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Establishment media sucks, all gas lighting, so good luck Bullshit we can't afford, he's fomenting this, oh Watch and see as medium speeds and jumps to medium And hit some head on, it's the Jimmy Dore Show Alright, so as everybody knows, today is MLK Day
And as everyone would expect, everyone wants to claim MLK today, including worse than the FBI, including the state of Israel. I shit you not. I shit you not. This is from the Israeli embassy.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that. Now that's from the man himself. And then they go on to say, today we mark Martin Luther King Jr. Day and remember Dr. King's legacy of peace, tolerance, and equality. I couldn't believe it when this got sent to me. Keaton said this to me. I was like, I say you are fucking with me, man.
You can find Martin Luther King Street in the center of Israel's capital. Hashtag Jerusalem. Minutes away from Abu Tor, a mixed Jewish-Arab neighborhood. Is it one of their worst streets? That's a street with all the potholes on it. Why is Dr. King's name a curse on streets? No, that is... Talk about... I mean, they'll just hide behind anybody.
Look, we got a street. We got a street. How bad could Israel be? How long has it been there? That I don't know. That I don't know. I would imagine... Russell, we were just sort of talking about this earlier on our stream earlier and that how...
The Martin Luther King holiday. We love celebrating his birthday. That's great. Right. But the actual holiday has become this sort of success pool of people co-opting who he is and what his message was. I mean, this has got to be the largest co-opting event.
that I've ever seen of Martin Luther King from the state of Israel. But people... In the middle of a genocide.
Right in the middle of a genocide they have the audacity but you know we see this a lot in in the media class where they love to project you know Martin Luther King this Martin Luther King that but if Martin Luther King was alive I always say this if he was alive He would be an adversary to them for the things he was advocating for the worker the work Well, that's what I believe he was murdered actually go ahead. Well, you know what?
Somebody else did the courtesy of pointing this out. What won't be discussed in America today is that in 1967, immediately after the Six-Day War, Martin Luther King said on national TV that Israel would have to leave the territory it had just conquered. That's genocide. And that's anti-Semitism.
I think for the ultimate peace and security of the situation, it will probably be necessary for Israel to give up this conquered territory because to hold onto it will only exacerbate the tensions and deepen the bitterness of the Arabs. And here we are. Okay, the mosque?
I didn't know who M.O.K. was. Hamas, apparently. He was a pioneer. He was a founding member of Hamas. It's just amazing to invoke the name of someone, even that aside, somebody who's associated with nonviolent resistance as you're killing thousands of women and children at a rate even beyond. Children are dying at a rate beyond...
the rate of the Holocaust and you have the nerve to invoke Martin Luther King Jr. on this day. And I just, I always point this out whenever they pull this, it's a mixed Arab Israeli neighborhood. Okay. So let me explain that. All right. They always use that fig leaf whenever this comes up, that they're in a part height state, the Arabs they're talking about.
are some Arabs that managed to hold on through the Nakba, which was the mass expulsion of 750,000 some odd Arabs out of their homes. And their descendants have a form of Israeli citizenship, not a full citizenship. They have a form of citizenship.
They use these people as a fig leaf to pretend they're not an apartheid state. But if you are Palestinian, you can't if you're not one of those people or a descendant of those people, you cannot get Israeli citizenship even by marriage.
Even by marriage. So this idea, no, it's not an apartheid state because we have Arabs. They have some Arabs that they use to hide behind the way they hide behind the Holocaust whenever you call them out to pretend they're not an apartheid state. So, fellas, you want to weigh in?
Ask the Ethiopian Jews that was forcibly sterilized by the state of Israel how much they appreciate them using the MLK quote. Because there's nothing like Martin Luther King Jr., nothing that represents the energy of Martin Luther King Jr. other than forcibly sterilizing Ethiopian women and telling other immigrants, do not breed with our Jewish women because they don't want to dilute their blood. That's in the spirit of MLK, right, Russell? Oh, yeah.
Very revolutionary. Yeah, well that's a lost letter from the Birmingham jail, right?
Now, this is exactly why I hate MLK Day. And this is what I was saying on RBN. I quickly grown to hate MLK Day because I came from sales, so I never got MLK Day off. So it was a useless holiday. And now MLK Day is essentially used as a way for neocons and the most corrupt swamp monsters in our government to rehabilitate their image using someone who was anti-capitalist and anti-war. Them.
We had John McCain who tweeted about MLK back in the day. Yep, yep. This is what they do. You have Hakeem Jeffries tweeting about MLK Jr. I hate MLK Jr. Day. It serves nothing. We talk about our revolutionary leaders all the time.
I don't need a month. I don't need a day. I don't need a holiday. RBN as our channel and what we need to do as a community is uplift our revolutionary intellectual leaders. Stop following people like Barack Obama. Stop following Jay-Z. Stop following Beyonce. The black community had their mind poisoned
by the pop culture, by worshipping black politicians as celebrities. We need to go back to our radical revolutionary roots. And that is what RBN is. MLK Day, that is just a day where scumbags like John Lewis used to prop up their record. You know John Lewis, the civil rights activist that created the slave trade in Libya?
But he's going to tell you a story about how he met MLK and they were friends, though. The Black Clies sold out the capitalism. They destroyed Africa. They bombed Africa. They sold out the Black people to real estate development companies and the police state. And then they had to nerd to tweet about MLK.
I hate this day. We celebrate his birthday. We celebrate MLK the man. Like we do every single day, but it's holiday is trash. The same way, the same way that Juneteenth is probably trash. Oh my God. You had Joy and Reed. I was going to say, but you still believe in Juneteenth? No,
We ain't redoing the Juneteenth panel, and I'm supposed to be excited about that. A millionaire black panel talking about how we should vote for Joe Biden, celebrate Juneteenth. That's what they do on their holidays. The only thing they do is hijack our black culture, water it down, and turn everyone to a black of black neoliberals. That's what they do. And our being, we don't stand for it. That's what we call you people out for first and foremost. Wait, did you guys not know what mattering means? What?
You get holidays. Remember the FBI last year? The FBI, the ones that spied on him, had a whole Martin Luther King thing on all their... I don't know, it was like around the time... No, no. I mean, look, Israel is going... You can't make it up. So this article is actually pretty good dealing with some of what you're talking about.
Even though he's revered today, MLK was widely disliked by the American public when he was killed. 75% of Americans disapproved of the civil rights leader as he spoke out against the Vietnam War and economic disparity. And that's something that they really never talk about. Why do you guys think that Jimmy Dorshow is the only show that invites RBN on? Why do you guys think that is?
Look, because we don't want to be put on a list. That's true. That's true.
They don't want a visit from the Mossad. But go ahead with what you want. My point being, they're going to look at MLK now in hindsight. They look at Malcolm X in hindsight. They look at Fran Hampton in hindsight. Man, they was great revolutionaries. They really scratched the Overton window. They really caused a ruckus. And then black radicals that do that today, that follow in the tradition. Remember, we were Fran Hampton leftists. The people
who follow in that tradition are hated today. If Fred Hampton Jr. was alive today, they would call him Red Brown Alliance.
If Malcolm X was alive today, they would call him an Amos agent. And as white America pretends that they look up to these people, the political statements that these people made had them hated. The same reason that R.B. is hated, because we take these controversial stances that many people are uncomfortable with, so many people don't invite us on the show. And as the people don't invite us on the show, they didn't come on and talk about how they must say love black radicals and M.O.K., even though modern black radicals have policies that make them uncomfortable.
So I think that applies today with white liberals not only having disdain towards MLK, but they have disdain towards black radical politics. We don't agree with everything, and obviously Jimmy Dore's show don't agree with everything that RBM says, but would it say that the fact that Jimmy Dore's show is the only one who is brave enough to air our opinions out? Yeah.
I mean that's not me and let me speak on that because This is something our being talks about all the time when people want to bring up this Jimmy Dore Derangement syndrome is like Jimmy Dore platform does did you? Crystal ball did you on breaking points Jimmy Dore donates to our mutual aid events in time Do you do that? Like it's so it's like
A person who is showing us improving solidarity, you want us to exchange that for your rhetoric. Like it's not a tradeoff. We want tangible goods. And Jimmy Dore's allyship right now is giving us a tangible return. So that's how we view it. And that's how we're always going to view it. Well, there's something else I think people don't realize since you brought it up.
You know, we don't just talk when you see us. We talk outside of here. And when we have disagreements, we talk about it. Well, you think we never disagree? What do you think? Everybody just goes. No, man. If there's a disagreement, we all talk about it with Jimmy. Everybody talks. He's not, you know, the impression you get from certain people.
you know, you can't do that. No, you just, you just can't come like an asshole. Well, as long as just Jimmy is Irish in the conversation, it'll work out. Well, that's it. You know, you get some Jameson.
And I mean, look, we work at the shit we work out that you don't see. All right. So it's not it's not what a lot of those people with the derangement syndrome have. In fact, having I mean, look, I'm like freaking Charlie Bucket here. I'm the guy who won the golden ticket. I was a fan.
Right. Who's sitting here hosting the Jimmy Dore show. Yes. So, yeah, man, I heard. Yeah. Jimmy, Jimmy have more to do with red pilling me probably than any other single person I was watching when I was going through that transformation from being a Hillary person to being someone who would be screaming at Rachel Maddow. Like a lot of Jimmy's content had a lot to do with kind of explaining to me what was going on.
And, you know, my I can only speak to my personal experience, but I think that's your experience, too. Like having actually gotten to know the person for real. A lot of the things that you hear, I don't even understand how you could know him and come to that kind of conclusion. What you hear, the grifting, all that.
You spend five minutes with this guy. If you have any common sense in your brain, you know, everything coming out of his mouth is exactly what he believes with absolute conviction. I don't think people know what that doesn't mean. You got that doesn't mean you got to agree with everything somebody says. But but that's something else, man. If you understand this space.
The way to grift is you go full pot save America or you go full daily wire. That's the way you grift. Doing this, you're risking your channel every day. You think the way to grift is to start getting into these kind of, I'll say it gently, health issues, things like that. That's the way to grift. That's the way to grift. You keep poking the bear every day like that. Who even claimed that that would...
That I would that whose name I would even mention. Do you know what I mean? Like, you see, I'm not I'm not naming any names and people know we're talking about since it came up. And I know there are a lot of people in the community who have questions about this. And I'm somebody from I'm somebody from that community who's sitting here and I can tell you.
It's not what those people say. Have you not watched him? And if it was, believe me, man, it ain't access journalism. That's a damn sure. Right. That's that's the way the way to grift in this space is don't say anything interesting enough to get thrown off off YouTube.
That's the way you're correct.
Look, I'll do it. Look, man. Listen, honey. Give Marianne a do. Give Marianne a do. I think we manifested all this. I just wish she would manifest a real campaign. That would be nice. If you're into manifesting, why don't you manifest a real campaign? But I'm very glad we've manifested here together.
All right. So just getting into this a little bit. According to an early 1968 Harris poll, the man whose half century of martyrdom we celebrate this week died with a public disapproval rating of nearly 75 percent. A figure shocking in its own day and still striking even in today's highly polarized political climate.
White racial resentment was still a critical factor at that point. But Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s unfavorable numbers were at least 25 points higher in 1968 than in 1963. And his faltering appeal over the final years of his life was also a consequence of appearing to fall behind his times in some respects, even as he was leaping well ahead of them in others. Okay, what's this? I can't wait. The thing of needing to be of your time, you
You know, like, oh, you're... I've heard people say outdated comedy, for example. What does that mean? Does that mean you... Well, this gets into how he started taking up union causes, and that's when he started to have problems. That's what's out of touch? Day after day. Exactly. When he started getting...
A day after returning home in December 1964 from a tour whose most important stop was Oslo, the Nobel Laureate for Peace joined a picket line at Atlanta's Crypto Pen Factory where some 700 workers were striking for better wages for less skilled employees.
Though it was a remarkably humble gesture for someone who had received such a lofty affirmation, King's actions that day and his call for a nationwide boycott of scripto products won him few friends in his hometown's white, staunchly anti-union business community.
While still involved in the scripto affair, King sat for a Playboy interview with Alex Haley in which he endorsed a massive federal aid program for blacks. It's whopping $50 billion price tag was he pointed out less than annual U.S. defunds.
spending for defense. That's less than we send to Ukraine in a month. Their weekly allowance. Such an expenditure, he argued, would be more than justified in a spectacular decline in school dropouts, family breakups, crime rates, and
illegitimacy, swollen relief rolls, rioting and other social evils. Many poor. Now, this is the part that really scared him and what scared him about Fred Hampton, too. Many poor whites were in the very same boat with the Negro, he added. And if they could be persuaded to join forces with blacks, they could form a grand alliance and exert massive pressure on the government to get jobs for all.
King had made passing allusions to this possibility before, but a straightforward call for an active biracial coalition of have-nots was just as terrifying to white ruling elites, be they on Peachtree Street or Wall Street, as it had been when raised by the populists in the 1890s. Now, that's something that has come up again and again in American history.
There have been many junctures where poor whites and poor blacks tried to get together to challenge power. And usually they've used the technique of telling the whites, well, you'll have it a little better if you come with us and broken up that coalition. They go to schools to they go to all the best schools to learn how to do that specifically.
Like I said, I can't remember what it's some Roman treatise on how to divide the populace against themselves. And if you went to a good school, that's what you, that's what you learned. Right. Well, I actually, I actually think this is the reason, um, this is my only point of view. This is the reason why he was actually killed. No,
Not because of the racial stuff. Remember, he had already passed. He had already passed all this legislation. So why would they wait till he's already hit his finish line at that time to get the legislation passed and then kill him once he starts to organize? This, to me, is what the establishment fears the most.
It's white people and black people coming together to form poor whites. I should add poor whites and poor blacks coming together. We don't want the crazy boys. Why is he teaming up with the establishment? But those in the working class coming together, black, white of all shades, not just black and white, but in particular white.
It scares them when black people and white people are in a coalition. And maybe Nick can speak to why you believe that is. I've heard you kind of discussed it before, and I love how you discussed it. But why is it specifically black and white that scares them more than like a black and Hispanic, a black Asian or white and Asian? It's black and white that puts...
in their eyes. And let's go to our conversations at the Post-Duocla show. Remember, Russell, when I explained how I have massive disdain towards identity politics? Yeah. People who spend their time pushing the culture war, I view as deeply unserious. Not only are they deeply unserious, they're doing the bidding of the capitalist class. Right. That's the answer to your question. So when people focus on class and they...
ignore the differences in culture that we have and form together, that's a threat. That's why they push these people. These people got giant YouTube channels. All they do is talk about the cultural world because they want to divide Black America and white America because there's a lot of different cultural tendencies. And it's why MLK is extremely terrifying for the establishment. We went from a leader that advocated for militant class solidarity and uniting the working class, and now we got a Black leadership class, a Black BWZ class who number one priority is the
Defending a Harvard president who made a mistake of not advocating for censorship enough. Their number one concern is defending clotting fucking gay as black people are being crushed by the police state. But that's the number one issue they care about. That's how our community has been distracted, has been distracted by by identity politics and cultural wars that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party play along with.
Now, another thing I want to add to this, another reason why white America ate them, obviously the class thing is giant. That's everything when it comes to this. But the Vietnam War was another thing when it came out against the Vietnam War and militarism. When you combine those two, and I don't think there's a
answer where you can say one was more impactful than the other. I think both clashes against war got them killed. But we went from MLK who stood up against the Vietnam War and now we got Hakeem Jeffries and black leaderships who want to arm Nazis in Ukraine. How the hell did that happen?
I mean, that's what we do at RBN. We analyze, like, how could something like that possibly happen? We went from opposing war, and now the black leadership class support Nazis in Ukraine. Go ahead, go ahead. Oh, do you watch any of those... I watch all these prison YouTubes, you know, ex-prisoner, kind of. And so California, this is the most racially...
segregated prison system. Yeah. And then you got, you know, I mean, every prison has this, I guess, but like your trustees and shot callers. And that's what all these people are that try to enforce the identity bullshit. Those are the trustees of the big prison that they're slowly building around you as I've been getting any walls. You just get it online. We'll have everybody else filtered out and you're going to stay with your own kind. Cause that's easier to control. Right. Right. Well,
Well, well, well, let me ask you guys, do you feel because I was listening to MLK's after Vietnam speech and I feel this way across the board, everyone got stupider.
Like you listen to that and the depth of intelligence and knowledge and philosophical heft in his speeches. And that's true of a lot of your great figures of that period. And today, I mean, you look at someone like Barack Obama who has skills. There's no depth.
to any of his stuff. Right? I mean, there's just, there's nothing there. It's just, it's just the figure of it. It's the, it's the vague shadow of a memory. I can't remember. Of what a great, meaningful speech used to sound like. You're right, dude. And there's just no substance to it. I can't quote one line. Right. Right. What is, what is American culture? Like, this is, this is a rhetorical question. I would say American culture is anti-intellectualism.
Like, anti-intellectualism was pushed on us. How dare you guys do your own research? Remember? They didn't know you were doing your own research. They didn't know you were looking into stuff. Like,
The average person can't even define terrorism. They just call everyone a terrorist. They can't define it. Most people don't know what international law is. Most people don't have no idea what they're saying. This is weaponized by the ruling class. This is why at RBN we talk about how we need to weaponize intelligence. I advocate for people reading theory. If you don't have time to read theory, you need to watch someone who reads theory. The working class need to be intelligent. We need to have strategies how we move. We can't just
be vibing. The Bernie left has been vibing. We need a strategy. We need to be militant. The Black Panthers, they wasn't just effing around vibing. They had a plan. Every revolution has a plan. We need to reject. I know it can sound elitist in some way, you know what I mean? To say that people must learn stuff because there's
general society, oh, who cares? We don't know anything. People are just happy in their ignorance. No, the working class must reject anti-intellectualism. We must learn our history. We must take everything the government says and assume they're lying. We must learn media literacy. We do propaganda report on RBN. We did it a few times on Post Duopoly show where we just watch stuff that people view as real news and it's mind-blowing. There's no media literacy
literacy. People have no idea when they really propaganda at all. And this has led to the working class being destroyed. That led to us having a massive police state. If you wonder why we got 800 military bases and how we get away with it, we get away with it because people don't know what the hell's going on.
The ruling class weaponized anti-intellectualism, and this is something I have been unapologetically fighting against. I am advocating for the workers to learn, to read. I don't care if it's uncomfortable. I don't care if it's solidliness. They want us to be dumb, and we got to fight back against it. But go ahead, Russ. You're right. You're right. And I mean, it's something that I remember when I got involved with the Bernie movement, and I'll be curious to know if you heard this too.
You have those old 60s radicals who never sold out, who never became yuppies. A lot of them would say to me, you're wasting your time. This whole political two party thing. That's not where it's at. Get involved in grassroots, get involved in mutual aid. But this is going nowhere. Did you have that experience?
That's what radicalized me to the point where I'm at right now because the failure of the Bernie campaign. As I mentioned earlier, I was a sweet, sweet summer child. I lived that.
Let me just say this. This is what Nick says about a naive person. Kind of like a poor, poor baby. Sweet summer child. That's what we use. The reason I say that is because I looked at the professional managerial class left and I'm like, okay, I'm a college dropout. I don't know anything. These people are scholarly. They read history. I thought they had a legitimate plan. They studied neoliberalism and they know the best way to attack neoliberalism. As someone who don't
Getting funded by the Italian. Who wasn't educated. I'll follow those people. I was like, all right, they won't benefit from all this. Did you have that experience of like these old 60s radicals would tell me this at the time? They were telling me I was naive to get involved with the Bernie campaign. Like these people who have been doing it since then, they would say that. Have you been to a fish show or not? They would say that to me.
Hey, you know, here's another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week, and it's a great way to help support the show. You can do it by going to, clicking on Join Premium.
It's the most affordable premium program in the business, and it's a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye of the bastards. Thanks for everybody who was already a premium member, and if you haven't, you're missing out. We give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support. So I promised that I would do more research into the Jew tunnels.
And more information has come to light about the Jew tunnels. Those of you who follow us at Do Dissidents, you know we are men of our words. We may be wrong a lot of the time, but we're honestly wrong. So, okay, so this is my epic. This is my Lawrence of Arabia on Jew tunnels. Okay? This is my David McLean interpretation of this event.
All right. Just making sure. Hold on. I'm making sure there's a DoorDash shift available tomorrow. I'm going to have to book my delivery work. It's okay. We're on rumble. Blood libel is fine here. All right. So Brooklyn Synagogue Tunneler says excavation was done to send message to geezers.
to expand crowded holy sites. So this is more information has come out. New York Post has this as an exclusive interview with one of the young tunnelers. And they wrote it in their signature flippant style using a lot of Yiddish slang. They didn't dig being cramped and a lot of that too. A lot of punning.
The band of rogue Orthodox Jews who dug New York City's most bizarre tunnel did so to send a message to geezers in their sect that they needed more room to pray. One of the excavators exclusively told the Post. Are they cockneys? Oh, it's geezers. These old geezers won't let us in the mikveh.
By the way, program note, a lot of people pointed out that there are mikvahs for men. I did not know that. I told you it kicked me out of Hebrew school when I was nine. I didn't get to that part. So a male mikvah is for before the high holy days.
And sometimes before sex, which I'm sure women appreciate. I mean, that's good. That's a considerate ritual. I think you should use your own breathing apparatus. They have a lufta in there. Nice and smooth. The
The 30 year old who requested anonymity for fear of legal consequences said he and at least 50 like minded members of the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidic movement took to shoveling as a brazen statement to their community's elders to get off their tuchuses and expand the sanctuary at their Crown Heights headquarters. That's asses. Strange way to be uninitiated. Yeah.
We were sick and tired of being stuck in a cramped synagogue that could take 15 minutes to leave during the high holy services, said the member whose family has been praying at the synagogue at 770 Eastern Parkway for generations. The point was to start an initiative on our own, and then we put the old geezers in a spot where they could take the initiative and go ahead to complete the expansion, he added.
The Chabad group, made up mostly of teens and 20-somethings, began planning their chunnel excavation. Their chunnel. Their chunnel excavation. This writer had a ball with this. As early as 2020, driven by a mix of boredom
and desire to fulfill what they believe was a goal by the late Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson to expand the synagogue, he said. Now understand, there is a subsect within Chabad, it's not the mainstream, that believes he was the Messiah.
That was his last words there. Schneerson died in 1994. He said Rosebud in Yiddish, but they couldn't translate it. But today, the renowned holy site's size has remained unchanged, leaving congregants packed and
Like a tin of smoked kippers that Tigger convinced explaining. I kind of like this writer explaining that the room can comfortably hold a few hundred people, but can swell to thousands trying to squeeze in during the high holidays. You can't fit a broomstick in there. He said, imagine an emergency and everyone running. I don't want to think what can happen.
Rabbi Mati Seligson, a Chabad spokesperson, bashed the radical members claim that he and other diggers represented a movement in Chabad.
There is no righteous justification, theological or otherwise, for the violent and reckless behavior of these young agitators, Seligson told the Post, calling any attempt to link their underground activity with the wishes of the Rebbe an abomination. This is a small group of rogue and frankly unwell youths who in their delusion demolished a potentially load-bearing wall, desecrated a synagogue, and caused an enormous amount of pain and damage.
Donations covered the group's tools as well as other necessities like support beams while Hasidic professional contractors were brought in to ensure the excavation was done safely, the digger said. How did they do this without them knowing right away? I mean, they got a lot done on the tunnel. I mean... How in secret do you do that? No, but there were court cases. There were court cases like they were arguing that they had the legal right to do this and this actually...
The the geezers sued in court and this whole riot started because they won in court and they were going to fill it in with cement.
So it wasn't the great escape. I thought they just walked in on a giant tunnel. No, there was some kind of dispute between different sects, and they had to take it to court to decide who had the right to make this decision. I looked at this in many different sources, and I didn't see anything to contradict that. The Talmudic tunnelers managed to hollow out 40 feet over three and a half years.
But in November, the group hired Spanish-speaking migrants to finish the job, the 30-year-old said. The migrants were brought in to give the project a punt, he said, admitting that they worked harder and more frequently than the Chabad men.
but also made more noise, which ultimately tipped off the neighbors and synagogue elders. Well, that's the thing. So I guess that's when they sued to get it shut down when they found out about it. All right. So this is where a lot of what, frankly, our conspiracy theories are coming from.
So people saw a mattress with a stain on it and immediately interpreted it as a bloody mattress. Have you ever seen a used mattress without a stain? Exactly, man. And it's not even the only mattress, and it's a mattress that's right on the other side of the wall. So clearly they were using it as some kind of soundproofing. So if you actually watch the video rather than just a still image of this, you can see, look, it's right there on the other side of the wall.
It is not. If you're using some kind of a... Yeah, I didn't think that was anything. Look, they got another one there.
All right. If you're using these mattresses to molest kids, you're probably not going to have it right on the other side of the wall where anybody can hear what you're doing. That's not enough. I mean, I've never seen an old mattress that look like... I've never said, hey, pick up... You know, people take couches and you shouldn't do that. Well, yeah, people immediately... A mattress, you don't do that. You know, it makes a good story. So the other thing people got into was this high chair. Okay, so first of all,
This, from what I can see, this is not even the tunnels. This is the basement. Look at the tiles. They're not going to be tiling these tunnels. So they got shit in a basement. Right. Do you see a bunch of high chairs lined up like they're running some kind of an assembly line here? With chains on them? Yeah, right. They got a fucking broken high chair in a basement. Like it's not, you know, but people saw that. They saw the mattress and oh my God, it's okay. So.
Something that a lot of people will direct you to who are going to make this connection is this article. Oh, right. This is from Vice in 2013. The child rape assembly line.
Rabbi Nachum Rosenberg, who is 63 with a long green beard, recently sat down with me to explain what he described as a child rape assembly line among sects of fundamentalist Jews. Okay, so something, and a lot of people mentioned the redacted piece, which I don't feel they were being deceptive. I feel they were ignorant. So look, what this deals with is,
Are the Satmar Hasids. It's a completely different sect. Not only are they a completely different sect. They hate each other. Why? Because the Satmars.
They're like the Amish. Basically, they just want to be unto themselves. Buttons are technology. They're not the ones you see drive. Well, not like not in that sense, but they keep to themselves. They don't do any outreach. They're not interested. If you don't practice like them, you're not Jewish. Right.
That's it. They're on their own. They're not the ones you see driving around with the mitzvah tank trying to get Jews to pray. That's the Chabad. What's that? I didn't even know that. I'm pretty sure. Okay, so this article is about a completely different sect. So to say because of this, you're making a connection
To that, that's like saying, well, these are both, this is a Lutheran church and this is a Methodist church. And I heard this about the Lutheran church. So that must be the case of the Methodist church because they're both Protestants, right? It's completely different, separate sects. This has, and I don't doubt the stories that are being told in this article. I'm not questioning it. It's not related to this group at all.
All right. So without all that, without the tunnels, every insular group where nobody's looking in and I'm getting to that. Yeah. Okay. So, you know, I looked at a lot of comments and a lot of these comments, uh,
In regards to the first Jew tunnel thing, not most of them, but a lot of people definitely have some ignorant anti-Semitic ideas. I thought they were literally ninjas. Yeah. Where they honed in on this idea, which is the blood libel idea that Jews have.
rape children or they kidnap children they make them into matzo they bet well that's yeah that's the original that's they use the blood in the matzo but it's a it's a it's a variation on that but it really calls to mind the saying um anti-semitism is socialism for stupid people
Because when you look at the world, to think that this is a Jewish phenomena and not, as you say, a phenomena that happens whenever you get these closed religious sects with no accountability. Oh, what do we have here? Sins of the Amish reveals bombshell allegations of cyclical rape, incest,
And physical abuse. For some reason. This is from 2022. The more they cover up and their chicks don't dress up hot, the more there is of that. I don't know what it is, but there's some kind of a direct. Well, well, well, I think it's because wherever you see women dress like this, you're you're looking at a very patriarchal.
culture where men have absolute power and women have very little voice. Keith, do you want to say something? I can see you're dying to get in this. Do I want to say something? Of course not. What are you saying? Do I want to say something? You're staying out of this. When I was in art school in Philly, I had a bunch of friends in Pennsylvania. They all grew up with Pennsylvania. We're Amish. Pennsylvania, do each. Yeah, yeah.
And they were into, there was a whole seedy underbelly, especially cocaine busts. Any kind of drugs that help you build a barn fast, you know? Yeah, yeah. And I remember my first year down there, I'm watching the news and they had this big Amish coke bust. Uh-huh. And it was two guys, Abner Stoltzfus and Abner Stoltzfus, not related. I got to go pick it up. There's like five guys named Abner Stoltzfus.
There's also a lot of inbreeding with these. It's not just the... I've got my own Amish stories if we get to it. All right, so here you got Sins of the Amish. Oh, you've probably heard about this. Have you heard about this? Catholic Church child sexual abuse? I bet you've heard about that. And last I heard, these folks are not Jewish. Maybe some descendants from the Inquisition who converted hundreds of years ago, but mostly not Jewish. Mostly not of Jewish descent.
Maybe maybe you've heard about this because a lot of people mentioned Jeffrey Epstein, who undoubtedly was running a pedophilia sex trafficking ring. But, hey, last I heard, Belgian nobility, usually not Jewish, Belgium pedophilia scandal. Did authorities cover up its scope?
Oh, England, generally not the home of the Jewish people, particularly in the royal family. Look up the Westminster dossier, which implicates a lot of MPs and British aristocracy who are associated with Margaret Thatcher of having a pedophile ring.
Oh, Jimmy Seville, five senior BBC employees who knew about sexual predators but did not act. You know, the BBC last I heard, not a Jewish organization. Okay, so why is this important? Why is this important? Why did I spend this kind of time on this?
Because I care very much about the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people. And as a person of Jewish descent, I feel like I have a special responsibility to make it clear that being pro-Palestinian does not mean that you're anti-Semitic. What you do when a mattress and a broken high chair is enough for you to invoke a
a lot of, uh, stereotypes from the middle ages is you empower this fucking douchebag. This is Brendan O'Neill, chief political writer for spiked who had quite a lot of, uh,
Ammunition coming from people who made this connection and used it in a predictable way. The myth of Brooklyn's Jew tunnels. Why is so much of the West in the grip of anti-Semitic paranoia? There were tunnels, though. The moral kinship between old world loathing for Jews and the newfangled loathing for Israel has become crystal clear in recent weeks.
Everything they once said about Jewish people, they now say about the Jewish state. Consumed by bloodlust, all-powerful and influential, keen on harming kids, uniquely murderous. It is flat-out undeniable that today's fashionable ill-will for Israel echoes yesterday's vile ill-will for Jews. You see what he did there? Sounds like he's talking about Palestinians. Exactly. That classical anti-Semites, the kind referring to Brooklyn's Hasidics,
as rats that are likely raping kids spy a moral advantage in wrapping themselves in the Palestinian flag ought to give serious pause for thought to our anti-Israel elites. So if you want to help these people, don't parrot the talking points of these people. And that is one to grow on. Well, that tunnel thing is so big. I don't know anybody who thought those Jews were the ones that are in charge of anything. Look at the comment section on Jew Tunnel 1.
Okay? Epstein, Weinstein. Weinstein, have you ever heard of a guy named Bill Clinton? Like, what are you talking about? Like, assaulting women is Jewish? Have you heard of Andrew Cuomo? Like, what are you even talking about? Those tunnels could not have supported Harvey Weinstein. That's a lot of... He would never have made it through. Keaton, do you have anything to add? Jew Tunnel 1 was a big hit. It was a big hit. It was going to be like the Tremors sequel. You know?
with the tiny ones that walk above the ground. You don't think we're going to burn up the charts with Jew Tunnels 2?
No, I think this is like a straight-to-DVD sequel. I think Jew Tunnel 1. Jew Tunnel 1 was a big hit. That's actually of all the segments we did. Last I saw, that was like a quarter million or something. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Are you talking about your Mole Men documentary? My Mole Men one did very well. That was the most anti-Semitic thing I've ever seen. Jews coming out of the ground. Well, that's why. Mole Men. Well, I bought myself a lot of credibility for the sequel with that one.
Yeah, Jew Tunnel 1 had all the production value. I felt like Jew Tunnel 2 was more narrative driven. This was more of a think piece. Yeah, exactly. We blew the effects budget on Jew Tunnel 1.
We had no more budget for the CGI. We had to take it in a different direction. These were just outtakes with someone talking. Alright, Misha. Like the Sopranos season 4, you know. Was that the dream one? Is that the dream one? I didn't forget it was a dream one. That was the one where he's selling patio furniture. Yeah, that was the dream one. ...
I wanted to do this. This story is light for us because we're not Gen Z, but maybe this isn't a light story for Gen Zers. Maybe this is going to be the most depressing story for Gen Zers. Gen Z grads are tanking job interviews, struggling to find full time positions, according to a study.
Recent college graduates are failing at job interviews, according to a new study. Developmental setbacks from various factors have appeared to delay communication skills among Gen Z grads, and employers are taking notice.
In a December 2023 study, the New Jersey-based research group Intelligent surveyed 800 U.S. managers, directors, and executives who were involved in hiring. The respondents reported the Gen Z candidates struggled to pick up professional cues, causing 39% of employers to favor hiring older candidates.
For that same reason, 48% of employers are offering remote or hybrid positions to older employees and 46% are willing to hire overqualified candidates, according to the new study. One in five employers reported that recent college grads are generally unprepared when it comes to interviewing for a job.
More than half of employers surveyed said Gen Z candidates struggle the most with eye contact during interviews. Candidates in this age group also ask for unreasonable salaries and have dressed inappropriately for in-person interviews, according to about half of the study respondents.
Even virtual interviews have posed issues, with 21% of employers reporting that some candidates refused to turn on their cameras for the interview.
About 60% of employers say they are willing to offer more benefits and pay higher salaries to attract older workers rather than recent grads. This explains why I don't get fired more. Nearly 20% of employers said they, I mean, I'll bet you Jackson Hinkle in the host chair next week. Yeah.
I'm a Gen Z-er. Jimmy's like, we'll see about that. Nearly 20% of employers said they've even had a recent college grad bring a parent to an interview. Two in three employers reported that Gen Z employees are unable to manage their workloads, while about 60% said they are frequently late to work and often miss assignment deadlines.
Sixty three percent of employers consider Gen Z employees to be entitled, while 58 percent said they get offended too easily and are overall unprepared for the workforce. Employers also noted that their youngest employees lack professionalism, do not respond well to feedback and have poor communication skills.
In a separate August 2023 intelligence survey, 62% of respondents said culture is the primary reason that many recent grads are unprepared. Half the respondents blamed parenting. 48% said the COVID pandemic is the culprit. And 46% said educators are the root of the problem.
Human resources expert Natalie E. Norfuss, founder of the Norfuss firm in Miami, Florida, who was not involved in the new study, pointed fingers at parents, the pandemic, and the shifting priorities of employers. Quote, in this day and age, employers are far less willing to invest the effort and money it takes
to train inexperienced workers because the demands on production are at an all-time high and average workplace tenures are lower, she said in an email sent to Fox News Digital. All right, so what do you think about that, Keaton?
Well, there's a lot of things at work there. I mean, there's not just one explanation for that. Part of the sort of social awkwardness of Gen Z, I'm sure, has to do with technology, the addiction to smartphones and things like that. You've talked about that quite a bit. I think some of it has to do with just a year and a half being locked in your house and just sort of adjusting to life outside of your house.
Once again, but I think, you know, one thing that that article kind of ignores is the onus on the employers to make work suck less. You know, when you make the American dream unattainable, that has an effect on morale. Like, it's tough to tell a young person, hey, straighten up, young man, and straighten your collar and put on a tie and go nail the interview.
What's in it for them? Really, what's in it for them? Can you point to anything and say that a person coming out of a working class background has a chance to even own a home? You got BlackRock and Vanguard buying up all the houses. The game has been so rigged that people think, well, why bother? Why bother? Coming out of the lockdowns, I took a job that I had worked in before. It was in tourism. They were kind of, you know, restarting their operations after the lockdowns.
And I stuck with it for six, seven, eight months. But running a tour company after a year of lockdowns was just extremely hard. The Omicron wave hit, tour guides got COVID, they had to cancel, you had customers get COVID and cancel, or there would be an alert about a surge and then the tourists would back out. It was hard and it was such a headache that...
That I just left as soon as it got hard. And I had worked in that industry years prior and I stuck through and grinded out periods where it's tough. Every job gets tough once in a while. But if you are if you can at least envision a light at the end of the tunnel somewhere, you stick with it.
This time, man, as soon as it was a pain in the ass getting those tours staffed, getting the customers refunded and this and that, fuck it, man. I can get another stupid job at a grocery store delivering Christmas trees. I'll make just as much money. When that starts being more trouble than it's worth, I'll go get another one. Every place was hiring. That's called supply and demand. That's called the market. That, you could say, is capitalism. It's not unique to capitalism, but it's certainly an element of capitalism.
And it seems like the employers get very indignant when young people don't play their game anymore, which is what's happening now, because a lot of young people understand that the game is not a game. The game is just a road to nowhere. And I think that's probably the biggest dynamic. That's not to say those other factors are not there. I think they are. I think the tech has something to do with it.
And I think the sort of social anxiety coming out of COVID has something to do with it. But from a macro sort of perspective, it comes down to supply versus demand. You want someone to do something for you? What's in it for them? If you don't have a compelling answer to that question, sooner or later, they're not going to do what you want anymore. It's as simple as that, really.
Well, it's yeah. Now that now that the American dream is so out of reach for people who are at the starting line, it's all it's all stick, no carrot. What what is there to motivate them? So I agree. On the other side, I do feel a lot of what you're seeing with Gen Z. Gen Z is the first generation to be raised with the Internet.
to have no memory of a world without smartphones and without high speed access to information. And I think it's like what you see with bee colonies when you introduce certain elements that completely throw off their natural behaviors and you get a bee colony collapse. How else do you explain young people who don't want to get laid?
For the first time, the rate of sexual activity is dropping. That is you're talking about you're fucking with the fundamental biological imperatives of the species because we've never had people walking around like this. We know they've looked at the brains of three-year-olds. They've done brain scans on three-year-olds and found that it's altering the structure of their brain.
So I think some of what you're seeing with the social awkwardness, with the just lack of drive is a bee colony collapse. I think this generation or pockets of it have been so damaged by environmental factors that they're not able to connect with their basic humanity, environment.
In many ways. I mean, I think there's a lot of truth to that. I wouldn't disagree with that. I would just add as a caveat, though, that some version of the new tech thing has come around every generation. Before the internet, it was video games.
You know, my parents didn't let me spend too much time playing video games. Like if I were sitting in front of a screen for a half hour, they'd be like, turn that off. It's rotting your brain and go outside. And I would listen. Some of my friends would just sit in front of the TV for hours and hours and hours on end. Now, is that as addictive as literally carrying a screen with you 24 hours a day? No. But there's an element of that there. TV was the same thing. Right.
Well, okay. And there's my answer to that. I mean, for one thing, this is why I say pockets. I mentioned this. I don't know if I mentioned it on the air or on the side.
I took a tour with these 18 year old kids a few months ago and these kids were fucking brilliant. They were brilliant to the point I was embarrassed because they knew about political theorists and philosophers I've never even heard of. And they were very like, hang on, you haven't heard. I mean, so I'm not saying everybody. I mean, these kids were amazing. And I dug into that. I was like, so how did you wind up like this?
That was even more fascinating. They were from some podunk town out in the Midwest where there was nothing else to do. But for whatever reason, this I couldn't figure out. Instead of spending their time on their smartphone, these kids read and studied and it was quite amazing. So I'm not saying that I don't want to paint everybody with that brush, but clearly there are broad...
trends that are reflected in the data increases and in self-harm and self deletion. I'll use the euphemism even though we're over here for the clip.
psychological illness, depression. And in answer to what you're saying, there's been this in every technological advance. Yeah, and they were right. They were right. By comparison to the boomers, if you look at the intellectual capacity of Gen Xers, my generation, there is a decline as the first generation to really grow up with television. You go, you watch...
Go watch network. Try finding actors who can handle language that way. Try finding actors who have that kind of gravitas, that kind of facility with conceptualization. So, yes, by the time you get to my generation, anyone who said TV is going to fuck people up, it did. It did.
So now you've got the next decline came with this technology. It's not that those panics were unfounded. They were realized. It's just that we managed to get along. I think now you've hit a kind of technological technology driven damage by which people can't even function properly in human society with this kind of fundamental lack of social skills.
Yeah. Now AI is the next thing. Right. Exactly. Exactly. And then they'll just take over and we'll live in little pods. Right. And they'll use us for energy like the matrix. Hey, become a premium member. Go to Jimmy door sign up. It's the most affordable premium program in the business. Yeah.
Don't freak out. Don't freak out. All the voices performed today are by the one and only the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. That's it for this week. You be the best you can be and I'll keep being me. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out.
Do not freak out.