cover of episode 469. Finding Signal Against the Noise | Piers Morgan

469. Finding Signal Against the Noise | Piers Morgan

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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

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Jordan Peterson
Piers Morgan
Piers Morgan: 本期节目主要围绕着Piers Morgan在线新闻事业的成功转型以及他对当前社会现象的观点展开。他认为,45岁以下人群更倾向于通过在线平台获取信息,这使得YouTube等平台成为新闻传播的重要阵地。他将自己比作“新闻界的贾斯汀·比伯”,成功地从传统媒体转型到在线媒体,并取得了巨大的成功。他认为,其成功关键在于其作为记者所培养的技能,例如好奇心、判断力和对人才的敏锐洞察力,这些技能贯穿了他从报业编辑到电视节目主持人再到YouTube播客主持人的整个职业生涯。他还谈到了在英国达人秀和美国达人秀担任评委的经验,以及如何运用记者的敏锐眼光去发现和培养人才。他认为,在节目中组织公开辩论,邀请来自不同立场的聪明人进行激烈的、知情的辩论,是其YouTube频道成功的关键,这与主流媒体中普遍存在的立场偏颇和缺乏公开辩论的情况形成对比。他还批评了当今社会中盛行的“受害者文化”和虚假的道德优越感,认为这是一种压制诚实辩论和批评的懒惰手段,并以“黑色方块日”为例进行了说明。他认为,真正的社会进步需要牺牲和努力,而不是简单的姿态和虚伪的表演。他还谈到了对英国政坛的看法,对新任首相Keir Starmer 的评价较为正面,但也表达了对英国经济状况和Starmer财政政策的担忧。他还批评了Nigel Farage的不诚实和缺乏兑现承诺的行为。最后,他阐述了他未来发展在线媒体平台的计划,包括进行全球巡演、发展更多业务以及继续推动公开辩论。 Jordan Peterson: Jordan Peterson主要从社会心理学角度对Piers Morgan的观点进行补充和评论。他分析了Simon Cowell的评判能力,认为其源于其敏锐的洞察力和对真正努力且有天赋的人才的关注,这与一种男性化的导师和鼓励角色相结合。他还指出,“英国达人秀”和“美国达人秀”的成功在于其严格的精英制度,这与当今社会对精英制度的意识形态攻击形成鲜明对比。他认为,所谓的“道德优越感”是一种极度自恋的表现,其根本在于受害者-施害者叙事以及虚假的牺牲和风险承担。他还讨论了幽默感在友谊和生活中克服困难的重要性,以及人们对自身局限性的认识。他还表达了对加拿大和美国左翼政府的弊端以及对英国未来政治走向的担忧。

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Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with journalist and broadcaster Piers Morgan. They discuss the rapid success of “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” the utility in the mindset of a true journalist, false versus substantive activism, why proper and open debate resonates so strongly today, Donald Trump, and the pressing need for everyone to speak their minds.


Piers Morgan is an English broadcaster, journalist, writer, and television personality who has become one of the most preeminent and influential figures in global media. His meteoric ascendency in the industry began at The Sun newspaper, and he later became the youngest ever editor of The News of The World before taking over as Editor of the Daily Mirror. After leaving the Daily Mirror, Piers pivoted into a career in television gaining prominence as a judge on the reality television show, “Britain's Got Talent,” and its American counterpart, “America's Got Talent.” Piers now hosts “Piers Morgan Uncensored” on YouTube, amassing over 3 million subscribers in two and a half years, making it the fastest growing YouTube channel in broadcasting.


This episode was recorded on July 9th, 2024


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For Piers Morgan:


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Piers Morgan Uncensored on YouTube


Wake Up (Book)