cover of episode 468. Canada Can’t Defend Itself | J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, Barbara Maisonneuve, and Mark Norman

468. Canada Can’t Defend Itself | J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, Barbara Maisonneuve, and Mark Norman

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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Barbara Krasich-Maisonneuve
Jordan Peterson
Mark Norman
Michel Maisonneuve
Jordan Peterson: 本期节目讨论加拿大军队的现状,以及军队中性骚扰和女性角色等复杂问题。 Mark Norman: 加拿大空军正经历一场多方面危机,包括长期资金不足、人员数量和质量下降、装备采购和维护问题,以及国际信誉受损。 Michel Maisonneuve: 加拿大军队面临着国际安全环境变化、国内问题和军队内部问题的“完美风暴”,导致军队目前处于无防御状态。 Barbara Krasich-Maisonneuve: 军队中性骚扰问题并非普遍现象,媒体报道夸大了问题严重性;解决此问题不应采用DEI方案,因为它会破坏军队的战斗文化。 Jordan Peterson: 加拿大军队面临的真正问题并非性行为不端,而是更深层次的文化问题,例如,将多元、公平与包容(DEI)政策强加于军队。 Mark Norman: 加拿大长期以来对军队需求缺乏理解,全球安全形势恶化,军队长期资金不足,人员数量和质量都存在问题,装备采购、维护方面也存在问题,国际信誉受到损害,其能力受到质疑。 Michel Maisonneuve: 加拿大军队缺乏国际支持,这影响了其在世界上的地位;加拿大军队缺乏国际支持,这影响了其在世界上的地位;军队中性行为不端事件的发生,是领导力缺失的表现。 Barbara Krasich-Maisonneuve: 军队中性行为不端并非普遍现象,媒体报道夸大了问题严重性;解决军队中性行为不端问题,不应该采用多元、公平与包容(DEI)的方案,因为这会破坏军队的战斗文化。 Jordan Peterson: 解决军队性侵问题,应该首先关注酒精问题;男女在军队中的作用并非完全可以互换,存在不可逾越的差异;追求性别平等不应以牺牲军队效率为代价,因为男女在职业选择上的差异是客观存在的。 Mark Norman: 军队应以任务为中心,但也要兼顾士兵的福祉;加拿大军队准备不足的后果包括在国际事务中显得无能或漠不关心,以及在实际安全问题上能力不足。 Michel Maisonneuve: 军队中的兄弟情谊与关怀社区并非同一概念,优秀的领导者会兼顾两者;将多元、公平与包容(DEI)原则强加于军队,损害了军队的作战效能。 Barbara Krasich-Maisonneuve: 男女在军队中的角色并非完全互换,女性在某些方面更具优势;军队应强调团队合作,而非个人主义,并坚持择优录取原则;鼓励年轻女性加入军队,并告诉她们不必害怕挑战。 Jordan Peterson: 加拿大军队面临多重危机,包括准备不足、士气低落和招募困难等;加拿大军队面临的危机不应仅仅依靠公众舆论来解决,而需要领导层的决策;加拿大政府需要增加国防开支,以提高军队实力;军队人员应更多地参与到公众讨论中,以提升公众对军队现状的认识。 Mark Norman: 加拿大民众需要认识到,加拿大的繁荣和特权是脆弱的,需要维护全球安全体系来保障;鼓励年轻人考虑加入军队,并介绍军队提供的职业和教育机会。 Michel Maisonneuve: 加拿大政府对军队的忽视,体现在政府官员缺席与军队相关的公开活动;军队应坚持择优录取原则,因为尽责是军队人员最重要的特质。 Barbara Krasich-Maisonneuve: 鼓励年轻女性加入军队,并告诉她们不必害怕挑战。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, Barbara Anne Maisonneuve, and Mark Norman. They discuss the implementation of DEI policy in the Canadian Armed Forces, the move away from meritocracy, the overreaction to sexual misconduct — while acknowledging the existing problems — and the country's loss of credibility on the world stage.


Lieutenant-General J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, CMM, MSC, CD is a former Canadian Army officer who has served as the Assistant Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff of Canada and Chief of Staff of NATO's Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk. He is also the 30th recipient of the Vimy Award.


Barbara joined the Canadian Armed Forces at 18, first as a Military Policeman, then graduated from the Royal Military College with a Bachelor’s degree into the Logistics branch. She proudly served 21 years sporting the light blue Royal Canadian Air Force uniform. After her service, Barbara chaired the Première Gala that raised funds and celebrated the reopening of the historic Westdale Theatre in Hamilton, and she has helped raise millions for our veterans and serving soldiers.


Mark Norman retired from the Royal Canadian Navy in the rank of Vice-Admiral in August of 2019 after over 39 years of service. Since retirement, Norman has applied his energy to a variety of pursuits including as Champion for the Royal Canadian Benevolent Fund, Senior Defense Strategist at Samuel Associates, Director at Genoa Designs, he also contributes frequently to the important debate about security and defense issues in Canada as both a fellow with the Global Affairs Institute and as a member of the Conference of Defence Associations Board.


This episode was recorded on July 8th, 2024



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For Michel Maisonneuve:


In Defense of Canada: Reflections of a Patriot (book)


RMC and RMC Saint-Jean programs and explanations: