cover of episode #2178 - Sam Morril

#2178 - Sam Morril

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The Joe Rogan Experience

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Sam Morril
Sam Morril 的喜剧俱乐部之所以成功,一部分原因是其场地本身就具有独特的历史和能量,吸引了众多喜剧爱好者。他认为俱乐部的成功并非偶然,而是各种因素的巧妙结合,如同命中注定一般。他自曝自己是一个糟糕的司机,这给他早期的喜剧生涯带来了不便。他承认自己驾驶技术很差,这与他的智商高低无关。他讲述了他如何通过取巧的方式获得了驾照。他认为他成功的关键在于他是一个好人,并且很有趣。一场在埃德蒙顿的演出因为野火而取消,这突显了Sam Morril 和 Theo Von 不同的个性。他将纽约市发生的空气污染事件与自身联系起来,并表达了他对纽约市的归属感。他认为当前世界事件的诡异程度令人难以置信,如同一部糟糕的电影。他对特朗普遇袭事件中的安保疏忽表示质疑。他认为特朗普遇袭事件可能并非表面看起来那么简单。他对调查人员无法获取枪击案嫌犯手机信息表示怀疑。他认为枪击案嫌犯的行动和安保人员的反应都存在诸多疑点。他认为枪击案嫌犯的性格特征与以往类似事件的嫌犯相似。他对枪击案嫌犯出现在BlackRock广告中表示怀疑,并推测这可能与某些阴谋有关。他认为阴谋论并非空穴来风,并以肯尼迪遇刺事件为例。他认为肯尼迪遇刺案存在诸多疑点,并非官方说法那样简单。他认为肯尼迪遇刺案并非简单的单一枪手作案,而是可能存在多个枪手或幕后操纵者。他指出肯尼迪遇刺案中有多名证人死于非命,这进一步加深了人们对该事件的怀疑。他表达了他对美国的热爱,但同时也承认美国也存在黑暗的一面。他对普京的健康状况表示怀疑,并推测他可能拥有特殊医疗资源。他谈到了自己使用再生疗法治疗颈椎间盘突出。他建议人们为了健康应该进行力量训练。他解释了肌肉萎缩的原因以及力量训练的重要性。他强调力量训练的重要性,并指出其益处不仅限于身体健康,还包括心理健康。他将力量训练比作刷牙,强调其对健康的重要性。他认为智力劳动者也应该重视锻炼身体。他认为人们不应该将关注身体和关注大脑割裂开来,两者应该兼顾。

Deep Dive

Sam Morril describes the vibrant energy of the Comedy Cellar, attributing it to the building's history as a music venue and the passionate comedy fans it attracts.
  • The Comedy Cellar building used to be a music venue.
  • Posters of bands that performed there adorn the walls.
  • The building has a lively atmosphere, attracting comedy fans.

Shownotes Transcript


The joe rogan experience.


To be at the club .

night fun having last night was fun. It's good night, really fun. It's fun. Place man, yeah, little disney land.

Ah IT also a throwback. I'm like I I left q tony on monday as like I haven had my shirt, smelled cigarettes in a while yeah.

all those guys in agreement smoke cigarets.

I had one. I don't smoke, but I was like like what what they .

have yeah that's what they have. Room yeah. Does you mean one those things like create something with like this intention and you kind of hope let us work out good, but that place almost sort of made itself into what that is.

So like it's got an energy to IT. I think it's also because of that building. Our building was made twenty seven and everybody is performing that willse and perform their Steve y wave on. Like you look in the wall, black flag, all the walls inside the Green room, all those posters, those are bands, miss fits.

All bands are performed there.

He was club for a long time. And then the whole thing I was.

but it's a big venue though I don't .

know if IT was two different rooms. I think at one point time was just one room yeah. And then I think with the animal draft house, they turned into two rooms.

IT was a moving theater for like ten years. And then when they went under, we have the two rooms. Then we just adJusting everything and changed a lot of stuff and turned in .

to a comic club. Yes, course.

but it's got that buildings alive. Man, yeah, but you walk in the building, you like this fucking in buildings alive.

He feels like everyone's a comedy fan too. And you walk again, pretty cool.

Yeah, you build that, they will come.

So I feel the dreams. Yeah, not for everybody. You for you, IT is, but not for everybody.

What do you? what? I mean, not a lot of people built in comedy club. They don't come.

Yeah, but they don't do IT that way.

You did the right.

but we did IT swear. I mean, that sounds stupid. I don't believe in fate necessarily. I don't not believe in fate, but i'm not like those people. It's like preaching IT if I wanted to believe in fate, though, I would believe in faith because of this, because it's like every, it's like every drive, and you would hit every Green light for whatever you can drive. You don't drive.

I have a license, but i'm dog shit. IT hurt me as a Young comic because so but always should I make because we did a row gig like I want say, like almost fifteen years ago together, where I got the gig was coherent line in. But IT was a casino run in.

The thing was like you have to split the drive in IT was thirty hours a driving total. So I can you split the drive with me as, of course, and we got, I already fuck that, that we flew in to the wrong city on the wrong day because of me. I was such a fucking and and Young idiot.

So we flew in a like, Michael was supposed to start in wisconsin, and he was like, thought were provided. I was like, I provided. And then he was already mad at me. And then he said that he returned to drive and I started drive and he was like, what the fuck has happened?

This is horrible and and he always quotes to me as saying, like, no, i'm not a bad driver of, I just can't turn well and he was like, yeah, that's a bad drive, you fucking IT IT. So he tells the story about me all the time being like you like a city. He calls me a city hick that's like, he's still call me that.

But yeah, I can't really. I have a license. I passed the test, but I am dog should.

It's not that hard though.

I know i'm that bad. I don't know why am that bad at IT.

I so we're i'm so smart image, but that smart to talk .

to thank you. I'm a bad drive.

You good. So thank you. So image, thank you. So image and negotiate the distance is between vehicles.

I will, I bulls shit my way to a license. I did. I failed two tests in new york, in the bronx.

And then I got a driver who I made her laugh out of the gate. And I was like, i'm in, I just said, like, I sucked at this. I fail too. Please don't fail me and SHE laugh. And I was like, i'm in, i'm to and I hit .

something and he passed me.

You don't IT was some like, IT was a cone or something. IT was like, OK. IT was minor. Yeah, was a kid. I was a big deal a kid, but he was like, god.

I can't imagine not be a Normal drive just like it's driving his freedom yeah if you can't drive and there's a car there like what a fuck widom wait on somebody to have .

someone else drive you though if .

that still happens, that's true if everything goes higher ways and no more uber and no more left ah and you have to figure out that a workers stickshift i'm in travel. Yeah you're in real travel.

Yeah is a civil war yes, can be hard to hello ab.

yeah, if there's a civil war, where are you going to go?

I think i'm going to cave pretty early, are you? No, I don't know. I don't know what i'll do. Come here, really. I'm welcome here. Yeah yeah .

for sure. And if this goes sideways, you want to be in texas. Because this place is already ready .

to be its own country. Why do you guys want me? What do I bring to the table? funny. So i'll take good guy.

good guy, funny.

Good to hang with talk cut this guy.

Now we're seen too many good sets. Now buy one bad day. You just need a peptide has like the one.

Oh, I did a gig with him once and he was we did a gigg in edmondson together and he was so in his head when I was like, they like obsessed with the body, worried about, but we had to cancel the fucking. This was crazy as I worked edmonton, and there was like a wild fires in edmonton. And this is how different personalities we are.

Like, i'm fucking in my i'm like, all the shows is going to be cancer would not to be able to perform out here. This is like bad air quality and he's like, now, man, it's cool. And then within ten minutes, the agents call and they were like, the city shut down.

You can. And this is like right after cobs. So like we can perform indoors, we can perform outdoors.

Like, can we do fuck in anything? And and they, like, we just stay an extra day when, like, of course, and then we like, the air will be Better, right? And they like, it's the next day, ten times worse. Like, you couldn't IT smell like a caso chinese outdoors. Were you in new york when they had that orange smoke here?

I, I felt so I entered.

Something bad happens in new york, and i'm not there. I feel like a trader because i'm such a city, hic. But now I was on, I was like, I think the second time I did my own tour bus, I was like, really pumped to be on the road. And I saw that I was like, i'm a piece of shit.

That's canadian smoke too. Those canadian smoke. That was weird. The orange thing was weird.

It's, it's like end of the, a lot of end of the world should happen.

A, the orange thing was weird too, because there is a great conspiracy, because there is a missing chemicals. There is apparently .

missing chemicals like serious amount does IT always to be .

like a comic. It's is like basically some bizarre movie. Now, the trump thing, the shooter, the all the stuff that's coming out about the shooter. Now, the more you read about, the more you like what .

a blackrock thing to a is a black .

rock commercial. They knew that there is a suspicious person ten minutes before trump on on stage. They still want let him go on stage. They saw him on the fucking and roof and they didn't engage. They saw him on the roof.

The right didn't.

They wouldn't put secret service agents on the roof because they said there was a slope to the roof. And IT would be dangerous.

more dangerous of the first, next president shot what he did.

They let them get off. The kid got off three shots, and apparently there was one that we saw that he is here. And you see the bullet, like the photographer got a bullet.

I saw flying buyside. Apparently there's another one of a bullet going by as left side of his fat. So he went by the right side of his head.

head. His year went by the left side of his head as well, because the guy got off three shot. Yeah, and he just missed trump one shot.

If if my turning his head, you fucking kidding, is so .

crazy, crazy in the fact that they had such poor security regular ding him. They did such a terrible job.

My uncle is confident. Its bullshit. My uncle is like, there's no way this is real.

I don't think it's not real. But look, here's the deal. Okay, i'm not accusing anybody of anything, just one of nuclear ah, but they have organize assassinations before. And when they organize.

you really starts a war.

assassinations. IT looks just like that. And when they organized assonance, one of things they like to do is have some fucking and loser kill the president.

And then then they kill the fucking and loser. And that's a rap, is to kind like stops of the leads. Everything is like, where is you go so they have his phone, they say they can get and he was phone bitch. I know you read my text message .

and why you taking .

him down to be how you know it's .

it's always shady. They always die instantly like Kennedy assassination too, like a club owner kills lee harvey. Also, i'm going to believe there's a night club owner .

with a heart of gold out there runs right up and shoots him in front cops, yeah.

what is the end of shaft? The fuck is going on? Yes, no.

it's like super fly. That was the end of super fly.

The new shaft .

ended like that. The end of super fly have tells them something stupid like that.

Ah it's cna tic as fuck that i'll feels like a movie.

Yes, seems like a bad movie from the seventies.

Yeah, it's every seventy's movie ended, by the way, a guy just get shot in the face. Every movie you're just like it's like a guy get shot in the face and then the credits and you're like, I guess this is the guy on the roof .

is just bananas ah that roof was one hundred and fifty yards away. If you are a good shot of the rival, hitting a human being in one hundred fifty yards is quite easy. I don't know if his rival had a scope of assuming in a scope. So what said he was using iron sites.

but he wasn't like, set up in advance. He just went up there, right? I mean that that's .

how they he had a range finder. I saw the kid was walking around the the whole perimeter of the area with a range finder, which is instantaneous. Ly, if your secret service, you see some of the range finder walking one hundred fifty hours when the president is youd tackle that fucking guy, you don't let that guy get on a latter.

Yeah, this is, you're super able what the fuck you're doing.

You brought a latter. The guy is just bring a rifle who got through there with a rifle and a latter. I don't know what kind of rifle is.

I know it's kind of rifle where you could disassemble and reaction mle like a assen like screw together. But whatever IT is, all of its stinks. Every part of its stinks and every .

person who talks about them is like the classic and sale, like never spoke, never this. I this was a little bit of mine. I was like, that should be the the that be, if you want a gun, you have to be a good conversation list Better be shady because that's like every person who does shooting things or assassinations. It's like they're the quiet, creepy fuck and do.

It's very strange, the whole things very strange. There was also photos of him where we had long hair and where lips and look, girl, I think that was bullshit.


I think is IT too. But that's a problem. Like everything's bullshit now yeah. The commercials, the blackrock commercial in the simple videos of him in high school talking about having a tenant peens, he looks just having fun .

with his boys that there's a different .

thing is a tender piece yeah but it's like he's joke and around like I have a ten you know that everything we're did just a weird kid yeah but how did he get in the blackrock commercial um what happened up to that I don't know I mean, if I was the CIA was just even say, C I A, let's say if I was some shadowy intelligence agency that did these, you know, undercover Operations that are little sketchy, I don't like my kids like that.

That's that's your monem ker. That's what you do IT. If you ve got a plan, you want to do something, you get some guy that's basically got nothing and going on in life, and then, you know, you ve meant to have him become friends of them. Maybe that guy is, dad is a alcohol Beata. He mom is a junkie who knows? Yeah maybe like as life is terrible and you can provide mentorship and you can provide, you know, just come battery something sounds, oh, I mean, wish I was a secret agent, you know and then you tell the sky, you tell the sky, hey, you know you could help amErica yeah we can work you .

into the program you in spiracle sten, you enter .

piracies are real. They are real. I mean, whatever the fuck happened in dallas, texas in one thousand nine hundred and sixty three? It's not what italia that's one thing, one hundred percent, you're going to be sure that is there is no objective journalism with no sant not leaving anything out. Whatever happened with lehman osm world and the motor Kennedy .

and having some beef with the CIA and some weird shit over maybe baa pigs, there's something right like they immediately .

about Allen dollars who he fires and he fires and then he gets assess now in dollars is running. The Warren commission .

is a part of the warm commission.

said so much Kennedy shit over the years he's the biggest indicated the gogel evidence that someone from somewhere organized together to kill that guy IT wasn't just a half a oswell, although i'm of the opinion tly harvest well was also a part of IT. Yeah, because everybody wants you to be binary, right? They wanted to be one or zero, yes or no lhari oswell acted alone, or he was in the party. But that guy clearly was also doing something with intelligence agencies because he was able to go back and forth to russia. He learned russian, he married a russian woman, came back to america.

And he also live in very well. When he was over there he was spending money that like you're not making this on whatever per m or shit you're making over there like he going to nightclubs and said.

yeah, yeah, the whole story sucks yeah, the whole story seems like he was some sort of undiscovered self ative like he .

was going paid out yeah .

and then I think that's how they do IT. They make you think you're a part of something and then they paint the whole thing on you. And then, you know, I think there's probably multiple shooters.

I think there's probably mute. The gracy note thing seems super legitimate. Also, have you ever looked into how many people who are witnesses that went up dying in mysterious manner? Yeah.

fuck. And crates. IT is like we make fun of russia for that shit.

Sten, we do. IT too, of course, is a Better country .

and america. But you do. I was reading a putting book, and literally every chapter just ends with a guy like the like going out in this hallway and get to shot in the face. And like, this seems like a pretty fucked up raise to power, you know.

oh, putin had the most fucked up rise to power.

That woman who just wrote the book on him, marsha.

what your name you did, you want A.

She's, I think, either on trial or going to prison for saying something anti military in russia, which I like all right. mabe. You know, know your audience .

yeah maybe .

not that pretty good.

That's a crazy movement to know that kind of come get you and you write a book anyway.


that guy might be the richest man alive.

Rich, nothing but stomach problems. Do you have like a stomach cancer?

That's all rumors, right? But also how much access to medicine designers I have, you know, I mean, if there is a way to cure something, that guy are going to get IT to hamp. yeah.

And you have to think that russia is not captured by the pharma ital industrial complex. So here probably has access to all of the off book medicines that the fda won't approve. And the trial, the stuff that's like the good time yeah should probably works right now.

Like what could be used to go to like germany for nee Operations because like they won't do this to me in america.

He would go there for regenia regena ve had regeneron regenia. It's like a very advanced form of plate let rich plasma. And the I had a bulging desk in my neck and the one doctor is like trying to convince me that I need to get surgery.

like to trim that disfigured I something like I did IT.

And I know too many people have done that.

That's why I don't do IT. You can't do IT.

but you .

help me a lot.

I think I told you what .

you I saw another clip of you recently when you talked about like get order. Like I you have to just like lift weights for your health. I was like, alright, I got a trainer for my dad.

And like, you guys get order, uh, lift lights, yeah, uh, I didn't do IT do. I would just play basketball. Like, i'll just hope and and then I start to have fucked up neck problems and stuff and you give me that neck thing I was called. I, but I just start like lifting shoulders. I have such bad shoulders, man, you hold in your neck up.

You got you. If you don't do anything, there's no muscle there. Yeah, your muscle only exist if you have a reason for IT. If you stop you like if you get a cast, if you break your ARM, you're my arms just shrinks that or because you're not using IT ah your body only uses buses like IT only has muscles where you use them. And if you stop using them for a long period time, they just fuck in and shrink yeah, it's a weird thing like you body, like if you have to be bed written for two weeks when you get up, your week is fuck boys IT doesn't maintain .

self and the dick, the dick is up every morning. Fine, the dick were acted.

But if you get older, it's more extreme because now your body's producing less testosterone, less human growth hormone, you're not getting as much sleep, you're not repairing in your sleep. And if you have bad diet on top that then it's all compounding over the years and get worse and worse and worse. Your boys not does have the neutral to repair itself of and know with all this attack phy, then you start getting people that bend over to pick up a pack package and blow their back out ah and like how do you blow your back out from just bending over the tire shoes?

That's the thing too. Practical strength that if you like a lifting, like if you doing like dead lift, you're like art. That's like picking up a box. This makes sense as opposed to people that are just trying to look, I don't give a fuck about that. I just want to not pull shit .

yeah you just want to not be old. And you know you can do a lot of stuff with just like chin ups and push ups and body way squad and hindu squad. And yeah, there's a bunch of different things that you could do that just but the most important thing is you got to do something and it's not just walk around and really even cardio is not enough because cardio doesn't you don't strain the muscles to make them strong.

You need to do that. It's it's a requirement for people just like brushing your teeth keeps from getting cavities. It's the same thing. Yeah, he just have to think about IT that way and most people don't but also think about IT. It's like a compounded benefit because you get the benefit of that, but then you also get the mental benefits. Like if i'm not feeling good, if i'm like a little out of IT in my own head, a good solid workout, I get out there. I like everything's fine.

I did IT this morning. I was like, I didn't want to do IT. I was hung over. I didn't want to go light and then .

you get out of then you like, yeah, you feel so much Better, way Better. That's my message to the world, please. You can do something. I think we're designed for IT. I think that's what that's we kept us alive for hundreds of thousands of years before we had agriculture and we organized cities and we developed the stockpiles of food where you didn't have to work as hard and then everything just travelled away. I think everybody had to do physical things.

and especially cities like this. You can just get in a car and just not what. At least in new york, I do find myself like I walk most places. So like i'm doing something and not enough, but it's something .

it's Better than nothing yeah but it's definitely not enough. Yeah no, you had to lift a little bit weight yeah and you know people the problem people have like lifting weights in their head. A lot of people, especially like very smart people that i've had bad experiences with, jokes in their had lifting weight is like some ducks vanity thing, or a bunch of brows or bump and chest. And you can think about that that way. Just because dumb people do a thing doesn't mean the thing is dumb.

No, it's actually smart things.

actually very smart but intellectual a lot of like very intelligent people don't exercise.

Bill gates is not look good.

I don't know you .

d like you know I mean like has a lot of sure a resort, a lot of sure.

Yeah but then jb is does not look good. He looks he's jack now marca looks great. It's is just a thing that people usually concentrate on one aspect or another. If they're like really into physical fitness, really into athletic shit and training and sports generally, they're not as well.

Red, unlike international politics and environmental issues and like it's one, or either you like socially conscious, really kind of aware of the world, understand exactly was going on gaza, or you know, you know how much creative you should take every day. Branch chain of metal assets are going to produce the best results. And you know what, pet, tired of the best for healing. It's like we put things into two different boxes and the really into your body or you're really in to your brain. But I say you've got to be in to both because if you're not really into your body, your brain is not going to work as good, you know can have as much energy and especially get older.

Yeah do no real. It's a hangover. Get worse. They do. It's fuck.

I think that oh yeah I know I had like a maybe two drinks ah two good size drinks on tuesday and then wednesday morning walk oh feel like shit for two drinks there was that it's probably really like legit for drinks when you're .

pouring them. IT doesn't care I but I do that too. I think up but that's what we do with the common salon and you guys do IT here too. I says, like the pink liz, who manages the comedy that would drink Martinis out of a pink class. And like, that's much a drink, a drinks.

It's multiple drinks.

But my thing .

you bring over that fog in the buffalo trade series, drink, yeah, have a bar is interesting.

Yeah, in what way? Just that it's too much. X.

I just go there in a year. People just drinking. So like, this is I have a bar. Like what the fuck happened?

It's a cool bar.

It's a great bar. Lovely people work in there too and it's just such a great hang, especially guys you know we generally we are mostly just with comics and wait staff thanks.

So and you got to do that thing you're talking about yesterday about the, you know how here we just go. thanks. did. Yeah, well, cheers, the fucking and club. Be an awesome and cheers to you.


Thanks for be any to have my pleasure.

Yeah, have a baris one is really nice. It's nice. Good post. Again.

you don't have. Here is something I love about. And look, i'm in new york to I die and never move. But what I love about leave in a bar in the winter and just like the cold air hidden in your face, in your shit face, my that's just like, it's like almost like get slap by the fuck in earth yeah I love IT and there's a feel like bars in the way just like you leave a dive and you just feel like, block.

I feel like IT gets cold here in the winter surprisingly yeah IT gets we've had been set lots snows knows every now then yeah, it's snowed real bad one year like the first year, we moved here and they closed everything down. Who hell is? Nobody know how to drive, and they don't have any plows.

So they don't just do anything, they just wait. Ly is warm, but this is the domus approach to snow management. ever? fuck.

yeah. So nobody knew how to drive. And you would see people, unlike core vets, go sideways through intersections, which is everyone slide around.

yeah. So every year IT gets up below thirty. IT gets in the twins sometimes. yeah.

Trying to find this. A you, should I going to do that? Might pop ant acid with this client drinking coffee all morning.

I did not to help .

yah yeah authors and shit .

h you have also. So I just red something about that that they think also has have to do with some sort of stomach c bacteria. Now yeah, they used to think that I was like the lining of your stomach was getting rode by stress. And now they think that has something to do.

Stress hurts IT. Oh, I hate the something like you is story.

Think stress hurts everything. Yes, I think stress hurts your immune system and hurts when you the way you sleep, which fox everything up to exacerbates everything, make sense of things come up with stress. But I think they have some new theory about the creation of all service that is different. I think he has to do with microbiome.

Yeah, I had to get put under and they were like that. Well, I have the actual thing and like, that's a all is the day.

but what do they tell you to do? Why just .

didn't do god IT sucks. I do like everything's bad basically. You know, I can't like, i'll have have a coffee or yeah, you can have coffee and I will have a alcoa also. I would drinking pod with Norman so my wife to work.

I have to do my thing what you mean the work my White drink on my podcast and they're just like, what there's just like you fucked in, idiot and I was like, I just, I can I have one they're drink clear like, or i'm bargaining with them that I can still drink. And then so then we did that. And but then yeah, they like, no acido food, no spicy food.

And like this is like all my favorite shit, like acids food is the best food. And yes, I just had to chill for two months with that. I was born in his fuck on the road.

My friend gary vetter tours with me, and he, so I know IT because he wants every meal to be like a fucking and home run on the road. And i'm like, you can get whatever you want, but I can't. He wants to, like, share stuff so we can try more things.

So he's just getting annoying. I'm getting like playing as food for two months. Chicken best that everything but you feel pretty, feel good, decide from this, like stinging in your stomach.

So no, no.

It's such a word and it's success. All my friends who have had them or just like pieces that shit yeah my friends like i've had him like you you like a fucking and drug. This is i'm comparing myself to.

you know.

when do you start get them? I got one years ago on the road in montreal, and I went to a doctor and he was just like, very french, matter of fact. Like, no, no, no alcohol for eleven days.

And I was like, eleven day. I was like the hell. I was a Young comic, he was.

was to say, once coming thought, the stress, smoking and diet with the principal caused of stomach ulceration wever, the helio btr h lori, I lori, a bacteria, uh, is now known to be responsible for the most. I say, that way, do o dando o danel authors and sixty percent of stomach authors, h pyLori bacterium also proves many symptoms of indigestion. Treat infrastructure culture includes use vanov OS to kill the infection and acid suppressing drugs.

I take a peps a lot, and also people that eat a lot of leg. Toby onic.

it's interesting because antibody has killed all the good bacteria too. Yeah, so I probably compounds the problem.

I'm probably on borrowed time here.

And audi s are tRicky. My friend gorden gordon ryan, he's like greatest judges who athlete of all time. He had stayed so many times that he was basic and antibiotics for a whole year and a rule in the stomach like his stomach s fut.

He has the crazy stomach issues like some build up of like fungus there. And he he's always ready to throw up. He has a hard time putting down food.

Seven is crazy.

just sucks. Also, when you see the guy, the guy is like a great god, and stomach is completely started from you're not supposed to take antioch s for a year, but all these meat ads are doing jujitsu in this basement in new york city, and everyone is getting staff infections. They don't want to stop training. So they just keep taking antibodies .

and keep training and and then.

you know, years later you're dealing with this stuff. I got to know how to fuck h any doctor prescribed in that, or if he just self prescribed.

is a famous athlete. I probably.

I don't think he was that famous back then. I wasn't as known back. This is very known now. But all you need .

is one doctor to be a fan. Yeah, I had a doctor back in the day. He was like, I love you on cone and amy, can I get muscle relaxes? sure.

I mean, I was in, I wasn't doing well, but he had seen me kill on T. V, so was like, this guy is cool. So I was just racking up pills from that's for a child did was beautiful.

Lot of guys go the Philippines and .

come back with wives. Older guys.

yeah, that older guys go to phillip and pretty woman, yeah, pretty Young. Super happy to not just beat noodles.

That's the pitch I would. Do you like them just a regular? Ah well.

when you find out what most of the world makes in terms of money you like, you know the number like with one percent. If you're in top one percent of the world, yeah, thirty four thousand dollars, oh sure yeah. If you make thirty four thousand american dollars, you're in the top one percent of earth crash in life.

So all these people to talk about the one percent, hey, look at the mayor, fuck face, it's all of us is literally all us. We're all ridiculous. We're talking .

about .

people .

in america. You o yeah thirty four in some states getting you far oh it's .

not getting you far and most and most states it's not get you far, you know I mean IT certainly not getting you far in new york in lay but look.

make thirty .

five nice and people aren't walking over here. Yeah for no reason you know that they're walking across the border. And because where they are is so bad, it's so bad, you can imagine IT yeah.

a good play. Love america. I'm a big fan. I'm a big and I like even the cities.

I think I won't like like I did a bit of my new special about spring film missouri, and all the feedback I was getting was like men and was so nice you talk to about our city without shading on IT. I was like, yeah, had a great time. I have a great time in any city for a night or two.

I think now in particular because the internet, there's more aware cool sort of the people everywhere used to be like back in the eighties when you would go to gigs on the road like you're in the middle of bump fucked ohio like IT could be terrible gig, they know what the fuck you're talking about. No references is everybody's done and drunk IT could be horrible. But somewhere in the two thousands, that really changed.

Yeah, you start to see what you go on the road I go to anywhere and if they're finding about you online and then, you know they're finding about that your tickets are for zil online, then they go there. These people are tuned into the world. They just happened to live in lexing and .

can do is a great city. great. I love.

great. And do de.

i've had some good time. Fuck the race track.

I want .

to go to the kenan and I was, and it's like horse racing thing. You bet on the horses and everyone is so well. Dress like sear soccer suits, they're fucked.

And that was my opening line in the city. I said, I said I was the only person that didn't look like a villain. And jane unchained, they're all so well pressed with their mint eliph and their drunk.

And I was like, I fuck and love this. Not to mention like the turban in that town is so funny. You just get, you just get fucked up and and you feel good.

It's like a nice quality. You got to like a random pob there. And you look at the burbo menu and you like, what the fuck is like a dinner menu? You know, it's beautiful. Yeah.

I like kentucky .

can tucky is great.

Underrated place. I've never been in the derby, but ever body tells me the trip I read hundred times sons, the conducted derry is a decade deprived if you rather I have a fuck in. amazing.

It's good. Very peace. Yeah, it's just talking about to fuck these rich monsters there like letting their hair down and didn't crazy at this horse race dirty with other nutty hats and women afterward the bizarre hats.

But it's a scene.

It's a scene. Everybody goes every year is like you got to go, it's fucking grateful and going to get dressed up to do the whole .

thing yeah I mean, I that's what I love is like if it's new to me, I want to .

do I just started .

watching a little bit and I mean, it's here now, right?

Yes, you should come. You should do the weekend, the club when it's in october. Yes, the weekends I book, really book. Yeah, it's amazing. It's so fun. First of all, they're so fast when you're like, sit right next to track like you like holy shit, they are on two and fifty miles an hour.

Do I know I A friend who has drive me is a very wealthy friend I have and he he has drive me in a and he was like showing off in L A going fast and was like, what the fucking you trying to kill me like we are fifty, but IT feels like you're .

going on like one fifty and things.

especially one no drive. Good, I mean, but those those races are fucking incredibly they lose like twenty pounds of match.

Yeah, it's not. It's super physical. Yeah, it's super physical. And all about the reaction times in those guys, the g forces they're experiencing going on those terms like I like stiff next, just like that next, just the end of the forces. I respect that a lot.

It's one of the things I didn't really get to. I watched that documentary, cena on that road, and then I was like, well, this is like knowing the angles and knowing when to turn and just it's all any sport if you're thinking you fuck and lose, right? And A A basketball and I was, well, fraser would always be like, he's aiming, he shot.

You can be aiming. You're shy. You got to trust a muscle memory.

No, right?

Anytime you think in sports, it's fucked and over. I was just reading that aggression book. It's so good.

I didn't realize how good my friend matt ruby was that you ve got to read the aggression book. It's hilarious. He's so fucking and he's a good writer.

I'm really at help but it's well written and he's just talking about like, you know, he's so in his head and he's like mad he's playing someone like the sampler s. He's like, he's like, I wish I was this dull. You know, like this guys like a brick wall.

He doesn't feel shit. Meanwhile, agra y is like going to see broadway shows. He's an mo guys. He's interesting duties. Like you so angry, like from all these guys had a productive dad.

You know he's he's so rebellious and angry is dad's force and like tennis that he's at this like tennis compound, the force eliminate, get Better and he's crushing everybody because he's a protect but he's doing IT in like mass scare and a pink mohawk. The year is like a fuck you it's so funny. I mean, he's such an interesting guy.

I had no idea. I just didn't. I don't know tennis that well, but I I may respect the fuck at any any sport that like you turn on. You like this kind of great to watch.

so you insanity difficult to do at a high level when you watch those guys moving and falling back and forth and all the different setups.

Oh my god, oh my angles and speed and like mine games because you're on an island. Man, you not you're not like it's not a team sport. Do you get like a high one? You're alone. That's why they are like person of themselves. You see me like break in a and like that and you .

have to be insane physical shape because you can get tired, not go for the .

ball in the heat, in the different courts.

in the clay and grass and clay.

So weird, the word is .

place on clay IT ranger.

Like, so it's mud. Like what do we do in here? This is so fucking and weird. But yeah, no, he's there's a story about him when he was nine and his dad is just fucked in grifter that is that is dad jim Brown, the foobar player season as a kid and he just like looking for a game for money at this country club and he's likely ts, let's play someone and everyone says no and egg, he's does like he'll play you from money and it's like he's fucked in nine you pimping out your kid for money against the best running back maybe ever.

And he's like, now i'm not going to play your kid for money and he's like, i'll bet my house and my kid will beat you. And jim Browns like, I don't need a house, how much money you want to play for and is about ten grand, like their life savings. He's putting this on his son, who's nine years old and you know, then he sees agg's y hit, the dad goes to get the money and he's like, folk, this kids kind of good and he goes, how how I just play you you know for fun and and then will decide how much agony lips as as like six three, six three and he goes a play for five hundred ages.

He what S S takes them his wow against a fucking and holiday me athlete and his dad, it's like his dad did not imagine like you thinking about your family's mortgage and your siblings in their future and you like a values were fucked. Imagine doing that to a kid like of course she's angry and broken. I yeah I don't know any we talked about a tiger was before.

But I mean, any athlete who like, is that good? They probably had a few. It's like a point start. You had a fucked up dead, basically.

Yeah, if you get pushed that hard, I mean, viga pushed that hard to be the best of the best as a child. That means you're missing everything else. You if you want to be the best of the best, there's no way you're going to birthday parties, no way you're sitting in home and watching cartoons. Yeah, you're going to training in the morning.

You get coaching. IT was good childhood really.

and is one of the best also math user. I think math can raise all good parenting yeah all good parenting .

to the side, I bet one of the best I mean evil mother fuckers obviously but yeah, some people where when there's like a serial killer and he just if it's like the love of the game, you know I mean, because every once a mother like now he had a good childhood, we didn't you think you have a good childhood?

I think he did. No, no, he didn't. No, he didn't. Ted cousin.

he was like a nerd.

but I don't no, no, no. He had a bad thing happened when when he's a baby, he was sick and then they took come away from his parents and he was brought to hospital. We had no physical contact for months, yeah, for months and months.

IT was a part of the documentary on netflix about him. His brother talks about IT. And then after that, like.

that was a good guy. Yes.

brother was a really good guy. Brother turned to, yeah. So he was associated path from the time he was like he was getting no love at all as a baby for my months and months at the time, I forget the the length of IT, whatever this illness, but they basically kept in a car. And when he cried, that was that no one comfort.

no one picked him up.

But that's what what my sister did to a baby, zero, zero minutes. And any day was anybody touching for weeks and weeks and weeks, months, month, the months on end. And his brother said he came out, fucked up from that. Then he's in harvard, his genius. And they put him through the lsd studies of harvard and party, so which is also some C.

A M K ultra.

So they put him through this um these sd studies at harvard. And part of the studies were humiliation and like to see how he responds to like severe humiliation.

So the scientists like, look at this fuck and policy. I don't .

remember what they did like, how they did IT, but I was like coordinated, organized humiliation and just psychological warfare, or to just to see what kind of response IT has .

in this fragile. Now we know.

Yeah, now we know. So then he goes to berkely, becomes professor and saves up as money, just love the kids, live in the woods and kill everybody who's making technology .

yeah what a fuck and weird guy.

Anybody has a point .

ah is going to destroy .

the human race instead eventually take over us.

And he was right, right. It's happening right now.

Maybe is a little .

heavy hand in this approach and the writing, i'm like this mother fucker was .

under something he was under ably brilliant, but in the dark mentally his brother talks about like safely he asked to grow a date, and the girls had, no I key, would just like, write the most evil, vicious letters to her and harassed her. And he was a crazy person before the L. D. Studies, and then the lsd studies. They just crack them.

Yeah, damn. yeah. Now I remember there was a story about him like he made like a little like he uses intellect, made some kind of, uh, like fire cracker to show off to a girl high school. And he was like, freaked out by IT and my college. What a defining moment for a guy who becomes .

pure evil and uses explosives. The makers.


yeah. It's some to we are part of our our history is those experiments that they did on people. And i'd like to know how many of them turned out real bad.

I can, of those people that were involved in the harvard las, these studies were on to become psychopath. Yeah, how many lives are ruined because of that? Well.

who is the guy? Is arrow. Morris made the documentary on networks about the guy was in the elas, I think, was his dad. Someone's dad was in the ellis. These studies and they absolutely through him out of w like he knew some, he knew too much and they threw them out of fucking in window.

And it's like.

imagine you just grow and you like, my dad was murdered by the CIA. I mean, it's pretty fucked up.

It's very fucked up. You have .

a big gar y no, but will keep .

drinking with if you want. Let .

you project .

mk ultra. Did ca scientists Frank also and jump? Or was he pushed? Yeah.

pro pushed. I mean, it's always one works like was a note, right? And even if there was a note, they could have fudge that.

But the official vertical suicide, he fell from the window as manhattan no tea room in ninety fifty three died on the sidewalk in his undershirt shorts. About two official verdict was suicide, but a second autopsy raised questions, although not proof of a possible homicide. Olson's family, many, many others, have been searching for answers in a hall of mayors.

I, A woman, jumped at the window in front of me. Want to split like ten feet in front of me. In in manhadoes.

I I was going home. I was in six grade, and I was on, I was trying to get the bus. And with my friend, I stopped to take out my metro card. And in front of me.

you could kill you.

I mean, if I didn't stop, i'd be dead. It's crazy to think about, I did you just so a your mind protects you. It's really fucked up you experience anyway because I wasn't scared.

I was just kind of like, oh, shit. I go shit this. There's like a movie going on or someone from a movie you don't like.

Accept that is real.

Know of hip test. Next I call.

Remember I called SHE looked like when he hit the ground face first.

didn't die instantly. That's the one thing I remember.

Face first. Yeah.

you face for SHE was mumble in new herself. That was the most fucked up thing.

as I think SHE the yes, I didn't .

killer invented. I SHE model to something like, i'm cold and my friend's mom saw and he went in the store and got her a blanket. So good did .

you fall from doing.

I don't know. Probably, like, I would guess, at least eight stories of my guess, but like maybe five, I don't.

I don't know, lived.

but SHE didn't distantly got. But remember.

I called my friend's mom.

who was like a major arcesius after this and I was just wanted to talk to some of my parents who were in home and I was like trying to tell him and the mom's like, picked up the phone and talk to about herself for, like twenty minutes straight no. And then she's like, how was your deals? Like, I just saw someone die and she's all right. Well, elly is not home right now. That was that sheeses, who was a weird buckin call.

put that lady in the last studies so we do with her.

That should be a punishment. What I think I shouldn't ah you .

again about like this kid on the roof with trump like that the kind you find someone is all fucked up from life and you know I know sure that's a very specific kind of person you know it's hard to make a real a total narsisi like your friend's mom who you tell them about someone jumping off of a fucker roof in front of you and almost killing you and it's flattering in front of you. They don't really care if I .

think he just didn't know what to say. I don't think he was like malaise the way she's like, oh, i'm sorry, you know, I don't think he meant bad. I think he just wasn't. Give me anything.

Some people aren't quipped, every road conversations just talk .

is talk and talk. No, no.

But if you find someone who's really fucked that, like if you were a part of a secret program, you would probably kind of want to be going to visit schools to see if you can find someone is on the edge.

Yeah, we're rude. M.

you know, get especially if you're planning on killing them. And anyway, like this, they knew that if this kid was gona go on the roof and shoot the president, they can talk and to go on the room. Assume not even this scenario, it's be crazy.

But you say if you wanted to set up a salary, we're going to have someone assassinate the president. You get some guy whose life is a fucking complete and total disaster. You either hip notis m or you mentor ham.

You give him psychiatric drugs, do budget things. You get him to do IT. And you know that once he gets on top of that roof and shoots the president, everyone is gona shoot him. And it's nice and clean. They never let those guys live.

My question is how, of course, but my question is, do you want him actually to .

kill trump in the scenario? Yeah, they definitely .

wanted him to. There was also.

you think I find IT a little irresponsible and I can't.

I'm so put off and people like you know lawn bowden ship or like being like bite and hired biden, hired him to to do this. You're like stops trying to poor gas on the fire. Yeah do we are so fucked and lucky he's not dead, so lucky.

The country, like I believe, and I and I part of being may be an entertainer, is like I get to see a unified crowd. That's part of the beauty of of being able to towards a comic is like I get to see a room of people laughing together. And I I always hate when comics, I go out of the way to divide a room.

Yeah, and I feel the same way. I mean more so even about politicians who like why you aiming for chaos. Like you really can kind .

of unite people if you give a good speech, of course you really can't, like you really can inspire people and unite people with the right words yeah and the right like the right real feeling behind IT or really resonate the people we do. You know what? He's right.

He's right. We should do IT differently. We should. We should relax a little, get our shit. Which is really funny. One, after the assassination attempt, biden is like, we have to put aside our differences.

You just know, I know, but also make a big deal that biting cold trump and that he and IT was like, there's no place for this like murder yeah we lt. There should not be place for .

ascent ating people. There also should be no place for you using so much hyperbolic statements that you're saying that you're opponent if they win, it's the death of democracy because they kept saying that over and over, if he's going to be a dc, he's to be a dictator, he's going to be a tire, is the death of democracy is put people in camps IT .

all started when we started comparing every politician to hitler because he gave us nowhere to go. When every here's a prom, like every cable new show, they thrive. The way politicians are trying to h thrive.

Now it's like chaos. It's like you are poisoning every audience member who watches this shit. Cable news is literally their porn poisons down, you're throw.

And the way they're set up, they kind of have to do that because otherwise they're going to .

survive that ready. They when trump's out of office, they were .

dipping like a mother fuck a huge dep, huge.

huge dep. Because he he was giving .

them content. Yes, the fear content. Yeah, yeah. It's not a good time for IT being informed.

It's a very confusing time. IT turns like understanding exactly what's gone on the world. Yeah, it's real weird. This is weird. Real weird. No, you don't know what the fuck s is happening is the official reports of things and there's so many different things that are pop and off. There's so much going on in ukraine and in israel and like, yeah what's going on amErica and someone just start to kill the president. And like.

you see how I can believe that, should I? I was like, this can be fucked in. Did the world turn into the world? Restless federation? I was all of IT.

I was in italy when .

I was going .

on the p yeah, the roof. Yeah, coupled on the roof. If you pointed a gun at the cup and the cup jumped off the roof.

you never see dad like an eastwood movie.

The people like jumping up going fuck. This is eight times that reading this and also says his father reported missing later with his river. Yeah, the father made a.

did he give him? So I know that dad is gone. They know that was a gift. Or if IT was, he barred or stole IT that sun missing .

along with his rifle? So that was a story. No, he says, well, i'm hard to say what he's saying there because I could be saying the sun was missing with his rifle, but IT could be saying the sun was missing with his son's rifle.

He says that crook's father reports his son missing along with his rifle that could either be interpreted as crook's father's rifle or the kids rifle. right? Am I wrong? Yeah, yeah. There were over a dozen firearms found in the crook's house. So there is a lot of guns in the house.

How would you like to have that?

Your fucking in use photos. But now they said that FBI used that DNA to figure that out, and there's not sure they are not giving da our own any explanation on exactly how they did that. And people who are like how .

they ran a DNA they might not use.

like DNA, I comor insistent I come, or something like, oh, they definitely probably use those fucking things. All those databases were .

all compromise. I T I O D. Why do do IT a girl.

a drinker on a bar convince me to do IT?

I was like, I was hair. I was like, yes, I want to know how fuck in asana zi, I I can .

gives a shit. I know, right? Like.

clearly I have some turkish me with these eyebrows. I know what I am basically. But SHE was like, no, you need to know. And he did IT like on the spot in the bar sheet, worked IT for me.

And then I was like.

oh, wow, i'm a fuckyou idea.

Well, you gave away all your DNA to china, and now they can make a bioweapon that specifically targets you. That's a new thing that they can do. Now, how does well, certain people have certain genetic, like, people are different, right? Like their certain people were, certain genes impact them differently.

Like, for instance, the reason why some black people get sickle cell anemia is because their family has a history. Their ancestors have a history of protection against malaria. So because they've survived malaria, somehow another that gene manifest itself and sick selenium.

And like people from certain parts of the world have genes that are more associated with alcoholism, have genes and more associated with certain. So if they could find like a particular vulnerability that you may have or that certain races may have, even you can create a bioweapon specifically. And I dissolved theoretical, of course, but specifically to target an individual person.

they have already know if that your tendency, what race you are like.

I don't know. I mean, I think it's probably really like some people think they're one thing and they find out they're not like this.

They do a woody Allen film festival in new york and doesn't nuke IT and like fuck, I walked right .

into that one, I think but the biological thing, I think it's like there's very specific things like you're different than me and and i'm different than jammy and there could be of a certain biological weapon that only targets jami's DNA, and they can use IT on them. See if they could find out whatever the fuck that is now because they're talking about this in terms of like the vulnerability of selling our entire DNA database because apparently if you signed up for one of those, it's either DNA dot com or ancestry dot come twenty twenty one of those sold their whole database yeah and I way you get the alert .

for like we found another family member for you like i'm good. We're fucking and we're tapped out here yeah .

I got i'm a blended .

family as i've let's let's cap IT that's enough for bring .

with strange your life but they tell you .

what funny as they tell you like grandma said on those sites, would they like you prefer healthy to suit? And i'm like, holy shit.

that is true. Yeah .

ah yeah. But I guess I am there's the taste .

of santa. Some people IT taste like soap. You like I like IT. Some people don't like dentist hypothesis.

Al, but this is what people inside the government have said, okay, uh, that's what IT is, where you can actually take. Someone is DNA. You know they're medical profile and you can target a biological weapon that will kill that person. Or take them off the battlefield and make them inOperable.

You can have a discuss about this without talking about the privacy and commercial data and the protection of commercial data because expectations the privacy of degraded over the blast twenty years, people will rapidly spit into a cup and send us twenty three and me and get really interesting date about their background. And guess what? Their DNA is now owned by a private company.

IT can be sold up with very little intellectual property protection or privacy protection. And we don't have legal and regulatory regimes that deal with that. The date is actually going to be procured and collected by our adversaries for the development of these systems.

That's one cool.

We're all fuck and stupid. This is flat out Alice Jones stuff I ve ve ve heard this five years ago. Like galaxy, relax, they're y're fine in your own personal DNA. They're developing weapons specifically designed to target you.

I'll say for myself, they don't need to do much research. You could take me out pretty fog and easy.

I think it's just to know that they have them for everybody.

anybody that might .

be a creepy.

creepy even just like the with the cambridge and legal stuff, just the stuff they have on new year like this is like not good. I I don't like .

tip of the world yeah .

but then I also think of IT in like terms of podcast. We're like if we log this many hours, we're not going to get cancelled because there's too much shit, the poor from, right? So I look at the same way, if you have this much of everybody.


O think I park .

as if we said awful shit we have said awful shit in these little clips but we've also said not awful shit way more thousands and thousands of hours and we're comedians ah so people go, yeah but what what was the whole conversation like? Why did shae say that? Why did joe say why they say that? Because you.

why did? Why did chain call me dirty you? Because the next beat the sexual. That's why sock IT chain, sorry, dude. connex.

In the moment he had be OK.

but I think I saw him to go in in nashville. He is off. It's a video game getting away from shame but as he you can't get away on scate i'm just time I do i'm so hung over. I don t kill tony the night before I was a nation and I play .

a big boss .

yeah i'm just like trying to get away from he's like, you need one more drink to that hang up but they talked between him and geo drosse. And like, this is like the two and I show you forty six for fuck six, stop doing shots you smoke, reads and doing shots you fuck.

And six, yeah don't have health deal in marathon's when where in here with deal protect our park shades always one with the beer bong. So I do it's time, it's time. Have big fuck and made hand across .

with guys like shame for me or like I still enjoy drinking. I like the buzz that builds gradually. I don't like just getting super fucked up. I like and fucked up like over the course of the night ah but I like building into I like the build yeah and shame drinks like a nineteen .

year old he does but he drinks bud lights, which is the calculated move you're going to drink a lot. That's the stand, hold, move to stand up because cocktails now for the longest time stands hope. Drink light beer because I like the light beer because I can just started early. Keep a nice slobs.

do you? Pretty good impressions. That's okay. That's that bad.

If I hope from around him.

I can do him. I love him. He was, I was fan, is am a stand. But I mean, I member that those like old albums, like someone to take the edge off and like, oh my god, that bobber nett story, dan the chicory.

But it's not it's bears and there is Henry phillip playing the base in the background. Stand hop is like, and he's so cool. He's such a cool fucking guy.

He really is that guy like that he is like.

I tell you, he says he's like the closest .

we have to build hacks yeah but he's a different thing you know he's just he's his own thing you know it's like .

for .

sure he's his ducks stand hope you know for sure he he inspired a lot of stand hope.

One of these I do the mix. We have a different generation, you understand up. But like I remember the guys who were again, like when I was coming up, the guys can ripped off the mice from match head burg. Dan cook, a little bit of burr, a little there's some burger and obviously and I of them on like, we all know who we like I remember Normal and I would like laugh talking about like, he's like, i'm like a Normal Donald Jerry son field thing and I was like, I poking was upset with danger file motel. So was like, you know, and then you see .

the handwritten notes we have in the Green room.

I love, do I love the cool? No, I love comedy.

History should like that from his wife.

his wife given to us. I talked to on the phone. I was after witness's podcast, SHE would drive me. We would drive doing the same show.

And she's, you want to talk that he knows I love orden's y sagely, do you want to? Do you want to? Uh, talk to Jones.

Danger fields like, yes. So he calls me SHE calls Jones dangerfield and Jones picks up the phone. And I I like all, I love your husband's so much.

I like back to the schools, like my favorite vie ever. And I love his stand up, his cars and appearances. Like, I am obsessed with danger field.

And she's like you, anna, hear a danger field joke no one's ever heard and I said, yeah, when he was going under for a big Operation, he he was like, fuck, I might not make him if I don't have my mind. I don't want to be I don't want to be alive and is all have a comic. And he comes out of IT and the doctor goes, did you call anything up? And he goes, here, five hundred less.

Last week to a home, he woke up with a fucking and joke. So cool. I love you like dying back to school to me is like the best comfort watch ever because it's like it's only every character serves to set up his stand up yeah his wife like you're impossible yeah you're easy. You know it's all just perfect fucked and gets yeah as you're talen fed and what you're short nuggety remember the scene with the this I think about the scene has been ripped off so much but when they're get it's like Young is so funny in that movie too but they're getting drunk at the bar like a Young Robert downing junior who's like hilary and the two they're bring them the pictures, bring us a picture of beer every seven minutes until someone passes out, then bring us one every ten so you can be more fun than that. Yeah.

no, he was great. I saw him alive when I was a security guard. I was security guard.

Great woods. No, great woods is, it's a concert in mansfield masaccio's. And, uh, I was working security there.

And this is, I was nineteen years old and I got to see a lot of people there. I got to see, um I got to see bill cosby there. Wow, I saw that was a good show.

IT was a good show. I saw bond jovian there. nice. I was barely paying attention to build because because term pick up, this girl was doing a lot chatting. I missed a lot of the common part this before I decided I was going to be a comedian.

so I only for you back. Said a good example for the .

future yeah but um so I was backstage like there was like this back area and rodi was back there and rodney was wearing a bathrobe, had nothing on but a bathrobe just naked in a bathrobe with slippers and he goes on stage like that. That's how he gone on stage. He go on stage, balls us naked with a bathroom bond and slippers and just murder. So he went through this phase of his career towards the end where he'd go on stage in a bathroom and he's just balls naked with a bathroom of od.

and will be back .

stage hyg g and our people's balls behind and out and care, apparently at this giant deck and huge balls. And they just be hanging out and rody would just be smoke and joints and hanging out back.

The eighty plus is that adorable .

eighty plus and super wealthy and famous. And he's doing this enormous. There is like this place where borne jovi e does, you know in in mansfield masaccio. It's huge performing arts place.

He was the best man, and my mom got me a DVD set of his from my birthday when I was a kid and I was like, I loved that I was like.

you say, oh my god, you say I he's got to put a sock over his dick .

and he's just got a serious face. It's perfect. Oh, do you look at the back to school robe to its perfect do that the score for that movie to danny elfman like ten is so cheerful but yeah, he on the DVD said it's kind of said there's a set when he's really old and he in vegas and they're not good. The cow is not good. He's kind of struggling but there is a moment where he just is like fucker and just rattles off so many in a row, so many great one liners, and they start to pick up and they start giving applause, broken, just pauses and goes, I know a lot of good fuck and joke as such a triumph moment you're like eighty years old is just like fuckyou. I'm still i'm still a .

pro I made him at the laugh factory like many, many years later after I seen him and I was a you, a security guard. I was a just just moved to hollywood like ninety four and he was there and he was still doing like a little bit of stand up. And he showed up and I met him there with his wife. I don't know, at the same wife, he was always moving around, but he was, I was interesting just the same time.

just weird .

with equal. Hey, what do you know used .

to get strip? Yeah, because his club danger fields in the city maybe. Why always doing drugs? Is I drugs, mick? I'm doing drugs here, but I mean, that was, I never really played .

danger fields. IT was .

like a bad club.

I club. IT was a good club when he did the Young comedian .

special from there. When he did rode his Young median special yeah .

he he had to set .

on there that I was like this fuck eb, Robert chemo I still remember the joke he opened with its such a good fucking and joke where he he opens with this joke he goes I heard a guy got arrested for animal necrophilia. How do you plead for that? I'm sorry, I know I thought the cat was a live was fucked in IT that's to open with a fucking a dead catch and crush. Now he was a beast. I love a Robert shimo stuff you have.

He was amazing. Who is amazing?

Those old comedian special really got me in a comedy was really like, really.

oh yeah, they were the way you found out about, like rick document that's the way you found out that is was A L A guy, for whatever reason, never made IT. You know, everybody was funny on the Young comedian specials. Like, man, this guy is good. I remember .

there was light up. They were just fuck in bees. Like there wasn't. They were all killers. They were good comment, fucking dice coming out with, oh yeah, Nelson .



down my era, I love him. Sign felt so many comics came out of his Young comedian, special like roddy was the gatekeeper. He will. He really cared about comedy and he really wanted, like Young comment, yeah, I will. I learn lot of IT from him. That's one of the reasons why, like having his handwritten notes on the wall, the Green room is a community to me, because I can think about IT the same way, like I know about so many comedians, because ronny danger feel was generous, and he wanted people know about great comics he didn't feel threatened by. He wanted them to do well.

Do I still remember his intro for bill hacks on that special where he goes this next time? He, so far ahead of his time, his parents have even met yet keep IT up for a bill hix, I like you found jokes in the insure. Yeah, that's how good he was.

It's accurate. But you also like, you created this place and I just feel cool to see these Young comics like finding themselves. It's like, fogging cool.

Yeah, IT is cool. It's real school. I enjoy IT. I mean, it's selfish too.

You build a good culture. IT is so similar to sports where, like you see, there can be a talent rookie, but he's on a team with no good vets and he ain't going to be good, right? Because you need someone to guide you.

I was very fortunately that I had good comics looking out for me when I was a Young comic. And the culture in new york is also strong. I mean, like, you know, Colin quinton, David tee when I was Young. We're like, very like, oh, this is how you be a comedian.

You you keep turning over new shit and you keep like I love I on the early shows, comedy seller and IT will be i'm usually like following either collen or jim nor don and they're so prolific like they're just always taking chances. They don't give a fuck and you know, they give a fuck, but they don't give a fuck in the right way with like if this doesn't work, i'm going to make IT work and like they're doing like knt jims new shit is so interesting. It's so it's so good, I mean, but it's all like veteran leadership and IT all these bleeds down like us and then we want to do that for the next generation. The guy I want, i'm excited when I see funny .

Young comics yeah is Young comics .

of the cell like mad wen is a fucking and killer like she's a Young comic who's like eat and Simons patterns and Daniel Simons and you're like Young fucked and killers at the cellars and you're like, oh, fuck, I used to be the guy who would go up and kill and now i'm like, fuck, I got to turn over jokes and then they're going to become I know it's it's all good for the culture.

You know, IT is good for the culture, is good for us. It's good for you selfishly to be generous because those people that are coming up, the Better they do, the more it's gona feel you and you're going to do Better. It's good for everybody and you're right about like having like a culture of of top comedians keeps everybody strong and that's the club. I mean, like last night were hanging out with ron White. This fucked .

in brian.

Never he was.

He made one for being next. But from .

stony open up is a .

fuck ler, fucker.

killer, super smart know. And that he's one of these Young hungry dogs that's coming up and there's a gang of at that club and there's people moving there from all over the place, like toilet Fisher and these .

other people. Tony, he opened from that. I got banned there. That's what we mean.

I've been banned from a couple club that I don't get IT my act. That's of my agent. Cose, what did you do? My jokes. No, they were starting to show like an hour late every night, like when you have a ten thirty showing just started in eleven and thirty, kind like guys come on fuck and turn IT around. And then they were doing like blow job shots .

on in in thirty.

The club did that. So encourage .

to drink yeah .

which i'm fine with. I I want to to make money. I think i'll drink on stage and be like, fuck and I have a drink with me out. I'll even do a shower with the crowd.

Sometimes I don't give a ship, but you got to go to to stop the laying the show so much with nonsense and and I and then I remember I made one of the logo, the high in his logo, just like, fuck and haven't fun with IT. And he came my room and goes, we're a fucked and family business and I was like, I made fun of a haena. Well, what do I do in your family? I don't know who was a hide in the talks. Then, like two weeks later, someone to somebody that changed the logo. But I remember tony was like, he was like, we had fun.

We were laugh in a live. So how did they get you banned?

He, I made fun of the club and ship on stage. I was like, joking. I was like, blow job shop joking or am APP like harsh but like, i'm fucking around and he was like, he detail my agent at the time and he was like, if you don't drop sam as a client, I will never book one your clients again and like, you know, I wasn't a huge and and he and he said and he said if you three clubs you on two so it's .

like i'm like .

off so now you put me in a position roomers so mag call me like what did you do and was like not not them you know I can um and then he was like not as supportive as SHE should have been me SHE should have been like, fucker. You like he's doing his jokes, you know but SHE was like, this is what you because I did I did something the same thing that the serious Sunny bomb, which was what happened with this, how did that resolve, was not like, I don't have in that way. We're like, if I fuck up, i'll totally be like.

I am really sorry. Do they have anything specific? And b disrespecting ing are .

what I like about .

your club is .

I always find as a Young comic, you you don't get the love you deserve at your home club usually, right, because they see us as like a door guy or like that's .

where you started.

But I think you you do raise people up there, which I don't think is Normal. I really I think like new york, common carbon, new york doesn't a little bit with they like kind of develop the Young guys. Everything is good.

But I do think it's a right. Like comics is where I started to do de. They didn't really build I stove love with the club, but they didn't really build us up. They kind of like took pleasure and keep in us down a little bit and they would do like lottery shows to us.

They've recorded me one fuck in week like you want addition for the main spots you ve got to be unlike at americans, got talent type shown and like your fuck, by the way, just saw additionally for the light night back then I remember I audition so you do a lottery as I over one hundred comics, who, which sounds like nothing now in the day that day was like you and I member, I addition, I draw six at a six. So you going on after the regular show, it's like nata clock show. The next show starts at ten thirty same crowd and I just six at a six and like, fucked.

And going out like eleven. They can be tired. I hope these comics don't suck. They walk the crowd.

And the guy who goes on before me has a fucking in nervous breakdown on stage. So not making this up. He on, say, he goes, he goes, i'm fuck, i'm folking dad at this.

Oh my god, i'm fucking bombing. And I watched him walked seventy out of the eighty people for my audition. And i'm like, I gotto go on for ten people.

Now this is crazy. And I just went on and like, the owner blocked up to me and he's like, I mean, like the bar was low at that point. He was like, you didn't lock the last ten good but he was like, he didn't panic.

So like, i'll I put you on for late night so that was like, but then for the regular spot they were like you got a um they fuck with you at my point is like your like I feel like and and some of the fucking with is good IT is good because that makes you like how how bad you want to shit, right? Yeah but so I think to a certain point, the hazing can be good. But also like it's a new generation, you know it's it's different.

The hazing is probably good because IT weeds out the people that are going to have the gmp tion to push forward in, get through bad sets and get through old. And I says, tell comics all the time. Be nice to club owners because you don't want to be one of them.

I always, always say that then I want to become one of one. But I always said that because, like, they're different than that, they like we need them, that we're not going to go do that. We're not going to go open up a fucking and clubs. So you need these people.

So IT seems like there's an adversarial relationship like you feel like they're fucked in you on the money or they're they are lying about IT being sold out or whatever IT is that you're not getting what you deserve or but not much in the beginning yeah once you become unenviable and they have to pay you, right? But the thing is it's like there's a separation between the people that do IT in the business and that's where all the friction comes from in my club. There's no separation from the people that do IT in the business because the people that do IT own IT and it's all of hours like the way I refer to IT.

I don't refer to IT as my club. I refer to IT as our club. This is our club.

This club is set up for comedians. IT was never set up to make any money. The whole concept about IT was I just want to make something where I don't lose money.

I just want to break even. If I break even, i'll be super happy. It's not a money making venture at all.

So the money structure, yes.

so the money structures is different. The comedians get most of the money and there's planning money for the bar and there's plenty money for the weight staff, there's planning money for everybody. It's just you can't be greedy.

And in most environments, the club makes most of the money in the comedians don't until that a certain level. And then they get the door like big comics, big names, where they sell out anywhere. And it's like a good thing to have to met your club yeah and clubs make a deal, but they're still making money.

They're just not making in the same amount of money. But my point was the comedians do all of the fuck and work if IT wasn't. We're selling the comedians. We're not selling we're selling drinks to see the comedians.

But that's not I don't think that's the Normal mindset. Like I can't off and I beat a club and I hear the drink shake and i'm like here to move.

That's the business part. That's because the people that don't own that business aren't comedians. But it's funny that that's the best way to make a business is to make a business where you just do IT the best way to express the art form.

A lot of great clubs too. I don't want to sound .

here like the club deli ties and clever .

and like I fuck and love them. I love shit, nick and some wise guys and saw lake .

and is a lot .

there's so many great club for a million.

right? A little too. I love and and .

I love comedy clubs. I really do love just the D I really don't really that comics who don't tour, I don't like if you're not, I can tell in your special if you didn't fuck in tour with that, I can tell if you like, I didn't new york in L. A. And I was like, here you you got to take, this is the chat uga and .

knoxville and fifteen minutes.

I mean, like they do an hour there and you ve got to just take IT. You ve got to sludge through the mud. This always, always talk about like gaff again, you know, all those the new ork guys to be like, you ve got a tour, you got IT. They really emphasize like cut the fat .

did yeah yeah cut the fat and then see how different people in different places react to IT. Because your act is going to go over different status. So that that is in florida, know this.

But both are fucking great. Both are fuck great. You tamper for whatever reason has been in a size voters. You theyve always been fuck in. Really good.

Make up with happiness.

Never, I I be happy too. I'd be happy too if you're listening. Hain is what I might be.

I don't know. You probably gave the right direction, Carried your stupid fucking in, ha. Here, your logo, if if, if someone can make fun of IT and hurts your feelings, you go to dumb logo.

I don't give a shady, I mean, like it's like, I know what I hold a great against. S.

I don't know that guy that wanted to get drop by your agent. I got got .

to ruin your tty asley and such a shit move. And I didn't. I didn't have a lot of juice and like to be told, like I fucked up and like a little bomb that he told me I kind of fucked up on my you know, I didn't you know, i'm like, i'm not a deva do IT I I like I want to to do to would like happily do forty five weeks year on the road. I'm out there. I'm happy to do this.

Yeah, you making money off me, stupid. Yeah, I have my back.

Not a time of the time, but I was out there work. And yeah.

enough once going to think you like. It's like a Young athlete. Like if they keep going, they're going to eventually make them into the majors and they are going to make money.

I think person logic, like always that just how I always I love sport.

So also sports is another thing like comedy, like there's no guarantee you may make IT, you may not make IT.

Yeah it's hard. That is like drug drug problems, graft end problems.

There are so many things that can go wrong with you. Mental health problems, there's so many things can get wrong on the and also, it's so not guarantee that you're gonna keep coming up with the ideas.

Oh, do. This is my six hour of jokes, so I just burnt. And i'm like, i'm fucking tired.

I like my mind is tired. Like, I just don't feel like I have. I never feel like I have IT after this. It's really hard to keep doing.

but it's a constant process.

It's a privilege to deal with this chAllenge but IT is fucking what I don't feel funny of the time you'll come up .

with IT just like I always feel like shame was saying that after his last special now the stuff he's doing now is arguing the funny should have ever seen from him .

just how I like my new ship but I don't really like IT can take time.

It's a little it's a five year old kid right now. It's a it's not a twenty five year old men crashing through the front line.

IT is a kind entertain a fucking and room for the drunks yeah and .

at last long e of bambi legs your jokes have little baby .

legs .

are very awkward and shit then not .

moving that good yet. It's so true. It's IT is a IT is cool though. It's more fun to be in the creative mode because like when i'm about the tape and i'm killing him like i'm a fuck and hack because so you know that works like this a shit yeah it's opposed to work easy yeah you're like this should work, but then you you're struggling a little bit. You like, this is fun.

this is common. Yeah, this is the went. And then when you struggle and then you come up with a new punch line, a new tag line, know, I just added a new tag to one of my bits that makes me laugh. And it's like, IT just came out of the blue one night sitting from the computer going over my material, my like this this is IT and I add that in and I had on stage the next day and I tone, when did that come from?

Yeah like, friend, watch the night. And he was like that fuck and Frank line was like .

the new line ah new stuff is a gold and kids in the Cosmos new stuff. amazing.

It's so we're when he hits you in the middle night to you just have wake up at the midnight you like you just like stumble over to a fucking phone voice memo back, sleep you got to and it's ninety percent of the time and shit but that for that ten percent you have to just do IT there's been wait .

too many times where I convince ed myself that I would remember .

IT and I didn't remember that I know is a cycle episode about that I tried to write IT down is like, what the fuck is this? Yeah but yes, it's so. I mean, it's funny for what is sick comes and for what I would like tap in a real stand up.

Sure, every once in a while. Oh yeah, I mean, IT started IT off with him doing a monolog. Remember, there was the early days. Yeah, he would do a monolog at a club every time. Yeah.

he's Better in there.

He's interesting now hearing him talk about stuff now because he's kind of realizing where all this walkshed is gone.

He doesn't care. It's beautiful to watch. Be like like someone hacks and is like, fuck you and you like, oh my god ah Cherry versus hackler .

this is entertaining. Well, they're all going after him with .

the past stuff now the interacting and club my god, you'd stop giving jews money. Yeah but he also like but he also was like, you know he's talking about something like it's just funny when a clean comic is getting hackle right because i'm like, yeah probably hacked a bit about like spongers or something well.

just shows you like at this time in history, nothing is safe. This time in history is so screwy that a total complete compliance and adherence ance to every single letter of the doctor on is demanded. And even then they'll ve they'll move what IT is, they'll move the boundaries, they'll move the the the goal post. And then what you were saying a month ago is now problematic. Now I have did here to a new thing.

Yeah, I also just think like it's annoying that we have to go that way because like why can we just all enjoy Jerry I guess that's why I think, like why can we just all enjoy this? Like I kind of even if you don't like, even if you says and I don't like, I like I try to separate the comic um from the whatever else you know I could still listen a gsi .

that's interesting. Yeah.

that one we would be tough. I did. I just have to fall asleep sometimes at night. And no, no, no, I actually don't really. But I do think I I do with movies all the time. I don't want agree with like wooman, polanski, wood Allen, but I fucked in love movies and I I think what the Allen made some of the best movies ever.

So there is many incredible movies .

and he was a great standard. I mean, um I can separate for the the cosby's tough because what's IT called himself yeah it's tough. It's tough to separate, right? Yeah it's also just feels dishonest because it's the cleaner should ever and it's like grape.

And this one lady saying he might be the most prolific serial raper in history yes, I who knows how many people who did IT to don't come out about IT? You know, how many people don't know what happened?

Also, tough one in the person who does the ship is so hollier than that.

so beloved.

but also just so much like, you know, yeah you need to do things this way it's like those type so that's a Better is .

tough but like a thousands of type of people that are usually creeped like male feminists are usually .

the biggest fucking and peace .

shit yeah because they're putting on and act they hope you'll respond to if you're a woman that's what IT is. There's just the so much it's a band switch and it's the most manipulative thing in one of things you get from those guys. The creepiest of them, they will go after other men and they go after other men publicly.

I remember jammy kill sty one after me for a fuck and rape joke in like two thousand and thirteen. I had a fucked and rape joke that like I got torn to read for by these like fake, you know, feminist things. I I still remember the joke.

I was like, I was, I was fucking of black or not great. Joi was going to black or ever sexy, have drop in the n word. He was like, no.

And then I pause. I was like, you guys a word I was going to say the n word that everyone was like, thank god. Rape joke so that was a joke that like that somehow that word is more friends of than me.

Rape in a person yeah so like the joke killed IT would always kill and and another one, in the same set, this woman saw me. I said the whole set was ripe and no, I said, I said my girl never made sure was the condom because she's on the pill. Ambient, another fun one.

right? There were two quick silly jokes to me, but he went to hit piece ami tme to shed that was like, I went like, fucking got share. I I showed the coin coin.

I was a Young salon at the times, like two thousand and thirteen, and I showed the coin. And he goes, the most foca part of SHE admitted the punch line from your jokes. Okay, so he is trying to show the european a decision.

I have been showing the comedy here. Yeah, he says you have to write something. So I I wrote something and IT. Then I got shared a time like all these websites like sange. As about Tommy red, I was at the like, he's nobody, all this shit like just like cutting me down. I was, I was, I had nothing going on and they wanted me to go in my cum l bell show at the time to like defend my my manager.

The time was like, I don't want your first TV credit to be defending a rape joke I was like, I agree, so didn't do shit but then like, here's the fucking in best part so I had a trans joke in my in my netflix special that was like pretty pro trans. I was just like being a contrarian and and I was like everyone to do in these like tran's bad. I'm going to go the other way, have fun with that when viral.

And all these people like, like this is how you fuck and do a blab, blah. One person wants to fuck him. He made bad jokes in two thousand thirteen is the person who fuck and tried to cancel in two thousand thirteen who is now a man so she's now a guy so that the joke, I didn't the special I go, but you know that people can .

change yeah yeah .

so that I say I call my new special you've changed for that but yes, what is the so you can be a different person but .

I can't grow with a fuck in human so what i'm a different comic than .

I was in two thousand thousand thirteen not unlike a fuck. And Better i'm a Better stand up. I take if I go there now I hope it's a Better joke. Yeah but like how come this only room for growth on. It's fucked and yeah and .

I accept whatever you .

fuck you choose you your body ducks you but the idea that like you get to do whatever you want but then everyone else is like a target. You insane IT isn't sane.

but IT just shows you the dian genuine approach of things, and also the people that are involved in this sort of attacking people. They are not enlightened for a lack of a Better term. Not saying that I am, but their level of compassion, not it's not for everybody, it's only for people that .

agree with them are progressed but only you can progress .

exactly and it's only only people that only people that agree with you one hundred percent but then let's look in your own life, I guarantee your mess .

know well usually the people they went after shame to you have to realize in the fucked of way they went after shame was that, remember, they wants to shame so hard. Remember, think we were C N N had a thing. They were like people who are cancelled this year.

And IT was wide steam, cause we in shame. I know that this is like A S A T question. Which one doesn't fit? Yeah so fucking and unfair. So you know I think that should that ship is sale, I think it's for the most part over and I think like we're mostly laughing about IT now yeah but you know but now you see IT with the donati's d guy and now its its the left that goes after people but like now it's it's kind of this was the right whether like celebrating KO best thing when i'm I came in, either all okay or none of this is the south park guys .

either all OK or not OK yeah the guy said something on stage because he's signal to us liberal followers and he's trying to be cool. And he probably had no idea that that was going to get out to the restless world. He thought he was just saying IT to his crowd and he didn't understand because he's like sixty .

years old see .

that guys all the fuck is like a super old triple vx liberal and know he said something and there was a stupid thing to say and they had to cancel their whole fuck in tour threats and bomb.

The jack black cancelled on him. They cancelled.


that's your friend. No, I mean, that's on me so I can act like salaria.

We didn't throw his friend under the bus. He said he was blind sided by IT and that he doesn't support hate speech. Play to hate speech.

Yeah, I know what is hate speech is my other thing. It's like either made a joke. You either say it's a joke or right, or is actually is either a joke or is not a joke.

is the definition of too .

soon there was .

two days and .

the joke bombed. I don't like a good you. No, but also like why you call in, I don't like to all people's had either yeah.

I don't like IT either. I think they're just delaying their tour.

He just can take some time just mention.

Now I really think that's what the decision was. I think the decision was to stop the tour .

and then come back. Yeah.

maybe yeah. Isn't that what they said? Tourist cancell ty has been .

dropped by his agent also. never. I was about to be like, you know what? Summer is hard to tour.

And now has everybody been dropped?

Just that one guy, jack, like, hasn't been done. You're dumb. Fuck in if you drop in that one.

Yeah, you drop jack black. At first I thought jack black said, IT and I saw the clap. I was like, oh, no.

I was watching tropic s under the other day on TV. It's still funny. It's amazing.

It's really funny. It's the last free movie.

They don't even more good.

You can do a movie like that.

Someday it'll come back around.

I have dropped down the junior on the podcast. I said, you think you make tropic thunder today? Like, oh, you could .

make I saw that he's awesome. He's great yeah, yeah, yeah that's, you know, band still doesn't get enough credit I can just go for with that shit that .

was in that movie. Yeah went for so to tom crew. Remember tom crews played that fat agent with the government?

I was like, guys, I want you do more comedy. Like, I know you want to do your own stance and you're like actually a death wish and it's bad. And so like, I want to see tom cruise in a comedy yes.

listen, I know time cruise is alone, but tom cruise, because the fact is alone can canna do anything? I mean, like, he played the vampire stand interview with the empire and all of and rises fans were protesting like why people did not want tom cruise to play the stop. But he's great.

He's great. But if you didn't know, tom cruise at the time was top gun. He was like, fuck and blockbuster boy and then I I was going to play this homosexual vampire who is like this contact yeah but it's IT was too beloved to them.

to the people. Like if you ever read interview with a vanity wasn't .


but he but he didn't learn how .

to do IT that was more offensive to me the he learned kinder ka, if I watched and play but yeah, that's the difference. But if you watch someone play guitar and you don't know how to play guitar, I don't know what's going on, right? But if you're a really good guitar player and you say, oh, he's not even hitting the right keys when that sounds coming out, this is bullshit. That's not how you play guitar.

Flexing comedy in a movie, usually rough pants.

Sally fields in town. Hanks.

they, I ve tohn ks, but yeah, it's not fucking. And yeah, it's not a comedy, doesn't. The only time I saw that kind of work was when sandler did IT in the in the judge appetite movie like sick .

a sailer to stand up, right? He's a real, yeah, you could do a movie with comedy in IT like li did with with li, you know.

that is such a good show. I male, like a year ago, I was like two. I M I just wrote on my email being like, man, I missed shows like this and I missed the representation in new york. And I and I love how like you make new york like disgusting and ugly, but also like kind of beautiful in a mess, and and like against you at all times. Like there is a scene in that shell where he 呃, he misses, you know, the time, but with the flight, he misses the flight and the woman just type in and he's like, what happened? The flight SHE just keeps type in SHE IT was cancelled that why he goes a crashed and he goes, oh my god, as anyone, okay and she's like, keeps saving SHE goes, everyone's dead except one baby like that type just so absurd and silly but I got me so good good like we will get so angry when we miss S A connect flight and then everyone's dead is such a good like that was his mind and and he would like a long thing back just been like that was like a really cool time my life. And like, how much know we put a new at that show, I think is like .

brilliant and edited that .

shown as macbook and did the music.

And he ended that show on the twelve inch macbook, the little tiny one. And I know why you do know on that, because I like doing on this little thing.

Yeah, that show is, I really wash you recently. I was like, amazed at how well that holds up, like it's, it's great show.

It's a great show. And I remember when he did.

lucky lui.

I like that. Lucky luis, okay, but I talked to him at the improve one night. We're hanging out was like, what would you do different?

Because I was like, IT fall apart because I would would fire other writers. I didn't want to fire them. He goes, I just, I want to fired everybody .

but what he also was trying to do, like a jackie gleason, like seamy type rank, and his strength is being himself, right, so that I still enjoy that. But yeah, who is like another level?

Yeah, well, Louis was him with freedom. You it's like if you take a guy like that, yeah just just let him. He's gonna do the best he can.

He's going to do the best he can always have to let them do that. Get out the way. You're not going to give him good idea.

You're not to help bag ones through a joke. And that killed him immediately. And I was like, that's a good comic. Great day. H.

he's good a comedy. Yeah, I did can come joke. He gave me a great to add once. Well, king con's wife giving him .

shit and a joke. I said, it's a joke that I did in the joke, in the movie, the joke, or I say, I did a million jokes for that movie and that this one they use but I said of, you know, men and women look at sex, definitely. Men look at IT like.

Women look at sex like, like buying a car. You know, like, can I see myself in this long term? Is IT safe, is a reliable, could IT kill me? And as in memory, it's just like parking a car.

Like, there is a spot, there is another spot, or I have to pay, never mind, and little goes. You should add a handicap. Hope no one sees this.

I had a handicaps. But his hope no one sees this hit harder. And I was like, there, there we go. This word, hope no one sees this is so much more fucked up and funny. I had a handy cat, but IT IT work, but this one then killed. And I was like, he's good and I never I don't really Normally take tax, but when is the new year? Are kind like, let me try and then I was too good.

did not tell too good yeah yeah you got to take IT yeah .

but it's like so fun when you a joke and people think it's over and then those you know there's one more line, especially if you're doing like, you know a tough crowd and they like and then like my they have to like, give IT up a little bit.

I was good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's always great when you find those two, when you got the beginning of a joke and it's kind of doing okay and the early days of the joke you just started thrown IT out.

You're fucking with IT and work and you like god something there. Then you find the next thing. And boom, m, you open up a new door. Now you have a whole new door that is attached, the promise that is a bunch of new .

angles you can take. Yeah it's fucking it's it's a great thing. It's like have a toy you find that you like. I don't know what that yeah, it's so cool is .

going take a year off. And so he's basically taken I think .

you're in a half. I think he took. I mean.

I saw is a year.

right yeah I saw um at the seller and he was a he was trying some new stuff and was funny and was recently.

yeah always okay .

so he's bad yeah he saw I I hate when comically that's in the back of woman, i'm fucking around. Just try to find out my god, dammit and I get off my damn IT I was fucking around yeah I love that .

when people we're doing that though I know you're funny. I'm not going like if I see someone have a weird set with working a new shit and never think up. So i'm stock now like that. Would you'd be an idiot for thing in that? Yes.

I guess we're always in ahead a little. I thought IT, if once you think you're not, once you think you're awesome.

you're fucked and done. I have that once where I switched the order of things on the spot. For some strange reason, I decided to try IT this way. And IT worked great.

But I realized as I was into the set, that I missed a giant part of one of the bits because I switched IT around and I didn't fit anymore and I couldn't, not in anywhere else. And so I was in my head, but I was still killing, yeah, but I was in my head. And then after was over, I got to listening. So you must be fucked up but that no was the recording was great as listening to my this was all like a self inflicted mind fuck because I knew that there was more of the bit, but they didn't know there was more of the bit.

They just like you knew there was more is not the bone I hate. I mean, IT happens when you do you like, well, let me try some of you try to flex and let me open with an abortion and joke. And if I can dig out of this and IT misses you like a fuck now they hate me, but I do IT all the time like I even new hitler truck goes, you going to your club last night and i'm like, let me open on this and they like, now you can open on the hit or joke you've got to earn IT give four minutes yeah.

you got ta get them to trust the way you think about things so I .

love late night said still even another like soviet. I mean, but I like not even that any comments do anymore when you watch an old one and you like, oh, a guy had you had to open on this joke for, like, this is coming in new york, nick griff, in who's like, he was like the master of the element sets.

I thought his would like eleven elements that are all flow less, you know, and every opening joke was perfect he to joke, he goes, they say to live everyday like it's your last so have been crying out lately that's a great fucking and joker um you know uh he goes, I hate is another one he open with I always look at the opener, some unfashioned I goes, I hate these celebrities, lady gaga, you know, oh, the Price, the press is bothering me 啊。 Cool visas bothering me. That's like your self deprecating out of the gate. It's a quick.

I like the quick lab. Yeah.

yeah. VS bother neat. Want a trade like a great line?

Yeah the construction of a great joke and and starting off the great joke is so important for opening acts. I always tell that for guys in the road, like if you've never done a big theater before and they come with me, i'm like this in, go out there, say hi to, don't rush, don't rush in your first joke, yeah.

But when you commit that first jokes, got to be a banger because they don't know you, and you might not get the laughs you think he deserves to the audiences and warmed up yet, but you gotta accept that. But you gotta a start out with a banger, or even if they're not love in hard, at least go, okay, okay, like they might not be laughing, but they might have a smile on the, yeah, you know, and then warm in them up. Yes.

you're warm in the up. And that's why I appreciate comics to warm up crowds with jokes and not just like bullshit. I ever respect for people that whatever way you warm up, however you get them cool. But like I told gary veer, and it's just killer dead pan one liners, all just like dead pan and like this is he's low energy so they have to listen. And for me, that sets the table where, you know, every joke is fucked in killer.

Do I have to pass where I want to break? Let's take a little break back. Yeah on moved out here in like two thousand seventeen or eighteen yeah I call I mean, he was always at the store too because he had he had a condo in beverly hills or excuse me, he had a house in beverly hills, wasn't a condo a mansion and he just say about unthought and move with a texas because I love IT here I travel.

It's in the DDL country. He easy take a flat anywhere. People are nice, are no traffic, foods for and grade. And that kind of put the seeds in my head. I was like, the first seeds in my head was like.

did you know like, go.

No, no. It's too many people. I think you get around too many people.

It's not good for your head. I think too many people like that. People become, they become A A problem rather than A A resource.

You know there's too many. They get in the way they're in the way of things to clogged up. And I think that creates an anxiety that when you're stuck in traffic all the time, I think that's bad for you.

I wanted to, just also, I didn't trust IT. I felt like I could fall apart at any moment. I was always like, I was always waiting for the next earthquake.

E or the next fire. I was evacuated three times from my house, from fires. Yeah, last one, two houses in front of my house burned to the ground .

in front my house.

Yeah, the wildfires were crazy.

Yes, fucked in scary.

right? Fucked in scary. When you see him common. I came home from the comedy store, and IT was one a clock in the morning, and the me and my wife were looking out the window at the fire coming over the hill. And we made an early call.

We said, look, if we're wrong, we would come back. The house is still here, but let's just get the fuck out of here. Now that's too close.

They weren't evacuating yet. I'm like going to get out here. And so we've got over our shit and we got a hotel and burly hills. And then next, you know, IT had swept through our neighborhood, fucked in horrible IT burnt forty, I think forty houses in my igher od cry is crazy. It's all you .


I don't remember what IT happened. I want to say, I don't know. Mean, l is dry.

It's dry. All IT takes us a good wind and fires. But IT happened three times, three separate times we had to get evacuated. Yeah, IT was weird, man.

And when you see, when you see IT, you see the walls of flame that are from the left to the right, everywhere you can say is flames. You see houses going up. It's spooky, man.

It's spooky, like a horror movie. yeah. And then you realized, like, I talk to a fireman once, this is one of the reasons to freak me out. One of the long where and early fire department show, shut up. Yeah, five department .

fucked .

in tough people, those fucking in people. They don't get nearly the credit they deserve. So I was talking this guy, and he was telling me he goes, dude, one day he goes, is just going to be the right wind and fires going to start in the right place, and it's gonna burn through L.

A. All the way to the ocean. And is not a fucking thing we can do about IT.

I go really he goes, yeah we're we just get lucky. He goes, we get lucky with the wind. He goes where the wind hits the wrong way. It's just going to burn straight to L A.

And there's not going to be a thing we can do about IT because these fires are so big, dude, they are talking to about like thousands of acres that are burning simultaneously with like forty mile our wins. And the winds just blow in embers to the air. Those embers are landing on roofs and those houses are going on up and landing on bushes, and those bushes are going up and everything's dry. And once IT happens, IT happens in a way where it's so spread out that there's nothing .

they can do.

there's nothing they just have to evacuate.

Fuck and weird .

did one of the worst I ever bombed ever in my career and I wasn't that good at time either so was easy to make me bomb but I was ah I had done one of those naca one those college thing and um I got I did well at the thing and I I got a bunch gigs and I was really funny at the nack show I killed and so I got this gig and I was headline in in jb smooth was opening and IT was this weird gig in new jersey and IT was in the middle of nowhere.

And this is back way before navigation. So you would get a piece of paper that would say, take the four or five to this, take a right here, go down to that. So you'd have to really follow the directions.

And IT was complicated, and I remember I left real early, and I still IT took a long time to get there. And I finally found the place and I was there. But J, B, smooth was not there.

And the show was supposed to start like twenty minutes. And so I said, what you guys want to do and they said, we just wait for him. Don't worry about that.

Everyone is just sitting in the hall, like waiting for the show to start. It's fine. So to go, okay, great.

So I SAT down and I start watching TV. And there's a show on about the malaya fires. And IT is the most fucking depressing thing i've ever seen in my life.

This guy who was a fireman, his, I think his house was actually saved. The gather was crying, but he was just weeping because his whole life he had invested and save money to make this house and build this house in. His house survived, but like his neighbor's house is fog, is other.

Other is so random, which houses get burned, which house didn't? And there was this kid he was calling for his dog, says, kids walk dusty, like rusty, where are you rested? Not the dog dad is, fuck you.

Everything's dead. It's like you're you're looking at the most insane waste of bert homes. And people weeping in crying and people died in their cars was horrible, horrible shit. And then they come in the room.

This illic jb is not going to be here in time, so we're just going to have you go up first and that if he gets here, i'll go on after you like, okay, yeah and so I went on stage like, sad from the male. And I was not funny at all. I couldn't muster funny.

I couldn't. And remember, this girl was date at the time he was dead with me. What the fuck was that? I was like, I watched the morning fire thing else.

fuck and sad now she's dry .

to yeah and then jb went up after me and murdered murdered because he came in loosen like you like I got last and he was just kill among you just .

got to not wash the news never washed. But that's the thing about this cable news I I watch IT just like, why would I watch this?

I feel fuck and horrible. You feel horrible. And to not happen, you mean you really like you've got to be real careful about any input that gets in your mind before you go on stage?

Yeah, you shouldn't have an argument with your girlfriend. You shouldn't call your friend that only money. You shouldn't talk your parents. You have to be careful about what input like. That's why I like the Green room with the club. You go in there, the music s plan, comics are in there, everybody's hanging and it's a good vibe like IT feels good and then you go on stage with a smile on your face like, yeah.

that's that, dude. Mean, we ve all done those benefits, but they like that would be like here, this is a benefit for, you know, I did a benefit this I didn't fuck and think I don't I usually look at at is force so I know it's a good calls, but I was like a rush and I just showed up to a benefit. Do you know like i'll get called.

Do we find, like within thirty seconds they open on a joke, drinking on muscle relaxes like silence. And i'm like, okay, some things are wrong here. I do whatever I keep pound through, booming.

My deck off the crowd is looking at me like, who is this guy? Sky suck and I get off and the guy running is like, what the fuck is wrong with you? And I go, what do you mean? He goes, it's a benefit for a guy who died from drinking on muscle relations knows like. So I chose the long material and have to let me .

know that before I go on state change.

something I didn't read IT was my faut entirely IT was completely my thought but I A, I was like, oh, but i've done like, sometimes you do a benefit, what you know what it's for and you ought like a thing for a cancer benefit, or like a holic thing and they show you like, hey, not a great warm up back. Yeah.

listen, i'll just give you money. Yeah, you want to check, i'll send you a check. Not performing.

But if it's walking this pretty much .

always do IT just the fun just it's .

it's easy to just walk in and do is that it's i've done some that were good.

I've done some benefits that were fun, never good. But i've also done some that maybe go I am never want again. This is just not worth doing. I think comedy should only be in a comedy club like going to hear about people doing corporate gigs and like, what are you doing? I know, but it's not that. Are you gonna notice? Like, I do notice if you like, if you have, let's say you have ten thousand dollars in count, you know if you ten, five .


So if you have, my prom was if you have ten million in the bank, right? Like some people I know that do these fucking things and you get tortured for ten thousand dollars like tony just did when you get tortured for ten thousand dollars, because he was the worst thing i've ever done in my life. I go, why did you do that? Because was over me ten thousand dollars, and he was right down the streets. So I just did I go, you're not going to notice that ten thousand doors but you're gna feel that bomb .

you you might get a funny story too, I would think. Like, I mean, that's why I do morning TV things. It's going to be bad.

but it's going to be funny, bad. And that up because that morning john was amazing.

Oh my god, that was hilarious. Because you know what the funny part is like, I wasn't even misbehaving on that one. I just hated me.

And I was even funnier. Like he set me up in a way where he was like, he clearly hasn't watched my shit, which is fun. I know he has and but I clearly a producers, a fantine. So they're like giving a line from my special to cue me up so cue me up for a gun baby joke. And I was like, i'll get, i'll tell the joke and I told him and he just looked at me like, yeah and i'm like, yeah, well.

what do you want? I send you that stuff the best biden ever if you know you don't believe me.

if you well, you know the thing Better. Lot of those guys are is like, as I said, it's poison these cable shows but instead of being like someone, if you'll follow a comic and they're like a hack, but they know they're hack and they are like, i'm sorry, I just have to go out and do but he like goes on the act like the all these guys they go on the act like they're like doing the lords work Edward on my or something and i'm like, oh, you're going to do this and think you're like there's like this type of like liberal leaders and where it's like there's two types like older liberals. There's like the type that like is that got all happy and is like, man, that was cool. You did that IT and then there's types look you like.

well, he wasn't a liberal. He used to be a republican yeah and then he got an msm.

C yeah, go the money again. yeah. But IT was a that was a weird segment. But I actually get I get off on that a little bit.

I kind of like when I know it's going to be bad, I think it's funny because i'm just like what it's live. What are they? I can just do whatever I want. Yeah, it's funny to me when I goes horribly.

Those are state run propaganda shows, are bullshit news distribution and happily .

distribution. I I do enjoy IT like I think I enjoy. I enjoyed .

watching him reaction and was a great job that is very good .

yeah .

and watching him not respond that very good bit and my q can even admit that that's a good bit that's what bumps .

me had a little bit is like the kind of like just fucked and smile. I know you're not admitting that. I'm not saying school shootings are okay. I'm just saying this joke works.


Some joke. So you can just smile at the at the fun of the jokes. But like I guess I think those crowds and you think of those crowds like not only do you think i'm shit, you think you're Better than me and I feel IT and that's a bomber while .

that position of being that guy in the suit with the fucking makeup ban in front of the camera, speaking the truth, that's an intoxicating power position. And is .

power position for .

those people. They want to be that guy that is the the center of the new show. And you know all the people are waiting for them to talk and there's other Cameron and they're all pointed to to him, makes some super important as people behind the scenes with the clip boards, they're all looking at him yeah, those ideas like .

that that is funny because the producers were like quoting my bit. They knew who I was. And yeah, regular people there really cool. And so i'm sure that you gave them that thing. They were like, talk about guns and babies. I was like, you got IT and I mean, fuck got but even I shark and kind of chocolat least like, I got something out of him, you know, give me something.

Al sharpton and is .

an old school grifter. good. come.

I mean, that guy is entire career started on a false reactivation.

Ah, yeah, get out there and do the real thing. Body.

he just, he looks like now he's lost like a bubble of his weight like he's like super, super thin.

Oh, there right. Wow, I look, well, what the fuck is wrong with me?

This here.

it's a point in some no, but I know whatever I go, I show up places and people are right. I know it's earlier in. This is the end, you gun.

Hi, I give me a nice plug there. There's something election and sam just now, sam, just, I got ta start with this quote because it's most relevant and is not go to the past election here. Yeah, this is whatever.

This is just me making a buy joke. What a truck. Me parallel of guns and babies together. But you do IT master fly, explain both easy to hate but then you hold one and you like, I kind of get IT .

you know what .

he left to that yeah you post note on airplanes yeah if they was new and they have either, you like, I could be a problem, you know and both will be in a school soon yeah yeah exactly. Let's take not like that actually .

next one that you can like what you do. What do you even say?

Yeah but you know.

you have .

a little .

bit I was.

I told him I was like, I fan just like playfully and he was like, like, but I could be in and I was like, I was like, you brought the thing about like and Frank no, Justin, people went to and Frank house and in the sign book road, I think he would have been a labor. And I said how I feel about you and may I said, I said that to him.


people really do. Yeah, yeah. I got a lot of shit for that years ago.

wow. yeah. But come on, signers, we fuck get.

How was he was a baby? He was Young. yes.

Yeah, supposed to do. Yeah, he's just a thing. shocking. He was in a shocking in phase. Know, I think was like, I I think mental and like good spirits I don't think was like going to be like car I think was like fun but but I said at the bell shop and he was like, yeah he like went with IT all like, right well.

the thing is those faces are not places for humor. There's no no room for humor because they think they're saving the world like, but the world days and then you just annoy everybody your entire career and you didn't save anything ever. You never changed any boy's opinion. You didn't you .

just want to go to happy go but i'm just shocked there, just like a laugh in the Green room like this going. I know.

They need anything but yeah.

I went on that our melbourn once and he just like, would set me up for jokes and then look at me like, so why is that funny? And I be like, are you fucking kidding me? Because it's a joke I don't know that clearly is not funny, I don't know know, but you just roll in with that .

was a big thing difference team being funny on a talk show in front of a person who's not ready to be laughing and then an audience.

That's why the production trying to get them laughing if you hear rafts in the background is able but if i'm just bombing for one dude, yeah.

it's fuck and weird yeah, you want to play the camera guys yeah, the Normal people, camera guys in the grips.

I love doing that. I all my friends are like, you are psycho for going on morning shows because, like, they have strows endora like, i'm not waking up at the seven I am to do this like, I will happily, you still do IT, of course, but you will have me. The last one that had me was a insole x city, utah.

And they were like, they knew I do this. So the guy came in the Green room, was like, fucking with me. I'm in the Green room.

My friend gary vee, I made him come. What makes I can do this? So it's like a bank robbery. I an uber waiting for me.

I need to get right out but the guy was fucking with me in the Green room like the anchor was like a handsome morman guy being like, you're going to look at me and the gary like this guy is got like an edge I was like, I was like, yeah, guess I don't know and he's like, yeah, let's see if you fucked he was like, kind of being a dig and I was like, married so then in my head i'm like, i'm going to fuck with them so I went on there and he was like, the week the dd should broke and I was like, having that p. di. And and he was just like, well, we're not going to talk about that and I was like, or anyway, p.

Di, I just kept doing IT and he got pissed and his anchor, the woman was cool as fuck. SHE was laughing, but he just kept like, you, you'll never be invited back. And no, yeah, now I know I was like to pretend that I was upset that I was never going to be back on a good morning salt lake. I was like, oh, no. And then and but then, of course, after the second, when i'm leaving and i'm trying to get out of, they were gary, but all the crews, like stop in me and like grab and they are trying to take self because, like, we all .

hate a girl .

when he .

J I I love IT I love .

it's fun it's like, you know what, it's such a fake type of TV that it's fun for us to go on yeah and just be ourselves yeah and it's I love that shit I love I still have a weird fulness for like the comfort of that and then fucking with IT I don't know why but also someone be like at home on good morning amErica and this kind of funny how like I know like cooking something it's peaceful I .

don't know it's weird to watch some of those shows like I watched the view every now then just .

because I don't know never seen one episode i've never .

seen IT yeah yeah you got go for a walk after .

to see them just I either to know what be global from the movie edge where she's the next coach. That's how I choose to think of her yeah.

that shows. Never seen. There's a bunch of those shows.

We just like, who are these people and how do they think this way? Yeah, but you need to know that those people exist and that there's a bubble, and those people exist in a bubble and they all think they're right. They clap and there no one disagrees with them.

Yeah, what's good? Well, I would happily go in the view and I I would like to go. I ve heard of, I think I make a nice impression.

I love the clip. No, that A B, i've I just .

like disrupting, like, I think the disrupting is really funny.

It's very funny. Yeah, norm was the best of that.

He was. Yeah, I wish I knew I only madam twice. And he was so nice that two times I, madam, but was I made on last comic standing where I got eliminated immediately? I I had a pretty good set. But then I had a feeling they, we're going to move.

I watched two comic in front of me, fuck bomb and move on, by the way, but I remember keen in every way and was like, you were funny on some jokes and not funny and others and I just like sarka tilly responded, why I loved all your scary movie films and and I got a big pop and he goes, I only did the first two and like, he was a joke. I don't know, i'm fuck and trying to survive here and then afterwards, norm saw me on the way the bathroom was like, I liked this shit and I was funny yeah and I was like my one interaction with. And then another time, a madia c Caroline ines, where we were doing march madness.

I le can't do you know what that was when I was like, one on one you would do like sixty seconds over sixty seconds. And I was in the finals, I think I lost a dance solar in the champion's ship, which I love dance. I was then, but Normal hanging with us and he's like, he says something like, man, I hate this should like they take out back and fucker in the ass and we're just like, yeah we like we didn't know is to argue able like it's norm just can go with whatever he says is the flock .

and legend you know I randomly ly SAT next to have twice on airplanes wow.

yeah, guys were bodies. Yeah, we knew each other.

We knew each other from clubs, but just randomly. Ly, we happen to be in the same city, the same town, on the same plane. And he SAT next to me twice.

Yeah, was amazing. And so, like for three hours, me and norm just talking shit and haven't fun. And one time, one of my favorite stories was he was on his, again, quit cigarettes, quit smoke and fuck and cigarettes. Terrible, terrible.

And so we talking about seconds, and we get off the plane and he immediately runs into one of the the shops and grabs gt and he's lighting IT before he gets out the door, out the door like I O, I thought you quit theirs. I did. But we're talking about that. I wanted one, you know, good, not myself.

cellphone. He was an animal legend.

Yeah, real legend. And even the way he went out, you didn't even tell .

anybody just want to .

do no one. Everybody makes a big a some in stage for you. Thank you for all your hopes and wishes and prayers. And yeah, enormous like i'm kind of right off in the sunset.

are you?

So fuck in for and you know you see so many videos of him online now like anytime anything comes up is always a norm joke and you kind of forget that he's dead because is so funny.

It's weird that is like giving him a kind of weird way because I think it's really informed some of these guys who are brilliant, like they don't get there do until, obviously, was huge and he was a weaken up. That guy did so much great stuff and movies and all that stuff.

But what he was.

I D I felt the same way about graduation, about trees. I think a lot of those guys kind didn't get the love they deserved here until afterworld.

If patrice survived, he would be the number one podcasts ter in the world. That's what I feel like. I feel like dealing reason. I'm number one.

And because the trees and alive, because he was smart, but also hilarious, but also did not give a fuck, but did not give any fox, and would tell people to their face the most ridiculous shit that happened to be true. And, you know, and he was a master at IT. He was so good at IT like on to open an Anthony. He was the best to call on people out on their bullshit yeah and then having points .

him and his best was fuck, but he did fuck around a lot I think like I hear I heard stories at the cellar all the time like, god, we wish you would like try because he would just not try sometimes he just didn't give a shit.

But was also that's a lot of the ways those guys who come up with .

material point .

like that was dame and wants thing I used to a damming wanes in my opinions. I still say this to this day, the most underrated of all the grades. I think damion wands is one the all time great. We kind of stop doing IT in the height of us. Have you ever seen this h ro special the last .

like murder into the point of murder?

He was so good to, but I used to see him at the store all the time, and he would go on stage for an hour and a half with no material any matter. He films every set. He has a tape record in the back of the room, like camera, this filming every SAT, and he archives them all.

So he has like every SAT he's ever done. It's like the nineties. wow. And I saw him just a few years back. I won't say five, six years ago at the improve, same thing.

He was started to stay and up again, had the camera out on stage, fucker around, and he that's how he would take a bit and then put words to IT and pumped up and changed. But he would come up with the initial premise out of nothing like there was no he, he was. Silence is talking people who .

write on stage right there. It's, to me, kind of insane. It's insane. It's insane. He, I mean, I wonder of his film career made him kind of, but must have put to put standard on hold of the.

because there in TV, remember he added TV series, when you have a TV theories for those guys, especially that were in the nineties, that was the golden carrot. That was the thing. You get a sit calm, and that's what everybody wanted.

So even if you don't really necessarily think that's the best thing for you, like, you know, you can make money do and stand up and travel and do in the road. Those guys get tired, they don't want to do the road anymore. And then the sit com job is so easy, you just show up and you're at one hundred grand a week, yeah a hundred grand .

a week and everything works ah .

it's not that hard .

in his movies like he's a good actor. He was he was funny at that. I mean. Yeah, I remember I did like the let me show a networks and he was like, baffled by by the fact that I put out a very special he was like, what he like, I don't understand.

Like because he came up in the air in the eight was like, i'm looking for a sick com. That was my old thing so I don't know you like, we make money touring now that's how we do IT, yeah. And so he was like, he was like.

so intrigued by IT. yeah. Remember when I was on a sitcom, and I heard someone was doing the improve in irvine, and they did the whole weekend, they made twenty five grand. I was like.

what you what you made twenty .

five grand doing this because I was not at that level, I wasn't selling any place out, so was never making that kind of money for a weekend but I was like, that's what I make on a sit com like it's the same money but they're doing like stand up and .

i'm kind of boy.

in this little valued prison you eaten craft service. I've got my own dressing, but its a little weird. It's not what I want.

Yeah, there's a fun thing to it's a great gig in that gig was the perfect version of one of those gigs and you good at super talent people. Thank you. Funny, funny fucker and human beings. Great, great crew.

Everybody was great. The cast and show is so good.

amazing. Super .

Candy .

xander .

Vicky .

Lewis is like, they are all amazing. Stephen root, insane actor .

career so cool.

He's so good.

Yeah, he's like, he's in everything. I feel everything I turned got more range and like anybody.

and he was the only guy on the show that was playing a character yeah like he was playing Jimmy James. Like andy deck was basically of a stereo IDE up andy deck. He was like andy deck on, you know, I was kind of me. I was like conspiracy theory and you know all that stupid shit.

but I love when they write that should in yeah well.

that show was really good at that. They're also really good at letting people improvise like day.

Foi was like a secret producer of that show because he would rewrite entire scenes, like we would get the script and then we would do our, we would do a run through, right? So the way that com works is you get a script, you do a table read, and then after, get the table read, uh, tom's onus, who is the director and the cast, we would all go, okay, let's put on its legs. And so we would start the scene.

And then, you know, day with a lot of times, go, why is andy coming in this way? Why don't we have andy like hiding under his desk? And andy, because we're not supposed we talking about him or he was not supposed, no, we're talking about hip pops up.

Not all that. A great idea. And then like instead of that, how he says this and like dave, you know, because he'd come from kids in the hall where they created all these insane sketches there, kids and hope, super under the super, under the amazing. And so they was .

so good is a total believe that which .

is a Larry, because when we were friends, like he was always like, why do you care one of the stuff? Like, why do you care? Like, went up.

We were on the sick together because I was always in the UFO and is a stupid IT IT is like, what fucker you interested this? What is all nonsense? And then something happened.

I forget what I was. And then eventually he saw one and he had like A A U. F.

O. experience. He's a full, full on believer. Now, fun. It's fun for me. Like, oh, now you like them.

This is exciting. And yeah.

people change. Yeah.

i've .


It's cool, man, it's cool. You had that experience. You've had like a lot of lives and comedy. I mean, you to do the sick comment and have your game show and then you do and stand up and you the podcast. And it's like why you can have a lot of lives in this.

Should the thing is, I got super lucky for sure in a lot of these things, but also everything I do is something I actually like doing yeah which is which makes IT really easy, makes IT really easy to show up for something like today like I wasn't thing like we're going to fun, just have fun. It's yeah it's it's all good. It's all good thing.

So if you can find a job that you actually enjoy doing, you'll probably excel out and attention to IT yeah work hard and do your best in next thing. You know it's working, but it's like all those things, you know especially like working for the u fc and doing stand up in podcasting. It's all things that I .

like doing you you really u fc is like your number and .

support by far right? The only thing I really know yeah and I not boxing not as much as u fa, but is the only thing I really, really know yeah I I don't really know basketball I don't really know football. I can't understand who's popular friends with their own and Rogers.

I don't fuck even know the rule I fan i'm a giants fan like, I want the jets to thrive like the jets fans deserve .

IT they do and having him blow is fucking to kill .

his out IT was the of the season jeet shit that has ever happened to fact. I'm like, here's here's why was so you just because they still won the fucking game? Somehow I feel like, you know, this can be a bad season.

Like now I was pumped for the jest when I got him and I saw me a next game. I was kind like, wu aren't like, it's cool. He's in the building.

but great. I T I never met.

but I I was kind of just like, wow, he is like, I mean, I love football, so I love you know um I always admired him as a corbeck.

I just he was he's a cool guy. Yeah, I hung. I was in bag as this last trip for the u.

fc. He came to the fight and we all went out to dinner afterwards. He just phone gotta hang out with just genuinely cool.


real easy, down to earth, like, friendly to everybody. Easily talk to cool shit. I wonder when he's gonna a hundred percent, because we went to my wife's big football fan and we went to the team.

Well, SHE likes the law of teams, but he was, he was happy for, you know, and Rogers be on the desk. SHE had met iron to SHE had met iron when he was on the podcast. So we went to see them play the dose cowboys.

So my first time ever seen an n fell game. It's fun. It's amazing.

yeah. And in the stadium they have a dallas. The stadium is folking insane.

I've never been enormous television screens like you. There's no bad seat in the house. It's fucking grade.

And we were on the fifty art line. IT was fucked in awesome. But iron wasn't there because he had blown as he killed out.

So I was like, I A game I D I love. I mean, at the same time with going to games and fucked in jersey, it's like such a track to get there. Like I go mixer rangers game, it's twenty block me.

I got in and now, you know, even the yankee's game, like I love baseball still. Like, I still love. Like, I think .

baseball still.


I know I had a tough run for the last .

when .

kind nonsense is this. Keeping baseball players from doing .

that was two the biggest problems. And baseball was the one not letting Peter rose in the hole fame. He's the best rocking in what?

Fifty years? He likes that gamble. He also gamble stealing.

But what's the next commercial fan door draft king? And when back you've fucked in? Yes, I mean, easy. I get that you shouldn't gamble on you. It's fucked up. But also like let let you go, you have to set we before separate the fucking game from that yeah, bonds needs to be, bonds is the best hit ever. Bonds is the best fucking in baseball player .

ve ever seen personally, I mean, he on that was the first .

lived hard but yeah Bruce Greenwood.

yeah yeah. I ce Greenwood and mike star, yeah he was on IT. And that was before the stereos. He's like Normal sized berry bonds.

His head got fucking. He got joy, got where when you do something.

there is your head gets everything got big. His net got big. He got big.

Gain a hundred pounds. fun. huge. Same thing. Those guys tell me a how gross .

was at watching congress spent, like, fifteen days on baseball the same years hrk e Katrina, just because you want to shake hands with a rapier pooring, you fuck in. Fan boys also like.

cares, they do. So why is congress involved in this international conflicts?

The crazy? Because I love baseball. That's the thing I just read this job. Ge, your book in every fuck, in every politician is obsessed with jody mazo. Of course, I means an american icon, but like, they love baseborn e another level, I feel like it's such a historically american game like I am kind of obsessed with that error of baseball because it's like IT was like, this is I was reading a lue garage book and I was like, oh, shit, this was like an immigrant game, but I was like, White immigrants that all fucked in america. This irish very .

bonds. And yeah.

he's good. I like him. Man, look at to me the different dude.

yeah, that was Normal size athlete barry bonds.

But you know, IT was such a cool. I mean, bay, the stories of bay broth are like the cooler. Should i've ever heard that? You can like, he was the dude.

He was like, i'm gonna drink. I'm going to eat like shit. I'm going to gamble.

I'm going to fuck a million women and i'm going to be the best player in the game, but not just the best point of the game, the best player the game has ever seen at this point, like by a mile said and sixty home as a year batting like three seventy and he's just living like a fucking and animal, yes, and is. But then he like the sweet side. We're like lue garages.

Like this kind of gob lesson was like this square. He was like, really kind. Like he was like a mom's boy. He didn't go out in party. He was like, very shy and babies like he is like he's like one of the best players.

Everyone to like you to know he like eat at lue garages, mums place, he's going through a divorce everyone I think a home cook me like it's kind of and whenever he'd have a great interview he d like, give him his props he be like, is anyone touching my record? No, except maybe this guy like he put him over, he was like, not just the best player and a fucking in animal, but he was like, class. It's so, and I was like, I love that historical american shit, like, you know but oh, duty so cool. Look like that. Dude, look at him and he was fucked.

And fan, look at his face. That is a drinkers face. Boy, put bit. Oh.

baseball in this error is kind of cool and then like you ve got like the damage o like the magic never was cool with mental which is fucked up because like he just looked at him as a waste he was like your drunker. You never reach your talent was meant to him death till his death. That was not cool to him wow, because he was so damage or so pure. But we're talking about the fucking and candidates earlier blames .

ark for killin. Is fucking mary .

probably probable any blames, you know, that snatch a for introducing her to the candidate? Is that all that fucking in italian ship was like, fuck and trader.

yeah. He loved maryland apparently. Like left flowers on her grave, like the day he died. But he left her.

He left her because he can procreate. Italians needed air really.

yeah. SHE and broke yeah and .

yeah so he so he left her but he's like, I mean, he's like the most bad as humans ever I mean, just like it's crazy these dudes loser career because they had to serve in the war. Like isn't not just in ted Williams, decorated fighter pilot, because in his prime, ted Williams has to go and he's like killing dudes in the war because he's like one of the best in the air force. And meanwhile, damage is doing.

He's doing like exhibition games. Real loss is prime because, like, we're war and that's what you did back then. But like ted Williams head, like twenty ten visions, so he's buck in a beast. No, that's just the best head ever. Ted Williams is also fuck in murder oring dude.

Wow, that's crazy. Well, that makes sense why ted blimps are so angry all the time too. You know, because the stories were always, they leave that out. He was always angry not to go to war.

Everyone, jd. Siler cking. Damage from the war. That whole generation, the generation fucked up.

You, me think about how many of our former presidents he served, you know.

can do, yeah.

yeah. But George w, or H, H W, yeah.

He got shot down. The other one was too little. But chili, right.

Is that funny? That we look at him now is like, like, wish our present was like that. Well, back then, he was like this embarrassment.

I always say that once you start painting, shit gone off the rails. Well.

when it's over and you start painting, you're just trying to get the horrible memories of all the people that died unnecessarily because you're decisions. I mean, if you are George w in your sit around your ranch in texas and no one's around, you're there are six and sweet t thinking about a million daddy iraq kies for some bullshit aps of mass destructions that didn't even exist.

didn't need to do that. No, he would be .

the satish guy to do mushrooms with. If you yet to pick all the presidents to do mushrooms with, he'll be the sad as because if you would just start crying because is god to be sensitive? Makes all those great paintings, not great paintings? Makes all those paintings yeah.

No, it's got to .

be sensitive. Is an artist, is a helicopter doing like sensitive shit? So you know, he's thinking it's probably thinking, like, what did I do? What did I let that fuck and dick chai monster talk to?


two terms, two terms, two terms. And now we look back now that was a sensible president.

You know what? To even look at those clips of obama and MIT romney debate in you like men. I was like.

twelve years ago. I was so not a civil, super friendly. They weren't hit on each other at all. They are cordial. They were just trying to debate the merits of their approach.

Yes, to the world. Mccain was the same way when he was I member, that clip where that woman was like, his a muslim. And mccain, like trying to like, like, that's dead. That moment is over.

IT doesn't have to be. I wit, I think I don't .

come back at some point. I think there is a level, there is a limit to this ship, and it's gna have to swing back to somebody at some point.

Yeah, I think so too. I hope so. I hope people realize damage is doing to us and there's not helping anybody. But the problem is social media. The problem is it's like social media and people's ability to constantly be rate other people and constantly engage in these squabs online and try to get people and post back yeah drunk on someone's .

killing I remember when I forgot her name but you know he is a few packer woman who running for president you know i'm talking SHE was he was running uh in IT was twenty sixteen for the republican primary and at the debate like SHE basically said that trump called her ugly and IT was like this big like we need a president who doesn't like speak like this carly furrenner that's a what and .

and I .

thought that was like this big moment yeah you shouldn't talk to the woman like that that's pretty fucked up and then thromb immediately like everyone but I was like, once he destroyed jb bush, I was like, yeah, the sound bites are working. So why are you going to stop doing this?

Like, well, that's also his entire career was fired. Entire show business career was like, he was like, the heart get out of here. You're a loser, your fat, you're uggles, you're a crook.

It's very new york. It's like, kind of like a trash in new york guy. We are like, you fuck in. Nobody like that's how you know.

But its politics is basically show business. And he was a professional show business guy. So he was way Better a show business, because politics is basically a popularity contest. That was the first guy. There was an actual popular person that entered into the popularity contest and actually knew how to manipulate the media.

And by saying ridiculous shit all the time, whether or not he was on purpose or not, that's we ve got all these news organza to start following him and they just made him more popular. They thought they're exposing him like, look at, he said about the mexicans but nobody cared like this guys wide. This is so much Better than what we used to.

It's a the problem is other people were just not used to TV, right? So they're just sticking to a script. And when he goes off script, he was more comfortable, yes, and he saw how IT was like a ck in boxy match that .

would just like what what the foxy doing also he's like a comic like when who was that that asked him the question um who was IT Megan Kelly was a Megan Kelly that asked to the quite yet was at the debates you said horble things about women you've call them fat, you call them big only rosio .

donal punch line got a big pop crushes .

yeah he crushes and you see her just like, oh my god like, what did I say him? I love you just crushed .

IT that this is thing .

is it's so different. Women, you don't like fat pigs.

thought he thought he had him here. And disgusting animals, your twitter .

account only roo donal.

no IT wasn't. He smiled. He was proud .

of that one club cheering your .

twitter account.

Come on.

you get to home. what? What do you expect to do here for the record? Hold the last well beyond rose? Yes.

sure. you're.

I mean.

jesus cry, yes, i'm sure I was, is amazing. Well, the guy is a character in a movie. Yeah, yes, I hope is on a Steven king movie. But you know, where are the Stephen caking movie about the guy like you shake hands with the .

guy that yeah ah yeah dn N N SHE that's a great movie, a movie Chris walking, yes yeah that in that fucking in back on coke get .

a background code given budi and a wide .

ranger's ship like you tell me you just got that .

shaun ink in misery.

stand by me and great that last IT fuck none of us had friends like when we were twelve and like bucky Richard drive first yeah.

this is a thing. He holds his hand and he realizes.

yeah, they did a great test of parity at this yeah, he's going to beat this guy is going to be hitler.

He's going to be the one who kills us all. Yeah, press in the button. Yeah.

that's a good movie, man. They are scarious for. Well.

that's what they always trying to scare us with trump that he's going to do that and start war war three and kills saw. But the problem is this administration looks like they're on the verge of starting us into world war three. And when trump was in office, that didn't happen. And here's the thing that they need to address, everybody keeping saying he's going to be a dictator, he's going to that that would be more celeb if we didn't have four years of him actually been the president doing one of those things.

right? I mean, the thing is you hints ghz everything, right? Like you look back, like people said the same thing about everyone hated us and hour but you but these were in bad times, you know yeah so with trump, I with any look, we all want to avoid world war three that I think I would hope all part of me is like, maybe trump is such a fucking and narsisi that he doesn't want the world to end yeah.

because he wants to do well while he's in charge yeah yeah. That's good. But I don't .

whatever motivation.

whatever fuck IT takes you to keep killing each other.

he does terrify me. I don't fuck and feel like safe with him as a president.

detonate the .

countries in shambles things you're fuck bad.

I don't feel safe with anybody is president but I just I don't buy their narrative when you find out that like they lied about russia gate for fuck and six years and .

like the all the beginning of the end that like when that your whole thing like to still the is your whole thing really the undoing of a lot of cable news? I think they thought they .

could get away with IT because they have gotten away with IT before, which makes you think how many of the stories, other than the ones we know about the weapons, about destruction and all the, how many of the stories were bullshit, how many other stories that ruining the lives of countless millions of people.

how many other stories of russia you can go all in on a bad hand.

And they did IT again and again.

You gotta make sure you have a fucked .

and royal flush. Do IT me with a lot of did.

but but the covet .

one was crazy, because they were all coordinated calling IT horsey warmer. So every news organza was calling a horsey warming and trying to monk me like, hey, guys I can talk to like, are you fucked and stupid and I date. But their whole game, up until social media and up until podcast, was they were the only one's talking, so they could set a narrative and no one could do anything about IT.

They could decide that you're this or you're that. And then they pushed that out there. And that was the end of IT. Then you got labelled as this or that. But with podcast, podcast got bigger than them and they haven't realized IT yet.

But I mean, that's the thing is no, I saw your thing with sanjay gupta and and he seemed to pology tic, you know but sorry.

I really ah he left went and talked to don lemon and don lemon was still saying the saying.

but IT is used for horses. IT is A D dress day friendly is god I me he goes I just saw mark Norman at the beacon was like, no.

he was talking .

you yeah that was norm at the big i'm .

sure he's probably okay.

You know.

stuck in a bad situation, a bad position that corrupt s everyone is bad for every everyone on that network was terrible. We need are all proper.

And it's weird to think about how fortunate era were when, like, news wasn't constant. You ve got a break. Colin queen got a great bit bit. Now, like, you go to the bathroom and you like what I miss I mean, that's fucking bad for the world like, yeah, I miss, you know, even back in the day like I was on twice a day, but you know, IT was over you you got like simpson reruns and IT shits peaceful and you really .

wanted to go crazy. Read in new york times and you did all the news yeah, if you really want but who did that? Very few people do that yeah but most people that you know weren't terrified of everything where reading everything is going on and fucked in sudan and what's going on in asia, what's going on here and there.

And now it's like we're being inundated by all of the bad news because the bad news is the stuff that really gets people captivated. So it's all of the bad news of the entire world and none of the good news. It's like the most distorted version of reality ever.

I know. And then you go out and you talk to people and you like, are we that divide? I think that's kind of what I feel like just touring the country. I feel the interactions have that people are good and and solid.

But we also have remember, those are comedy fans, which are the people that are going to be the most reasonable, the people that work looking for the humor and things, you know, not saying there's a trans genocide, they're not going on your show, the trans genocide, people are not going to come to the show. So is the people that are the kind of realizing, like we need humor. Humor is an important part of civilization.

but I don't even mean comedy. You interact with people like restaurant, like whoever you see on the street, like, know for the most part, I like two fights on the road, like arguments and like it's fucking quick. It's usually like you over bullshit.

Not even we. Gary videri, like very with both in new york kers. So it's like we can't help but do a confrontation to IT.

Those are women being berated at my fuck. And weird, the gate of morning for at a column a woman was yelling at a fuck in T. S.

age. And who who just doing her job is nothing wrong. SHE was with two kids when he goes, you're an idiot. Wow, you so dumb. And we just look at that. Like, it's A D M, more barely away, but it's pretty like fucked up, right? And like it's like really mean and you just go and you're so dumb, I hope i'm going to get you fired and then fire were just like, I I just go lady enough and gary goes here and nobody like that's how we he's like a new york kid wow and he turns where he goes fuckyou you're short to gary and and he goes, you should see me without my shirt on I was like, we had her what do you doing?

I say, see me he works out oh.

that's but i'm like, dude, we were fuck with comics we could kill this woman, what the fucking .

you do and should shot to get down his underwear but but I probably .

arrested for but that was like the one but we felt fork. We were laughing if if the woman was like, thank you but like, like, when do we ever fight with people on the market? Occasionally we do that ship, but most people are so cool that you need.

Most people are like good. And then like, how often do I miss? Like small towns like like you're good, like apple tin and like they don't talk politics. They're like living in like ninety ninety four and they like it's like good to talk politics, you know and you like we keep that to yourself and like, man, I was missed that point in time when I was like, you just LED with other shit that wasn't your whole like, sure, we make fun of people sometime to, like, these are my pronounce, but isn't IT equally kind of annoying with people who lead with their political affiliations?

Ation just as bad?

They worse.

Or they are diet, or they are exercise routine, or yoke or anything like some people, they just always trying define themselves to you yeah they always wants define themselves in a very .

a nice way so you're just one thing yeah, that's all you are. So I look like I do kind of miss those types of people who are like, hey, let's bond over something else other than the world ending .

ah but you know when people don't have any legitimate conflict in their life, they manufactured conflict.

And if the trauma bond.

god, yeah, I have P D, S, D. From last four years and trump was in an office I can do i'm moving to canada.

kill people by the way. I know exactly not to mention like though i'm moving in canada and i'm like, think a you think canada just wants all of our fucking and whiners.

Yes, this not only that, but canada has like ridiculous free speech laws. They have hate speech laws. They can come down on you for a lot of things. They seized up the bank accounts of people they were protesting.

the truckers.

the truckers, the people. They were donated, the truckers. They seize their bank accounts like, yeah, that's not a good place, is a good place under this administration, at least where they went sideways.

Canada was amazing place ten years ago. You go to canada ten years ago was awesome. I was always saying that I love canada.

It's like twenty percent .

less dush bag, do you like in canada? I love montreal. Montreal amazing.

I love toro. I ve vancouver avenues.

I don't, but ever, no, you want to do a thing there. Now, when that guys, president, fuck you. But the people with fans.

yah, they want to see you.

So you get that guy, i'll come back. I just don't trust any of IT up there. yeah. I just think they're so far in the terri right now like the laws of their passing, the shit that they are doing, their their role of people's right. Like I don't want to support IT.

I is fucked and horrible. I think a lot of people.

they just to, I think people need to, definitely need to, middle of full blown communist takeover. Yeah, it's a scary spot. Yeah, it's scary.

But I used to be amazing. I I used to say that canada, twenty percent less dust bags. Like the people are twenty percent nicer than most people that you meet amErica there.

That's why they get roped in to all this shit. That's why they get roped into hate speech laws. Because they want to be kind.

They want to be good people. And then I realized, like, compelled speech has a terrible ending. IT always ends in communism because someone has to compel that speech.

Who does the people with guns? And they tell you what to do? And then you have violence that is enforced to get people to follow a doctor and that they may may not believe in.

Yeah, I think you just got a he just got to be profit speech, I mean, for all the average people can see. So just have to be profit .

speech does else take on IT?

And that's what twitter, the first thing about twitter now like for all the ship people will say about you. I think like, look at the other social media platforms. Everything is anything there's like trigger words be like you said the word not see like, yeah, I condemn them in a joke and they like, well, like a berry because you said, I know like, cool that feels like some native shit yeah I can use irony.

I can't be sarcastic. That's that's the evil of like I think when they bury you are it's a different type of censorship but you are you know you are very in certain trigger words that you think might be offensive and heard add sales oh cool. Now posting a joke on instagram is similar to put together itself for the tonight show.

It's all fuck. And you know this words not? OK this words not okay. Twitter, actually the only place left, if you think about IT, which is really fucked and weird, know.

it's really weird, because what I used to be the worst place for that twitter was the place for the FBI, literally like the whole twitter files when elan took over and they had mat tie b .

and microsoft, en burger and .

all these when they went into the god government, was literally trying to stop intimate professors at stanford and people at harvard and M I. T. From talking about their area of expertise.

They were trying to label them as cooks and get them kicked off of twitter. The whole thing was fucking bananas. And we didn't if he didn't buy people .

to get their accounts spending a lot and to remember that like that was a big but now it's like now it's more like instagram, tiktok. Ridiculous, obviously. I mean, those that one is like good luck with the fuck knows, but even youtube is kind of change a little bit of in youtube is everyone's changing is my my thing. But youtube is like it's kind of shocking in like my issue was like they keep moving in the goal post in, but there's no guide book. They're not tell on .

any of us what's not OK. They're just of the rules. They go along and IT and you have no .

record and you spend in a lot of time and money building up these platforms and they're sorry, yes, it's pretty .

fucked up because during the election, excuse me, during the election time now they really clapped down and out and there's a lot of people in shade band, allegedly. And then there was a thing that elon just released. He said that european governments, they were saying that they were going to they would be willing to give their money to have certain platforms sensor, certain political speech.

yeah. And island was the only one said no. And he talked about IT publicly, said these other, these other groups, these other social media platforms complied and and like i'm telling you about this, yeah, you need to know .

it's it's pretty weird because, uh, IT just keep they just keep moving the goal post then I mean, it's gonna keep. It's bad. I see comics now kind of working toward the algorithm.

IT is bad for entertainment and for art and stuff like that. And I get annoyed when comex are just like shocking for the sake of being shocking and lazy. But don't think they should be fuck .

and silenced yeah they shouted be silence. But your rose is going to have people that try things that don't work out right, especially in an open ended art form like comedy, where you're the rider, you're the producer, you're the editor and you're delivering IT. So you're everything, you're the whole thing and you're fucked in around and you're trying and to come up with ways and maybe you're desperate. So you try to figure out a way to duke to eat the system and try to figure out a way to get your stuff seen in her and say things you might not even mean, but you think it's going to be good. IT work is a little tool for you and you're try and and those guys you know they're not our favorite, the guys that do like stupid de like that but that's also yeah exist but maybe they can get Better one day like a lot of us sucked in the beginning and Better and over time, learn you keep working at IT and it's an open ended thing as you eventually figure IT out .

all about last night. Guys, that takes him a minute and IT should take a minute. This is like, I think a lot of comics like don't hit their stride or they hit like forty ty.

right? Yeah, because you actually develop a nuance take on life. You ve had a bunch about relationships, had a bunch about business deals.

You've fucked over. But what is bad is good for comment. life. Anything bad happens me at my fuck bit, here we go, is not crazy that like, it's such a beautiful thing that something horrible can go wrong.

I member, first time I did you show I missed like I took me three flights to get to a gig that I miss. And I just like my opener in my new special no, it's like like this long story, this hello travel day and like, this sucks, but you get you we're very fortunate to have this outlet. Yeah no yeah. And I think .

just me if I didn't do IT, if I never did comedy dentists, ed never had done IT, I still would love IT, one of my favorite things to watch because IT takes you away. IT puts you in this place and IT it's like a drug like IT makes you feel Better when someone is on stage killing and you're laugh. You like that, you feel Better. It's an amazing feeling to laugh at something to be able to do that for a living where the lucky as people are alive.

I was just some birds fully loaded thing. It's so fondue. IT was such a good group of people. And he like turned in with adult summer camp. She's bring like ice plunges.

He's got a personal trainer doing batting practice in the day one day said, danes and I fucked in hooping dees and like, this is fucked in fun. I was so you know me bert cAlland ae or surfing was hung over. I'm onna pick going to fuck in in the water but remember one time i'm just like watching David talent stage. I was like, all this is like the best like you just get to like he's like one do that I bring him back to like forget oh yeah it's so pure funny it's like, yeah it's not like anything no agenda it's just pure jokes and you're like, oh yeah here a joke about like fucking but me i'm abiden man hunter biden and like that's like a fucking and great ah day and switch you know like were the joke about like I got hit by a guy on on a city back the other day, was my photos on the sidewalk and there's just like pure silly jokes and you're just like transported to like being a remember seeing him as a city CarOlina ines and this is what it's all about like yeah.

he's just trying to be silly and he's the best and he's another guy that just doesn't he's not a promoter, right? So he's not as popular as he really should be based on how good is. And it's kind of up to us to let everybody know, you know, I always feel like obligated let everybody know when he was at the club.

And I went in, I came in, watched one of the sets. I said for the whole set, which I don't ordinarily do, I came in on night where I wasn't work and just to watch IT was fucking awesome. And after that I just, I couldn't IT to do stand up, but again, was like, I can't way to go on days like.

just like this. So quite, there was one time, you know, to go through the audience to the bathroom at the comedy seller, and three days came out of the same time, all wearing glasses. And he was, what is that, a nerd portal, to come up with that line off the cover? My god, he's fucking good at this.

Yeah he's always fast off the cover like he does that thing at the end where he brings comics on stage.

Terrifying, terrifying because he also, he's obe one.

He's one. He's the jet and how of that? He's loose because he's been killing for forty five minutes yeah and then he brings you on stage.

You so it's kind of unfair. You're cold during the bag. I hey, they grab a mike, okay? Hey, and they shit on .

you if you don't say anything funny and good, great. I love that though that like when you like few comics were like usually i'm watching IT and i'm being like, good joke was I like that that was cool but he's like one of the only dues that i'm like holy should i'm just like, giggle ling this is so stupid I feel .

like a kid it's also all he cares about and all he does. He gets up in the morning, he reads the paper, he smoke cigarettes, he writes jokes and he goes. And when he goes to a town, he always have new jokes about the town.

And I learned that, like the local paper, I was like, what are you doing? Yeah and then we'd like, leave a dinner like four A M and he'd order to a large zed coffee to o i'd be like, what are you doing? You had your fucking in mind.

But you know, yeah, he's just like, he's just pure comic. It's like were so lucky to have him in in new york because he just like and he's so good to the yg comics. I see the new he'll be like he call me and he was like, H, I like following this new guy because he's like, he's got good stuff and he's bringing the heat so he like he's .

aware of IT yeah he he is a national treasure like legitimately and yeah I tell everybody if you get a chance, like go to this website if even has one yeah .

one he doesn't run IT. I know we're doing a rog ones and he like as we're drive and I was like, how do you post these pictures that I don't do that should like he is someone doing everything now and it's always like hilarious because it's like he just write the captain sense of. Thought to be him be like amazing weekend and like, you know, heart ford and would just be like this like angry in the photo IT like never matches because he sent IT to another but you know he's still .

as a foot phone .

yeah he is too. Yes, I think yeah.

Here's an .

iphone that the users.

most of the time, many texes you. It's like, IT makes the safe. He was texting someone. B, B, B, B, B, B. I got, what are you doing? He said in morse code and I was realizing he was texting all my god, you still text like that.

Well, he went .

iphone for a while and he realized this. I'm to in my head with this and go back to IT yeah it's the Better way. It's Better. You see IT with him. The results speak .

for themselves. Ah you're not distracted.

I mean, the east went to a flat phone. Yeah, he talked about IT on stage. He was like, I got my brain back. He goes, yeah, I can't get directions or anything like that.

but I got my brain back is in europe too he's like .

he's told ah .

ah I think his wife is in london. I think he just moved that haven't seen forever.

Some of those guys know they just like they get hit hard once with a big cancellation and like, yeah but I know that thing changes like your IT just changes your outlook on stuff yeah .

now i'm sure I mean, that was that was what when it's writing on babe done that .

you know it's .

legit and definitely .

when baLance new ones perspective on .

who yeah that was a weird one.

Yes, let's rap this up, my brother.

Thank you very much. So much.

What's fine tonight? Yes.

it's going exciting.

Everybody is social media where to .

see your shit. You, special, new special. Samuel.

you've change on prime video and road unch.

He, yeah, yeah. Now unch other people on.

few people done. Prime.

yeah. I there was by for my best offer once I saw they treated people in the warehouse as they I want to be on board. So they they've been good to me. And then I like I got all over. I got like miami bolt. The more i'm trying to build a material back ubon doing a euro torture all over europe like london, and I post a lot of shit on punch up of dot live slash samoris.

I punch up like my friend .

danny Franklin started used to work at facebook and he hates, uh, censorship of comedians, so punch up as well just I gather details and I it's like patria, but I don't take money. I just want email so I can blast you when I come to your city. I don't spam you.

It's just punch of dot, life flash samarai slash sign up or just whatever. And I just I post gigs. I post bonus stuff that I won't post elsewhere because I don't wanted to get like buried on some horse IT and it's good. He's cares about comedy is a great guy.

Thanks, man, my brother. shit.