cover of episode Libertarians Choose “Woke” Presidential Candidate!

Libertarians Choose “Woke” Presidential Candidate!

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The Jimmy Dore Show

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Jimmy Dore
Jimmy Dore对自由党提名Chase Oliver作为2024年总统候选人表示批评,认为Oliver的政治立场(例如支持口罩和疫苗强制令以及开放边境)与自由主义原则相悖。Dore认为,一些自由主义者可能被渗透,他们的立场与自由主义原则不符。他还讨论了Dave Smith对自由党提名Oliver的反应,以及他对Oliver能否专注于反战信息的担忧。Dore还分析了Bernie Sanders的政治立场转变,以及进步的、反战的革命能量如何被导向反工人和亲战的政党。他认为,第三方的候选人很难成功,因为美国政治体系已经被操纵。Dore还讨论了开放边境政策可能是为了控制通货膨胀。最后,Dore认为Chase Oliver是一个民主党人,自由党提名他是一个巨大的错误,可能是蓄意破坏行为,旨在阻止该党发展壮大。 Kurt Metzger参与了讨论,并表达了他对Chase Oliver政治立场的看法。他与Jimmy Dore一起分析了自由党提名Chase Oliver的事件,并讨论了该事件对自由党的影响。Metzger还讨论了波音公司飞机的安全问题,以及MSNBC对特朗普集会的报道。 Dave Smith对自由党提名Chase Oliver表示失望,但他仍然祝Oliver好运,并希望他能专注于反战信息。Smith认为,他未能成功掌控自由党,导致Oliver当选。他为自由党提名Oliver承担全部责任,并对未能成功掌控自由党表示遗憾,但他仍然支持Mises Caucus团队。Smith还认为,Chase Oliver可能是一个被操控的人,自由党提名他是一个巨大的错误。 其他参与者,例如Robert Barnes、Jordan Schleckle和Cody Paris,也表达了他们对自由党提名Chase Oliver的看法。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Libertarians have selected Chase Oliver as their presidential candidate, giving their top spot nod to a gay supporter of mask and vaccine mandates as well as open borders. Libertarian comedian Dave Smith openly accepted the blame for his faction taking the L in this contest.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss whether Dave Smith’s hopes that Oliver will focus on his antiwar messaging during the campaign will likely come to pass.

Plus segments on new allegations from the FAA that Boeing is cutting corners on safety in the manufacturing process and MSNBC traveling to Trump’s Bronx rally to discover that many immigrants and people of color actually support Trump over Biden.

Also featuring Stef Zamorano!