Life is a game. Culture is a game. Careers are a game. The people that enjoy life the most are the o
Happy Wednesday my friends — on this episode I answered a question from someone on Twitter regarding