cover of episode Trump Admits Venezuela Unrest Is About Taking Their OIL! w/ Anya Parampil

Trump Admits Venezuela Unrest Is About Taking Their OIL! w/ Anya Parampil

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Anya Parampil
Patrick Courrielche
特朗普:在特朗普卸任后,他曾抱怨委内瑞拉总统马杜罗仍在执政,这使得美国无法控制委内瑞拉的石油供应。他认为,如果委内瑞拉政权垮台,美国就能控制其丰富的石油资源。 帕拉姆皮尔:她认为特朗普政府对委内瑞拉实施制裁的真正目的是为了制造不稳定,以便美国能够接管该国并窃取其自然资源。她指出,美国政府曾被警告说,制裁会加剧移民危机,但他们仍然继续实施制裁,因为他们认为这会对委内瑞拉政府施加更多压力。她还批评了媒体对委内瑞拉选举的报道,认为媒体报道存在偏见和不实信息。她详细阐述了美国长期以来试图通过经济手段和颜色革命来推翻委内瑞拉政府的企图,以及美国对委内瑞拉反对派的支持,最终目的是为了控制委内瑞拉的石油资源。她还指出了委内瑞拉政府试图遣返其公民的努力,以及由于美国不承认委内瑞拉政府的合法性而导致的委内瑞拉公民无法获得领事服务的困境。她认为,美国的两党都对委内瑞拉的政策负有责任,并且这种政策既损害了委内瑞拉人民的利益,也损害了美国人民的利益。她还强调,美国对委内瑞拉的干预并非出于对人权或民主的真正关心,而是为了获取石油资源。她呼吁美国停止干涉委内瑞拉的内政,让委内瑞拉人民自己解决问题。 帕拉姆皮尔进一步指出,委内瑞拉的选举制度具有多重保障措施,可以防止舞弊,但反对派仍然声称选举舞弊,这反映了美国长期以来对委内瑞拉的敌对政策。她还批评了美国媒体对委内瑞拉的报道,认为这些报道存在偏见,并且其目的是为了煽动社会动荡,以便美国能够窃取委内瑞拉的石油。她认为,美国对委内瑞拉的制裁导致了严重的贫困和物资短缺,而这正是美国制造社会危机并以此为借口进行政权更迭的策略。她还强调,如果美国真的关心委内瑞拉人民的福祉,就不会采取这种会加剧贫困和物资短缺的政策。

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he could see a side two were a bean, Chicago, grand Rapids, Michigan, Delufe, Georgia right outside of Atlanna, Jacksonville, Florida, Tempy, Arizona and Burbank, California go to Jimmy door .com for link for those tickets, we have special guest with the Sonia parampel is a watchin dc base journal is contributed to the gray zone shes producerreported several documentaries, including on the ground reports from the Korean, peninsula balance time, venuswela and Honduras her recent book right, there is corporate kuvenaswayla and the end of usm ire is currently ranked number one on Amazon in the Venice wailin history category so congrats are that welcome back this show happy to be here Jimmy so i wanted to play you a few clips and then i want to get your reaction to it the first one is Donald Trump said this uh on the campaign trail this year im pretty sure is when he said?

this lets lets listen veniswela how about we buying oil from venuswella?

when i left venusweella was ready to collapse, we would have takeed it over we would have done that well!

it would have been right dixstore now correct me fine wrong on you, but my interpretation of what he just said is the reason why were putting sanctions on Venus waila and were undermining uh the economy is to create a instability so that we could take over the country and still their national natural natural resources the way the economic hit man and the United States have always done it is that are you read that absolutely and its even come out now in the watching to compost this past week that Trump the Trump administration was warned by treasury officials into other experts that if they continued with the sanctions package that they unleashed in 2019 that it would inflame a migrant crisis and further destabilize the country and John bolden actually。

went on the record in that article, claiming that he thought that was the plus to the regime change gambit because it would make would put more pressure on the government in than as wayla, so thats pretty cynical in my opinion considering that the border and uh, my grants are one of the main main a campaign issues that Trump has harked on kind of us blaming it all on Biden, but yeah, Biden did issue temporary protected status for Venus whaling migrance, which attracted them here, but the the demolition of Venus whales economy absolutely occurred under Obama and then Trump and Bolton himself crafted many of those sections packages actually fought with Steve minution the treasure secretary to get them pushed through and at the time openly admitted yes, we would love to get us companies back in there to exploit bonus wailon oil and and so when people see well?

i i see protesters in Venice wailly, i those they all cant be being paid and things like that i hear people say and see them on twitter and theres a lot of people who opposing uh so what, what would you agree with that well, yeah thats because the United States has been manufacturing economic pain in that country, so they would foment that on rest so then they could have a color revolution, so that we could then install a puppet, so then we could then steal the oil that that would be the logical conclusion correct yes?

and this is something that i get the damaris she is an analyst for the economist e intelligence unit, which is an offshoed of the economist magazine she actually did a segment or an interview body year ago or maybe more with matt dust the former for in policy adviser to Bern 宜 sanders in which she admitted all of this, she said you know its trickybecauseon one hand the sanctions are designed to make people feel uncomfortable, so that they rise up and over through their government but on the other hand, we really dont want people to suffer so its like well, when is it?

which one is it so um and thats re i mean to me that really letting the cat out of the bag so i mean that this is a this is a kind of why they hate Donald Trump not because its because helets you know the actual game that everybodys playing and thats thats the actual game that everybodys playing right now advanced whether thats weve been playing that sense at least two thousand for the last over two decades we weve been trying to ever sense a java decided to keep the oil and keep for his own people in a sense the prophets of the oil and give it to his own people weve been trying to find a way to get rid of that guy or those people who want to do that it was a shove as a nameduro and we want to find a way to exex put in a puppet like one Guido and exploded that thats really why they hate Donald Trump because he just says it right, yeah!

hesays it and on the other hand he also, i think based on his own instings would probably be someone that would sit down and talk to majoro directly those are the that the sense that i got of of Trump based on reading the memoirs of his officials, such as jumble in Mike Pompeo, they said that Trump basically viewed majoro as a tough guy that we all know that is something Trump kind of response to in respects, and he repeatedly asked to sit down with maduro and solve these issues directly of course, theres the corporate financial deep state, but he went along with ultimately with Pompeo and Bolton but then there is that for in lobby that we have to worry about not the isrealabi in this case necessarily that range supreme, but the Cuba, Venus waila expa community in Florida, which basically uses its base there to hold our government hostage and pressure our officials to use our tax pair dollars and if Maria Cranemachado one of the leading opposition figures had her way, shes called for us military intervention in Venus Willa they would spill us blood as well to to return themselves to power in Ben as wailer so thats the issue here is that these are people who come here and claim that there are Americans wanting to participate in our mock rec, but then actually, they are mainly interested in trying to return to power back and their homeland even if that means killing their compageriates and spillingus blood, as well so its a very cynical game and thats why the Venice willing opposition figures in the shadow government recognized by by the us had lobid for so long they 拒 Trump to issue temper temporary protectedstatus to Venus wail in migrants he resisted Biden did that, but the goal was to bring even more people here so that they could webanize them against are system and say look e theyre voting now here in Florida, new York, and wherever and now you have to pander to this base that in order to have a voice here is saying we need regime change back home and know i was impressed i mean youre creating an incentive even for people to come here and this the talk about how they were mister or you know makeup stories in order to get a style and status when youre when yougiving them that kind of a benefit through the immigration system, then is wailance who come here able to work without a green card and our faster citizenship banks to the bind administration and theyre here in the first place thanks to the sanctions that was put on by the Donald Trump so that this this is really a byte partison!

a screwing of not only Venice waila。

but are immigration policy yeah to screw its screws the us worker to at the end of the day it seems that no one cares about the American people that are here and no one cares about the Venice wailings that are at home its, its, its a nasty policy and actually, the Venice wailen government has an official policy to repatriate there citizens because in many cases, thousands of people left and went to Colombia and Peru and Argentina Chile and found out oh, i thought i lived in a socialist helwhole, but it turns out these capitalist paradises in black America arent so great either and so the Venice willing government with the cooperation of those other governments actually has charted planes to bring back hundreds almost thousands of of Venus wailen migrants from Latin America back to Venus waila because they actually wanted to go home and i recently i did an interview event with the current benefit for in ministrybongil in New York and he said his government because the bind administration refuses to recognize its legitiacy has been unable to implement a similar program in the United States, which the government would actually like to try to do give people the opportunity to return can can you imagine that that the Venice way on government would actually like to give some people the chance to return and not to mention the fact that they dont have an embassy here because of this recognition of a shadow government, theres no functioning Venus wail in consulate the embacy and dc, thats completely md, so people come here as migrants, and then they dont even have a way to get services from their country to to get visas or anything that has to do with going back home so its a pretty dark picture at the moment so if you are a conservative voter or a voter who votes on the idea of immigration。

youd you should be upset a dialtrump for what he just said you should be upset at him for imposing sections on Venice way, led may and destabilizing that country uh because that led to sum up some were around 7 million Venice wailance, leaving Venice waila and most of them coming to the United States yep and theres just not a good option because then on the other hand。

you have the buy in administration that openly encourages this migration Trump maybe doesnt more suddenly by by overseen the control, demolite of the economy but still running a hardline on the border still people came but not as much it, so it is this symbiotic relationship between the democrat and Republican Party so i dont play one more heres here Donald Trump talking about Syria what was the?

what was the big goal in Syria uh were keeping the oil we have the oil the oil is secure we left behind only for the oil you im know linguistics expert!

but it sounds like hes trying to send us a message here uh effect fine one word that keeps repeating and coming up i mean Donald Trump loves oil more more than hunter Biden at a message parlor and my right come on yeah!

i mean lets not forget that he originally selected Rex Tillerson the former ceo of x on to be his secretary of stage oh, thats right Tillerson was one of the most aggressive when it came to Venus whale, because exon had a huge state in the country before chavaz and actually battled legally uh then as wayless attempt to nationalize, its wail reserves throughout the early two thousands and the individual who litedthat case on behalf of x on Carlos Vehio is now the us urvenus wayless usambassador recognize under the shadow regime, so thats why i just call it all a corporate who because all of the figures involved in the ku were actually agents of foreign capital and ultimately corporations any based in United States in Europe why do you think Trump gets a pass from his voting base on things like this?

just think they dont know i mean how many people know anything about Venice waila other than its a communist or socialistictatorship i think now can you it it what when when Americans say their communus so they are to me they turn to me when i they i hear Americans when they say oh the memorles a communist they they quit communist with being like Hitler right its but what what he really is is he anything like that?

is he really addictator is he anything like a like a a thoretarian ruler?

or is he just a guy you decided to keep the oil prophets for his own people spend most of it on the poor and raised them out of poverty what we am im pointing to too rosy of a picture?

no, i mean thats definitely what the a a traffismo and the ballvarian revolution that that was the whole point of it was lets get the imf out of our domestic policy and get four incorporations out of our national industry uh?

when it comes to labeling Venus will a communist or socialist theres something else that Americans might not understand, which is theniswayliisnowayanything like the soviet union or even Cuba its far more restrained in its brand of socialism it labels itself socialist but really only twenty five percent of its its economy is controlled by the private sector if you go to Venus wailer?

you mean controlled by the government yes!

OK, you see government yeah so if you go to Venus wailon your sang in hotels and eating in restaurants and going shopping in stores everything that youdealing with is operated by the private, the private sector, the Oligarkey and the government, the pimes are i meant i guess i meant to say the public sector earlier if i didnt that they operate 2025 percent and that is what that what that means is that they own the industry like they dont own everything they dont control everything in in the country i think they learn the lessons of previous models that theres no, theres no way that you can just come in immediately and control every aspect of an economy and its actually good to have small businesses and a free market but they run into issues then because when these sanctions came down some of the oligarchy that was still at Warva, Shivawhen controlled supermarkets and a lot of the import lines actually began hoarding goods and there was a period where the government would raid warehouse is full toilet paper and fill filt folds with medicine because the private sector which again controlls the vast majority of the economy was herding, were herding goods in order to make the government look bad and you know they came out of that period of of mass shortages but again the the sanctions have provided place in it still it, it still you know tiring to live under sections so uh, it doesnt surprise me that certain segments of the population might be be exhausted at this point thats thats the goal thats the goal of the agenda so let me play you this um this video has been going around um!

theygonna break it down to the out 我 gonna let you know im here with on your parampel and the this video its about five minutes long i wanna play for you and get your eaction to it and you tell me what it got right what it got wrong from your perspective but its basically telling you that the media is almost a hundred percent line to you about whatsapening in Venus wailer and the reason why is because the economic hit men that wanna foment discord by a through economic pain and Venice whale as so, there will be unrest so they can then install a puppet so they can then steal the oil are the same people who run the us media OK?

so lets why this is very interesting the media is lineto about venuraila by now youprobably seen the videos of people in venusraila protesting turingdownstatues, burning banners of the current president and blocking venues Whales main airport theyre protesting because Venus whale just had an election and the countries electoral 30 announceentics majoro the Candidof the United socialsport beat the right wing opposition candidate moon docensolas for monthstheoppositions, said theyre only respect the election results if they want and sure enough, they immediately, said the election was fragilant after they lost, so whats there evidence the first thing they say is that theyve collected 73 percent of the voting pressing paper results in that the paper results dont match to electronic results for those you dont know finiswells voting systems design with multiple controls to prevent fraud theres a toast of voting process first, where the voter has to produce his or her national id card and scan their finger electronic vote, and then the second part the paper ballet where the voter receives the paper seeded their vote, which they dropinto a ballot box creating two tales, which can be checked against one another, one electronic and one paper the opposing candidates each of witnesses in the presinks for the counting of the paper balance to check against the electronic tali that gets released by the electoral thirty there were also over nine hundred election observers from 95 different countries present and if you look at the reports from Sunday, people were overwhelmingly reporting a calm workly process at the voting stations the opposition is claiming that they already have three quarters of the paper valles collected, but they havenactually produced any of them so until that happens its just talk another talking point the media has been running with is this all that allegivenlyshows edmoon dogan sales winning by over thirty percent the poolsmen said by the Washington post, the walstrejournal royders and seemingly shows that the results being reported dont match what voters were saying as they relieving the poles they only promise this the pulling from their siding is basically arm of the us government as research done by Ben Norton over at the geopolitical commurable shows the polling from Edison research Countimen its topclientsvoice of America radio free, Europe radio Liberty and the middle is broadcasting neworks all of which are us state own media that were created to the seventy pro usmessaging in the respective regions theyallworking of the us agency for global media, which is a us government agency and its website says that the media outlets serve quote the longarange interests the United States also a legal in venuswhale, so they did this outsight the law with no way of crosschecking it us policy towards Venus whale has been incredibly hostoff the last years, so its artively than a pulling from whose whole business models based on conducting poles for us state media would suddenly turn out a poll completely contradicting the us narrative, but by forthemost telling aspect of all, this is that the Venice one on opposition, said they were going to recognize the election results way before the election even started in a video interview with the financial times on monthbefore the election, a position leader market said that they expected to win by a landslide, but that if they didnt, it could only be because majoro committed fraud and thats exactly what were seeing now finish railselectural 30 supposed of SEMI 二 hoursto release the four results but the opposition design within one hour, the declare to illegitimate and within twelve hours they were staging in insurrection the us did the same thing to almost immediately after vote started being tallied Antony blink in the us secretary of state, immediately try to cast out on the electron results this becse a question how could you officials have known their position on the election before was even finished and the answer is there are other minds made up they were going to clear the election fragile no matter what in fact if the us respected the ocumove, the selection it would be the exception to the rule in 2019 Avenue Politiciename Doneguido Claimed he should be the real president of Venuslaila after niclassmajora onethe election in 2018 Guido was basically unknown in venusweon politics prior was declaration and wasneven a candid in the 2018 election and yet despite this, the truck administration push this for a diculous idea that he was actually the president of Venus whale the us not only melt with Guido like he was the president they also handnum state assets like sitego and the venuswell embacy, while they funded extreme right when opposition groups in venusraila and openly calls for the overthrow the elected government in 2022, the bushing ministration back the cool against finish one on president ugo chaves who would be done redistributing oil revenue from venuswell state owned oil company from the rich to the poor usleadersmet with the couplodders who were hanpixedges of the Venice way on the leet and openly endorseku during the brief couple days when the ku manger said taken power, theres great documentari about the two thousand two cooled, the revolution will not be televised, which you should all watch this, all becse another question why does the us want to overthrow the venuswling government and the simple answer is venuswhale has the largest petroleimreserves in the world for the longest time, Venus whales oil was there for the rich to plunder the Venice Wells in multinational corporations treated Venus Wells oil sector like a personal pickybank, while the venuswong people lived in absolute poverty this went on until Ugochaveas a socialist when the 190 election and decided that Venus Wells well should be enjoyed by the venuswell people, not the lead or form corporations both the two two attempt in the 29 co 诱 attempt were directly tied oil in fact in one interview during the 29 coo attempt downlotrums, national security advisorjohn Bolton openly stated that he wanted to see us oil companies take over venuswelse energysector is so if you think of a company like cico?

which is owned by petavasa, which is the state run oil company there in Venus whale?

we have a lot of those Cisco is a cico assets right here in the us is that something for example。

yeah well, were in conversation with major American companies now that are either in vent as well, i were in the case of sitego here in the United States itll make a big difference to the United States economically if we could have American awile companies really invest in and produce the oil, a capabilities in the Vanesswell, it be good for the people of van Aswell!

it be good for the people of United States we but ugoxiams wasnt just a resource natialist he was also an antiimperialist part of what he did a change in his whale?

was that he decided that Venus Willa would no longer be a cog in the users imperialist fever dreams in Latin America that would advocate for a new international order based on peace in cooperation instead of invasions an economic exploitation Venice will became one of the first countries to opposlywaswork in afganistan on a rock and also became an unwavering supported the palsting in cause Nichos majoro Chobase, a successor has continued this legacy forsion closortise with global south countries seeking a new international system when thats not based on us domination, Venus wills bolvering revolution has inspired all the progressive movements right land America that have underbind us power in the region, Anthony Blink, in Marco Robio, in all the other war criminals have been managing an oversing the geneside and palacine didnsuddenly wake up one day and realize that they care so deeply about the little boys and girls in venuswayla in fact, the us Garmin is currently in forcing asations regime thats estimate who of kill that least a hundred thousand people in venuswayla, through manufacture, poverty and scarcity usations against finish Wells oil sector, which is its primary source of income causethe oil sector to collapse in the subsequent decrease of government income by 99 percent so yes, the poverty is gearcity you hear about is very real, but its causeby usations, which have force venuswillon slib of one percent of their presactions income this is also whatbehind the wave of venuswell in migration that you hear about on the news it all comes back to this policy of manufactured poverty if the United States actually cared about the wellbeing of venuswillons, they would be strangling the Venice willon economy to the point where there are shortages of fuel in medicine in fact, the United States tends to be the most violent when it fains humanitarian concern they manufacture social crisis, and then use it as an excuse for a gene change, the uses a longhistory supporting these color revolutions when they know they candirectly invade a country, they create a social crisies to underminate, and now theydoing the same thing of an aswhale dont fall for this time so is there but American sarefalling for it again this time what uh?

what do you say of anything to add to that or correct?

yeah, Ive seen a lot of really great reporting on that pulling company uh because theyve just had such a horrible record in Georgia for example and and i think rt did a really great break down of all of the various selections that that pulling that Edison pulling company have a meddled in over the last several years, but the issue right now that i think a lot of uh alternative media are not addressing is the fact that the reason that Ben is wheel is uh election system is so great is that its very easy to audit that step that they describe the video i also go in depth and that in my in in my book where you know because they have that but may i mean imagine physical id electronic fingerprint scan physical paper ballet received that is automatically used to audit the electronic vote is very hard to fudge those numbers and while the cnn had did come out and declare majoro the winner theybe yet to release the individual local pulling site data that would show, which localities, moduro and admudogansales one or lost, and so this created uh space over the last few days for the opposition to come forward and claim that they have evidence of fraud and in it that video claims they havent do produced evidence Maria Kreinamachado actually has a website upright now where shes posted all of the act dos and the pulling data that she claims shows there was a prod the cne has yet to release that data that would show uh what exactly happened at those localities and today uh?

nichos moduro actually announce that hes turning it over to the supreme court now and that all ten parties that participated in this vote will now have to present theypulling data and the supreme core will do an independent audit based on on the information or is it receives from the parties so its become a little bit more complicated than in passed elections in venuswayla, but honestly thats why at this point i dont even want to get into a debate about who wonder who didnt because i know that the us doesnt actually care about democracy and Venice whale the fact that theyve prevented opposition moderate opposition candidates from running threatened them with sanctions in order to limit the boat 呃 boating choices that Venice willens had the fact that we know do s you know was happy to be allies with the king of Saudi Arabia or the Amier of Katar this isnt about voting its not about how one gets in power i think a rational, usport in policy would just look at a country and say who controlls the government, who controlls the borders and thats who im gonna deal with im not really gonna get worried about human rights and voted thats the future of foreign policy i think i think the Russians call it strategic partnerships where and thats kind of the Chinese way as well, where youre not getting involved in arguing who wanna who did it if if a government and a military uh, i can can maintain order instability in a country then thats who were gonna deal with i think getting into the nitty gritty about pulling and data at this point and especially at this stage well。

that willers no data is is actually giving energy and momentum to the opposition because because you cant win with the back and forth with that couldnagree with two more and the point that ive been making since the election in venuswela is that if you have an opinion on it, the only reason you have that opinion is because youve been feed that opinion by the economic hipmen who want to who have been fomenting social unrest in venuswailers so they can call a creative, call a revolution, so they can install a puppet, so then they could steal their oil thats what this is all about why do you giveashed about the integrity of an election in venuswailer when the integrity of the United States, selections of bed in question and the, and because theres people protesting is that mean that the people protesting and January sixth were correct because there were people storming the capital thats the same logic theyre using that uh and so admin and the only reason you care is because youve been told to care by the economicate menu control our media and defense contractors who are billionares, who run Twitter thats the only reason you care is because youve been told to care we dont live in a goddamn democracy here in the United States, we dont have elections, we have selections and we know that, and that we we its its that again its that hyperbolythat we live in an old garkey, your vote doesnt actually matter and uh we they who whatever the rich people want the rich people get at the people who handful of billionaries who actually run the things in the west and i even know we dont have a functioning democracy in America which we dont i still dont want another country coming in an imposing their idea of democracy on my country i want Americans to be able to work out our electoral process and figure out of we dont have a function in democracy how to fix it just like its that up to us to figure out what the will of the Venice will in people are exactly what you said before the people like antity blink in and the old guards running America claim to care about the will of the Venice wail and people that you know thats both should because they dont care about the will of the people in soudy Arabia or the people will of the people in Libia or the will of the people in Africa they we did a selected a a a a dictator with 95 percent of the vote America supports that that, so that its got nothing to do with the will the people this is exactly the same old story economic it men that rund United States government throw that government no matter who it is as long as they could get that oil and thats all this is about so if you have an opinion about the uh, the the election being not on the up and up, you dont even have a right to have that opinion because its got nothing to fuckin do with you your as or the United States, that is a internal problem investwailer and let them work it out would you agree with that yeah let them work it out and dont get involved?

because if we do get involved and we escalate here when there are violent gangs industry and lets be clear the Venice way on opide opposition do this every time they lose an election they they dont they dont do January six i say this often made look like a macys dayparade compared with evenas wailon opposition do where they go out for weeks and months at a time built barricades in the st lock off major throughways and try to uh strangle trade and end and the movement of goods and shipping in the country they burned down public warehouses and and Doctors offices and burn people alive in the streets i mean that that they fire guns at national guard and police can you imagine if Americans did that what would happen we would be in civil war and that is what people including maggic conservatives who claim to care so much about the border are cheering on right now theyre cheering on a figure Maria crea Machado who is trying to push the country in the direction of a civil conflict Venus wayleans people dont realize this i see so many stupid post on online right now people say oh, you cant vote your way out of a socialism cause they take your guns away then as wailings are armed the Venice wailen should east a revolution is actually encourage the formation of citizen millicies outside of the government because they want the people to actually be able to defend themselves from foran intervention and this happened you may remember the Bay of picklets invasion in twenty twenty those us mercenaries that came into capture killmod duro were stopped by fishermen armed fishermen OK, so thats our dealing with when were dealing with benis wailer if we throw a match on that done on all of that uh gas then its going to explode in then then it will be our problem then it will be our problem because there will be a serious style civil war in our hemisphere right south of the us border OK, there are people in the uh Guido shadow regime who have called for a no fly zone in Venus whale a do we know like that these are the people that were dealing with they wanna have a serious style war here and lets not forget Russia has deep military ties with Venice Waila for almost twenty years now since we cut off our own Venice Waila has released on Russia for military imports are now a Russian military hardware there is in Venus whale there are Russian military advisers Russian and training they do join exercises so this escalates what were really asking for is World War three coming to the us continent we already had to the i always say that the American continent we already have it raging in Europe you already have it raging in Asia why not just like a little match here and have some Russia confrontation with the region in in in the Americas, i mean this is totally logo!

hey, you know heres another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and its a great way to help support the show you can do it by going to jibit or copy dot com click i got join premium its the most affortable premium program in the business and its a great way to help putto thumbback in the eye of the bastards thanks, everybodywhois already a premier member and if you havenyoumissing out, we give you a lot of bonus content thanks for your support, everybody have special guest with the spectric Coralcii is the cohost of the weekly audio documentary series red build America which in his wife, Adriana court says have produced since 2018, but on that Joe they recently launch the showsfirst videodocumentarycalled rescue ruse how sound of freedom Christians it reveals these shocking truesbehind the surprise box office match sound of here, sounder, freedom, and its a legid hero Tim balor those are big doesfighting wordsthere so uh well here it is herewhat you tweeted out breaking rpaas first video documentary early access so here i want to display the i play the trailer OK, Patrick lets play that simple come back and talk about it。

theboxoffice mashsoundafreedom as a monster its soldchildrendesex slavery they caldercharacter Katy, but the hero of the film made sure the world knew her realname her name is Kelly swadis Kelly swatas real person right Kelly was miscarked the Hana famous in town and she recruited kids to her modeling agency but she was selling them twelve year Les Kelly Johanna swatas was branded the kind of supervillain few could even imagine existed a ruthless businesswoman whose product was childsix Labs and they branded your that before a global audience look out of the kinney kiss the personality who not hit me ran moon killi became despised on an international scale or what the filmmakers didnt tell the public is that she was never convicted of childsextrafficking sheeventially sue the fillmakersfordestroingher life and the Christian team behind the movie now claimed at their true story was really just to work affiction now killy Johanna swatas speaks out for the first time since the movies release and she has a message for the world getting my latest!

oh, thats today today is July 25 so it red pillthemit so you have you released that video that the that documentarytoday were is it released at today its on its on redpildamarket cominites also on our twitter account OK, so you well why not YouTube its on YouTube as well its on YouTube its on rumbo its every its out on all the social medias we also have an audio version out because we uh i have an audio podcast so its on all audio platforms as well so no i did not see the sound of freedom but i remember was the biggest deal going and it somehow it became a uh like a Christian thing or an a right wing thing and now so tell me what the story is behind the sound of freedom and what what how is it wrong yeah you know it is i cant exaggerate what a big deal it was within a conservative media i mean it was huge every big name was covering it。

Elon Musk was treating it out i mean a i think Trump was in on like a premiere of it, every major conservative in Christian figure was on it and the reason being is that this man Tim ballad uh proports to save child sexlabs that is his thing hes been doing it since i guess professionally since October of two thousand and fourteen i guess nine take a backsince two thousand fourteen or so a before that he worked for the department of home and security and a child trafficking internet a child internet crimes something like that and he worked there for a number of years i want to say around a decator, so and he had this novel idea that he wanted to a privatize a saving child six labs so we went around these era some money and does this raid in Columbia turns i he i he says something like you know he save fifty five something a people a chat children, actual childslaves he says like that he had proven that they are were slaves and that they had been abused and that catalogs that they have waves to to know that these people are child slaves so he goes around you know um trying to pitch a show he has a tv show they puts out on a call the abolitionness eventually they make a movie the movie a sits on the shelf for about four years or so and they kind of insinuate the Disney who ended up uh the films writes after a merger or after a purchase of another company, they claim that they are shelling it because they are trying to um protect Hollywood petafiles was what they suggested the movie finally comes out major major!

major hit uh and we look at it and were like uh lets that we were excited, were like this is kind of cool and kind of an independent film blowing up lets do a maybe a film review on it or wedone like makings of the movie before we did one for milk gipsons movie so with that list maybe list do that we go when we check out the film, ui ive for living i writescripsfor true stories and im watching this thing and this is based on a true story and im like this is not this can not be a true story, at the very end the the pitch the kind of rain raised my spikey sense is the most is that they basically said that you can save you could stop childsexwavery by buying tickets to their movie and im like OK, this doesnt soundright so we start doing a deep dive into this thing uh we start uncovering untruth after untruth at the end of the day with this film what we ended finding is this major columbian read that he did that was became the plot of the movie there was a single child six labs saved we got our hands on the Columbian uh court documents uh went through them all went through depositions went through uh you know various kind of court arguments and evidence in what have you uh there was no child six labs saved none of the people had been tracked before that day a some of them were being paid a to be there like a an attenant, like almost, like there are a cast mariality tv show and so were like this guy is makes Jessie small let look like a truth teller hes just a the one of the i i i as we were starting digging into this thing i started looking at this im not a homicide detective, but i watch a lot of law order, which probably makes me a homicide detective i started getting that feeling that a homicide detective would get when they start to realize that theyre on the case of a serial killer, and im not saying this man is a serial killer, but im saying that hesaunicorn he has fold an entire niche, which is the Christian community, which is a huge Christian community with these ogis and at least every time, every story that weve looked into that hes promoted have been bogused and its so its its shocking thing about it Jimmy is the lies that he says are so easily verifiable because all you gotta do is go to court documents you go in and you look and see compare what he says happened to the actual court documents this isnt conjecture this isnt here so eminence youre looking at court documents in some cases hefilethereports and youcomparinghis reports to what hes actually saying in the public about saving childrentheare complete contradiction to each other so we decided we gotta do a documentor and this thing i watch allow the cooking channel so i consider myself a top chef and uh this so youse so he didnt expose so what youre saying is that he was working at the department of holy security he was like hey!

this would be i i could privatize this make a lot of money make a movie out of it and it would all be fake um he didnt first。

so theres two questions uh the first question he didnthink anybodywasgonna factcheck him do you think well this is i i i i think that the man is one of the most im almost impressed by him i shouldnsay almost i am impressed by him by his ability in his carisma to convince a people its one of those topics that people dont want a delven to so theyre kind of like OK, we got somebody over theyre doing that lets just kind of throw some money at this thing i dont want to hear about child six labs i dont wanna hear about you know what happens to these people lets just kind of let this guy deal with it and he kind of is is a taking advantage of this human kind of a behavior of just kind of not questioning somebody thats going after childsexlabsomeone, give you perfect example, when we started questioning his stuff, we he has this moment this dog tags, dog tag thing is a thing that launched his company uh and we pulled up the court documents on it and we prove that it didnt that uh that the court documentclearly state show that he didnt interview the kid didnt have the kind interactions that he said that he had a dog tag would have been an evidence would have been ported in these reports it wasnt anything so were looking at that and im like how can this guy get away with something like this and im coming to the conclusion that people just dont want to question this kind of work and i so i go out there and i start questioning things and i and i talk to pregeryou who produced a documentary on him and who ive also produced a documentaryon i and i approach them as kind of a friendly like hey i i were doing the story we didnate part series on this and i said i i want you to know the documentary that you did he said some things there are provablyfalss in your documentary and so i kind of want to get a comment from you the ceo of the company who i interviewed i spent a month of my life producing a documentary on them a basically suggested that we are protecting peterfiles and so that is what people go up against when they question him on these kinds of things is that is this accusation that your that your potentially appetifile if youre questioning anything that theyre doing well。

Patrick, why are you protecting peterfiles?

the fastening thing is anybody that knows our story uh note we se we launched our show because we call out this guy getting in bed with other peoples kids are where are my daughters of this?

really eleaet uh prestigious private scholen hollywould had all the studioheadsthere had me you know van Jones had his kidthere had seen on campus all the time on all the celebs and what have you got this guy getting in bed with other peoples kids calledhim out became this fiveyear battle at the school we ended up telling our first story of the show based on that, so this is not something that i you know, i i dont take these kinds of things lightly ive done a two part series on a show where my mother was you know sexually assaulted so we we take these things very very seriously yet conservatives and an in particular the Christian uh is kind of Christian influencers who promoted him like no other and im talking major major names will not cover the story now, because all of their hands are dirty and the main stream media wont cover it because they all did glowing stories on this guy who doesnt want to do a story of some superman thats saving child sex labs cbs did this glowing piece on a maybe cmsmb c and so its just been one of these kinds of frustrating things and so this woman that we that we interviewed her name is killy Johanna swatas she was effectively framed because she was cast as this part she was going to this party trying to meet a rich American and they framed her as basically a child sexlave, theres no, evidence of her being a child sexlave ushes still been dealing with this now for ten years in a climbing court you mean?

you mean?

you mean the child select section traffic traffiker!

traffiker sorry, yes, theres no, theres no uh evidence of her being a traffiker uh and they but they had someone else say the things that that they are claiming that Aron that she said and they just projectedont under her and got because she they had her on camera it is this kind of like testing so does she have a lawsuit against this this she does sued them here she sued angle studios she sued in accord in California in you talk!

in you!

in you talk because thats where theyre based and whois one of things we saw immediately theyve gonna sue because this is so clear OK in that so how do you guys turn out whats still going on it just the last week got a the judge the utag judge basically allowed it to proceed and said that you know in his decision that you guys knowingly made uh false statements about her or you uh uh did it with request disregard of of the facts and so now its proceeding and so this story is just going to get bigger and bigger because now are going to abdepositions now is going to be discovery youre going to really look at this case and see what im seeing i mean italking its refutable watch our documentary!

itcalled riskyruse its at redpose America doc com could also see on any the social media platforms its irrefuitable and this these companies this film get 250 dollars operation underground railroad his raised over two hundred fifty million dollars is around two hundred million dollars since they are launch and this was the raid that so i would company so i mean childsely very would its real right i mean its not like he invented a problem there there is that that does happen we all know about Jeffrey epc and im sure theres ten more just like him that nobody knows about that are working for the measade in the cia and so why why would he invent problems?

why would he just go find the real ones i think that its hard to find problems like that and i dont think i think its obviously out there and its obviously happens um but i dont think that it happens on the level that this man tries to claim um i think that it perfect the example he says that the californicies me la United States is the biggest kind of uh market for childs uh for child uh um sexslavery and all the you know a soul to neckanything yet all of these operations are inforin countries with corrupt governments how why is that?

why are you working in these forin countries?

itell you why goes of these countries has a watercache floated around get some low level street hustlercoming up to him all all of these countries have prostitution or release the ones that we look that have all have prostitution um so i but pimping is illegal but he gets these guys to kind of saying i can make 25 grand on this deal uh it six thousand dollars is our annual income i could get 25 dollars in a matter of a couple days by just being a middleman between a a nact thats a legal here and so they they put on these sex parties paid people to come, so people are getting paid to hundred dollars to come to this party and um and then the the police loop in because pimping is illegal and so if you can get some miners there, who they want that two hundred dollars for the attendants a payment then now you got a story i mean its like you have a room and youre saying heres a party in here going here you open up the door theyll go in and then you go around the other side you find it that there are in a jail you are from in free from jail you you open up the jail and you let them out and then you claim that you free them or you claim that you saved them and that the people that hes brought up from this Columbian island that is became the movie hes produced two people and one was an adult but he tries a claim that he was a kid a when the rate happened he was 18 years old the other one was 17 hestrideclaim that he was eleven and the guy went there um knowing that there was a six party and that there wasnt going to be that he wasnt have sex with anybody he went there for the two hundred dollar a payment and but this man has been going around for years saying that these were child sex labs and that they needed saving and that theybeen stuck in the system forever。

and theres no evidence of that in least in this clumeryear arraycase so i mean i you know im family with the Jerry sendusky story and he you know there there are like kind of almost!

like many conventions of these people that get together and do this sorts the thing meaning uh child predators and uh that he was he ran any home a sexual ring of them and so yeah doesnmake sense that he wouldnt he couldnt uncover the stuff inside the United States ill say that thats for sure um and so well and its not easy its not easy to do that i mean if it was the man just claim to save like five six you know women and children that from being traffic yet you know all these kinds of accusations come out against him he has a line of women now that he that workwithhim that say that he aided not witness a single childsaved these operations is a people that work closely with him um but when hes getting these attacks if youd saved five or 6000 childslaves, dont you think youbablefilidjim nasian of people basically saying uh this man saved my life, this manage im im this uncle of this girl that saved im the aunt im the mother of the father you i think it would be too hard to fill a a a nice hall of people that youve saved well this people are coming out i guess the the two uh tells on this will be the the court case in Utah yeah and see if he sues you so trust me i think of if im doing it right i i i im im expecting something along those lines um well see what that well see what like i said we dont eight part series on this and he didnt come at us then so uh well see what happens with this one OK, will then Tim if youre ingthis because i know youre everything that im doing right now arenshithiredyouhave all these people coming at you right now you know the truth yougoingthrough these courtdocky yougoing through these court processes right now the truth is going to come out you have a Christian audience you they will forgive you if you come forward and say i made a mistake and repent the Christian audience your Christian audience will forgive you for that i know that youtired i could see it Ive been watching and hundreds of hours of videosoview Ive seen the progression OK, its time give these women there there a some peace give this woman that youve been trying to put into jail for twentyyears you try to put her into jail for givethemsomepeace and move on and fessup as my messagetotim!

the movieisvrescue rusehowsoundoffreedom, redpildamericadocom its also at Twitter and YouTube uh Patrick coralci thank you so much for being our guest thank you so much for having me on Jimmy are really appreciated you one of the few that are willing to to platform this discussion so i really appreciate that, during a hearing at the house judissary committee representative Steven Coin as fbi director Christopher re if any tapes of people high in politics were found during the searches of Jeffrey Epscenes, Manhattan townhousewhich may show them in compromizing position coin notes the importance of knowing if such videoexist, the public has a right to see those wait the public has a right to see things that a three letter a ency dondoesa want us to see thats news to me but here we go ready up Jeffrey upstate of the news a lot lately about it involved in a certain people high in politics!

involved that the fbi conduct the rate on his townhouse in New York what he was a look look at this!

look at the, look at his face the yeah thats the over like oh im really thinking about this, im really serious thats like that the that prosecutor of Trump formatlana remember hey!

how many how many cabins did you run ah ah i read lots a caveds ah remember that thats what this is thats a guy getting ready to how my gonna lie about this there we go up Jeffrey upstate of the news la you see is face involved with certain people high in politics involved that the fbi conduct the rate on his townhouse in New York when he was a incarcerated in the New York, it was a raid on his inside townhealth well, i dont know about a raid i know we executed the number of searches in the course of our fairly extensive investigation really you tell me during that search if you came across and have within your the possession the fbi tapes of him with other individuals that he might have taken in of a people and compromising yeah!

i dont i dont know that theres anything i can share related to that。

i can see if theres information we can provide maybe get back to you on it if there were tapes of people in prominent positions friends of his so in the grade tradition of j and gahuva。

the clienting to publiclyreview his walk in closet filled with pink tapita ballgowns fbi director Christopher Ray issues any knowledge of the list he is potentially on himself here we go both for pictures with possibly compromising to be the public of things right to see so good pretending, not to remember well, i mean how we handle evidence recover than a criminal vestigation uh has all kinds of rules that apply to it uh i recognize the intense public interest in the subject but we have to follow our rules but im happy i can say im happy to follow up my team on thank you so now appreciate your service and thank you for being her today look at how this asshole is active like this is some far off vague memory i abstring i abstine yeah rings about kind of note there was not a fairly anygo oh, there was a extensive investigation there was not a fairly extensiveinvestigation my guest is because the worthless three letter agencies already know everything that was at jetfrey abstineshouse because the cia in the fbi are in on it i would have to follow our rules the germ say that what rules burn after reading what what rules he asshole this ainth that ufo are bigfoot we know apstingexists and by the way how closely did the fbi follow the rules when they leaked photos of document sees from marilargo were they following the rules then remember that also, which rules applied with regard to lying to the fysacourt seventeen times so you can get a tap on trumps phone in his campaign phone, which rules did you follow then when the fbilide 17X to the fies accord, she could tap trumps phone oh that oh that then thats when oh not rules dont count that right, so heres, what heres?

what Trump has to say about it would you classify the upsteam files yeah, yeah, i would alright i yes!

i would i think that less so because you know, you dont know it you dont want to affect peoples lives if its phony stuff in there?

cause its a lot of phony stuff with that whole world uh but i think i would so and this is why i think Trump may be one of the only three people at the top of government who dont have any increminating depth in dirt on em his Trump doesnt do drugs he doesnt drink and they probably dont have anything on em as far as epstinggoes thats why they can control them as easily as everybodyelse is lets hurt again would you classify the upsteam files yeah!


i would alright i yes, i would i think that less so because you know!

you dont know you dont want to affect peoples lives if its only stuff in there because its a lot of phony stuff with that whole world really what kind of think i would what kind of phony stuff exactly you they they logged in and then they get they they they log in and then not get on the plane what categony stops either there on the planer they wert theres that a lot of wiggle room on what happens on epsteed island okay, nobody goes to abstee island just to get away and relax even have state theywould had Steven Hawking rolling around upstein island do you measure that where i this?

said staggeringly nieave the thing that anybody went to epc island is innocent or anybody hanging out anyway, just lets all go to that that creepy guide Jeffrey Epscenes island were supposedly a rapes underraids kids you know, just for the free boos, i hear hes got great fingerfood so i this that so hes not gonna so this guys not gonna release the can you give us the yet?

can you give us the gift Jeffrey abst news a lot lately about it involved in a certain people high politics involved that the fbi conduct rate of his town house in New York what he was a incarcerated look at this fate, decide townhouse well!

i dont know about a raid i know we executed the number of searches in the course of our fairly extensive invest oh real extensive investigation sort really of shit you already knew because you guys are working together and your in on it i love the i wish i could find that video what is the name of the app that uh of the prosecuter from florta theres good dope from Atlanta from for Trump that is his name member where he was interviewed by one of the ways and yes, yeah, whats that guys name?

i would love the success he but he does the same he does the same face he does the same im really im really thinking thats the im really oh, yeah whats the day Nathan way thats the Nathan wade face the way, did i ever read a carta a koban?


那 does look snift?

oh, that thats what that thats what that faces what how what how what changes as soon as he and he mentions Jeffrey update is the fake im thinking jeffreyupstein of the news a lot lately but really think people high politics oh!

the fbi conduct the raid on his style in New York what he was a incarcerated and i would call it a raid?

becomepremiumemembergotojimitorcomedydocom signeoff its the most affortimal premium program in the business free gap dont all the voices performance today are by the one it only the inimable mic macray he can be found at Mike Mccrey dot com thats it for this week youbethebest you can be and how keep beating me dont free now。