cover of episode The Storytelling Expert: How to Speak so That Everyone Listens (Matthew Dicks #202)

The Storytelling Expert: How to Speak so That Everyone Listens (Matthew Dicks #202)

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The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Matthew Dicks
Shane Parrish: 我与著名的讲故事专家Matthew Dicks进行了深入的访谈,探讨了如何将平庸的故事转化为杰作的技巧。我们深入研究了使故事真正引起观众共鸣的技术,包括如何识别和突出创造情感影响的关键时刻,引人入胜的故事架构,如何构建叙事以实现最大程度的参与,以及如何运用悬念、利害关系和幽默等技巧来吸引观众。 Matthew Dicks: 我认为优秀的故事并非与生俱来,而是策略性的结果。好的故事能够抓住听众的情感,满足他们的需求,从而吸引他们的注意力。故事与简单的叙述不同,故事关乎随着时间推移发生的改变,通常是一种顿悟或转变。讲故事的关键在于始终给听众提供倾听的理由,并以娱乐的方式呈现内容。优秀的讲故事者并非死记硬背,而是理解故事的脉络和关键点,并根据听众的反应灵活调整。过度准备反而会限制讲故事的灵活性,最好的表演者知道要说什么,但不拘泥于如何说。轶事与故事的区别在于,故事会随着时间推移带来改变,并引发长时间的思考和情感共鸣,而轶事则通常是短暂的、轻松的。讲故事的目标是触动听众的心灵,让他们产生共鸣,并思考故事中的情感和经历。 在故事架构中,‘大象’指的是能够抓住听众注意力的核心元素;‘背包’指的是在故事中预设计划,并让听众参与其中,从而增强故事的张力;‘面包屑’指的是故事中的一些线索或暗示;‘沙漏’指的是在故事中制造悬念;‘水晶球’指的是在故事中进行预测。为了保持故事的吸引力,应运用悬念、惊喜、幽默和利害关系等元素。讲故事时,要始终让听众有倾听的理由,因为信息泛滥的时代,你需要让你的故事脱颖而出。 Shane Parrish: 在访谈中,我们还探讨了如何提升讲故事的能力,包括策略性聆听、识别故事中的关键元素,以及如何将‘和’故事转化为更具吸引力的‘但是/因此’故事。生活中处处是故事,即使是看似微不足道的小事,也可能蕴含着深刻的意义。讲故事时,要时刻关注听众的反应,并根据需要调整故事的节奏和内容。故事的结构至关重要,只要结构合理,即使语句略显粗糙,也能讲好故事。在商业演讲中,可以使用隐喻来传达信息,并增强故事的感染力。讲自己的故事比讲别人的故事更有效,因为前者更能体现讲故事者的真情实感和脆弱性。自信是讲故事的关键,它能让讲故事者坦诚面对自己的脆弱,并与听众建立更深层次的联系。讲故事时,要与听众建立互动,而不是仅仅向他们传递信息。作者在推广书籍时,应注重讲述创作过程中的故事,而不是仅仅介绍书的内容。讲故事时,避免使用传统的“主题句-细节”结构,而应采用更灵活的方式,引导听众自行得出结论。教孩子写作时,应注重培养他们对写作的兴趣,而不是过分强调语法和拼写。成功在于不断学习和成长,并勇于尝试新的事物。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the essential elements that differentiate a good story from a mere anecdote, emphasizing the importance of change over time and engaging storytelling techniques.
  • A story involves change, often depicting a transformation or realization.
  • Good storytelling requires giving the audience a reason to listen.
  • Engaging stories make audiences reflect on their own experiences.

Shownotes Transcript

Shane Parrish sits down with Matthew Dicks, a renowned storyteller, author, and teacher, to explore the nuanced art of storytelling. They go deep into the techniques that turn mediocre stories into masterful ones.

You’ll learn what makes a story truly resonate with an audience, how to identify and highlight the pivotal moments that create emotional impact, the architecture of compelling stories, how to structure narratives for maximum engagement and how to use techniques like suspense, stakes, and humor to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. This conversation covers broad frameworks, like how to structure a great story—and the granular details, like when you should talk quietly to refocus the audience.

Matthew Dicks is novelist, storyteller, columnist, playwright, blogger, and teacher. He’s published fiction and non-fiction books, the latter of which include:* Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life Through the Power of Storytelling* and Someday Is Today: 22 Simple, Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life.

(00:00:00 Intro

(00:03:28) What makes a good story

(00:06:57) Stories vs anecdotes

(00:08:29) A Story: The Spoon of Power

(00:17:42) The art of story architecture

(00:21:28) Create compelling stories

(00:36:30) Common mistakes & how to fix them

(00:55:01) Strategic listening

(01:03:32) Can you lie in stories?

(01:05:10) 'And' stories vs. 'but / therefore' stories

(01:10:05) Finding engaging stories in everyday life

(01:20:05) Structuring a story

(01:24:00) Storytelling for an unforgettable brand

(01:31:20) Learn confidence

(01:38:40) Writing vs telling a story

(01:51:53) Teach kids to love writing

(01:55:15) Define success

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