cover of episode 462. Why the Establishment Hates This Man | Tommy Robinson

462. Why the Establishment Hates This Man | Tommy Robinson

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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jordan Peterson
Tammy Peterson
Tommy Robinson
汤米·罗宾逊讲述了他在加拿大被捕的经历,他认为这是出于政治动机,目的是阻止他在加拿大发表演讲,并以此影射英国司法体系的政治化和武器化。他详细描述了加拿大边境服务局(CBSA)官员的行为,以及他们试图阻止他参加在加拿大其他城市的演讲活动。他强调自己从未被指控任何罪名。 乔丹·彼得森和塔米·彼得森表达了对罗宾逊遭遇的担忧,并就其在英国面临的法律挑战以及他制作的纪录片《沉默》进行了讨论。他们对英国政府处理涉及叙利亚难民的校园事件的方式表示质疑,并认为罗宾逊的遭遇是西方世界对敢于发声者的法律战的体现。 塔米·彼得森表达了她对罗宾逊的信任,并赞扬了他的勇气和坚持价值观的决心。她认为罗宾逊的经历以及他所揭露的事件,凸显了西方社会中言论自由和司法公正面临的挑战。

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Dr. Jordan Peterson and Tammy Peterson sit down in-person with journalist and activist Tommy Robinson. They discuss why he was recently detained in Calgary, the lawfare being waged against him and the film he is attempting to screen, the story behind the film, why he became an activist, the brutality of the UK grooming gangs, and the cowardice of the government that is actively enabling it.


Tommy Robinson is a British journalist and activist who first became an establishment target after reporting on the grooming gangs in London. From then on he and his family have suffered sacrifice and punishment for attempting to out those who are enabling the grotesque brutality of Islamic extremism.



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