cover of episode Doctors Were BRIBED To Push Covid Vaccines!

Doctors Were BRIBED To Push Covid Vaccines!

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The Jimmy Dore Show

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Jimmy Dore
Kurt Metzger
Jimmy Dore认为,美国医疗机构向医生支付奖励以鼓励病人接种新冠疫苗,这是一种贿赂行为,严重破坏了医疗行业的诚信,损害了公众对医疗系统的信任。他认为这种做法不道德,并呼吁对相关机构进行调查。他还指出,许多媒体收受制药公司的钱,掩盖了疫苗接种奖励计划的真相。 Kurt Metzger则从另一个角度分析了医生的行为动机。他认为,医生可能出于自身利益(例如偿还巨额学生贷款)而接受“魔鬼交易”,这并非完全是出于恶意,而是迫于无奈的选择。他认为,虽然医生的行为值得谴责,但更应该关注的是导致这种现象出现的制度性问题,即医疗体系中存在的经济压力和不公平竞争。 Kurt Metzger认为医生的行为转变可能与疫苗接种奖励计划有关,这反映了医疗行业中存在的利益冲突和伦理困境。他指出,在巨大的经济压力下,一些医生可能会放弃职业道德,做出违背良心的事情。他呼吁加强医疗行业的监管,防止类似事件再次发生。 Jimmy Dore则进一步指出,疫苗接种奖励计划的信息被掩盖,可能是因为美国媒体收受制药公司的钱。他认为,媒体的失职助长了这种不道德行为的蔓延,也使得公众难以了解真相。他呼吁媒体应该保持独立性和客观性,履行其监督社会责任。

Deep Dive

The discussion revolves around the revelation that doctors were incentivized to promote COVID vaccines, questioning the integrity of the medical profession and the influence of financial incentives on healthcare decisions.

Shownotes Transcript


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We got the world's premier impressionist on the phone, Mike McRae, all the way from Austin. Hi, Mike McRae. Go away, Jimmy.

How's it going, man? You sound a little bit like Jeff Bridges. Oh, yeah. Well, yeah, you were a sucker. You put me in that state of mind, man. I was sort of a laid-back, you know, vibe. Hey, did you hear Jon Stewart is coming back to The Daily Show?

Far out, man. Did he leave? Yes. There's still a daily show? There's still a daily. What year is this? Comedy Central exists? He left nine years ago, and he handed the mantle over to a young man from outside the country. With a perfectly round head. With a perfectly round head.

Yeah, that Charlie Brown kind of guy. Because nobody knows about the troubles of Americans like a foreigner. I only listen to people with an accent not from my own country, about my own country. Unless it's Putin. And now Jon Stewart's going to come back to host the show just on Mondays for the election season because he really wants to let people know he doesn't like Trump. Ha!

Well, they should bring Craig Kilbourne back on Wednesday. I liked him. He was a real... You know, he was an asshole. But, you know, in a fun way. In a very fun way. I enjoyed Craig Kilbourne hosting that show. Yeah! Yeah!

I wonder if it's going to... I'm doing warm-up for my own calls. I was going to say, is this the call? This is great. I wonder if Jon Stewart's going to...

You know, call anybody a Nazi or anything, because, you know, he's famously hung a medal on a Nazi at Disney World and he hasn't addressed it, even though it's been brought up on the number one talk show in America and the world, the Joe Rogan show at least three times once when Kurt was on.

Do you think, wait, do you think he just will stay away from the term altogether? That's what I'm saying. I bet he will. Because he's got to be at least that good. You know, as a comic, he still has comic instincts, right? Yeah, he's got great comedic instincts for sure. I don't think he's going to bring it up. I don't think he'll say Nazi.

But he will say vaccine and how much he loves it and thinks that they're the greatest, even though he doesn't know anything about them. Vote for Joe. That's crazier almost at this point. You think he'll call anyone a fucking fascist? Well, I think he will, but I don't think it'll be the people he should call that.

uh john stewart is a shell of his former self or maybe his former self was never that great and i was just i was just all i think maybe i was writers i think i was mesmerized by the great writing and the technique he had great technique and um they had great the researchers the clips that they would dig up were fantastic and contradictory um

But, you know, just like Chris Hedges said on my show that Jon Stewart doesn't really challenge the empire and he doesn't really challenge the establishment. He is the establishment. He's a real Bruce Springsteen. Yeah. Mediocre, lukewarm. Yeah, that's right.

Applebee's fucking level guy. He is. He is. Well, you just take it easy, man. You just take it easy. You think we're being too hard on him?

Yeah! Well, you know what? You're probably right. I think you're probably wrong, but I think I should have been...

I think I probably should have been way harder on him before, but... At least he understands there's good people on both sides now. Is that one of the good people on both sides games he's hosted? Is that one he... No. You're wrong, dude. I agree with you, Jimmy. He's a fucking shell of his former self. I used to be a fan, but not anymore. Who's that?

Shut up, Walter. You don't do any of this fucking talk. What can I talk to him? Get the fuck out of here, man. Yeah, so anyway, I'm going to have fun ripping on Jon Stewart this whole year. And I guarantee you only half of it will come from jealousy.

Only half of it. And John Stewart, he does have great comedic chops. He really does. When he went on the Stephen Colbert show and said that the virus came from the Wuhan lab,

And that got him kicked out of a shit lib society for a year. It turned out that was the problem with Jon Stewart. That was the problem. He said one thing good. The bit that he did, he indicted science. He made fun of science. But science is the religion now because people don't have religion anymore. So they've replaced it with climate science as a religion.

B plus. Instead of using an old book to base my life, I like to use future computer models. Yeah. Yes, that's what climate change is. You're into past books. I'm into future digital. Yes. Word of God. Climate change is future digital models. That's what it is. Yeah. And you can't base your life on a model.

Those models also don't work. And I only say that because they haven't worked in the last 20 years. I based my life on a model before, and it was not a mistake, my friend. Well, ask Johnny Depp, because he based his life on a model, and she shit in his bed. It's an actress who's hot. That's a big difference. That was a mistake.

I mean a model. They never even talk. Actresses talk a little too much. No, models don't talk. He's right. That's why Leonardo doesn't. That's right. That's why they make great beards for Leo. That's why he's a smart kid. He's not a kid anymore. He's got crow's feet, for Christ's sake.

He'll always be the good guy. Yeah, and they say he gets another 20-year-old girlfriend just to cover up something. I don't know what he's covering up.

But that's what they say. And who cares if you're covering up? Right? I'm all for it. Okay. A guy with that many younger than him girlfriends, but that's not that much institutional power. You don't think there'd be something against him by now? Right. If he was laying a finger on any... None of them got a bad thing to say. I mean, they're models. They don't talk. So you're... Exactly. You know the deal.

So you're saying if he was full-blown testosterone heterosexual, he would have had— Society will not allow you. He would have been Russell— One crow's feet? That's when you better clean it up, pal. He would have been Russell Branded is what you're saying? That's exactly what I'm saying. Russell Branded could have got more years probably than even Leo, but he was talking out of hand. Yeah, that's exactly what happened. Yeah.

Well, it really went somewhere, too. I guess that. Oh, look at all. Yeah. Look at all those accusations. They actually landed up as nothing. Not one criminal charge, not even a civil suit. Nothing. Nothing against. Hasn't been brought up one more time. All they wanted to do was try to discredit him and get him demonetized on YouTube. And that worked.

But now he's over at Rumble. And believe me, I bet he's doing just fine over at Rumble. Now they got Dave Portnoy is over at Rumble. Have you seen that? You know what I'm talking about? Dave Portnoy from Barstool Sports. I know him from One Bite Pizza Reviews. I know. I don't know anything about Barstool Sports. I stopped really following sports when I moved to Los Angeles 30 years ago. Yeah. But I love the One Bite Pizza Reviews. And for some reason, Dave Portnoy is controversial. I don't know. I don't know why. Yeah.

He must have said something reasonable at some point, and they called him a white racist. Or anyway. I don't know. I don't follow sports. I don't know. I don't follow sports either. But I did go to the Clippers game last night to see LeBron James play. Was it Clippers against the Lakers? I follow bowling, man. And I bought three tickets for me and my two pals. And.

and who are basketball fans, and we're going to go see LeBron. Because I want to see LeBron James play before he quits.

and so i bought tickets to it he didn't freaking play well he already quit injury yeah he already quit an injury so he didn't play so the clippers won by 11 or so i couldn't believe it you know how much tickets were to that game oh my god i could have put a kid through college and it was all to see lebron and then he doesn't play you don't get your money back because there's

Because there's a – like if I go to see Bruce Springsteen and Bruce Springsteen's sick, I get my money back. Yeah. Right? They don't have – they don't have the guy from the Partridge family fill in. Well, we put a concert on for you. Hey, did that guy die, the Partridge family guy? Bonaduce? No, no, the older guy. Oh, maybe. The guy who played Keith. What was his name? Oh, I don't – yeah, I don't remember. David –

What was he? David Cassidy. Did he die? No, no, I don't think so. I think he did. Come on. Hey, sir. Is David Cassidy alive? No, he died. No, he died November 2017. He died. Yeah. A while ago. Why did he die? I, uh, it's too beautiful for this one. It couldn't have been COVID. Wow. He died in 2017. How old was he? What? Uh,

52. Hey, we had David Cassidy's been dead for three, three, seven years, almost a half over half a decade. Hey, you know, here's another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week, and it's a great way to help support the show. You can do it by going to Jimmy door comedy dot com, clicking on join premium.

It's the most affordable premium program in the business, and it's a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye of the bastards. Thanks for everybody who was already a premium member, and if you haven't, you're missing out. We give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support. Representative Thomas Massey tweeted out, your primary care provider was bribed to get you to take the jab. Oh, but Congressman Massey...

These were incentive payments. Did they say that? Not bribes. Always follow the money. I guess that's what they told him.

How did – that's not since surprise – you know what surprise mechanics is? No. So all these like EA and all these big video game companies, they make gambling for kids with their – you want like – I don't know. I don't care about soccer, but you want to get the soccer player out of like a mystery box. So you pay like a dollar. No kidding. It's like a slot machine and maybe you'll get it, right? It's already ripping you off to just sell you a thing like that separately. That's not a real thing.

So they had a hearing about it and they go, is this gambling? No, we call it surprise mechanics. No. Yeah. Or this is great. Incentive payments. Well, it's incentive payments. So. No shit. So Congressman Massey is revealing here that doctors were given incentive payments to

or kickbacks for forcing the experimental procedure on their patients. Now, what exactly is are you insinuating here, Congressman Massey? Are you suggesting that our trust him trusted, wholesome country doctors who just want to keep the lights on and make their neighbors healthy?

could possibly be driven by other motives? Is that what he's saying there, Kurt? Like paying back their massive school loans? To even consider that, Kurt, the possibility that someone with a century of debt in front of them might possibly take the devil's deal is like, that's like insinuating that Debra Messing doesn't know what the hell she's talking about. How dare you? Trump! She's an anti-dentite.

So you want to see it? Here it is. Here's the COVID-19 vaccine provider incentive program. It's open to you if you are participating. If you are a participating Kentucky primary care provider with an Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid Anthem panel the size of 25 or more, the results will be calculated for two time periods. How do you qualify for a bonus?

You will receive an initial incentive payout based on the following rates. 30% Anthem members vaccinated. You're going to get a $20 bonus per vaccinated member. Second place, set of steak knives. Third place, you're fired. To sell vaccine, it takes big brass balls. Always be closing. Always be poking. Always be poking.

And jabbing. 40% of Anthem members vaccinated, you get a $45 bonus. 50%, 75% of Anthem members vaccinated, you're going to get $125 bonus per vaccinated member. Ooh, that's like real stripper money. That's less than a plate of sushi.

Wow. The final incentive payment is calculated based on members who are newly vaccinated between September and December. Wow. Look, that goes all the way up to $250 bonus. Wow. Wow. What a great deal. You're doing a great deed, slowing the spread and making money. It's great when two things come together that are both good. So that's what you're worth to them, Kurt, $250.

That's what you're worth to a doctor. I didn't even go to a doctor. I went to a store. Did you drive through a parking lot and get your experimental medical treatment? That's what people were doing. They were driving into freaking sports stadium parking lots, and they were getting this experimental medical treatment, which, by the way, is safe and effective. Did those people that gave that to them get their $250 bonus? That is amazing.

This is the approach we're taking. Incentive payments. Super safe. And Elon Musk even weighed in on this Twitter thread underneath it with two exclamation points. That's.

That's when you want to look like you participated without actually having anything to say. He should update his emoji. He should get a serious face emoji. I think this is like the same exclamation points when he found out Amber Heard's kid was his. The same exact text. Our Amber kid. What? That happened? His dad said that on some interview. His dad said that? Yeah.

So I didn't even know they dated. They dated, Amber Kidd? Yeah, that was the guy that she was cheating on Johnny with. I don't know if they were cheating. Boy, does that show you how much women are attracted to money or what? I mean, yeah. Hey, I don't know. Elon Musk is, I'm sure, a fine fellow to date for a young lady. But to compare that guy...

To Johnny M-F-N-Deph? What was that? She don't care. I wanted to say M-F-N. I wanted to say mother fucker. But then I didn't want to swear and I wanted to say M-F-N and it came out M-R-F-N. I sound like Joe Biden. This country can be described in one word. She had her eggs frozen.

Outside of her body? Yes. Because that's one frigid bitch. That's what I'm saying. I wish I thought of that. But they didn't have sex to make this kid. She got his sperm because he wanted the eggs destroyed. This is all according to his dad. Really? Yeah. Boy, thanks, dad, for spreading my business around.

Well, I didn't know any of this. There's so much stuff I don't know. I'm sure people who watch the show are aware of I have huge gaps in my knowledge. Oilfield Rando says, at the start of the vaccinations, my doctor told me I didn't need the shots because of my age and fitness. A year later, he was telling me I definitely needed the shots. Well, he definitely needed $250, I guess. Well...

Let's not get all conspiracy theory over here, Kurt. There must be a rational reason why he became a completely different person over just one year, right? I mean, people change, right? Come on, Kurt. People change. So you're saying it had nothing to do with the incentive payment program? I'm saying maybe he changed from an ethical person to a desperate animal that will eat anything in its path. But as long as we don't blame it on the incentivizing, that's the thing that the real shame is. You don't want to blame it on the incentivizing.

Boy, it seems like everybody you put your complete faith in, they always betray you like this, right? Yeah, well, you're not supposed to worship false idols, and that's why. Especially our political leaders. They're so adorable and cute when they're little. Well, my last hope is Michelle Obama running. Yeah, me too. One day our political leaders are eating a banana you gave them. The next day, it's your face.

Okay. Oh, this guy, Colin Smothers says, oh, he's the Smothers brothers. He's maybe their kid. I wondered why our primary care physician was pushing the vaccine so hard, even though my wife and I got it and recovered from COVID in November of 2020. Really? Good for you. I suspected back then there was some incentive program, but I had no proof. And now we do. Why did it take so long for this to come out? Um,

uh yeah it looks like a thing that a document that would have been around yeah like no other no other doctor put this in an email to somebody and and oh i'm sure if they sent it to a journalist that just got buried because all the journalists in america who aren't on youtube and even most of them on youtube uh take big pharma money i still see imbeciles talking about how ivermectin is a horse medicine i i

Still. My former roommate who I love to death. And by the way, he doesn't disown me over all the, like all my other friends have. He shouldn't. I got, I was right about COVID and almost all my Hollywood friends disowned me over it. The ones who hadn't disowned me over Russiagate, Syria, January 6th. The Rittenhouse boy. The Rittenhouse. The rest of them. I'm not kidding. It's...

It's really weird to walk into a comedy room now as myself. Well, politically, they couldn't have a loose cannon. Yeah. I'm assuming a lot of your friends are white males that still would like to work. Yeah. Even comedians who were shoulder to shoulder with me debunking Russiagate, held for the COVID thing, and slandered me publicly. But that's because they wove science. We wove science. That's why. Yeah.

One guy blocked me and then smeared me. One guy who was my friend, been in my house, been on our show, been on our show many times. Did he do a block and smear? Did the old, they give me a grim job as we used to call it. Remember, that's what Ryan, Ryan Grim pioneered, that technique of blocking someone and then slandering them on public media. That's the way to do it. On social media. You don't give them a platform.

Yeah. And I don't even got even going to mention their names to people who do that anymore. I used to mention their name. I will mention Ryan Grimm because Grimm job I have because I call it a Grimm job. You got to explain to people. And he is the D.C. bureau chief. He's not some jag off podcast host. Right. The D.C. bureau chief for the Intercept, which is a paper no one fucking reads. And they wouldn't be around if they weren't funded by a billionaire. Right.

They were started by Glenn Greenwald to tell the truth about shit, and then they don't tell the truth about Ukraine. They don't tell the truth about Syria. They don't tell the truth about anything. I think Israel's stuff. Maybe there's some stuff. I know they say the...

Maybe Pierre El-Mimidi-Dibidar doesn't have any money interest in Gaza or Israel. I would say that. I find it hard to believe, but maybe he doesn't. Pierre El-Mimidi-Dibidar?

I don't know. The money's coming from a guy on the other side. Oh, is that what that is? What guy's name is Omidar? I'm bad with that. I didn't know that. Sounds Persian to me. I didn't know scheme at the end of your name meant you were Polish until about five minutes ago. That's how bad I am. Really? Yeah, I'm not that smart, Kurt. I don't know if you haven't figured this out yet. All right. You know what? We're going to go-

We're going to switch over to Rumble right now. Oh, nice. Yeah. Well, you hear the shit I say on Rumble. Hey, Jimmy, will you read this one one more time? Just read this so everybody knows. Iranian, Persian. There you go.

Oh, maybe that's why. Yeah, he's Iranian. So that's why they can tell the truth about Israel-Gaza. When did they start calling themselves Iranian? But they certainly couldn't tell the truth about COVID. They couldn't tell the truth about COVID-19 vaccines. They couldn't tell the truth about lockdowns. They couldn't tell the truth about masks. They couldn't tell the truth about Ukraine. They couldn't tell the truth about Syria.

There's a Russiagate. There's lots of things that the people at The Intercept cannot tell the truth about. Russiagate's one of the biggest ones. They're the biggest liars in the world at The Intercept. And they're another shit publication, which is why guys who are shit as people like Ryan Grimm rise to the top. It's funny that Glenn Greenwald still pretends Ryan Grimm isn't what he is.

He still has to talk to news people. It's just funny. Also, he's from a bunch of nerds. Every time I meet these people, Aaron and Max, who I like a lot, but when I was there at that thing. Aaron Monta is still nice to those people. These guys who are real journalists are still nice. That's what I'm saying. Real nerds. When I went to that, that festival was fun, and I'm watching, and I'm like, oh, Max Blumenthal is like a bad boy here.

Oh, Max Blumenthal is a bad boy wherever he goes. Yeah, but it's like... That's why I like him. That's why I like him, but it's in a circle of like real nerds. Like nerds that I didn't even... Yeah. And not nerds because they're into like some dopey stalwart shit. No, no. Like real... Yeah, like out of the womb nerd. Yeah, they played cello and shit in school. Yeah.

I'm kind of nervous. They wrote an article in the school paper that we should go to school on Saturday. Yeah, those kind. Do you play the violin? The viola. The kind who get revenge. My brother actually played the viola. What is that? I don't know. It's like a violin, but maybe there's one less string or something. I don't know. The violin's too manly for you? Yeah.

I think it's just a smaller but not a child. But he doesn't play it anymore. I don't know how you could learn. Which brother? Miles. I don't know how you could learn an instrument and that's, well, I kind of learned the piano and I stopped playing. It's like a guitar-sized violin, I think. I can't even remember, I can't remember anything on how to play the piano. I can remember one stupid thing, chord progression that I learned and that's it. And I used to go for piano lessons a couple, you know, at least a year straight, maybe two. Mm. Mm. Mm.

Hey, you know, here's another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week, and it's a great way to help support the show. You can do it by going to, clicking on Join Premium.

It's the most affordable premium program in the business, and it's a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye of the bastards. Thanks for everybody who was already a premium member, and if you haven't, you're missing out. We give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support.

If you're in need of quality new tires and have been searching the internet for a good deal, look no further than your local Big O Tires. For a limited time, when you buy three tires, you'll get the fourth free on select set of tires. And because we know that tires can be an unexpected expense, take advantage of no-credit-needed financing made easy. They work with multiple lending partners, so the financing is tailored to you. Remember that when you buy three tires, you'll get the fourth free.

Only at your locally owned Big O Tires, the team you trust. So headline today is 21 Israeli soldiers were killed after Hamas rocket triggered a mine explosion. But you know what they were doing when they got the killed? They were doing this. Watch this. They blow up entire neighborhoods at once. They go in and they set bombs. Watch. This is it. Turn it down. Turn it down. I don't know what he's saying.

So let me speed it up. Let's get to the good part. So I guess, I don't know what he's saying, but I guess he's going to let you know that they're about to blow up an entire neighborhood. Fierce fighting, it looks like. This is fierce fighting. You know what's funny? He's wearing less armor than half the cops I know. So here they are. They're going to plant bombs in people's houses and neighborhoods. That's what they're doing. It's called self-defense, Jimmy. Do you see that? That's what they do.

Douglas Murray should have a talk with you. So he's got the wire right there and he's going to press that. And that's what they do. They blow. So this is not called warfare. That's not, that's not warfare. When you blow up someone's entire neighborhood. Wait, you're not allowed to do that. That's, that's a civilian neighborhood. And they're just, they're just completely trashing it. They run it by a judge first. They must run it by a judge. They ask a lawyer to ask a lawyer.

So turn it down. Turn it down because there's music on it, please. Thank you. What is that music? That's like, what is that? It sounds like the abused dog music from What's Her Name. So that's them committing, that's got to be war crimes. There's no way that that's a regular war. Yeah, no, it is. All the things are crimes. And here's the story. So while they were doing this,

Twenty one Israeli soldiers were killed after Hamas rocket triggered a mine explosion. Wow. Twenty one IDF soldiers got killed. That sounds really bad to you. Look at all the dead Palestinian child numbers. Right. I mean, it's what is it like a hundred times or so more?

21 Israeli soldiers were killed on Monday when they came under attack by Hamas in the Gaza Strip near the Israeli border. The soldiers came under attack while they were planting mines to demolish two buildings in central Gaza, and a Hamas RPG hit a nearby tank, which likely triggered the mines and collapsed the buildings on the troops, according to the Israeli Defense Forces, or the IDF. Wait.

So they're demolishing buildings by hand now? Are they out of carpet bombs? I guess so. They hand demolished the buildings. That's how much they care. That's true craftsmen. Yeah. Hand demolished. Hey, is this building hand demolished or was this factory demolished?

Artisanally demolished. Artisanal demolishing. At around 4 a.m., an RPG was fired by gunmen at a tank securing the forces, and simultaneously, an explosion occurred in two two-story buildings.

The buildings collapsed due to this explosion while most of the forces were inside or near them. The idea. Wait, are we sure this was Hamas and not just some other IDF soldiers who suck at their job this badly? You know, because that they've been known to be this bad.

That's all I'm saying. The IDF has been... I'm thinking three escaped hostages with no shirts on, speaking loudly in Hebrew, don't shoot, we're Israelis being shot, just to be safe. Hey, Kurt, in a separate incident, three other Israeli soldiers were killed, making it the deadliest day for the IDF since...

they slaughtered uh 15 000 children anyway i mean that doesn't even count as much as like one of our like burning man or just one of our events in america you get 21 yeah the idf said that's like a saturday night in chicago the idf said the death toll in the ground operation has risen to 219 be still a recent report from the israeli news site wallah

Boy, they make good burgers down in Texas. If you go to Walla Walla. Oh. Walla Walla. No, what's that? No, that's... What is it called? What's the burger place in Texas? I don't know. Whataburger. So what's the Walla Wallas, though? That's an Australian thing. Walla Walla. Yeah. Anyway. Sounds like it. They said 4,000 Israeli troops have been classified as disabled. Really? My asthma was kicking. And that's...

So far, the Israeli slaughter in Gaza has killed over 25,000 Palestinians. Boy, that's a big number. A little bit bigger than 200. But how many of them were actual Hamas? Right. But it's like probably closer to the Israeli dead number. 9,600 children and 6,750 women. Self-defense. That's what you call self. They have a right to do that. Another 8,000 people are missing and presumed to be dead or dying. Oh, so this is the old Lahaina two-step where we just don't count the missing as dead? Okay.

Israel's demolition with planted mines have come under increasing criticism since it means Israeli forces were able to plant explosives throughout the buildings. Yeah, it doesn't sound... I've never heard of anybody using planted explosives in self-defense. In self-defense. Those are the most premeditated possible way to handle something. So Frank Fertzgul says, so the IDF held a press conference...

On this incident about an hour ago, and it turns out that the soldiers were planting explosives to demolish a row of Palestinian homes when a lucky Hamas RPG set off a chain reaction that blew them up all up at their with their own charges. No, I'm not joking. Here it is.

At a press conference Tuesday morning, the IDF Force spokesman's rare Admiral Daniel Higari said that troops were operating in an area around 600 meters from the border, across from the southern Israeli community of Kisufim. They were destroying structures and Hamas sites as part of the Army's efforts to establish a buffer zone. Oh!

To allow residents of Israeli border communities to return to their home. So remember when Putin said that Russia needed a buffer to protect it from NATO? Yeah. And we called Putin a criminal for that? Yeah. Me neither. I don't remember that either. Is he going to be brought to justice for his crimes?

And so confirmed 21 IDF terrorists died while filming a celebration video after rigging Palestinian homes with explosives. What a celebrate. What do they do? So they film it. They feel like I did. Filled that video I showed at the top of the segment. They film it and then they get their minds from Acme. Yeah.

I guess Yahweh wasn't on their side. So important. Israel is working to swallow and fully ethnically cleanse almost 20% of Gaza's land, 65 kilometers, to create a buffer zone that the IDF will occupy even after the war ends.

Yeti it says that sounds that doesn't sound right. Yeti it says Israel has already wiped out entire neighborhoods and agricultural lands for this goal. Of course they are. I mean, they're saying it openly. The IDF is destroying thousands of orchards, greenhouses and houses in Gaza for a buffer zone, a buffer. Here's what Max Blumenthal says. Twenty four Israeli soldiers were killed during an act of straightforward state terror.

They were demolishing entire neighborhoods with high explosives to establish a buffer zone between Gaza and exclusively Jewish towns in Israel's south. According to the IDF, the raising of entire Palestinian communities is necessary for residents to return to their homes in the south, which is another way of saying that an exclusive Jewish state can only be maintained through terror, sieged,

and continual bloodshed. Well, hopefully this will be the last time is what Netanyahu's hoping. You know? Wow. He's like, yes, it's going to be really bad. We just got to do this one really big one and then ask if it was okay after. It's amazing to watch this happen right out in the open after they just tried to demonize Putin for two years. It's the whip. Every time the whiplash, I'm like a buffer zone. This is all things that

was, oh, what, Putin doesn't feel safe? Yeah. NATO right there. People who openly say we'd like to overthrow you and we'd like to weaken Russia. Like, you're saying this stuff openly. They're not going to take that like you're a danger to them? This is kind of unbelievable. ♪

Hey, guess what? The Slovak prime minister said Ukraine must give up territory to end the Russian invasion. I mean, what does this guy know about any of this anyway? He's nowhere near the conflict, right? Also, they did. They did give up territory. It's much better to get advice from people in America. Don't you think, Kurt? What was that? You know, the people who can see Russia from their porch. Hey, we're getting ground up on here. That means it's working.

He also reiterated his opposition to Ukraine's membership in NATO. Did you know that? Well, then he joins US because we're never letting them in NATO. We never had any intention of that. Sweden will get in. Oh, they did.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, or do you say Fico score, said on Saturday that the only way to end Russia's war against Ukraine is for Kiev, or do you say Kiev like a real asshole? I say Kev. I want to reiterate. Kev. It's not chicken Kev. It's chicken Kiev, and we all know this. Kiev-in. Yeah.

to give up some of its territory to the invaders and reiterate that, first of all, to call them invaders. Anyway, his opposition to NATO membership for Ukraine, too. There has to be some kind of compromise.

FICO told Slovak public that there it is, you Slovak public broadcaster, RTVS. Boy, I think I got a vaccine for that, for the RTVS. Anyway. That's part of the triple-demic. Boy, wait till you find out. You know that HPV vaccine? Wait till you find out. My friend just wrote a- I did find out.

My girl was told. Oh. Yeah. Wait till you find out. Oh, we're on Rumble. Her friend got it from it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Whoops-a-doodle. And it's supposed to prevent cancer. But anyway. I got HPV the fun way. Through an incentive program. What do they expect? That the Russians will leave Crimea, Donbass, and Luhansk? That's unrealistic. Yeah, they already have it. Ukraine, give it up. Yeah. We don't have it.

Oh, boy, that's a negative. What a Debbie Downer this guy is. I know. I mean, it's really amazing to watch the level of no one cares about this, and yet they're still going to pay money to it. There's no one. No one. No one cares. It's only Israel. And right now, I haven't really even been hearing that much Israel stuff. I think a lot of it's like, you know, the Oscars. Did Barbie win? My joke about Israel has finally started working. What? I don't want to say it. Oh, okay.

I want people to have to come out and see that. I have like 15 minutes of Israel-Palestine jokes at least now. The pro-Russian prime minister took power in December after his leftist populist smear party. I thought it was called the smear party, but it's the smear party. It's a vicious smear. Yeah.

Smur party won September's election with promises to stop sending weapons to Ukraine to block Kiev's potential NATO membership and to oppose sanctions on Russia. What? Excuse me, Smur? Smur, please. Can you not? Please don't do that, Smur.

FICO reiterated his opposition to Ukraine's bid to join NATO in Saturday's interview, which came ahead of a planned meeting between the Slovak leader and Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shumak on Wednesday.

I will tell them that I am against the membership of Ukraine and NATO and that I will veto it. It would merely be a basis for World War III and nothing else. Well, he's right about this. Ukraine is not an independent and sovereign country. Oh, this is my favorite part.

So he says Ukraine is not an independent and sovereign country. It's under the total influence and control of the United States. You want to hear him say it? Here he is saying it. I'll have to read it to you, but if you could hear his voice underneath. Since 2014, after the Maidan Ukrainian, so that's the coup. So the Maidan, he's talking about the coup that the CIA instituted in Ukraine.

and overthrew their democratically elected government because that government was more favorable to Russia than they were to the European Union. And so the United States can't have that. So the CIA got in bed with Nazis and overthrew the government in a coup. That's what happened. So he's talking about after that coup that the CIA instituted or instigated, Ukraine came under the total and absolute control. I have to add context to this, Jimmy. It came under control of our shadow bank. Ha ha.

of our many shadow international corporations and uh black rock and such that's correct uh why did president of russia give the order to use military force in ukraine well imagine having mexico which is next door to you and imagine that mexico and the ministry of defense is completely under the control of the russian federation the entire political scene including the prime minister is under the control of the russian federation he's talking about in ukraine now

Now imagine that the Russians were to push Mexico into some kind of military organization in which Russia plays the dominant role. What would you do? The argument is rational. But he's forgetting about the post-World War II international order. You see, Jimmy? Oh, that's right. What about norms? What about norms? Norms.

orders all right come back ukraine is not a sovereign independent country ukraine is under absolute direct control of the united states then why can't we check where the money goes i brought this up with with marion williamson and she pretended that that wasn't the case remember that do you remember were you here for that interview that sells new age bullshit was a little bit less than uh i wouldn't have seen that coming hurt the

The Course in Miracles. But miraculously, she didn't know what the hell you were talking about. It was a miracle that she could be that ignorant on Ukraine and still support it. Ukraine is not a sovereign, independent country. Ukraine is under absolute direct control of the United States.

And there you have that's my favorite part of this. I mean, just not the money that disappears from our site. The minute it goes there. The Slovak PM last week expressed support for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in blocking a 50 billion EU aid package for Ukraine in December. You know, Chomsky thinks Orban is the second coming of Hitler.

Yeah, yeah. I will never agree that a country should be, but he's all for killing people who won't take a vaccine. Starving them anyway. Is he pro, is he on Ukraine's side? Not Chomsky? No, I think Chomsky told us. He's got his head on straight about Ukraine. Is it because Viktor Orban's anti-immigration? I think so.

I know he uses a lot of their money to build like useless football stadiums they don't need, but again, better investment than Ukraine. That's right. The most worthless football stadium. I would rather they took the money they spent on Ukraine, the United States, and built football stadiums here in the United States. Ghost ones. Because at least we'd have jobs. Oh, yeah, that's right. You'd have to hire Americans to build those things. Imagine $100 billion in building in America, and we could hire people to do it.

Anyway, I will never agree that a country should be punished for fighting for its sovereignty. I will never agree with such an attack on Hungary, FICO said on Tuesday during a joint press conference with Orban in Budapest. Slovakia's culture ministry also announced they will resume cooperation with Russia and Belarus following its suspension in March 2022 after Russia invaded Ukraine.

That's from Politico. Look at that. So the Slovakian guy got his head on right, eh? And I think it looks like some of the people over there... Slovakia, I don't know anything. It's from Hostel, the movie Hostel. I can't believe that he would...

uh drop the ball like now is the time to believe in ukraine more than ever now is the time to believe amber heard more than ever that's right when when are people in germany and other places going to stand up like this guy standing up when germany is just america's bitch uh well sounds like the farmers are doing it or does the the leaders of germany though that's what i'm talking about the politicians that never happens they literally have a they're like some kind of german uh

Pooh revolution. As you all know, if you tuned in last time, I have been on the Boeing story for a long time because I am so offended that Dennis Muhlenberg is a free man who

who has more money than you and this entire audience and everyone in this studio are ever going to see in their lifetime instead of like rotting in a man in the iron mask style prison. Cause that is where that guy belongs. So, uh, Boeing, Hey, you have whistleblowers that said back when the max was killing people, this is not the end. This is not the end. The way that they are running this company is dangerous. So, uh,

Let's take a look here at a little NBC News coverage on this so you can visually see what happened to this plane. Does that guy have a fake head on top of his real head? That's Mr. Potato Head of an anchor. Looks like a Klingon from the

Four days after that midair decompression explosion on an Alaska Airlines MAX 9, Boeing CEO told employees in a safety stand down today, we are acknowledging our mistake. Looking at the gaping hole, I've got kids, I've got grandkids, and so do you. And I would not put them on one of our planes. Every detail matters. The focus of the investigation, that door plug that blew out of the plane Friday, held in position using 12 stop pads and four bolts.

What the NTSB says, it may have shifted out of alignment. The bolts are missing. A lab analysis will determine if they were ever in place. Now, both United and Alaska Airlines say they found loose bolts and hardware in more grounded MAX 9s. NTSB Chief Jennifer Homendy. Would this suggest that this is a bigger problem than just one plane? It certainly could. Um,

Right now, the NTSB is very focused on this aircraft. We want to determine how this happened. Okay. All right. So...

So they are investigating and oh, lo and behold, United Alaska Air find loose hardware on some Boeing 737 MAX nines after grounding. How many? Some is very vague. Oh, this gets better. Several. This gets better. I promise you, everyone listening to this is going to wind up only wanting to fly on an Airbus after this.

United Airlines said Monday that it has found loose bolts on door plugs of several Boeing 737 Max nine planes during inspection spurred when a panel of that type blew out during an Alaska Airlines flight using that type of aircraft last week. Alaska Airlines later Monday said its initial inspections of the jets had turned up, quote, loose hardware. And

And that, quote, no aircraft will be returned to service, unquote, until formal reviews are complete. Quote, the safety of these aircraft is our priority and we will take the time and steps necessary to ensure their airworthiness in close partnership with the FAA, Alaska Airlines said in a statement.

The Federal Aviation Administration on Saturday grounded dozens of 737 MAX 9s after the panel blew out mid-flight on Alaska Flight 1282. Alaska has 65 of the MAX 9 planes in its fleet. United has 79, making it the biggest operator of the jet model. That's an airline I'm not flying.

Quote, Since we began preliminary inspections on Saturday, we have found instances that appear to relate to installation issues in the door plug. For example, bolts that needed additional tightening, United said in a statement. These findings will be remedied by our tech ops team to safely return the aircraft to service.

Okay, so we have a little more video here of one of the whistleblowers who was an engineer at Boeing for a very long time who came out and revealed a lot about what's going on in the Boeing factories that people should be really concerned about. And he's been saying for years, Boeing is going to wind up killing people. Former Boeing whistleblower who testified in Congress about two fatal MAX 8 crashes fears Boeing's culture has not changed. Things don't change.

It's going to be a major tragedy and it's going to be horrible for families. With a MAX 9 grounded, United and Alaska canceled hundreds of more flights again today and expect to cancel flights through the week. OK, it gets better, folks. It gets better.

Boeing supplier ignored warnings of excessive amounts of defects. Former employees allege weeks before Alaska Airlines terrifying debacle. One of the aircraft's manufacturers was accused of systematically ignoring safety problems. Less than a month before a catastrophic aircraft failure prompted the grounding of more than 150 of Boeing's commercial aircraft, Dr.

Documents were filed in federal court alleging that former employees at the company's subcontractor repeatedly warned corporate officials about safety problems and were told to falsify records. Oh, my God. One of the employees at Spirit Aerosystems.

which reportedly manufactured the door plug that blew out of an Alaska Airlines flight over Portland, Oregon, allegedly told company officials about an, quote, excessive amount of defects, unquote, according to the federal complaint and corresponding internal corporate documents reviewed by the lever.

According to the court documents, the employee told a colleague that, quote, he believed it was just a matter of time until a major defect escaped to a customer. I like that phrasing, escaped to a customer.

Okay, so this is from the American Prospect. I got into this a little bit last time, and it's a big subject worth looking into. This article gives you actually a pretty good overview of how we got here. But this is from the American Prospect. Boeing 737 MAX incident, a byproduct of its financial mindset.

Oh, that's what you're saying about, yeah. Okay.

plug door that broke off a Boeing 737 Max 9 aircraft during Alaska Airlines flight 1282 from Portland on Friday night, in fact, illustrates many of the broader trends in the airline industry today.

The desire to Graham more passengers into finite space, the standardization of production across outsource subcontractors and the lack of oversight from federal regulators into these increasingly dangerous schemes.

Many of these same problems led to Boeing's infamous 737 MAX crashes in 2018 and 2019, which killed 346 people. Those crashes involved a new semi autopiloting software that malfunctioned, forcing the planes to nosedive against the pilots best attempts to correct course. And I just want to point out here because this section of the article doesn't get into it. They didn't even tell these pilots it was on the plane.

So the nose starts getting forced down. It's like a ghost in the machine. They had no idea what this was. Not only were they not trained. I'm talking about the 737 Max that went down. Not only were they not trained. I think the first plane that went down was run by...

company called Red Lion, I believe Indonesia. I could be wrong about that. I'm going off the top of my head. But Boeing blamed the pilots and these poor pilots, man, they're flying. And all of a sudden the nose is getting forced down and they don't know why because they haven't even been told about the system. I have a question. Is it OK? The airline, if you if you're a pilot for the airline, who is the airline supposed to tell you? Because the airline buys. Well, Boeing is the manufacturer.

Boeing is supposed to tell you what's on this plane. But I'm saying is the manufacturer. So I fly for, I don't know, red line. Yeah, right. Red line. Boeing, I would think, would tell them and then that company go, these new planes have something new in them. Wouldn't it be the possibility of an airline? Yeah, but ultimately, Boeing has to tell somebody. Boeing has to. Did they tell the airline? No, no, no. You didn't tell them anything.

These poor pilots were just sent up and then they blame the pilots like foreign, right? They're foreign pilots. Yeah. I told you it takes at least three foreign tragedies for me to equal one. I don't go crazy where it's like 10,000 Palestinians. Well, you know what? You're not wrong because they kept letting that plane fly. And it wasn't until another plane.

plane load of people was killed with full knowledge. This is why I'm saying Muhlenberg. If Kurt, you, you go out right now and, and you, you even accidentally run over somebody, you're probably going to jail for manslaughter. This guy killed hundreds,

hundreds of people with full knowledge that these planes were not safe. And he got a golden parachute. These are countries where they put too many people on one motorcycle, for example. That kind of thing. A lot of outside bus seating. Well, that's how he tried to spin it. That's how he started handing out some golden parachutes on those airplanes. All right. Keaton for the win. All right. So...

All right. So this gets a little bit into it. A faulty course change pretty well describes Boeing, which went through a restructuring during the 1990s from an association of engineers to a firm run by Wall Street shareholders.

This catastrophic path has led to another systemic crisis for one of the world's two major commercial aviation companies, underscoring the deterioration of Boeing's product quality by financialization, cost cutting and outsourcing.

All right. So, hey, that's how we get our viruses. So this this is just symptomatic. I mean, this is why I think this story really says so much about the moment that we're in.

Originally, Boeing was this company that took pride in being a company of engineers like your grandfather. Yep. Right. Pocket protectors and slide rules and precision. Right. And and we'll make money just by building a great plane. Then in 1997, they took they merged with a company called McDonald Douglas. I believe they were called. And they had a much more Wall Street oriented business model.

And that wound up overwhelming the old Boeing engineering model. They moved their headquarters. Like the movie Wall Street with Charlie Sheen's dad's company. Kind of. And then they moved to Chicago because they wanted to be closer to financial services instead of being out here where you have the aerospace industry. Right.

And it just this. That's how you got here, because you can't. It's not like they're making fucking toasters like you start cutting corners on planes. This is what happened. And when the max went down, you did have whistleblowers like I forget his name off the top of my head. But the one we were showing from NBC at Pearson, I think his name is.

saying, hey, he started talking about things that were going on in the factories that were terrifying. He talked about how they weren't really paying enough crew to properly take all the metal shavings out after the plane would get constructed, and those metal shavings could potentially get into the wiring. He was talking about how tools had been found rattling around between panels.

Yeah, it's crazy. Imagine if the people who made our vaccines took these kind of shortcuts. Imagine.

Imagine. Imagine. Fortunately for us, the vaccines are safe and effective. Boeing, take a lesson. There's some people doing their job out there. Those excess deaths, I blame them on In-N-Out Burger. I blame it on climate change, but Boeing can't blame this on climate change. This was their irresponsibility. Which, by the way, if anyone's been tracking this, I still have not gotten my California In-N-Out Burger, which I love. I'm just making fun of In-N-Out Burger. Because you don't have one right by here.

I know. And they don't deliver because it's a quality control issue. I was really into it when I first came out here. Yeah, Jimmy should have moved to a nicer neighborhood. He should have moved to a better neighborhood. I keep telling him that. What? No In-N-Out Burger? No In-N-Out Burger. What the fuck?

I've told him a lot of times this place is a dump. I get, I get, I get together with Jack in the box. No in and out burger. I'm sitting in the car with him and stuff. He's like, Hey Russ, I'm going to, I'm going to take you to the best sushi place in LA. And I'm just like, okay, can we get a del taco? Fine. I mean, in and out burger, but okay. All right. You want to do sushi? You want to do sushi?

So, you know, you don't have it. I was mocked recently by my good friend, Ari Shafir, former Yeshiva student, Ari Shafir. So, yeah, Kurt, we always want to go to In-N-Out. Like, I wasn't from here. Of course, I'm over it now. I mean, I would have had it delivered, man. They don't deliver. And so I'm I'm I'm carless.

So in this town, man, I mean, you can't get anywhere. You can't walk in the car. You can't get anywhere. I can walk down to Ventura Boulevard. Call an Uber. Get a burrito. And that's about it. Yeah, I would have to take an Uber to In-N-Out. I mean, In-N-Out can't do delivery. I mean, their brand is In-N-Out. You've got to go in. You've got to go out. In-N-Out Burger. No time for the old In-N-Out, love. Just come up to read the meter. You can't deliver it. My clockwork orange peeps got that. All right, Keaton, you got anything to say about these planes falling out of the sky, potentially?

No, I'm going to leave it at my golden parachute joke. I think that's a good note to go out on. Yeah, it's very George Costanza. Good night, everybody! Yeah, exactly. Good night, everybody. I'm not going to beat that, so I'll leave it there. Hey, become a premium member. Go to Sign up. It's the most affordable premium program in the business.

Don't freak out. Don't freak out. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. Don't freak out. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't

Do not freak out.