cover of episode 450. Reagan, Star Wars, Trump, & Power | Dennis Quaid

450. Reagan, Star Wars, Trump, & Power | Dennis Quaid

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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Dennis Quaid
Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson认为电影《里根》成功地展现了里根总统的反共主义立场,这对于理解里根总统任期的核心至关重要。他认为里根几乎单枪匹马地击败了共产主义,并且电影《里根》以一种不加掩饰的爱国主义方式呈现,但并非以一种强硬的方式,也没有1970年代以后流行文化作品中常见的愤世嫉俗。他还认为,当前大学里的抗议活动和城市里的示威活动与马克思主义思想有相似之处,马克思主义者通过制造混乱来混淆视听,从而壮大自身势力。他认为里根认为民主制度能够应对共产主义的威胁,并且美国民众正在觉醒,对社会结构的逐渐瓦解感到担忧。 Dennis Quaid谈到了他扮演里根的经历,他最初并不认为自己适合扮演里根,因为他外貌不像。但他参观了里根的故居,这让他对里根有了更深入的了解,并发现里根并非富人,而是一个朴实的人,并且言行一致。他认为自己与里根有相似之处,例如乐观开朗的性格。他还谈到了里根作为演员的经历,以及里根在与苏联的对抗中所展现出的坚定立场。他认为里根的策略是通过经济手段来削弱苏联,并且“星球大战”计划,即使并不存在,也对苏联造成了巨大的心理压力。他还谈到了他准备扮演里根角色的经历,以及他如何努力展现里根作为一个人真实的形象,而不是仅仅模仿他的外貌。他认为,通过扮演角色,他能够学习和了解自己,并且能够在表演结束后迅速摆脱角色的影响。他还谈到了他扮演Jerry Lee Lewis的经历,以及这段经历对他造成的影响。他认为里根是一个有原则的人,但他也有缺点,例如在艾滋病问题上的处理方式存在不足。他还谈到了他对特朗普的看法,他认为特朗普的攻击性也让他在国际事务中显得强势。他还谈到了好莱坞的现状和未来,他认为好莱坞的明星制度正在衰落,并且社交媒体正在改变好莱坞的运作方式。他还谈到了他目前正在进行的项目,以及他对电影行业的看法。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in person with legendary actor Dennis Quaid. They discuss his upcoming film in which he portrays the titular Ronald Reagan, what the former president understood about Marxism, how he dealt with the Soviet cold war, how an actor learns to leave the character after each take, the responsibility to portray flaws as well virtues, existing as an Independent in Hollywood, and the state of the industry as well as the country today.


Dennis William Quaid is an American actor and gospel singer. He is known for his starring roles in Breaking Away (1979), The Right Stuff (1983), The Big Easy (1986), Innerspace (1987), Great Balls of Fire! (1989), Dragonheart (1996), The Parent Trap (1998), Frequency (2000), The Rookie (2002), The Day After Tomorrow (2004), In Good Company (2004), Flight of the Phoenix (2004), Yours, Mine & Ours (2005), and Vantage Point (2008). He received a Golden Globe Award nomination for his role in Far from Heaven (2002). Quaid has appeared in over a hundred and twenty feature films, and The Guardian named him one of the best actors never to have received an Academy Award nomination.



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Reagan (Upcoming film)