Episode 9 of our morning meeting:
I have been away for most of the week so we are a little behind on getting this published. Freeze and I discuss:
Setting up Deer Camp
Chasing Function in my SCAR
PMAGS are not perfect
Ted Nugent Ammo Maker goes out of business
Another case of Douche on Film loses job
The SRO who flipped the student in her desk
Hillary WON'T be indicated.
Rumors about Gen. McCrystal / President Obama screaming match.
US challenges China in South China Sea. We know why.
John McCain is crying about the new service pistol RFP...again.
And Bill Maher needs ratings so he jumps on the Hate-PC Thought band wagon. Such a follower that guy.
We ran into senior Presidential candidate staff and they are in denial abut Trump.
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