cover of episode Trump Says Israel Is NOT POWERFUL ENOUGH!


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The Jimmy Dore Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jimmy Dore
Kurt Metzger
Lizz Winstead
特朗普:对以色列游说团体实力下降表示失望,认为15年前该团体的权力更大,任何反对以色列的美国政客都会因此而结束政治生涯。他还暗讽民主党参议员舒默。 Jimmy Dore:特朗普的言论是攻击民主党,并否认以色列在当今美国政治中的影响力。他认为特朗普的言论是虚假的,并指出AIPAC对美国政府的影响力。他还谈到了区分犹太教和犹太复国主义的重要性,以及犹太复国主义者试图将两者混淆。Dore认为可以批判犹太复国主义而不仇视犹太教或犹太人。他还分析了特朗普的策略,认为特朗普的强硬言论是为了给自己创造空间来促成协议,并获得捐款。 Kurt Metzger:Metzger详细阐述了坎迪斯·欧文斯关于以色列建国历史的观点,指出其并非仅仅是由于大屠杀,还涉及到弗兰克教派的历史,以及其与犹太人之间的关系。Metzger还谈到了弗兰克教派与反犹太主义的历史渊源,萨巴泰·泽维及其信徒的历史,以及萨巴泰·泽维皈依伊斯兰教对犹太教的影响。他分析了坎迪斯·欧文斯对弗兰克教派的看法,以及其与恋童癖的联系。Metzger还指出,美国建国也涉及到类似的罪行,并强调理解世界各国之间的权力斗争的重要性。 Candace Owens:Owens认为以色列建国的原因并非仅仅是由于大屠杀,还涉及到弗兰克教派的历史,以及其与犹太人之间的关系。她质疑西奥多·赫茨尔的动机,并暗示以色列可能由弗兰克教派建立。 Lizz Winstead:Winstead讨论了药物流产在美国的合法性,以及提高人们对药物流产的认识的重要性。她对民主党在堕胎问题上的不作为表示不满,并阐述了“支持选择权”和“支持堕胎”用词的转变。Winstead认为,对堕胎的个人看法不应影响对他人权利的支持。 Mike MacRae: 扮演了节目中所有其他角色的声音。

Deep Dive

Trump expresses disappointment in the diminishing influence of the Israel lobby in the U.S., suggesting that it once had more power and could end careers of politicians who opposed it.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, come see us on tour. We'll be in Duluth, Georgia, right outside of Atlanta, Jacksonville, Florida, Tempe, Arizona, and Burbank, California. Go to for a link for those tickets. Hey, this is Jimmy. Who's this? We ask the questions around here, but if you must know, this is a British police chief. A British police chief calling me?

Right. Can you be more specific? This is Chief Constable Nigel Dudley of the Municipal Police of Wolverhampton, Cheesethaw, Papaw, Stoke. Is this Jimmy Dore? Yes, it is.

I have some questions for you, sir, and I would strongly suggest you remember that this is an ongoing police investigation. Several days ago, did you or did you not repost, formerly retweet, a post, formerly tweet, dated August 9th of this year from an ex-account called The Vigilant Fox, stating that 3,300 people have been arrested for social media posts in the UK in the past year, and implying that Russia has a more free society than the UK? I did, yes, I did.

Well, that was one of the easier confessions I've obtained. Mr. Dore, you are in violation of several counts of the UK social media code and we need you to report to station immediately for arrest. Your police station in England? I live in Los Angeles. I do believe they still have airplanes. Last I checked. I think the more important point is that I'm an American and not a Brit.

Sir, if you think you can sit across the pond and violate our laws and get away with it, you are gravely mistaken. In case you didn't realize, our nation and yours have an extradition treaty. So the posting of misleading information will have real consequences for you Americans. This can't be for real. You must be joking. You're jailing people for posting misleading information about the riots in the UK?

Oh, yes, with stiff sentences, too, I might add. Right. I see online that there have been arrests for social media posts, but the articles never state what exactly the posts were. Well, of course not, you daft bint. Then we'd have to arrest whoever wrote the news article for spreading misleading information. If someone spreads misleading information and then you say what they said, whether you mean to or not, you yourself are spreading misleading information.

This is insanity. You know that, right? Don't you have freedom of speech over there? Freedom of the press? Well, of course we have these things, and we've had them much longer than you have, I might add. But just because we have freedom of speech doesn't mean the government can't control what people say. Well, yes, it does, actually. It absolutely does mean that.

Well, perhaps in your juvenile American grasp of the concept. But here in the UK, we have a more sophisticated, nuanced approach to the topic, which allows us to imprison people for sharing videos on Facebook. How can sharing a video be misleading information? It's literally a visual depiction of something that happened. Not if it incites racial hatred.

Another arrow in our law enforcement quiver. If you are white and share a video of migrants rioting, say, then it is off to jail for you because that's racist. And as director of public prosecution, Stephen Parker pointed out on the BBC, even if you shared such content to warn people in the area where the video was taken, that's still racist. He will still be prosecuted. This is unbelievable. This is this is what the police do all day over there.

Industrial bins.

A large trash can, essentially. Oh, so a middle-aged woman is going to prison for two years because she tossed a trash can at police in riot gear during a riot. Right. Are you worried at all that the UK is turning into a police state? I assure you the last members of a society to worry about the slide into fascism are law enforcement. Rising sea levels worldwide don't concern the fish. Unbelievable.

But to answer your earlier question, yes, the vast majority of the police force is dedicated to combating online hooliganism. We have pulled our best veteran bobbies off the streets, placed them in front of a laptop, and instead of fighting actual crime, they are scouring social media for their tasteful posts and comments. Police work at its finest. Oh, yes, truly.

Allow me to hold the phone up to the social media task force room so you can hear firsthand the grinding wheels of justice as our men in yellow react to what is said in Facebook groups. Here. What's all this then? What's all this then? What's all this then? What's all this then? What's all this then? As you can hear, Mr. Dole, law enforcement is not to be trifled with in the United Kingdom.

yes clearly right so now that you realize what you're up against can we expect your surrender oh i'll get right on that how much time do you think uh i'm gonna be doing for my crime

Well, it's not for me to say, but I'd suspect somewhere between 15 and 20 months, depending on how much you grovel to a man wearing a powdered wig. How much time would I serve if I said it? It seems to me that the people of a country ought to have some say about the country's immigration policy or at least have the freedom to express their displeasure with it.

Well, using such atrocious, racist, fascist, far-right hate speech that you just did, first of all, I doubt you'd find a solicitor willing to represent you, so in the interest of justice and civilized society, you would be probably tossed into a dungeon and forgotten. This is England. We still have a number of those around. Okay, sounds good. I'll get on the next flight out.

Right. I think this will be a good thing. You yourself will learn a lesson, as will your fellow Americans. The days of simply saying or typing things that you wish has come to an end. Time to join the rest of the civilized world. Oh dear, I'm afraid I must go. A 12-year-old was just caught commenting, "'I can't walk safely in my neighborhood at night' on Facebook."

We just checked which neighborhood she lives in, and it turns out this comment was a hate crime. Jesus Christ. Time to give each this child a lesson. Cheerio! It is mental over there. Establishment media sucks. All that's light and so good luck. Bullshit we can't afford. Why is fomenting this? Watch and see as

So Trump gave a speech. Did you see the speech he gave? No, he told me about it. He says he's disappointed that the Israel lobby isn't as powerful today. Well, I couldn't find them. Again, this is all new to me how to use this stream card. And I wanted to get the video of him saying Israel needs to be expanded.

which he said that. But here, let's just go to the video. Here's what he said. Let me find the video.

Here it is.

Anti-Semitism is rampaging all throughout our cities, the Democrat Party, our left-wing media institutions.

a certain candidate for the president of the United States, which is hard to believe in our colleges and universities. They're going loco. They're good. Something's wrong with them. You know, just to get off for a second, years ago my father was a big supporter of Jewish people in Israel. He's not Jewish. He wasn't Jewish, but he was a great friend of a lot of Jewish people. And

If you say, let's say 15 years ago, maybe not even that long, anything bad about Israel or Jewish people, you would finish as a politician, right? You wouldn't do that, Congressman. You wouldn't do it anyway, but nobody would do it. The most powerful lobby in this country by far was Israel and Jewish people. Today, it's almost like, what happened? What happened? What happened to Schumer? What happened to all these people? Schumer's like a...

So this is like an attack on the Democrats, right? That's what this is about. So I think that's what he's trying to do. But it's the most insane... One of the most insane... He's trying to pretend that Israel doesn't have the power it had 15 years ago in this country. And that 15 years ago, if you spoke out against Israel, your career would be over. So he's saying two horrible things at once. Once, he's trying to make you...

Don't believe your own eyes and ears in what's happening right now. There's no arms embargo. There's actually a genocide being committed in Palestine, in Gaza. And the American people are against it. That's not going to stop. Why? Because AIPAC has a stranglehold on our government. That's why. He's not going to say that there. I mean, look at the audience. He ain't going to say that there. No one can say it. So he's trying to say that...

they don't have that control that they used to. That's bullshit. But what he's also saying, and I'll play the rest of it, but what he's also saying is that it was better...

When a foreign government had even greater control over our government, like that's a good thing. That's what he said. It's our best friend, Jimmy. Yeah. So he's saying two crazy things at once. He's talking to a bunch of Zionists in a room full of Zionists. Now, I don't think I wouldn't say what he's saying, but so you can see the politics of it very easily. When he says like, you'd be finished, he's talking about

the Democrats or Kamala like mildly acting like, oh, we're going to have them do a ceasefire. Right. Remember she said something like that. Like, oh, really are you? So that's the jump on her because they don't like her. Right. And then they didn't like Biden and Michael, you know, as goes Michael Rappaport. So goes the nation. Yes. Michael Rappaport is like, I'll vote for Trump. I told you October 7th was the end of woke. So, yeah.

uh but i would say they don't have as much power and i'm going to tell you why even though i would say it's too much clearly because the epstein blackmail obviously but i know about israel now i would have never known about this 20 years ago i know about it now because of social media and because of youtube and rumble and because of october 7th and that they're actually instead of just being occupiers and every once in a while mowing the lawn which is when they would go in and

murder people, they're doing it on a mass scale now, unlike anything we've seen before. So now even someone like me got educated and now I know about the difference between Zionism and Judaism and that Zionists want to conflate Judaism with Zionism. Right.

That's the whole game, right? As do anti-Semites, right? They got the same agenda as a Nazi. So I don't, yeah, so that's the ironic part. So I don't conflate Judaism and Zionism and I can detest Zionism and not have any ill feelings for Judaism or Jews in general.

right it's zionism right so all right so let's get to let me hear the rest of what he says israel was he just this one my father was a builder in brooklyn and a lot of jewish people that's all he knew that's all i knew essentially but we knew jewish people they were great people

And we'd go to many events. I'd go with him. And it was great. The card call, you know, the card call was really bad. Harry Waxman, he was a brilliant card caller. Okay, so that's the, you know...

It's weird that there's that audio recording of him saying that he figured out Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't want a deal, that he thought it was going to be the Palestinians who were the crazy ones. And it turns out it was Benjamin Netanyahu who didn't want a deal. And it seems like that that's the kind of thing in my head, knowing what I know about Trump. That's the thing that bothers him. It's like, well, come on, we got to have a deal. I'm going to I want to get credit for having a deal.

Right. And so. So how do you do that? You've got to isolate. It's BB's fault, which I said a long time ago. They're going to at the end of the day. I mean, assuming the world's on fire, they're going to go, oh, that BB really sucked. And they start putting it on. And we watch the Democrats doing it where, like, they started reporting that AIPAC has too much influence on MSNBC.

Remember? Yes. I was like, Oh, so now you're getting out. Who's making it hard for Biden. And they're getting mad because it's screwing up the election for that. Look, I there,

There is no one who is ever getting elected to this largely symbolic office of president who isn't going to suck up to Israel and AIPAC. I mean, do people expect that? That is never going to happen. So what happens, and also a bunch of Zionists know this. I know for a fact because they go, yeah, he says he's going to help Israel. But how, like, there's a whole, like, Game of Thrones intrigue. Yeah.

There's also an audio recording or video even of him saying, F Benjamin, F fuck BB.

Right. Yeah. That Trump said that. So now what your theory is, they're all going to they're all going to make it look like it. Well, I mean, it is Bibi and the Likud. They don't like him in Israel. Also, he's a piece of shit. He was about to go down. Yes. Before before this unexpected attack. Yes. This unexpected attack that they made exactly about over a year. It was tragic. And I always say that. But in a way, it was good for Bibi Netanyahu, wasn't it? Because he clings on to power and whatever. So.

Yeah. Do you think it's killing now? They're going to have to get Yahoo and come on out of there. So do you think it's it? There's a. So this didn't happen when Trump was president. This this genocide.

Do you think it's because Trump would have been forced to deal like he he's one of these deal guys, but or or is that me just being crazy? Is that me just being naive and okay? Well if Biden because you can't just do that, you know, America is paying and even though you have too much power They don't have all the power right because America you're seeing people getting sick of this So it's a delicate thing that yet they have to do right and Biden Yeah, who is a doddering old senile imbecile that anyone could see if they're not stupid and

If I'm somebody like Netanyahu, a master criminal, that's a perfect time to start doing what I want, especially if I'm going to jail. What's this old idiot going to do? Nothing. That's what. So that, you know, Trump there and Biden, there's two different things on everything. Not that Trump necessarily is going to make a good decision, but Trump's present and you have to consider what he might do or say. Whereas a Biden, you know, and Kamala's will be a puppet for whoever, right?

Okay, no, I don't think of in terms of countries no more. There's no such thing as that It's just like that news. They're just like that thing. There's coalitions and Alliances between the power elite that cut across all the countries and whatever the real borders are I don't know what they are somebody who gets paid more than me knows the actual borders And I know the dumb ones we all see on the globe which are like four chumps. I I

You know, I just so I have this one theory, which I don't know how much I subscribe to it anymore, but was that Trump was being over the top in his rhetoric to create space so he could come in and enforce a deal.

And he also wanted the campaign donations from Adelson. Right. And so it's kind of like, I don't know if you remember, I remember them always talking about how, oh, only Nixon could go to China. Right. Like, and because he was such a, he spent his whole life red baiting everybody. And so that gave him the space to be able to do that. Right. And so I was thinking, well, maybe that's the,

thing with Trump that he's going so over the top, but he's want to come in and force a deal. And I don't, you know, who's the most likely, uh,

By the way, I want to just point out how profoundly wrong and evil it is that we all got to look at these people that are supposedly the leaders and try to guess their strategy. Why is it insane to say what you mean and mean what you say? That's like a form of sorcery, if you're honest. It's one of the craziest things you can do. So this is a repulsive system we live in. It's not good. It's not like a leader ain't going to save it.

What you're saying probably is right, but it could also not be right. There's nobody – RFK, you know, ain't going to do nothing if he were in. You know, Tulsi wouldn't do nothing. Kamala's going to do whatever the industrial complex and WEF want. Like, there's nobody that's going to say a thing that's the right thing about this who will be elected to a leadership position. Right.

uh, let's say best case scenario that Trump is somehow this secret hero that I will be delighted if that's the case. Okay. The net, there will not be an, you won't even have honest leaders until if he's on some kamikaze secret Q and on nonsense. If like, okay, maybe the next guy could speak honestly after, but you know, dude, this is not a, uh,

This whole empire is bad. It's a bad empire. And this is like, you're just looking at the evil of running it. You got to suck up the one guy over here and then do a different thing. And so the shoring rhetoric, like you're saying, then it makes it hard to go in the media and say, but he's not doing the thing because he's over the top saying how great Israel is. Candace Owens, by the way, by contrast, talking about the Frankists,

She's going to get anti-Semitic tags put on her, and she's not even talking about Jews. Why? Because she doesn't know how to really make it clear to some very neurotic people, I'm not talking about you, honey. It's okay. I know you're not the bad one. You know? Which you have to do because people have been conditioned to think that they're going to be killed. Well, here's the...

irony of all this, I guess, so I don't know, or the twist. I was talking with Russell Dobular today in Keaton, and they were saying

So there are two Jews and they were saying that Israel is going to collapse economically, that they already are, that their ports are empty and and that the brain there's a brain drain happening where all the people are already leaving. They're not going to stay. They were already going to leave before because they couldn't believe what he was doing with the court. And and so they are saying that it's going to collapse and that Zionism is a failed project. And I'm like, boy, that that seems to me.

That would be great because, you know, I mean, I'm not a supporter of Israel and all the Jews, most of the Jews I know don't feel like they need to have a state, an ethno state so they can feel safe. They're not safe in it. What do you mean? What's the safety? What are they safe?

I've always used problems. That's another point. Like now it's going to be the most unsafe place for them to be because of what's happened. Right. And so my, I would always say all the Jews I know live in Florida and New York and everywhere in Hollywood. They all feel very safe.

So this idea that you need to have that, and now what it's actually doing is creating a lack of safety for Jewish people around the world, Zionism. And they're not going to stand for that. I mean, I know Jews my whole life very intimately, and like...

They don't even, my ex-girlfriend, I used to joke, it was like dating Greta Thunberg if she was just mad about the temperature of the room she's in currently. Yes, yes. Like, they're not going to stand for that. And so all these old narratives are collapsing, man. And the thing is,

I don't just focus on Israel. I'm like, yo, look at America too. Cause we're the, we're the ones that allowed this to happen. And they're, they're just doing the stuff we did to get our great. There's big paintings of us chasing all the original people, the hell off the land. Okay. It's, it's actually Zionism. We were using Zionism ourselves. Well, I'm saying I didn't do nothing, but the founders, uh,

It's a great book because it's really good war propaganda, the entire Hebrew scriptures, and everybody around the world. King Charles, he's related to King David and Muhammad somehow. Lineage, that's what they claim. He goes all the way back to Muhammad. I don't think he really does, but that's like one of their PR, you know, make the empire together. So the good news is it sounds like the Zionist project is failing.

And that they're not going to collapse. The Soviet Union collapsed under its own weight. But but it's but it also seems like they have like Gaza is unlivable. They just flatten the whole place. And it's going to take, you know, it would take you 20, 30 years to rebuild Gaza.

And then you're still going to have problems because you're not going to end Hamas. The idea that they're going to end Hamas, and I don't believe they want to. How do you maintain that? The whole place is maintained by the fear of, oh, we're going to be killed unless this is a thing. So if you're going to be killed anyway, what do you give a shit? You're like, well, fuck this whole thing then if I'm not safe either way. That's what's happening. Yes. Also, they were saying today in the due dissonance that

what's going to probably happen is those Palestinians are going to be, America's going to bribe other countries like Egypt, Iran, Jordan to take them and they're going to bribe and they're going to get them out of there. And I'm like, wow, that is, oof.

But anyway... A Jew who lives in Iran, Jews that live in Iran are safer and happier than Jews who live in Israel. That's a fact. I didn't even know until Ari Shaffir told me. I know that there's... Yeah, that there's...

Lot of Jews in in Iran and I when I found that out it was shocked and they they have What are they have temples right? Well, what's that's the place of worship? They call them temples, right? Right? Yeah, okay Persia is the cradle of religion I don't know if you know that has that title because so many religions come out of Persia most of them actually almost really Yeah, most of them. Okay. So anyway, I

Good news, bad news, I guess. Good news, bad news. I don't expect any with these people tell the truth about anything. Like it was shocking when Trump said we got the oil in Syria, we're taking the oil. It's shocking. It's not like the normal thing for them to be upfront, honest. And by the way, if you're going to make a deal with this somehow,

What do you think? You're going to openly condemn Zionism? No. No one can do that and be elected to shit. Well, I don't know what people want. Well, I mean, I guess you want the violence to stop. I agree with that, but

Your leaders aren't able to do that. Look at the position that we're in. Everything runs on mail and evil and blood. You know, I was at a protest yesterday on Sunday here in Chicago for Palestine. And I was talking to some people who I said, well, they were there at the protest, too, in support of Palestinians and Palestine. And

I said, who are you going to vote for? They say Jill Stein. I go, well, what do you say to people who say, yeah, it's a vote for Trump? I go, that's a vote for Trump. And like half of them would go, yeah, I'll probably vote for Kamala. I swear to God, they cave like that. Yeah, well, that's years ago. Russell called it at the live show, the years of conditioning to like accept that puppet and to even like think about

I mean, like what to even think that that's an alternative, somebody that like who clearly is a puppet of a bunch of. But they think that she has good people around her. They thought I had good people around him. That's what they think. Well, it's like Jen Psaki, fun margarita type gals. They don't know anything. Russell was saying he was talking to some Kamala supporters and they didn't even know about her record as attorney general in California.

It's called mind control. We're all in. They didn't even know that she hid evidence that would exonerate people that she didn't. They didn't know that prison labor and the whole didn't know any of it. Yeah. Why would they? Why would they want to know anything beyond? I know this is who the. Yeah. You know, the herd of cow. I want to. How does. But how does she go from the most unpopular vice president in history to.

Now everybody's like, yeah, she's great. It's called mind control over the TV. They do Mockingbird still and all that stuff. And people mock. What we have been before and what we've been before. And just like they said, Hillary Clinton, remember they said Huffington Post, 95% guaranteed she's going to win. I think they're doing the same shit with Kamala. Well, they're lying. Look, all the polls, I don't know why you would trust a single one. I don't know why anyone acts like the polls...

Back in 2016, we learned that they lie to you. They're trying to create artificial hype. They're trying to do it with Mpox now. Oh, my God. It's like people buying views to start a YouTube channel. It's the same principle cuts across everything.

So the people that are still chained to the media where it tells them what they think, I guess, are going to be like that. It's not everybody. In fact, I don't think it's really most people. And the only reason I say that is because not enough people are doing well enough economically to make that happen.

Russell's pointed this out. You don't have enough middle class people to shut their mind off and not want to know. Too many people are getting fucked over for you to pull this off. Now the people that are going to blindly go to Kamala, they're shrinking. So the Democrats fuck themselves with that. So they're going to have to steal it, start a war, or kill Trump. I don't see any other option for them because she's not winning and there's no way she's going to win. I think they're going to steal it. I think they're going to steal it.

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- So Candace Owen is absolutely insane. - Okay. - Like off her bonkers. - Okay. - This is disgusting and absurd and needs serious pushback. - Did she say women have dicks? - Yeah. - A few moons ago, before they decided to establish Israel as a country, I know you've read like the short version in the classroom and it was like, oh, the Holocaust happened and then we realized that Israel needs to stay. No, that's not how it went down. That's not how it went down at the F all, okay?

Catholics and Christians were going missing on Passover. And then they would find bodies, okay, across Europe. And they were able to trace them back to Jews. Blood libel. There weren't Jews, okay? These were Frankists. And so just like Leo Frank killed Mary Fagan on Passover back in... Do you know what Frankists are? Yeah, that's the people that aren't Jews that use Jews. Basically, they used to make deals with the...

Even the Catholic Church, the Pope wasn't in on it. Like, there were crazy anti-Semite kind of bishops. And these Frankists that are like anti-Jews would conspire with them to kill Jews. And the Pope had to put a stop to the pogroms they caused. So you know how Christians are not a great... Oh, yeah. Okay. The Sabbateans are the first iteration of this. Sabbatai Zevi. And that's known as the biggest catastrophe in Judaism before the Holocaust. Right.

And that's when a fake Messiah came out and his whole thing was like a Rasputin. Like you have to sin for salvation. There's some nonsense where you're like, yeah, you gotta do really bad stuff. And then that will make the Messiah come faster. I mean, come to earth faster. Jesus. Yes. It was in Turkey. This guy was in Turkey and he took like,

50 to 60% of all the Jews at the time went along with this. The ones that, and the problem was back then so many Jews, you know, Jews have been persecuted so much. They had a thing of not kicking anybody out. Like we need every Jew we can get. And, um, so they, and so they let this guy, they didn't like say, Hey, you're not one of us. Cause it was like, we're going to be extinct. And then the, the, there was one guy that was like really a faithful like rabbi that saw through it the whole time. And I don't remember his name offhand, but, um,

It's funny. It turned against him a lot this guy and then it went then this dude sabotage Evie the Sultan in Turkey said oh you're the Messiah well I'm gonna shoot you full arrows and if you live we'll know you're divine and if not you'll and he goes you have to do that I'll convert to Islam and he did and so much like when Jesus was crucified that was a bit of an embarrassment for a Jewish messianic movement, which is what initially Christianity was and

And they had to explain how the Savior got crucified. And they did, I guess, a decent job because you still see it around now. This is even more embarrassing. Your Messiah turned Muslim. So the people that stuck with him were the people, if I had to guess, that were really into doing weird, gross stuff. Like how Aleister Crowley is like the anti-Muslim.

you know he he was uh he doesn't believe in the bible but he's he believes in the devil and he has to be the opposite but within the same thing that's what what these sabbatians are years later oh also they so what do they have what what do the sabbatians have to do with the frankophiles so the frankists jacob frank the guy's name is jacob frank and his daughter ended up being the new messiah in fact william brandeis of brandeis university family he

He had a locket of her. And around 1766 or 1666, I can't remember when,

He also, with Simon Weishaupt, helped found a Bavarian Illuminati, this guy. You're losing me. They're like devil worshiper fake Jews. They're not really Jews. But you know how you can't get out of it if you're Jewish? Like they'll say you're Jewish even if you're not. David Cross had a joke about like, I don't want to be in this. Like, I'm sorry, you're still a Jew. Okay. So imagine how Christians might have been hateful towards Jews in the past.

Imagine now these are way worse. They hate the Jews. They're anti-Jews. Sabbatean Frankists. And that's what David Icke's always talking about when he gets accused. He's like, I'm not talking about the Jews. Because he's not. The Jews get used and blamed by these people all the time. And it's a lot of really rich, powerful families. And so she's saying that Zionism are these...

These people, Frank, the Frank. So I don't know about, you know, it's so much history is involved. Like you could barely follow when I was just talking about it. So she's, she's probably looking at this the same as me. And I don't know that thing she said about the murders that might've happened. Frank is her pieces of shit. But because if someone, no one knows about this, really, they're going to, they're going to go, Oh, this is, it does sound crazy, but.

Go look at how we starved half a million kids in Iraq and what's her name said it was worth it. Right. Why would it be out of the realm of possibility at all that a small group of people does thrill kills when all your leaders cackle about the murders they do in front of your face? That's what I always ask people. They go, that's conspiratorial. Have you been around for the last 20 years and watch what they do openly? You don't think they do stuff privately?

All right, let's listen to this again. I'll start from the top. They decided to establish Israel as a country. I know you've read like the short version in the classroom and it was like, oh, the Holocaust happened and then we realized that Israel needs to stay. No, that's not how it went down. That's not how it went down at the F all, okay? So I at least know that. I know that. I used to think that the Holocaust happened and then they were like, oh, we need to give Israel state. That is not.

I know that Zionism goes back into the 1800s. So yeah. Yeah. Are Christians here that are the Christian Zionists? So you're Pat Robertson people and you're all the eighties that if you look at religious channels now, they condemn them. Prosperity gospel. Maybe you've seen. Yes. That's all part of the same group. It's fake. A lot of it's Intel agency connected. The thing where she should like,

What I would include with what she's saying, because it sounds like she's picking on. It sounds great. Keep in mind, this is also how America was founded. Like before we pick on Israel too much, America is also founded on a genocide by the genocides done by a weird club called Freemasons. And remember Kanye wore a crown of thorns. It was blasphemy. There's a painting of George Washington in the rotunda where he's God.

Okay. That's not blasphemy. Yeah. The rotunda in the Capitol building. Okay. And there'll be, that was just symbolic. Okay. Well, Kanye was just symbolic with his dumb thing. So she's Catholic. So what happens is if you're going to come where you show favoritism to one of these sides,

And you have to understand all these factions vying for power in the world. They're going to tell you the worst stuff about the enemy. Like if I don't like China, I'm going to tell you what's bad about China. Right. Somebody from China is going to tell you how America is bad. And if you only come from that perspective and don't understand the whole thing is like that, it's going to sound like you're just being crazy. But the whole thing is like that. It's not just Israel. America itself, if anyone's being reasonable, look at the history, is founded by some pretty strange people.

Okay, all right, so let's let's let's let me get through this moons ago before they decided to establish Israel as a country I know you've read like the short version in the classroom and it was like oh the Holocaust happened and then we realized that is really to say no That's not how it went down. That's not how it went down at the F all okay Catholics and Christians were going missing on Passover and then they would find bodies okay across Europe and they were able to trace them back to Jews blood libel and

There weren't Jews, okay? These were Frankists. And so just like Leo Frank killed Mary Fagan on Passover back in 1913 or 1914, I can't remember the exact date, he did it during Passover for a reason. This Frankist cult, which is masquerading behind Jews, still participates in this shit to this day, okay? Why would you want, as a small nation that is the size of

New Jersey, okay, why would you want the pedophiles to flee there? Why would you want the pedophiles to be procreating? Hmm, unless the nation of Israel may have been established by some Frankists. And it's looking like Theodore Herzl's family was from the exact same area in Moravia and in Bohemia where the Frankist cult was founded.

Crazy, crazy when you get into his family that like maybe Theodore Herschel who wrote in a book that he didn't care how many Jews had to die for him to get the state of Israel, like maybe

He was not actually a Torah-worshiping Jew. I don't know. I'm just throwing out some ideas here. And by throwing out some ideas, I mean I've read a ton of books and I figured it out, okay? I am just so over the idea that Israel is our ally. If another person says that stupid statement, I'm going to personally punch you in the face. I am. It's going to be me. That's a joke. Don't take this video off of Twitter. Wink.

So what she's looking at one small piece of the puzzle and and like blown away by it, but like yo go look at the family again I don't know about those crimes and stuff. I never heard of it. I know Herzl was not he was secular Okay, he was not a Torah, you know, you don't have to be to be to go to Israel You don't have to be a Torah observing Jew. I know Chabad is a critical cult

So she's saying, so let me just get clarity of what she's saying. She's saying that Israel was founded by Frankists. Is that what she's saying? Right. And they were somehow, and what's the connection to pedophilia? Well, Frankists did that. It's an inversion of, it's like if you were doing Satanism as an inversion of Catholicism, it's an inversion of the Torah. So don't have sex with your kids. That's a thing in the Torah. Well, we're going to do that.

We're going to eat bacon and molest kids. You know, you're supposed to not do that. If you're an observant Jew, you're not supposed to molest kids. A lot of it goes to Kabbalah and stuff. And that stretches into all the religions. But she's kind of telling like those sound like the sensational parts of the story. I don't know whether they're true or not, the murder thing. But if you're going to tell just that part of it, you're leaving like huge chunks of things out.

And you're also implicating other countries you might like when you're doing that. So according to Wikipedia, it says Frankism, also known as the Zulkerist sect, was a Sabbatean religious movement that originated in the 18th and 19th centuries in Podolia, Poland. The movement was named after its founder, Jacob Frank.

charismatic figure who rejected Jewish norms and preached that his followers should transgress moral boundaries. Yeah, that's Frank. Frank is an incorporated aspects of Christianity and Judaism. And at its height, it had around 50,000 followers, primarily Jews living in the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, Central Europe and Eastern Europe. Frank is believed that Frank,

was the reincarnation of the messianic soul and adopted his antinomic doctrine that the Messiah must go into exile, which they understood as conversion to another religion. This is to make up for Sabbatai Sevi converting to Islam and explain why it was okay. And I think all the shapeshifter stuff you hear sounds like it's based on this because changing your religion back then would be like turning into a lizard, you know?

So this is wild, says Frank's heretical doctrines included deifying himself as part of a trinity and other controversial concepts such as neocarpocratian purification through transgression. Yeah, like Rasputin used to say.

I don't know any Jewish authorities in Poland excommunicated Frank and his followers. Frank was freed by the Russians in 1773 and eventually settled in Offenbach, where he dubbed himself barren and was supported by his many followers. After Frank's death in 1791, he was succeeded, succeeded by his followers.

daughter Eve who eventually spent all the money that the Frankists had given her and was arrested for bankruptcy. I didn't know. She died in 1816 and the sect deteriorated rapidly. Descendants of those members who were baptized merged with the Roman Catholic population.

Well, they can change religion at will. So it's no big deal there. So imagine, you know, there's this cycle of a victim and perpetrator thing. And it's like a gain of function research in a way. And it creates worse and worse viruses.

And so that's what, that's how this got created. Um, they didn't say in there is he, I believe he renounced that at the end of his life. Actually, the whole thing, his daughter was like, no, I'm the Messiah and still had followers. And, and it's, you can look it up. William Brandeis had a locket with her picture in his, uh, really? Yeah. So the, the big lie is that these things go away. This,

Hey, there is no mafia. Just remember they always said there was no mafia. And you were crazy. Yeah. Okay, look, if you're some scumbag who's into really perverse things and there's a religion for you that's teaching you, you're actually courageous. You're a courageous soul doing evil to lead others to the light. You see how that could be attractive when there are lots of perverts in the world who maybe want to have a spirituality? Yeah.

And so that exists. And I mean, it exists a lot, but it's not just a Jewish sect. There's a Christian. There's a bunch of them together. It really, at the end of the day, it's like a branch of the secret Scientology of the ultra wealthy. What is their secret thing that they're into? You know, like Scientology. Scientology is a knockoff, okay, of those mystery religions that go back to Egypt.

And so that's what these people are in. And it's a bunch of people think that they go back to Atlantis. I view them as how Elizabeth Warren says he's Cherokee. Like, I don't think, I don't think they go back to Atlantis personally. I'm just telling you what this is called the old religion and the old religion is encompasses. We get Mark Passio on. He can explain a lot of this because he was a, I told you priest in the church of Satan. Not now, but he explains how they think and what their deal is. It's not like pulp fiction stuff. I mean, there's murders and stuff, but,

People don't realize what a cult is. And if you look at Edward Bernays or all the politics we watch or Kamala making a, I don't know if she's doing this intentionally, but look like the Baphomet when she go, what can be and what isn't, you don't have to worry about. She kept making this, you know, again, could be a coincidence, but this kind of stuff is embedded in everything. And especially in our governments, all those guys were Freemasons. That's a fact.

Now, if you want to debunk, they go, well, they're just in a fraternal order of guys that get dressed up in a weird thing and do a weird ceremony. Okay. Why are they doing that though? Why, why did they do that at all? That's very strange.

I don't care if you call it, call it whatever the hell you want. Call it the best friends, fun adventure club, like South park. As soon as you got a fraternal order, a real ritual, weirdos outside and no one gets to know what they're doing. Guess what they're going to do the same thing. Every goddamn time they're going to molest kids. They're going to do weird, weird things that kill people. They're going to get into a, you know, like magic, how lots of rich people love magic. Right.

So let me, so Candace Owen says, I don't know who needs to hear this, but demanding, so a lot of people were demanding that she get kicked off Twitter and censored. Did you see that? I saw that. I'm sure they were because she said blood libel. She said that very badly. She was like, oh, blood libel. Yeah. But I tried to get some screenshots, but I'm new to using Google Slides and I couldn't figure out, it kept not working.

So she says, I don't know who needs to hear this, but demanding I get censored, mass reporting my YouTube channel, harassing family members and work colleagues, plus launching smears is sort of kind of maybe proving my exact point. Well, I didn't know what the point was. I don't know what the point is either. So here. So this guy says, let me let me let me bring this down. Can you bring this down? Make it smaller. Oh, here we go. Yeah.

So this guy, John Jackman, says Candace Owens is lying to you. The Bolsheviks and Israel are the opposite in every single way. The Bolsheviks were for debt cancellation and freeing the nation from the grip of Internet. But that's not what she's really talking about here, right? No, she well, she on on your show.

On my show, she was saying that. And she said that they invented the concentration camp. No, that's not true. Cecil Rhodes and the gang did that in South Africa during the Boer War. I'm right about that. I think some viewers wrote that comment. Yeah, I looked that up and you were right about that. So where she's coming from, she converted to Catholicism, I think, fairly recently. And I've been noticing a thing where when people convert to a religion...

Um, they find all this bad stuff about somebody else's religion. And, um, you might want to take a look at your own thing because you can't, you know, one thing I've learned from studying this stuff and that's why commies love the dialectic, you know, which isn't a cult thing, by the way, that's true. It's from the occult, but it's, it's a car. It's like,

These things happen like in a function, like there's all these pressures and it keeps it's like an arms race and you get these terrible things out of all these these crimes, all these groups do like religions that are like satanic to use a catch all phrase. It's just the Jesuits are a creepy as CIA of the Catholics and they're into some bad stuff. So, for example, you had that guy exposing Sound of Freedom.

Right? Yeah. That guy exposed that. Boy, what a great, that was great because that dude's preying on Christians. I see him pop up on other things and Christians fall for it.

They fall for it like they fall for Nigerian email scams. And like whatever the thing is you believe in, if you're Bolshevik, you should look at the worst of your own thing and put it in a context with what everyone else is saying. And then you'll see it really isn't about these labels of these religions at all. She didn't say the Jews. So that's not anti-Semitic. She said they were hiding behind the Jews. The way she's explaining it.

People have a wall of like what Jewish space lasers. People are waiting to say Jewish space lasers to you.

when you explain things like an idiot. And I'm not calling her an idiot. She's smart. But that's like a bad, giddy way to explain that. I mean, I'm not much better at explaining stuff. But I know that I'm not like, America's going to triumph and we're going to be the good. As soon as people have that base belief, it's like, why bother doing research, dude? You're already screwed. You're already suckered. You've already been suckered. You've got to look at the whole thing. Okay.

Okay, and so what does that mean, MISO? Can you tell me what that means? Hey, how are you doing? Good to see you. I'm asking her about her protest. It's my protest. Oh, this is your protest? Oh, no kidding. What does MISO stand for? These are the abortion pill protocol. Oh, is that what that is? One Mifepristone pill, four misoprostol pills. And we want people to understand how medication abortion works.

I don't understand how it works. It basically, you take the pill, it ends the pregnancy and then

It expels it. Basically, it expels your uterine lining. Is that like the morning after pill? No, that's the common misnomer. The morning after pill is not an abortion because it stops a pregnancy from implantation into the uterus. Where this is, if you are pregnant in America, up until 10 and a half weeks, you can take this pill regimen. And basically, it just brings on a spontaneous miscarriage.

So now that bill is still legal, right? In America or no? Not in several states. Really? Yeah. It's been banned in 14 states. And in many states it's highly restricted. But you can get it mailed to your house if you live in any state in America. Okay. All right. And so you're just out there trying to raise awareness about that? Okay. Sure. And so can you... You're a non-profit, right? Yes. So you can't talk... I can't talk about it. You can't talk about it. I know. Okay. No. So we're here. What I can say...

It's really important for us to be in spaces and talk to politicians who have taken a line that is, I'll quote, pro-choice, and to say that

When you speak of access to abortion in ways that feel stigmatizing, one of the things that we as activists around abortion access were very disappointed in Joe Biden is that he really separated out abortion and made a lot of people who have abortions feel like

You know, there's a kind of abortion that's tolerated instead of honoring everyone's reasons, which should be valid. So we are here to educate people who are woefully mistaken. Like even you thought, right? So for us to recenter it in a way that's goofy, dress up people, we're going to sing later, and pass out flyers that tell people literally the facts.

and then tell them where they can get it. Like that's our role, you know? Okay. Yeah, so I can't really talk about the election or anything. The election, yeah. Can you talk about the Democrats and the Supreme Court? Well, here's the thing. What I feel about when it comes to this issue, I think that I would like to hold Democrats accountable.

making this only a Trump problem, making this only a Supreme Court problem because I mean I've been an activist for 40 years on this issue and this is an issue that

Putting your head in the sand and not helping and realizing the long game that extremists had is part of the reason we got here. Sure, Trump's shitty Supreme Court nominees that also got us here, but everyone who wasn't looking at the long game has a hand in it and we don't fix shit unless everybody takes some responsibility for how we got here in this fight. So, you know, it's part of the reason

-We're at the Democratic National Convention is that if we have an opportunity to talk to any elected official here who would have any kind of power to think about what we do, I don't want anybody who has an abortion to get criminalized. That's not what we do. It's not what we should be doing. -And so you were aware that when Barack Obama ran his first time, he said codifying Roe versus Wade was his number-one issue, and then as soon as he got elected, he goes, "It's not my priority." So is there a lot of resentment about that?

Codifying Roe v. Wade, the only way you can codify Roe v. Wade is by getting the ERA passed. So what I say is I didn't start my organization, I started my organization during Barack Obama, but I started it because

from Democrats were going to codify Roe v. Wade as though Roe v. Wade was something that would solve everything. The way Roe v. Wade was argued, and the same Democrats now when they say restore Roe, like I hear that now. And for me, restoring Roe is the floor

because how Roe v. Wade was argued allowed for all of these subsequent court cases to chip away at it and to finally have it overturned, right? And so I don't really... Do I think politicians are going to help do this? I think if a politician is actually making pro-abortion policies, policies of which there are, but we started this because we watched the states eroding this, and we knew...

The activists we were working with in Mississippi and Arkansas and Alabama and Oklahoma and the 35 states that we've traveled to, we have seen

how a court system has been set up for years. Again, it's for years, right? Been set up to let laws go, weave through the most extremist places and get to the most extremist Supreme Court, and then here we have this thing. So, you know, we want people to understand that if you're not paying attention locally all the way, that you're going to end up in a way, you're going to end up in a place, you're going to get the government you want, or the government that you...

So do you consider yourself, you're for bodily autonomy? Yes. And would you still consider yourself pro-choice? I think pro-choice is loose teeth because until everyone has the choice to make the decision for themselves because we live in a society that values all pregnancies and what I mean by that is if a 16-year-old's pregnant and their value system says...

I would like to have this child because that's my value system, then I believe that we should be able to be providing for that person if they need means. Subsequently, if a 35-year-old has two kids and really doesn't have the means to support another child, we should honor that person's ability to have an abortion. Okay. The reason I ask you is because I noticed a switch

Maybe it's not, maybe my observation isn't correct, that people who used to call themselves pro-choice have during COVID switched to be calling themselves pro-abortion. It's not during COVID, it's been a long game of people fundamentally, activist organizations who have helped people learn why pro-choice was lacking as a term. So often in this movement, we have taken language, absorbed language,

just that we didn't even create ourselves or or just people who are to use your term pro-choice um decided that felt okay decided that saying pro-choice was somehow not saying the word abortion and how do you defend abortion if you can't say the word i believe abortion is a moral good i always have this organization has always said the word abortion look at our shirts abortion we have had it everywhere and we always have

You know, we have a whole training series to help people along the various paths to become better activists. So that's interesting because you're educating me because I was going around saying that there's nobody's pro-abortion. Right. I'm wrong about that. Right. You are pro-abortion. 100%. And why wouldn't someone be pro-abortion? Okay. Okay.

Unless you were taking in some of the stigma that had you have a yes but or a yes and or I'm okay with it in this circumstance because I get to be the judge of how somebody else gets to decide on what their life is going to be.

I got, that ain't my role. I always considered myself pro-choice, meaning I might have qualms with abortion, but I don't want the government getting in between a doctor and a woman who's pregnant. And I want them to make the decision. I don't want the government. But if you have qualms, then you're still buying into some societal bullshit around abortion.

whatever your personal qualms are around abortion, that means that you think that there's a set of circumstances that you're not okay with it.

But I don't think I need, but there are, but I don't think I should get to impose. That's my business. My business is not to impose it on someone else. That's between someone else and their doctor. That's how I look at it. But if you have this, yeah, but I have these feelings, then you're not going to truly be an advocate to make sure everybody has the freedom to have an abortion.

And that's how we got here because when people say, I'm pro-choice, but it's like, oh, there's another person who's not going to prioritize it, who doesn't give a fuck, who completely doesn't understand what it means to stand in the way of somebody who needs that care. So I would ask you to reevaluate that. Maybe I am. What is your message to someone like me? The message is if you have qualms,

on some level around abortion. Examine what that is. Talk to me or someone else about where your feelings are about it so that I can at least have a full conversation with you

about those poems because it says to me you haven't had a real conversation that is that centers the totality of what an abortion experience could be for someone well i'd like to i'd love to have you on the show and we can talk about i have a real longer conversation if you're up for that yeah okay yeah because i i do need to yeah i do need to have a conversation about this

Well, I learned a lot, actually. I didn't know that. And now I was wrong. There are people who are pro-abortion. And she's all about it. You've got to be pro-abortion. You can't be pro-choices too wishy-washy. I thought that was the gold standard. I'm learning. I didn't know. But I still have qualms about abortion. Totally. But I think it's not...

I don't want a government person in between a doctor and pregnant women. I want them to work that shit out themselves. That's what I think. I trust pregnant women to do what's the right thing. I don't think it's my place to tell them what to do. Or the government, for sure. Hey, become a premium member. Go to Sign up. It's the most affordable premium program in the business.

Don't freak out. Don't freak out. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. Don't freak out. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't freak out. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't.

Do not freak out.