cover of episode Twitter Suppressing Jackson Hinkle & Jake Shields For Exposing Israel Propaganda!

Twitter Suppressing Jackson Hinkle & Jake Shields For Exposing Israel Propaganda!

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The Jimmy Dore Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Chuck Schumer
David Axelrod
Ed Krasenstein
Jackson Hinkle
Jake Shields
Jimmy Dore
Joe Biden
Norman Finkelstein
杰克·希尔兹和杰克逊·欣克尔因在推特上批评以色列在加沙的行动而受到审查和降权,他们认为这是因为他们的观点与主流媒体和政治阶层的叙事相冲突。他们指出,尽管大多数美国人支持停火,但美国政府和政治阶层却对此保持沉默,甚至试图压制他们的声音。他们认为,这种审查制度是由于强大的游说团体(如AIPAC)的压力,以及对他们言论可能影响其支持者对以色列立场的担忧。他们还指出,他们受到了大量的网络攻击和人身攻击,并认为这些攻击并非完全来自真实个人,而是由利益相关者操纵的。 杰克逊·欣克尔详细描述了推特对其账号采取的“幽灵禁令”,限制了其账号的传播范围,并指出即使其推文获得了大量的参与度,也无法登上趋势榜。他认为,这是推特故意压制其言论的证据。他还谈到了其他平台对其账号的封禁,以及由此带来的表达受限的困境。他认为,“反犹太主义”等标签已被滥用,失去了其原有的含义,并被用来压制批评以色列的声音。 杰克·希尔兹则强调了他作为一名运动员,只是在推特上表达自己的想法,却因此被贴上“反犹太主义者”和“恐怖分子同情者”的标签。他认为,这种指控是荒谬的,并质疑其背后是否存在政治动机。他认为,主流媒体和政治评论员普遍亲以色列,而他和杰克逊·欣克尔因为说出自己的想法而受到打压。 节目主持人吉米·多尔则对整个事件进行了评论,他认为马斯克收购推特后的言论自由承诺并未完全兑现,并质疑推特内部是否存在一些员工在故意压制异见声音。他还讨论了其他一些公众人物,例如RFK Jr.和约旦·彼得森,他们也因为对以色列问题的立场而受到批评。他认为,这些人物的转变可能是由于金钱或其他因素的影响。 此外,节目还邀请了美国总统乔·拜登和参议员查克·舒默进行电话连线,讨论了中期选举结果和对巴以冲突的看法。拜登对中期选举结果表示满意,但对大麻合法化问题持保留态度。舒默则对塔利卜议员的言论表示谴责,并暗示将推动立法禁止批评以色列。 节目中还播放了诺曼·芬克尔斯坦与史蒂夫·梅尔伯茨的辩论片段,芬克尔斯坦有力地驳斥了梅尔伯茨关于阿拉伯国家不愿意接纳巴勒斯坦难民的论点,并指出梅尔伯茨的论点与希特勒的论点如出一辙。

Deep Dive

Jake Shields and Jackson Hinkle discuss being censored and demonetized on Twitter for their critical comments about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, we're doing stand-up comedy in Covina, California, Burbank, California, the day after Thanksgiving, Oxnard, California, Venice, California, Palmdale, California, lots of places in the Southland. Omaha, Nebraska, we're going to be in Omaha, we're going to be in Des Moines, Milwaukee, Lansing, Bend, Oregon, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. Plus, we're going to be in Boston, the Wilbur Theater in Boston. See you there. ♪

Hey, this is Jimmy. Who's this? Thor. Biden. Talk to me, baby. Oh, hello, Mr. President. Jimmy, normally talking to you is the low light of my week. And that's saying a lot, seeing as how I'm currently being blamed for a genocide. Yeah.

But today your voice is as sweet to me as smooth jazz, which is the type of music I'd imagine I listen to. And why is that, pal? Because I'm on cloud nine after last night's election results, Jimmy. The forces of MAGA were dealt a serious blow by the forces of democracy. I see.

All over the map, you saw initiatives by far-right Republicans get rejected by voters. And the people of Ohio saw fit to enshrine abortion rights into law, protecting a woman's right to have complete control over her body. A true progressive victory. Yes, and Ohio also voted to legalize recreational marijuana use.

Yes, admittedly, there were some defeats in there as well. But overall, the picture was good. Wait a minute. I thought you just said people have the right to have complete control over their body. Yeah, but not that much complete control. Not enough control that they can induce a general sense of relaxation and overall ease and well-being so as to combat the cruelties of existence.

I mean, that's just going too far. See, this is one of the many reasons people don't see you as progressive at all, Mr. President.

Jimmy, my son is a fucking crackhead. And like most people my age, I irrationally blame marijuana for that, but not alcohol or crack. So I cannot turn around and be the weed president. Sorry. Mr. President, you're struggling in the polls. You desperately need young people to support you next year. Supporting marijuana legalization would aid that immensely.

Yeah, well, tough titties. No weed for them. Get a job, Jack. I'm not worried about polls. As I said, rather confusingly in a tweet, polls don't vote. People do. Well, other people are worried. Many Democrats have hinted that they would prefer you not run.

Oh, yeah? Like who? Well, just recently, David Axelrod seemed to tweet something to that effect. That fucking guy. God damn it. All these Obama operatives have never really gotten behind me. Backstabbers. Ingrates. I was part of that damn administration. I should have been Obama's golden boy successor. But now I'm too old. Hold on. I'm getting another call. Hey, this is Jimmy.

Hey, Jimmy, this is David Axelrod. Most of the Axe files on, where no political topic is off limits. Oh, hey, David, what a coincidence. Oh, brother. I was listening to the live stream, and I wanted to call in to clarify. Okay, hold on. No, hold on. First of all, why do you talk like that?

Talk like what? You sound like you're wobbling and about to fall over all the time. I really have no idea what you're talking about. Whoa. His voice sounds bad. All right, say your piece. Mm.

I don't know.

Joe, you can win if I were your campaign manager. But I don't do that anymore. Those days are behind me. I'm a podcaster now. You know, I could really use you. If you could get a man named Barack Hussein Obama elected, I bet you could get an old white guy reelected. Why would you take X? Come out of retirement for one more heist.

I made a vow, Joe. I took an oath. An oath to whom? The American Association of Podcasts. Oh, don't give me that. You want back in. I can smell it. We both want this. We both need this. We both need to win. I don't know.

How about a consulting position for a negotiated fee? And I still get to do my podcast. Sold. You hear that, Jimmy? I got X now on my side. We're going to be unstoppable. 2024, here we come. Yeah, how exciting, huh?

Hey, I'll give you some free advice right up front, Joe, as a treat. Joe, Jimmy is right. You have to drop your anti-marijuana stance. No, fuck you. Deal's off. Oh, man. All right, gentlemen, this is riveting, but I'm going to have to let you sort this out on your own. We got a show to get to, okay? So goodbye. Bye. Bye.

Establishment media sucks. All gaslighting, so good luck. Bullshit we can't afford. He's fomenting this. Watching CD in speeds and jumps to medium and hits them head on. It's the Jimmy Dore Show.

I have two special guests who are being currently censored by Twitter, by Elon Musk and X, and I'm never going to call it X. I'm going to call it Twitter. Here's how much I'm not calling it X. I say Malcolm Twitter now. That's right. Instead of Malcolm X. That's how much we're not saying it. Here's how much I don't respect that transition.

So our first guest who's being censored and demonetized and what have you. Finally. Finally on Twitter is Jake Shields. He's an American mixed martial artist and a submission grappler who won the UFC Strikeforce Middleweight Championship in 2009. He's widely credited as a pioneer in the world of mixed martial arts and Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Shields was recently demonetized on Twitter over comments critical of the Israeli assault on Gaza. Also joining us is Jackson Hinkle the Hare, the founder of the independent media outlet The Dive and host of The Dive with Jackson the Hare Hinkle. His program has been permanently banned from YouTube for alleged Ukraine misinformation. But you know it's Ukraine information. What's Ukraine? I can't even remember.

- I can't even remember that word so long ago. And his Twitter account recently surpassed two million follower marks. So they kicked him off YouTube and in three weeks he gained over like 1.7 million followers on Twitter. And so here is Jackson and Jake. Thanks for coming on the show. - Jake, so I meant finally Jackson got kicked off, not you. - Yeah, that's right. - Jake first. - So let me just play this quick video of Jackson and then we'll come and get your comments.

We just sent...

by ex-executives, not including Elon Musk. And at this meeting, there were two names that were thrown into the conversation about how do we limit the reach of these accounts on our platform? Should we just ban them? So ex-executives are meeting in San Francisco and they are having a discussion, I guess, about whether or not they're going to ban yours truly, along with Jake Shields, who is an MMA veteran.

and a five-time champion about whether or not they're going to ban us from X. Think about this. Think about this, folks. 65% of Americans support a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas or Gaza. Okay, 65%. That includes a majority of Republicans, a majority of independents, a majority, obviously, of Democrats, which takes the largest, you know, share of the vote there. 65% of Americans across the board, all political parties, say they want a ceasefire.

You can't get 65% of Americans to agree on anything. You can't get 65% of Americans to tell you it's sunny outside if the sky isn't clouded and it's not raining. You know, you can't get 65% of Americans to agree on anything, but they agree on this. And keep in mind, while this is happening, we have zero votes for a ceasefire in the Senate, zero votes for a ceasefire coming from the White House, Joe Biden, of course.

And we only have a few votes calling for a ceasefire in the House of Representatives. OK, that's where we're at in American politics. Sixty five percent of Americans support something. But because we don't live in a democracy, because we we live in this world where our government is captured by the military industrial complex and by lobbyists that apparently don't have to register as foreign agents if they're working for Israel. But if they're working for Russia, they do. Then we get zero votes for a ceasefire. Think about that.

So that was a great video clip. Let me bring in Jake. Jake, now what the hell are you doing on Twitter that made you the focus of this meeting of Twitter executives without Elon Musk in San Francisco? And then they did demonetize your account. What are you doing?

Yeah, it makes no sense to me. I just, I'm just a fighter that sometimes tweets my thoughts. And I think, you know, recently, my thoughts have not been, actually, I've never been pro-war. I wasn't pro-Ukrainian war, pro-Iraqi war, pro any of these wars, but I've been a... Oh, it was your third strike. Yeah, exactly. Three strikes him out. But for some reason, for opposing this one, they're saying I'm an anti-Semitic terrorist sympathizer. It's a little less strange. Sounds like it to me.

Yeah, I just think our political class, I think it's, you know, our political commentators are also pro-Israel. I think my count in Jackson's, we blew up because we're speaking our minds when our political class isn't.

I think it really, uh, they don't like it. Especially my count is mostly for whatever reason, I mostly have MAGA people following me. I think they really don't want the MAGA people seeing a anti-Israeli. Oh, that's how you got on the list. Yeah, Jake, they can't have that man because you know, they're going to need those people to send their kids to fight for Israel and they've been telling them the Bible's stupid and then trying to turn their kids gay. So it's inconvenient. Yeah.

for you to just come wading in and further alienating them from our greatest ally. Yeah, because most of my following is majorly pro-Israel, and I think they don't like the fact that I'm putting a different perspective to them. Oh, so that's because it was shocking to me to hear that you got demonetized because I had always, in my head, you had always occupied more of a right conservative political lane, right? But we agreed on things like COVID and other things.

that we agreed on, but I was surprised to see that you actually went against the establishment narrative on Israel. And so you have this big MAGA following, and you have a right-wing conservative following from other things, and so they don't want you to infect their brain with the truth about what's actually happening. So if they lose them, they lose everybody, and so that's why they have to shut you down, right?

That's how it feels to me. I can't say for certain because I've actually not, I'm not gonna lie. Sometimes I can be a little controversial. So I've been suspended a few times, but every time I'm suspended, they give me exact violation. They give me the tweet I violated and they give me a process to appeal this time to not give me a treat. I violated or no process to appeal. They just said, I've been demonetized. He said, you can appeal. I didn't say how to appeal and say what to appeal.

so i still haven't appealed i'm just sitting here uh you know create some public opinion i mean thankfully i'm not you know obviously i don't like money get taken away but i'm not relying on that money to live so but i think they're trying to make a point a way to silence people like oh you're against us we'll take your money away we'll take people's uh i know people have lost their paypal bevmo i think uh well it's for a while yeah so it shows they want to they want to silence our opposition you don't want war especially with israel also shows the power of you know the apac lobbying

Yeah, the most definitely. And, you know, and if this doesn't work, you know, they're going to Russell brand you. Right. So that they will go into your past and they'll find any buddy you ever pinched on the ass. Andrew Cuomo. Yeah. What's that? Yeah. Pro athletes looking at the girls in the past. That'd be shocking. Yeah. Now, Jackson, how did you find out that there was a meeting at Twitter about you and Jake? How did that how did you get a hold of that information?

Through Jake, actually. Yeah. Yeah. As people in San Francisco who told me they weren't in the meeting, but it's someone I trust. So, you know, it's secondhand knowledge. So I can't say 100 percent how accurate it is, but it's someone I trust. They said that he called me because he heard my name was mentioned. I don't think he even follows that closely, but he was kind of shocked my name was mentioned. And he called. He said mine and Jackson's possible other names. But those are the two names they mentioned to me.

Now, Jackson, so your Twitter account has skyrocketed. So you're one of the leading voices talking about the Israeli-Palestinian, well, the genocide that's taking place right now in Gaza. And so they're coming at you. Have they demonetized you or what have they done to you exactly?

as far as i know my account has not been demonetized like jake says yet but they did place two ghost bands on my account this week which i didn't even know what that meant i had to look it up but apparently that's a way for the twitter back-end team to limit the reach of one's account and

And you can check that online for free, actually. So I went online, I was checking, and twice this week I got hit with the ghost ban. Twice it was overturned. But what seems to be very clear is, at least for myself and Jake, they're worried about the reach of our accounts. They think – it's so silly. They think I guess they can –

buy us off by demonetizing us a thousand dollars a week i mean that like who's going to be who if you're witnessing and condemning and calling out a genocide who's going to be stopped by withholding a few thousand bucks per month it's insane yeah most of the political class i'm going to say kyle kolinsky kyle kolinsky and crystal ball yeah probably probably

I don't know. I don't know. I'm just making a joke. But you've been so there. So have has anybody referred to you as being anti-Semitic by sharing the truth?

That thousands of people, if not hundreds of thousands, my whole, my whole comment, I'm sure Jackson's too, is to call me an anti-Semitic, call me a Nazi, call me a white supremacist, call me a terror sympathizer. It's just a, it's nonstop all day long. You think those are real people? Cause I don't, they don't, if they do polling, the 65% thing that was in that, that most people are not that passionate. That is full court press bots, people that are hired to do that. Because if APAC is the main driver of this, because most,

And that's why people get afraid. Like, oh, people don't support this. Not that many people support this. This is like the same nonsense they would do for like a Disney where they crap up, I don't know, Spider-Man or something. They got to hire people. You know, this was great. It gave me all the feels. You know how they do for Hollywood stuff? That's what this is. There's no way that many people would really be coming at you. You get some people.

But the amount you're talking about, I don't believe those are all real. Ben Shapiro slides into my DMs once in a while. Ben Shapiro's got about 20 sock puppet accounts. Would you fight Ben Shapiro, Jake, in the octagon? He looks pretty tough. I just kind of showed you support, actually. His account's way bigger than mine, but I've been ratioing guys like Ben Shapiro and all these guys. So it shows you the support is not on their side, despite the pretending like they are. That's a scam. With something really wrong... And by the way, a saying...

calling for a cease look can i do this and not get you ban jimmy i'm just calling for a ceasefire long enough to get the israeli hostages out yeah how about just that how about and then go back to killing all of them is that anti-semitic of me i'll bet you get banned for that so uh

So Jackson, for instance, your shadow bands, like so if you did it, if you did a hack hashtag Jackson Hinkle, you could get I saw you talk about this. You had like sixty five thousand tweets with the hashtag Jackson Hinkle in it and it didn't show up on the trending. Right. Tell me about that.

Yeah, so we did two on my account, two different hashtag campaigns this week. The first was hashtag no oil for Israel because the Turkish government is still supplying Azerbaijani oil to Israel, a great deal of it. And that went trending on Twitter within 19 minutes. It had 15,000 posts.

And then when I got the ghost ban placed on my account, I did another hashtag, hashtag Hinkle censored. And it got 65,000 posts excluding retweets. So that's just bare tweets alone. And it didn't come up once on the trending page. So I think it's pretty clear that they're censoring my name from the trending page.

And there's probably more to it than even that. I think they're, again, trying to figure out how to limit our reach and silence us even more. So being called anti-Semitic now, there was a time when that term meant something. It is meaningless now. Right. Just like when they called Bernie a sexist.

And if you're going to say Trump's a sexist and Bernie's a sexist, then I guess everybody's a sexist because that term doesn't mean anything. Arabs are Semites. Arabs are Semites. Well, that's another great point. That's a crazy thing to act like. Anti-Semitic means you hate Palestinians too because they're Arabs. They're Semitic people. That's what the word means. Yes. How does nobody know that? That's weird. But now the word only applies to Jews. It's actually kind of funny because now the word is apartheid.

So and here is a great video clip of this guy, Ed Krasenstein, who we all know is a paid liar. And he is calling you an anti-Semite on your friend Haas's show.

And watch Haas try to ask him, why do you keep calling? What is your evidence that Jackson Hinkle is an anti-Semite, meaning an anti-Jewish person? Well, I know he's an Assad toady, but let's see if he's... So watch, this is pretty remarkable. Here we go.

I said his post was anti-Semitic, yes. And what makes him anti-Semitic, just to be clear? I think Jackson is an anti-Semite. I think it's quite obvious. I'm actually not. So this is what he had to say. I mean, they have nothing to say. Take a listen. Didn't you call Jackson anti-Semitic?

I said his post was anti-Semitic, yes. And what makes him anti-Semitic, just to be clear? I think Jackson is an anti-Semite. I think it's quite obvious. Most Jewish people would consider him that. Just like when I say if a black person accuses me of being racist,

Hold on. Before you use an example, can you tell me what... You don't let me finish. You ask me a question and you don't let me finish. I'm asking why. Can you just answer why? Why do you think he's anti-Semitic? Why is he anti-Semitic? Because the things he says are extremely anti-Jewish.

Hold on. You just rephrased the word antisemitism and said it's – okay, but why? You can't just use a new word for the thing I'm asking you why you're accusing him of. Can you tell me why he's antisemitic? As a Jewish person, I believe he is against Jews. Okay? Okay, what if I say as an Arab or as a Muslim person, I think you're Islamophobic? Would that be a valid argument? I would say I'm absolutely not.

Well, I would say you are because you are because that's literally the tautological – You're welcome to add that opinion. Just to be clear, just to be clear, one last thing. So we've established that you accuse people of anti-Semitism and –

Just because they're anti-Semitic, meaning there is no deeper reason for why this is. It's just because you say so. And that's the end of it. Just to be clear, Jackson is anti-Semitic. Do you have a reason? Can I just speak for a minute? Yeah, but you have to have a reason. I think you should have a reason. So it goes on and on and on. I have a follow up question. What is a woman? That was hard to listen to.

So that's so that's it he just says you're anti-semitic because I say he's anti-semitic So he doesn't give you a reason why he knows exactly the question Haas is asking him and he doesn't want to answer that question because he can't point to anything you actually said or did or a tweet that you made that is actually anti-semitic He actually did it's not a good answer, but to the best of his ability he did he goes I would think most Jewish people would say that so that's his reason and

He imagines some kind of vote in his head. Yes. And he's like, the people, I'm with the good people that would say that. So if you're a Jew that wouldn't say that, then you're bad. You're also anti-Semitic. Right. There's a lot of Jews that are anti-Semitic, too. Craig, you got anything you wanted to ask? No, I was just kind of curious what the plan of action is for Jackson now, because I think he got demonetized, too, as well. It shut down on WhatsApp as well. I mean, you're running out of avenues now. Maybe get your mind right.

Yeah, what are you going to do, man? If in fact, yeah, there it is. I'm sorry, jumping the gun, but like, do you have any plans if... Teasley? I mean, damn. So you've been banned from WhatsApp. Jackson's been banned from WhatsApp, YouTube, TikTok, Twitch, Venmo, PayPal, Represent, and Teasley. I never heard of those last two. So what is, to Craig's question, what is your plan?

The plan, I guess, is to continue telling the truth as much as we can without being – I mean, it's obviously important to keep these platforms and continue the message going to the best of my ability. But like Jake, they don't –

We've reached a point down the level of censorship where they don't even tell you why they're censoring you It's just because because because you're so viral because whatever with whatsapp, for example, I was uh Somehow my number got leaked on a bunch of Israeli Zionist telegram channels my phone number so I woke up to like thousands of phone calls from Israel and from Brooklyn and

And then I went on WhatsApp and they got my WhatsApp banned. So that's what happened. To answer your question, I don't know. I mean, hopefully, you know, X Twitter, they keep us

And stated that was the goal with Elon Musk. He paid forty four billion dollars for it. It'd be a shame to throw that out all out the window just because you're getting pressure from a certain, you know, foreign governments lobby. So. So, Jake, were you one of the people who had high hopes for Elon Musk? Were you a fan of Elon Musk? And now has it changed?

I think he's done far better. You know, I think out of the old Twitter, I think I'd be banned and, you know, he's demonetized me, but at least he's given me a voice and there's all he promises is free speech. I think it's unfair and it's annoying and frustrating, but that's, you know, at least he hasn't silenced me. I mean, at least, at least yet. So currently I can't be that mad. And it's probably something that Elon probably has no decision. It was probably a rogue employee or a couple of them that don't like what I'm saying. And they're trying to silence me. Yeah.

we'll see if it is because to pick him out or UFC fighter, I can already invent because I've gone through this in comedy. I can only envision the wing nut with

with blue hair that thinks they're the police of Rogantown or whatever the hell. And they're like, yeah, and I know there's a lot of the chuds like this guy, so we should go after him. And half the room never heard of him, but they go, okay, she doesn't feel safe. I'm sure there's some... By the way, the way you found out about it, that's how you have to do it. You have to know a guy that knows a guy that works there. That's the future. You're going to have private eyes that do this, that call Instagram or whoever to find out why you're shadow banned.

I will say for what's-his-name, Elon, he fired that chick that we did the story on. Remember that? No, he got rid of her? Yes. So I don't know how long it takes him to figure out what they're doing, but I've noticed a string of this stuff happens, then somebody gets fired. And so it sounds like he's not personally involved in – like he should maybe be more involved in this since his goal is free speech. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Maybe run right up the flagpole to Rogan is what I'd say.

Yeah, I feel like they'll probably either reinstate me or they'll ban everyone. I don't really think it because it doesn't really make sense just to pull my monetization. I think it was probably a rogue employee that doesn't like me, didn't realize how much attention it was going to get, and now they're looking at it being like, oh, crap, what am I going to do? So I don't know. My best guess is a lot.

I would tattle on Twitter to Joe Rogan if I were you. Maybe I'll text him. I'm going to text him. Okay, Craig. Kurt's going to text him. I'd save the text for me. I don't try to text him for other people. This is for all of us, Jimmy. I don't like to bother Joe too much. He's gotten so big, I don't like to leave randomly.

He'd be like, hey, Joe, can you get this right for me? Text your boy Elon. He just had Elon on. He just had, no. Elon talking about the woke mind virus. Oh, right. Okay. And so, okay. Hey, great. Elon, you don't like that. Me neither. Why is this happening? Does he know? I wonder if he really knows. That's my, I just want to know. I was just going to text Joe. We like, you talked to, do you think Elon even knows? Cause this sounds like a couple people with a vendetta on one guy.

because they don't like his type, which is UFC fans. There's a lot of that online. Well, I'm also from San Francisco, so a lot of that's Twitter. Yes, and that's the other component. Oh, really? So if you're from Portland, they'd feel like they own you in some way. San Francisco, any one of these places where the real fountain of crazy clown world is coming out of

That's where they drill for more clown world oil. Now, for years, that used to be code for I'm gay, I'm from San Francisco. I don't think that's the case anymore. Is that true? That's conservative. There's still a lot of gay people there, but it's mostly just crackheads now. I moved. I'm not there anymore. But yeah, it's mostly like crackheads and Antifa and...

That place is really falling apart. There's tech people and then homeless people. Yeah. Yeah, tech people, homeless people. There's definitely still the Gary, but it's not as bad as some of the... I think there's more in Miami and New York and stuff now. New York is pretty bad now. I can't believe it. Imagine what we could have done with San Francisco and New York and all those places with the hundred and some billion dollars we sent to Ukraine. That just went right into... We could blow it up and rebuild it and blow up again and build it. That's right.

exactly and build it again and build it again we could take a dump on every street corner and then clean those dumps up and take three more dumps i got great plans if you guys want to vote for me i would i would vote for you i have to get to politics if things keep going the way they are

So I just and here's the kind of things that Jackson, even you tweeted this out. This is great. You go breaking. Israel has taken famous Palestinian teenage activist Ahed Tamini hostage in the West Bank. Wow. Hamas is not in the West Bank. Well, just if Hamas surrenders, you can go free. What's wrong with that, Jimmy? So what do you hate? So this is the kind of stuff that you're tweeting. It blows up their narrative and they can't have that kind of stuff. Correct, Jackson?

Exactly, exactly. And the level of propaganda, war propaganda coming out from, as you so eloquently put it, the war pigs right now is far worse than we saw from Ukraine. I mean, they're putting out AI stuff. They're putting out just edited, faked audio clippings that purport to show Hamas talking about certain things. I mean, and it's all...

still regurgitated on CNN, Pierce Morgan, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson. They're all saying it, like not even questioning it. It's really sad, but their audiences are turning on them and people are waking up. Jackson, remember last time I saw you in person, we went and saw Jordan Peterson. And since then, Jordan Peterson has now wearing...

suits of two different colors that he sewed together himself. It's the, he's the, he's the modern day Joseph. Like, yeah, he's got a Technicolor Dreamcoat. That's why he, that's why he banned me. That's why Jordan blocked me. Because you made fun of his suit? Because I went to that event and, you know, uh,

We got to talk about the anti-growth, anti-human agenda that the globalists and the World Economic Forum are pushing. And he gave a speech about how everyone needs to have a father and how important the father figure is in life. And I tweeted at him. I said, Jordan, you gave this great speech about all this stuff. We talked about this stuff backstage.

Why is it now that you're championing the Israeli genocide, which is eradicating Palestinian fathers and pushing this globalist policy of anti-growth, this Malthusian agenda? And he didn't. It was a respectful tweet, but he didn't respond. He just blocked me. I know why. Because he got 60 million from the Daily Wire when he went over there. And that's why he's like was visiting Jerusalem. He got paid a hell of a lot of money to do it. And you bloody well support Israel.

Yeah, so that was also, you know, he talks a lot about Carl Jung and the unconscious and how, and then he just totally turns his back on it and twists it inside out and warps it so he could somehow be on the wrong side of this. It's coming out in his suit. Yeah, it is coming out in his suit. His bizarre split insides are now manifesting like a chick dying her hair blue. Jordan Peterson has a split color suit.

You know, it's just it's yeah. Jordan Peterson, I had hope for him and he speaks. He speaks sense on a lot of things. And then just like with RFK Jr. or Tulsi, even when it comes to this issue of Israel, Palestine, they just totally flip on all their principles and all the millions of dollars you need it.

That's how you, it's not even mind control. Here's the ultimate mind control. Here's $60 million. So you think RFK is doing that for, um, way more. How is he going to run for president? Campaign contribute. I think it's, I, at first I thought he was good. And he, let me ask my guests. Well, what do you, what do you think is the psychology behind RFK Jr? Because he wants to be seen as the peace candidate and,

And, of course, he's not anymore because now he's not only is he pro-Israel in this conflict. Pro-censorship. He's also now come out for pro-censorship around this issue. And he's now anti-China, anti-Iran, and anti-Venezuela. He sounds like John Bolton. It's crazy how much he switched. And it could be a couple things. It could be he needs that money from AIPAC because he's completely gone against his views. Or...

He's flown with Jeffrey Epstein. There you go. Jeffrey Epstein's well-known intelligence agency. I knew Jake was going to say that. BlackRock operation for Mossad, allegedly.

Well, speaking of that, I got to remind people that I'm going to be at the Laugh Factory in Covina this Sunday. So if you want to come see a powerful show, Kurt, are you going to be available Sunday to come do some time? I'm going to be in the Funny Bone and not the St. Louis one, but the St. Charles. Oh, St. Charles. Which I guess is also there. Yes, it's St. Louis. They're all St. Louis. It's that location. I'm going to be there. You're not going to be there Sunday?

I'll be flying home. Okay. Well, if you get home, come out to Covina, watch us go do the standup comedy show. It's fantastic. Uh, what's your, what's your guess on RFK jr. Uh, Jackson. Well, I think, uh, Jake made a great point with the fact that RFK jr. Admitted to flying on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita express. I think the only question that truly remains is how old was she?

Jim Henson just got a foot rub and he was on it. Jim Henson just got a massage. Just like Bill Clinton. Just like Bill Clinton.

Did he really fly on Epstein? Come on. Yep. He admitted to it. It was well public. You can look it up. He admitted to it himself. That's right. When he switched his stance on it, he definitely went hardcore. That came out and he went hardcore in Israel like the next day. How recently did it come out? I didn't hear about it. Really? I just saw it. Maybe it's not for a while, but I just saw it like last week or something.

maybe more recently. But the story I heard was that they were going to some charity event and JFK actually brought his kids with him on the plane. Yeah, that's what I thought. He takes Epstein's plane. I mean, I imagine he has some other contacts if you're flying around on the dude's plane. Obviously, I don't know. Can I borrow your plane? Yeah, I'll just say that, you know,

All these guys, all they do is lie. They lie for war. And RFK Jr., as you just put it, doesn't sound any different than John Bolton. They lie for war. And if they're willing to lie for a genocide that just slaughtered 10,000 people, I don't think it would be all that surprising that they would lie to cover their butts about flying alone, potentially, who knows, on Jeffrey Epstein's plane. You know, it's like...

Bill Gates, he infamously lied about how many times he went on Jeffrey Epstein's plane. Well, he's dead now. It doesn't matter. Bill Clinton, same thing. He lied about how many times. So these guys are bona fide liars, and I don't trust a word they say, even though RFK Jr. has been good on some issues. It's just you can't trust what they say. Yeah, I mean, Epstein and I love me his plane. Any of you guys? He's loving your plane? Yeah.

It's blackmail. I mean, it's like the godfather. The guy, the senator goes, you people come here with your greasy hair and the next thing you know, he's got a dead hooker in his bed. And he's like, I love the Corleone family. It's the greatest family. They all sound like that. That's like Bernie. Oh, why is Bernie suddenly the biggest suck up in the world? Seems like some kind of blackmail to me every single time. Senator, you can have my answer now. My offer to you is nothing. And I'd appreciate it if you put up the gambling fee.

Well, I just watched that movie yesterday. It's unbelievable. It shows you how things work. That is how things work. Yeah. And that's how they control people. So do you think RFK Jr. is being blackmailed and that's why he's so- All of them. I think all of them are. Listen, what did Jeffrey Epstein give his life for? To get enough blackmail on every politician to save the tiny Israel. You know?

And you're spitting on his sacrifice by posting Jackson Hinkle things online. So not that not that any of us here is a Nostradamus. Let me ask my two guests, what is your prediction of how this is going to play out? Do you think the United States will eventually stop funding this genocide? And what do you think?

I think they're going to keep funding it. I think they're pretty all in. There's been no, no one's calling ceasefire. No one's talking about cutting money. The first thing they did, the Congress, they rushed in and gave money to Israel. I mean, the Republican Congress, pretty much every Republican agrees they want strong borders. They didn't go and meet for strong borders. They went to an emergency meeting for money for Israel. So it's clear where their loyalties lie. So it's very unfortunate, but I don't think it's going to go good for, for Gaza. I think they're going to keep getting pounded for months. I think thousands, tens of thousands more are going to die.

I think the ultimate goal is to push them out of there. And unfortunately, they'll probably get pushed to take part of their land or they'll take it all. They'll get sent to either Egypt or America or Europe. I think it's a sad situation and it's disgusting that we're sitting by as Americans allowing this. This is also going to create hate around the world for Americans that there's no reason that Christians and Muslims hate each other and they hate America, but they're pushing it again. Why don't you care so much? Let them stay at your house. Okay, go ahead.

I think what we said on this show that back at the start of the Ukraine war, that war was going to only go in one way, however Russia wanted it to go. And we were all proven right about that.

Now, when it comes to this, there's only two ways that it can end. It's not going to end with Hamas being eradicated, as Netanyahu puts it. It's either going to end with Hamas being able to properly defend whatever positions they have, the tunnels they have, and prevent a full out Israeli onslaught of all their military positions.

Or which, by the way, they seem to be doing a pretty good job of as of right now. They've taken out 61 Israeli tanks, hundreds of Israeli soldiers. Not that I would applaud or ever condone violence on this show, but it just goes to show that they're lying about the stats of this war.

And if it doesn't end up like that, if Hamas does end up getting slaughtered in the heart of Gaza City, I would be very surprised if Hezbollah didn't rush in with their 100,000 plus men and missiles and start a broader war that will bring about the end of this Israeli military as we know it. I think those are the only two ways this ends. Do you think Iran will be dragged into this? I think they will.

Yeah, I think if Hezbollah joins in, it's possible. It's much more possible. I think that's what a lot of really naive and ignorant and dangerous people in the White House want. But I, you know, we'll see. Well, hasn't hasn't like people like isn't it? Is it the U.S. government's official position, as the State Department said? I

I know Lindsey Graham has said, but is it, do you know, maybe you know or maybe you don't, that the official position is if Iran or an Iran proxy kills an American soldier that we're sending now to the region, that we're going to look at that as an act from Iran and then we're going to use that to attack Iran. Because they've been wanting to attack Iran since 9-11. Right.

Yeah, I know they say if Iran gets involved that America will attack Iran. I don't know the exact line we've paved for that, but pretty much every politician on all sides has stated that. I mean, it's pretty sad to see. They just signed a resolution in the House that they can give the president any means necessary to do whatever they need to do against Iran. Thomas Massey was one of the few to vote against it, but they said by any means necessary. So this is – so if you listen to Wesley Clark Jr.,

General Wesley Clark Jr., his famous, when he was on with Democracy Now!, he said that after 9-11, he went to the Pentagon, and the guys in intelligence told him that they have a plan to take out seven countries, right? It was Syria, it was Libya, it was Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, and Lebanon. Like how Disney planned out Marvel Universe movies? Like phase one, two, three?

And the last two countries that they have to go into are Lebanon and Iran. And they could use this as a way. So and it it's also very suspicious that it took, you know, they didn't have a response to Hamas for hours and hours. A bunch of guys in flip flops, Adidas jerseys and hang gliders were able to. They were oppressing the West Bank. They were busy protecting the settlers in the West Bank. Yeah. And doing just what's in the picture.

Yeah, I've been to Israel too. Israel is tiny and there's military everywhere. There's no way that would have made sense for, what do they say, six, seven hours to military response? That's just – Well, what if they're not going to get at it? The border is one of the most secure borders in the world. That was left wide open. Egypt had given them intelligence, I believe, the week before that they were planning an attack. It seems – well, also Netanyahu was extremely unpopular at the time. There was a lot of civil distress in Israel. Then we get a huge attack. Who benefits? Netanyahu and Israel trying to take the land. So to me, it seems like a setup.

It seems it smells like Mr. Security would do that. It smells like a setup to me. Netanyahu was on his way out 40 weeks straight of protests against his government. And then all of a sudden he gets his own 9-11. And so the country has to rally around him. That's what it looks like to me. Jackson, any last words before we say goodbye?

Um, any last, I say you brought up the Iran point. And, um, I think if there was ever further justification for the, the psychopaths in the white house, so while war against Iran, as we all know, uh, Iran just joined bricks, Russia and China are leading that up. And I believe, I believe in April of this year, I could be wrong about the stat, but in April of this year, Iran was like the fourth or fifth largest oil producing nation in the world. Um,

So they understand what they're doing. They understand where they're targeting and that the dollar is under threat and that a lot of people are not happy with this unipolar system, and that's what they're trying to implode.

Okay. All right. Jake Shields, Jackson, the hair Hinkle. Good luck staying uncensored and monetized on Elon Musk's Twitter. And if I were you, I would immediately tattle to Joe Rogan. Hey, Jimmy, can we just make sure a Jake and Jackson, you guys are not feeling depressed in any way, shape or form, right? You're not suicidal, right?

And I don't do drugs anymore. Wait, can I just pitch you this, Jackson? You tell me if my prediction is wrong. For the very end of the Ukraine war, it's going to end with Zelensky behind a desk, big pile of cocaine. The guys are all coming in. Comes out the door. He says, say hello to my little friend. Then Sean Penn comes out and tells him a long story. I think that's a pretty good ending. I think that's a pretty good ending. I was a writer, dude. I won awards. Well, now even NBC...

is now admitting that the Ukraine war is unwinnable and that they better find a peace deal and an exit strategy. And exactly what we said, you're right, Jackson, what we've been saying since the day one of this war, this war is going to end exactly how Russia wants it. And Russia is going to have their direct access to the sea and they're going to have the Donbass. And that's exactly how this is ending. And what we had to do was spend a couple hundred billion dollars first and get a couple of hundred thousand Ukrainians smashed for that.

All right. I really appreciate you both making time. Jake Shields, Jackson Hinkle. Hey, you know, here's another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week, and it's a great way to help support the show. You can do it by going to, clicking on Join Premium.

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So this is a friend of the show, Norman Finkelstein. He's on Rick Sanchez's show on RT. And this guy's name is Steve Melberts. And this guy is going to get spanked hard by Norman Finkelstein. So he's going to use a really bad argument. Let's watch. And this is all about Palestine and Israel. Here we go. Watch this.

Why does not one country in the entire Arab world not want to help their brothers and take them in? Spread them out. You don't all want them in Egypt. You don't all want them in Jordan. You don't want them in Syria. You don't want them in Saudi Arabia. So first of all, let me just point out that he's wrong about that. And he's a pretty big moron.

Because if that's your big strong point, there's over 2 million Palestinians in Jordan. There's over a half a million in Syria, even after we bombed the shit out of it. So there are lots of places that...

But what's even worse about his argument is that Norman Finkelstein is going to take the legs right off from underneath him. Watch this. A million countries. Right about now. Nobody wants to help them. Why? This is a difficult question. I'll tell you what. Let's pause for a moment. For a moment. Thank you. I'll answer in one simple sentence.

Make your point, make your point, but we're going to... Why did any of the European countries or the United States want Jews before the Nazi Holocaust? Maybe the Jews were like the Palestinians. They were so horrible. They were so vicious. They were so...

beastial, or as the current Israeli government calls them, human animals, maybe that's why none of the European countries and the United States didn't want them. Do you think that's the reason? This is not easy, but we're going to have to... Do you think that's the reason you're smiling, but your stupid smirk won't change the fact

that the very argument you use belongs to Hitler. The same argument you use was used by Hitler to justify

To a guy named Norman Finkelstein. This guy is actually using the Nazi argument that Hitler used. Nobody wants to take the Jews. And he does that thing where, oh, it's because I'm a Jew. This guy's name's Norman Finkelstein. Could you imagine being this big of a moron? Can you imagine? Wolfsburg just got Finkelstein hard. And he had a show for four years on Newsmax. First, you're using Hitler's argument.

And you're wrong about the fact that other countries don't take Palestinians in. You're wrong on that. You're using a Nazi argument. And then when a Jew calls you out, you go, you don't like me because I'm Jewish? He had this panic move. Wow, what a panic move. When Norman Finkelstein said that, hit him with that point, and he was sitting there smiling, that's a smile to cover the fact that he got destroyed. He got destroyed. Norman Finkelstein trashed his smirk. And you see his face while he tried to figure out what to do with his face? He went like this.

Yeah. And he goes, in the last movie, call him an anti-Semite. I don't necessarily agree with Malzberg on everything, but the guy's a pretty smart guy. I've never seen him get embarrassed like this. I watch his face. I watch it on his face. I've never seen him get, and that's this argument. You know, Trump Jr.'s made this argument. Jesse Waters made this argument. This is a very cryptically racist argument over here. He probably didn't even know because he's dumb. That is a racist argument.

But people don't even realize what they're saying. So I know that Lebanon people say it. Lebanon has taken in four hundred and half a million, almost half a million Palestinians. Syria has over half a million Palestinians. And Jordan has two point one million Palestinians. That's of January 2015.

So I'm guessing those numbers are probably even higher. But the greater point is that that stupid smirk got wiped off his stupid fucking face by a guy who actually knows something and has integrity. And that guy's a racist. I don't like to throw that term around, but he's certainly using a racist argument. And that's what that is. That's like, oh, that's these Palestinians are so bad.

Garbage people. Nobody wants to take them. Nobody wants them. Nobody wants to take them. That's what they used to say about the Jews. Hey, Molesberg, they're Semites. Are you a self-hating Semite? Hey, Jimmy, Nayib Bakule, the president of freaking El Salvador is of Palestinian descent. Palestinians have been displaced everywhere around the world for many years. So this guy doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Why does El Salvador take them? I'm joking. What?

Well, why doesn't El Salvador take them? Hang on. I think there's a little bit more to this. Gentlemen. Your argument was used by Hitler to justify the extermination of the Jews. What's my argument? What's my argument?

What's my argument? You heard what you said, Wilsberg. What's my argument? You don't even know, do you? What's my argument? So he just, what a, you know. He thought they were going to commercial. Yeah, he really did. Sanchez, we've tried to help him out. And Finkstein just slammed it in for the win. And he's so stupid, he can't remember what he just said 15 seconds earlier. What's my argument? The argument you just made.

That's the argument. I can only think when I'm smirking. You're so horrible and so horrible. You're a Nazi speaking now in those kinds of arguments. The funny, this has become very contentious. We're going to take a break. I want to thank you both. Not on my part.

Not on my part. I'm just calling Palestinians garbage people that nobody wants. And I'm using a Hitler Nazi argument to demonize a whole race, a class of people and a whole ethnicity. That's I'm not being contentious. I like everybody except those Palestinians. Hey, Molesberg, how come nobody wants to take the Palestinians, but Israel wants to fund Hamas? That's right. That's right. That. Yeah.

And it's such a chicken shit way they say, what do these people know that we don't know? Just come out and say it. First of all, what do they know that we don't know? They know how many of our leaders are pedophiles from the successful op by Jeffrey Epstein. That's what they know. Oh, I forgot. I forgot these jokes. So what he just did there, Ryan Grim would call a home run touchdown in the fourth quarter, bottom of the ninth. Laughter

He's really not a sports guy, Ryan, but you get my point, right? Yeah.

So anyway, thank God this happened on RT so most Americans won't see it or this would look really bad for Israel. Yeah, that kind of boy, you don't want to keep that to an RT, not on CNN or MSNBC, that's for sure. So according to this guy, his question is, why don't the Palestinian Arab brothers help them out with a place to stay if they aren't barbaric animals? And the answer was anti-Semitism. Yeah.

That was his answer. You don't like me because I'm a Jew. Yes. Wow.

I mean, he's got a suit on. He's got a tie on. He's been hired by networks. And the guy couldn't be a bigger boy. As high as I've ever been, I will never be. Well, it's not it's not only is his stupidity. It's his lack of integrity, because as soon as he realized he made a dumb argument, he tried to pretend like he didn't do it. He wouldn't stand by what he said. He used the he tried to hide behind you. You don't like me because I'm a Jew. He forgot he was even talking to a guy named Finkelstein.

That's my favorite. Oh, you must hate juice, Finkelstein. Yeah. Wow. He's a performer. All these media people, they're just like actors. And then he's like, line, line. Line, yes. He's an executioner.

You know Jimmy - you know what's been awesome too lately though since this argument has been going around when you have people like Jesse Waters and Trump jr. This video of Ben Affleck on Bill Maher surfacing going after Sam Harris Yeah for the same thing has been being showed a lot And Ben Affleck makes the same argument What are you trying to say these whole group of people that you don't even know we're a bunch of but if they get a nuclear bomb We might have to nuke them first. What don't you get pasta got it?

Now I understand. I didn't understand it that way. Now it's clear, Kurt. Thank you. And hey, this is Jimmy. Who's this? Jimmy Dore. This is Senator Chuck Schumer of the great state of New York. How are you doing? I'm doing great, Senator. How about yourself? Very well, Jimmy. I'm very satisfied. Satisfied?

Jimmy, I am experiencing profound satisfaction with my colleagues in the House of Representatives for their decision to censure Rashida Tlaib for her unconscionable words and actions. Also, I just had a very nice sandwich, so I'm satisfied in that sense as well. I see. You think she warranted an official censor? Oh, absolutely. We can't have this in Congress. We can't have these Palestinians. Palestinians? What?

Just Palestinians, period. We can't have Palestinian Americans in Congress? Frankly, no. I mean, if that's what you are, fine. But just don't say it. Don't say Palestinian. I'm Palestinian. My family is in Gaza. It's aggressive and offensive, and now is not the time.

But those are just statements of fact. So what? Who cares? Does anyone think about how I or my cousin Amy Schumer feel when we hear the word Palestinian? Does anybody care about us? No, they don't. See, this is why we need Israel in the first place. No ceasefire. So Miss Tlaib should be censured for saying she's a Palestinian-American?

No, dummy. She was censured for being critical of Israel and repeating that awful slogan, from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. I can barely even say it. So what? Jimmy, that's a call for genocide. It's right there. It's nakedly obvious. No, and most certainly is not, Senator. It's a statement calling for the freedom of the Palestinian people within their former territory, not for the death of Israelis.

Well, what the fuck do you think will happen once we let these animals out of their cages? They'll kill everybody. They're savages. If your slogan is free the tigers, sorry, you are pro-tiger attacks by default. That's why Representative Tlaib's dehumanizing language is so offensive. Okay, I got you. Perhaps Ms. Tlaib doesn't see Palestinians as savages. Well, that's anti-Semitic. She should be sentient for that, too.

Maybe we should censor you. Censor me? Why would you censor me? Censor you, censor me, censor everybody. Senator, please calm down. I'm sorry. Look, Jimmy, this is just a very emotional issue for me, but I know I can't let my emotions guide my leadership. We have beset with many challenges, but we must face them in a clear-eyed and rational way. Right, right.

Like several years ago when I used the cover of a rolling Trump scandal to co-sponsor a bill with Kirsten Gillibrand that would have made it illegal to boycott Israel until we were essentially caught by the press and we withdrew the bill and claimed that we didn't understand the legal verbiage it contained. Right, I remember that.

Of course, yes. I've mentioned this several times on your program because it's one of the most batshit political moves I've seen in my own lifetime. Well, imagine the shit we're going to get away with in this current situation. You think censuring Tlaib was heavy-handed? Boy, you just wait. Uh-oh. We will set in motion the process of making it illegal to criticize Israel. We will make the dream come true. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.

Statements like the Palestinian people are not disposable? You mean like that?

Exactly. That sort of verbal crystal knock will get you a one-way ticket to the boot camp. Finally put an end to all this anti-Semitism. Again, again, sticking up for Palestinians isn't anti-Semitism. You don't get to say what anti-Semitism is or isn't. I do. And thus, by extension, Congress. I say you're anti-Semitic. Me? Why?

Jimmy, earlier in this phone call, I mentioned that I was very satisfied because I ate a nice sandwich and you didn't even ask me what kind of sandwich. That is rather anti-Semitic. Maybe on the line, but definitely not pro-Semitic. But either way, I decide, not you. Senator Schumer, I'm not comfortable with the idea that you can just... It was a chicken salad on sourdough, perfect amount of mayonnaise, walnuts, black cherries, no celery. It was divine. Yeah.

That does sound good. Do you feel better now? Yes, I do, actually. I kept that bottle up this whole time. I'm calmer now. I feel like I'm thinking more clearly, actually. So are you going to pull back on this planned assault of free speech? Oh, no, that's certainly moving forward. In fact, Senator Gillibrand is on her way over to my office for a closed door, so I better let you go. Sandwich! Sandwich! Sandwich!

Hey, become a premium member. Go to Sign up. It's the most affordable premium program in the business. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. Not freak out.

Do not freak out.

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