cover of episode 434. The Darien Gap & Postmodernism | Bret Weinstein

434. The Darien Gap & Postmodernism | Bret Weinstein

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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Bret Weinstein
Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson 关注达里恩地峡移民潮对美国社会造成的冲击,特别是对社会底层民众的经济影响和对美国宪法的潜在挑战。他强调需要理性讨论最佳移民数量,并谴责当前混乱的移民方式。 Bret Weinstein 从亲身经历出发,描述了达里恩地峡移民潮的残酷现实,指出移民主要出于经济原因而非政治庇护。他特别关注中国移民的特殊情况,认为这可能掩盖着其他目的。他批评了国际组织和一些国家的默许甚至协助,认为这种方式既不人道又助长了犯罪。他认为,理想的移民应该是那些认同西方价值观并希望融入美国社会的人。他还批评了多元文化主义,认为其未能促进社会团结,反而加剧了冲突。他认为,西方社会建立在超越血缘关系的互惠合作基础上,这种价值观正受到攻击。 Bret Weinstein 认为,美国建国者将互惠合作原则制度化,创造了前所未有的经济繁荣。他指出,单纯的经济繁荣并不能保证和平,只有超越血缘关系的互惠合作才能建立稳定的社会。他将这种价值观视为西方的核心,并认为其正受到攻击。他认为,文化是一种适应机制,其进化方式与基因类似,但文化进化速度更快,因此需要更谨慎地对待新的文化元素。他担心,如果不能将人类的良善品质置于首位,历史悲剧可能会重演。他认为,当前的科技发展使人类面临新的挑战,需要提升集体意识,才能应对全球性的风险。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with evolutionary biologist, author, and podcaster Dr. Bret Weinstein. They discuss the migration crisis, what values make up the “American Identity,” the potential for defining the transcendent, the origins of mutual reciprocity, and how the founding fathers codified these ideas into guidelines for the most functional nation in history.


Dr. Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist who specializes in adaptive trade-offs. His current focus is on the interaction between genetic and cultural evolution. He has studied tent-making behavior in neotropical bats and worked for 14 years as a professor at The Evergreen State College. He has testified to the U.S. Congress, and been a visiting fellow at Princeton University. He hosts the DarkHorse Podcast and is a New York Times best-selling author. Bret has been a frequent guest on The Joe Rogan Experience and has done live events with Richard Dawkins, Jordan Peterson, Eric Weinstein, Peter Boghossian, Sam Harris, Douglas Murray and has been interviewed by Bill Maher, Russell Brand, Glenn Loury, Dax Shepard, Tucker Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Glenn Beck, Bari Weiss, Derrick Jensen, and Lex Fridman, among many others.



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