cover of episode U.S. Gov’t Paying For Ukraine SMEAR Operation Against Jimmy Dore! w/ Lee Fang

U.S. Gov’t Paying For Ukraine SMEAR Operation Against Jimmy Dore! w/ Lee Fang

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The Jimmy Dore Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
CIA特工Gavin Oblenis
Chuck Schumer
Clay Higgins
Jimmy Dore
Lee Fang
Lee Fang揭露了美国政府如何通过向亲政府的乌克兰媒体机构提供资金,来压制对乌克兰战争的批评声音,并对批评者进行污蔑。这些媒体机构不仅在乌克兰国内压制异见,还通过与美国社交媒体平台合作,对美国的批评者进行审查。Fang认为,美国纳税人的钱被用来资助一项旨在控制信息流和压制批评性言论的行动。 Jimmy Dore分享了他本人成为乌克兰亲战媒体攻击目标的经历,并指出这些媒体机构如何歪曲事实,并试图通过贴上‘阴谋论者’的标签来抹黑批评者。Dore认为,这种做法与之前美国政府在伊拉克、利比亚和叙利亚战争期间的做法如出一辙。 秘密录音揭露了一名CIA特工承认该机构参与了针对Alex Jones的行动,并暗示了美国情报机构使用诱捕等手段来压制异见。该特工还透露,美国联邦调查局在1月6日国会骚乱中部署了大量卧底特工。 Chuck Schumer和Joe Biden的对话(由Mike MacRae配音)讽刺了民主党政府在年轻人中支持率低迷的情况下,通过一些表面措施(例如推动大麻非刑事化)来争取选民支持的做法。 这段对话揭示了美国政府在信息控制和压制异见方面的双重标准,以及其在国内外利用各种手段来达到政治目的的策略。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Investigative journalist Lee Fang appeared on The Jimmy Dore Show to describe the sprawling constellation of media outlets in Ukraine, organized with substantial funding and direction from the U.S. government, that has supported strong censorship laws and shutdowns of dissident outlets, disseminated disinformation of its own, and sought to silence critics of the war, including Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald and Aaron Maté. American taxpayers are indirectly funding their own censorship to aid the floundering Ukraine war effort, Fang tells Jimmy. Plus a segment on a secret recording of a CIA agent revealing the agency’s targeting of Alex Jones. Also featuring Keaton Weiss, Russell Dobular and Mike MacRae. And phone calls from Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer!