cover of episode Celebrity American Idiots Push The Establishment’s Agenda

Celebrity American Idiots Push The Establishment’s Agenda

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The Jimmy Dore Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alex Jones
Jimmy Dore
Mike MacRae
Mitt Romney
Tucker Carlson
罗姆尼参议员否认自己知晓爱泼斯坦的犯罪行为,并声称自己参与相关飞行是出于政治和慈善目的。他强调自己形象正直,公众不会怀疑其参与不法行为。然而,主持人质疑罗姆尼的说法,并指出其说法与公众认知存在差异。 主持人对罗姆尼参议员的解释表示怀疑,并质疑其说法与公众认知存在差异。主持人认为罗姆尼参议员的正直形象反而使其在爱泼斯坦事件中显得格外可疑,因为公众难以想象他会参与此类事件。

Deep Dive

Senator Mitt Romney calls into the show to discuss his involvement on the Epstein list, his confusion about being suspected of no wrongdoing, and his lament over his straight-laced image.

Shownotes Transcript


Come see us do a live stand-up show. We'll be in Venice, California, Palmdale, California, Omaha, Des Moines, Milwaukee, Lansing, Bend, Oregon, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, Boston, Massachusetts, and we're going to Europe. Do you live in Europe? We're going to be there. Go to for a link for all those tickets. Hey, this is Jimmy. Who's this?

Oh, oh, hey, Jimmy. This is Senator Mitt Romney of the great state of Utah. Oh, hello, Senator. Nice to hear from you. What's on your mind, pal? Oh, not much. Okay, well, what do you call me for any particular reason? Yes, yes, I suppose you could say I am. Well, there's something I'd like to get out in front of, and I'd like to do so on your YouTube program. What's that, buddy?

Well, any day now, a certain list is going to be revealed publicly by the court. No. I'm afraid so, Jimmy. Are you on the Epstein list?

Yes. And if this whole concern thing weren't embarrassing enough, I'm John Doe number 69. Senator, this is unbelievable. The whole thing is a hornswoggle, Jimmy. I swear I had no idea what Mr. Epstein was up to. You didn't find it odd to yourself to find yourself on a bunch of flights with businessmen, politicians, and teenaged girls?

Jimmy, I don't know about you, but I certainly had summer jobs when I was in high school. I can tell you, if I'd been able to find one that involved helping out on an airplane flying to the Caribbean, I would have signed up in a Salt Lake City minute. I just figured these were some young women with some get up and go. Uh-huh, sure. Okay. Jimmy, I swear I had no idea what else these summer jobs actually entailed. They weren't summer jobs, Mitt.

Okay, okay, fair enough. Well, either way, I was in the dark about what was really going on. I'm

i'm kind of oblivious when it comes to that sort of thing anyway although in retrospect it does make some things make more sense regarding the interaction between some of these men and the teenage girls i remember thinking to myself wow these fellas seem to be spelling a lot of beverages on their pants i certainly encountered some turbulence on the flights but not enough to account for all the spillage i see well you're probably the only person i'd allowed this to but

I believe you, Mitt. Jimmy, I swear I was on these flights for political and philanthropic reasons only. Senator Romney, I said I believe you. You do? Yeah.

Oh, my. What a relief. I wasn't planning on being believed today. Well, Jimmy, you may believe me, but I'm not quite sure the general public will. They're out for blood with this Epstein business. Actually, I think they will, Senator Romney. Probably the only politician that would be suspected of no wrongdoing is you.

Me? Why me? Well, if nothing else, Mitt, you have a pretty straight-laced image. I mean, I don't think anyone can imagine you being capable of this type of horrible stuff. Okay, now hold on a minute. Just wait one minute. So you're telling me that I have such a straight-laced image that people will find out I was on the Epstein flights and immediately assume I took no part in wrongdoing? That's right, yes. Jesus Christ, what have I done? Mitt, what do you mean?

That's too straight-laced, Jimmy. Like, not even a handjob? A rub-and-tug? I mean, obviously, I never would have done that. That is the privilege of my wife Anne and Anne's alone. But it seems like there should be legal suspension of it. I mean, I'm a shitting United States senator for crying out loud. Is this really such a bad thing that people have this much faith in your character?

Well, I mean, at some point, it just seems like everyone thinks I'm a giant pussy. Well, hold on. Hang on. I'm getting another call here. Hey, Gordon. It's Barack Obama. Oh, hey, Mr. President Obama. Oh, hi. Hey, I'm also calling about a list.

Barack Obama's most listened to songs of 2023 just dropped. You boys see it? That's the list I'm calling about. Because I'm not on the Epstein one. Uh-huh. Because I was not dumb enough to make that mistake.

I've made it my business during my career to be able to smell a scandal. And boy, this one reeked. Oh, well, good for you. That's just great. Well, I'm calling to make you feel better, Mitt. Well, you're not doing it. Because I actually think you might have done something, Mitt. I could see you doing some shit. With God as my witness, I swear I didn't.

Well, now I don't understand. Now, 30 seconds ago, you just lamented not being suspected wrongdoing. And now here I am, the man who made it so you would never be president, calling in and saying, I bet you did some shit. Does that make you feel better?

Mitt Romney, I don't like you. All right. I'm sorry. I got to cut this off, President Obama. It just seems like you just want to antagonize Mitt Romney and it's cruel and it's not funny.

Okay, that's fine. I gotta go anyway. Gotta start working on my 2024 songs. Peace out. And, Mitt, we've gotta go. I'm sure things are gonna be fine. I don't want you to worry, pal. I looked at one of their backsides. I saw her derriere, and it registered with me. I noticed it. I noticed it.

So on New Year's Eve, Ryan Seacrest, he still has a TV show.

Yeah. And he's a reliable blank. Yes. And so he had on Green Day who sings that song American Idiot, which is a song I used to come out to a lot on tour. Right. And he changed some of the lyrics. And here, let's listen to it. I want a what? He said, I'm not part of the MAGA agenda. So is he an idiot or not? So... What's the...

So what would the lyric used to be? It used to be, and actually if you think about it, the cultural snobbery was there. In the original lyric, it was, I'm not part of a redneck agenda. That's right. I'm not part of the redneck agenda. It's really not much of a jump. It's still looking down on people. That's called a real profile in courage, ladies and gentlemen, when you say you're not...

That's called he didn't he didn't mention that the that Donald Trump's opponent, the MAGA opponent, is now committing a genocide or funding one.

In Palestine. The song isn't that he doesn't want to be an idiot. Right. He wants to be an idiot. So I think we finally know where all that green and green day is coming from. Right. It's coming from the establishment, especially with this election right around the corner. So the band that refuses to become an American idiot is asking you to vote for a literal demented idiot instead.

Well, you know, it's funny. American Idiot was very much an anti-George Bush album. Yeah, right. That's exactly what it was. There are a lot of lyrics that directly reference President Gasbag and the war in Iraq. This is always an Elton John goodbye, English Rose interchangeable song. Right.

yeah no it was an attack on the bush administration and um now bush is a hero among the liberal class oh yeah they don't mention of these people they love george bush um now they hated him they hated him like they hated trump and all he had to do was say january 6 protesters were undermining democracy and they were terrorists and then the liberal class embraced him we gave michelle obama some gum and he gave up that was really the turning point yeah uh

I've got some great song ideas for them. How about, here's one. I do what my leaders tell me. I let the president smell me. I'm as punk as Punky Brewster on TV. Come on, it's ABC. Clean it up. I let the president smell me. I want to be inside when it comes time to hide. Turns out the system's been nice to me. Fans leaving me unmasked. The song is kicking my own ass. Guess I found out how wrong my song could be.

That's just some lyrics that I'm offering to Green Day that could be put into that song. Who would still be into Green Day in this day and age? That was like chick punk rock when I was in high school. That was like pogo. You'd look down on it. But now those women are in their 40s. I guess wine ants. Here's what Viva Farai, a friend of the show, says. I would love to simply ask Billy Joe, that's the guy who sang that, what he thinks of what the MAGA agenda actually means.

Also, by changing your lyrics to I'm not part of a MAGA agenda, you make yourself part of the agenda. Just the shilling, whoring side of the establishment agenda. Exactly like when Dolly Parton absolutely violated her classic Jolene song by changing the lyrics to vaccine. Is that real? I thought that was a joke. No, you weren't. No, that's real. That's real. Here. What?

Well hey, it's me. I'm finally gonna get my vaccine. I'm so excited. I've been waiting a while. I'm old enough to get it and I'm smart enough to get it. So I'm very happy that I'm gonna get my Moderna shot today. And I wanted to tell everybody, I think you should get out there and do it too. I even changed one of my songs to fit the occasion. It goes, ♪ Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine ♪ ♪ I'm begging of you please don't hesitate ♪

Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine. Because once you're dead, then that's a bit too late. Once you're dead, that's a bit too late. Just like a classic sociopath, they don't know where to put the laugh in. They put the laugh in the wrong place. Well, just be advertising. Well, a laugh where a laugh doesn't belong.

And then they also get angry out of nowhere too. And I don't know if you know, but there's her CIA handler left his walkie talkie. Do you know she has full like sleeve tattoos on her arms? No, I didn't know that. You're kidding. Yeah, I think Rosita spilled it years ago, but she told us at Thanksgiving and we looked it up. She does. She covers them. Also nipple rings.

And now it gets worse. She goes out. Listen to what she says. I'm trying to be funny now, but I'm dead serious about the vaccine. I think we all want to get back to normal, whatever that is. And that would be a great shot in the arm, wouldn't it? If we could get back to that. But anyhow, I just wanted to encourage everybody because the sooner we get to feeling better, the sooner we are going to get back to being normal.

So I just want to say to all of you cowards out there, don't be such a chicken squat. Get out there and get shot. So she's trying to find all these words that will hurt us and manipulate us. Coward, chicken squat, and...

She's talking about an experimental medical treatment that usually takes 10 years for them to find out if it has negative effects, if it hurts more than it helps. Usually 10 years. And she wants you to not do that. I think she's even thinking about Moderna. She's all...

I got Pfizer, at least, Moderna. That's ad copy. Then you put your own spin on it. Hey, we were thinking, yeah, sorry. If you don't want to put an experimental vaccine in your body, you're just a big pussy. Yeah, she's about it. She's a bigger hero for the working classes. Kamala Harris is for the African-American community. Keith Olbermann said the same thing. I saw at least three or four of them be like, you must be a coward to get it. You're scared. Well, that was Olbermann's whole thing. Oh, my God.

I'm afraid. Yeah. Afraid. Yeah. Yeah. Why wouldn't you be afraid?

Hey, we're on the rumble side of the fence now. Yeah. Yeah, man. I, if I had it to do over again, I would not have gotten it. I would have got a fake card. I would have got a fake card. I would have got it. Yes. If I did at the beginning and I, I say there, I, uh, so I think that there is shame and I am ashamed that I fell for the propaganda and I got the, the, the, but the,

The real shame is in the people who still won't admit it now. Right. The people who still smear me on Twitter and Facebook and everywhere else. People who still slander Joe Rogan over it, even though he was proven right in every turn. The people who lied to you wasn't Joe Rogan or Jimmy Dore. The people who lied to you was Fauci, the FDA, the CDC, the

NBC, CBS, Stephen Colbert, Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, fake tough guy Lawrence O'Donnell. Those were the people who lied to you about this. It was Rolling Stone magazine. It was the New York Times. It was the Washington Post. It wasn't Joe Rogan. It wasn't Jimmy Dore. Those were the people who lied to you.

And they just can't wrap their head around it that they were lied to. Well, I can't think about that now because Trump. That's right. Yes, or whatever problems there were. Sure, I suspect in it. I'm not going to get all eight of my shots that I should have now. Maybe up to nine. I was at a Christmas party. I know people. I'm sure you both do too. I was at a Christmas party. Showing their Band-Aids on their social media. I was at a Christmas party and the host was like, I just got my booster and I feel great. Yeah. Yeah.

What number booster was it? Okay, I didn't ask him what the number was. I'd ask what number would make him feel bad if it's not eight. Yeah. You should get the other one then if you feel good. Why are you skipping? You coward. So there's a... You can see the whole psyop that they ran on people. For some psychologically vulnerable people, it triggered a lifelong OCD.

Oh, they were already – I told you you're in New York. I know three people who have all told me they're the first one to ever have been given Prozac.

And any one of them could be telling the truth. They're that kind of New York hypochondriac. Well, they gave me at first. And they're all messed up. They're all OCD maniacs. It's such an unhealthy environment. They're like John Mulaney and the Kroll characters from those New York guys. Like, hello, those old men that live in New York forever. There's a bunch of those people that are like... Like Joy Behar's thing. It's almost like the...

you know royalty thing of like i don't want to breathe poor people air but you just slowly dress it up as it's like science to you well getting back to the green day which is what this what started first of all here's what johnny lyden says he says i never thought i'd live to see the day when the right wing would become the cool ones giving the middle finger to the establishment and the left wing became the sniveling self-righteous 20 ones going around shaming everyone and that

the guy from the sex pistols. I never thought I'd be called right wing when I'm not right wing. Right. Me, I, I never, I couldn't, I can't believe it. Well, well that, well that's why the right wing for the first time in my life ever,

is producing comedy that's sometimes funny. Babylon Bee is more consistently funny than The Onion at this point. And when I was coming up, I mean, that was an oxymoron, right? Yes. When comedy. I used to say there's no such thing as, where's the opposite of Jon Stewart? They tried it. They tried a guy on Fox. Of course, it was a big loser. Who's that? But now they got Greg Gutfield, who actually is super...

slaughtering all the Jimmy Kimmel, the late night, all of them. Greg Gutfield slaughters all of them. He's the number one late night host.

And he's doing comedy. Well, because whoever the censorious ones are, they're always going to be a good target for comedy. And it used to be it was the foul Jerry Falwells. It was those people. You made fun of them. Now it's, you know, these these lazy fanatics. It's lazy to make fun of the people who I like and not the people I don't like. That's called lazy. Fuck.

Can't you think of something to say to make this thing? Like Mike said, you don't understand anything that doesn't make sense? You're lazy. You've got to do the work to make that real to you. And so what they're doing is going after Donald Trump there. And so what Donald Trump is is pretty close to the Hamas of American politics because he was invented by the opposition, the establishment, to validate their own existence. Gain a function. Yeah.

But of course, the vaccines, the COVID vaccines are safe and effective, Kurt. And they won't stop the transmission or contraction of the virus. They certainly will slow it. And they slow the spread of white supremacy as well. And they slow this. I wouldn't doubt it. I wouldn't doubt it. And they certainly keep you from being seriously ill, hospitalized or dead. They're fantastic.

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If you live in a society where the people in charge just want to sell you out to get rich, that's bad. But that's not what we're watching. We're watching something much darker than that. So the objective of, I would say, the entire administration and its enablers in the Republican Party, which is most elected officials there, is to destroy the United States, the recognizable United States, the country you grew up in, the country you've been living in, say, 10 years ago.

And that's kind of obvious to everyone. But too few people pause and ask, well, what is that? These people live here. They don't all have secret island getaways, especially now that Epstein is gone. And so if they succeed in their project of destroying the United States, where are they going to go? It's a little bit like burning your own house down. So why would you do that? That's not just an act of destruction. It's an act of self-destruction.

So is that a political program? No. A political program is designed to help the people who institute it and their voters and donors. Their program helps nobody. So I've been kind of developing my own theory on this, Alex, that what about. So if you remember a couple of weeks ago, Xi Jinping visited San Francisco. And if you've ever been to San Francisco, there's homeless people everywhere. Well, they cleaned that up.

for Xi Jinping to come there. And just like a couple of years ago, Gavin Newsom announced that there was a $40 billion surplus. You could put Alex up. There was a $40 billion surplus in California. And I was like, well, I bet he's going to clean up homelessness and he's going to give people health care. They did nothing. They did nothing with that $40 billion. And now they're saying it's all gone. And I don't know. And no one knows where it went.

And so we know that they could end homelessness in America for a fraction of the money that they sent to Ukraine at the blink of an eye. And restart it and end it again. That's right. They could have fixed it four or five times over and they could have sent everybody to college for free. They won't do any of that. So I'm developing this theory that

They're wanting us to be on edge and they want us, just like Tucker had talked about it when he was on our show, they want you to, when you go to the 7-Eleven, you have to step over a homeless person and everything's locked up behind cages and you're going to get a crazy person screaming at you so that you will welcome authoritarianism, right? Just like with the terrorist attack on 9-11 did, we became a surveillance state. People gave up their freedoms. By the way, the Patriot Act was on a shelf for years. They were waiting to implement that. And so...

people just forgot that every email, every text, every phone call they make is being recorded and taken and categorized and collected by the government. And, and so I've tried to, I'm starting to develop a story. Like, so it, they keep saying that Trump and Trumpers are going to start a civil war. The people starting a civil war, the corporate media, which are beholden to a handful of billionaires, which are beholden to no country. And,

They it's like they want us fighting. They want us at each other's throats. They want homelessness here. That's why they won't fix it. They want everybody to be on edge and afraid. And that's what he's and they're wrecking the country. That's why the borders open for many reasons. But we'll talk about that in a second. But just go ahead and respond to what I said and what Tucker said.

Well, that's a profound clip by Tucker. I've heard him say similar things when I hadn't seen that clip. And I really am an expert on this because I read the writings voluminously of kind of the high priest of these people that you all know, Harari's and folks. And so a lot goes into this. But at one level, you're 100% right. And there's some other levels to it, in my view.

paul schwab has said we want an angrier world so they want you to see dystopia and pain it was declassified that since the 60s the cia wanted ugly art ugly architecture ugly culture uh so that you would accept an uglier world and just get used to it and wouldn't demand beauty and and wouldn't go along with with with with people that wanted a better world because they were about to end the experiment

of America with all its problems and all the issues. It was the wild, wild west.

And people could come here. It was the best house in a bad neighborhood. And they could really aspire to be a maverick and to innovate. Every other place had shut down innovation because elites didn't want anything to challenge their monopoly of hegemonic control. That's why feudalism looks the same everywhere. You keep people on tiny pieces of land in every culture, in Japan, ancient Europe, you name it. The nobles were a foot or two higher than the serfs because they'd been...

kept the starvation levels for hundreds and hundreds of years. It's a management system to keep people dumb and poor, you know, like the famous comedian George Carlin said, they want you dumb, they want you stupid, and, you know, just passive enough to do the work until you, you know, retire, and then they can steal your pension. And so now,

With robots and all the rest of this stuff, they don't even need people. Life was always cheap. Now it's seen as we're eating up their resources. So they don't want the world to aspire to a two-car garage and a vacation and health care and a small swimming pool in the backyard and access to medical care. With all this technology and all this science, we should be working – they have all the actuaries two, three days a week living like kings.

But instead, they set up legal systems and corporate systems and tax systems that tax the middle class and the poor, give people benefits only for the social controls that come out of it so they can manage us as serfs. But then it gets worse. If you talk to – when I've covered Bilderberg myself more than 10 times, my crew many other times, we get into the hotel a few days before they close it.

And I hand out a card and I say, when the Bilderberg Group comes here to the waiters and to the staff and to the bartender, to the bellhop, when they...

Come here and you see how rude and evil and mean they are and you hear what they're saying. Here's my phone number. Call me and give me information. If you get any papers or things they throw in the trash, give them to me. I learned that from Jim Tucker, an old reporter that had been covering him since the 70s. And he's dead now, but he was a really interesting old-fashioned gumshoe.

And so they would then be so rude and so mean and never give a one cent tip. None of them give tips. Hillary Clinton at a restaurant gives no tip. A lot of times skips out on it. And they're all like this. Gavin Newsom, I've told people that know him, they're all like this because they are such sociopaths.

slash psychopathic, they're all on that scale, that to them, they don't understand doing good to others comes back to you. They don't get that if they crap in the swimming pool, they've got to close the community pool because they're so rich and powerful, they're disconnected from ever being in a community pool. So they feel so insulated.

and so disdainful, but deep down, even though their consciousness is evil, their body, even their genetics still has the old human there, so they subconsciously hate themselves. So they then project onto the public their own self-loathing. And I've talked to top psychiatrists about psychopaths and serial killers. They only feel alive when they're doing something bad or being nasty.

And if they do anything nice, they are so hyper-competitive that they feel like they're being cheated. So they're doing all these destructive things. What are their trillions in stolen money going to do when there's a nuclear war? What's it going to do when there's no nice city?

They go spend the money in. So consciously they go, yeah, we'll dumb everybody down and make them stupid and poor to control them, but they're not even conscious enough to go, that'll blow back because they have such little humanity, they can't even understand that basic thing. Yeah, be hard in business, be serious. Don't let folks push you around, but also realize you've got to not just give a homeless person $10, you've got to create a culture and a society that

that has things to aspire to and honor and competition to where people are brought up to believe in something. But if you believe in something good, you'll become a high-functioning, successful person in your hierarchy of needs. And the final hierarchy, after food and sustenance and medical,

And family is helping others and being a pillar because you are connected to everybody. I'm not a collectivist saying government makes you collective and makes us collective. No, we are collectivist creatures.

We're a hive creature, but through individual determination, making the best decisions and proving what works best, we then collectively opt into the best system and the best collective mode. We still own things. We still have privacy, but it's because we collectively agree on what's good. They want a system that

that's tyrannical and centralized out of pure avarice and selfishness and greed at a overdriving level. And so they are completely against the very civilization that has made them fabulously rich and powerful as parasites. If cancer had a consciousness...

It would say, I better not kill the body. I better just stay this size because I'll die. But cancer doesn't have a consciousness. It had a consciousness. It would be thinking, I'm all powerful. I can't be stopped. Look at me. I'm taking over the brain, the lungs, the bones, the blood. I'm taking over the skin. But the whole thing dies.

So they're like a conscious cancer that doesn't care it's destroying the host. And so they don't have that connectedness with us. And so that's why they are the plague. And that's why humanity goes through cycles. We all know that we're in a major turning right now, the fourth turning. And the globalists know that. So they want complete control and power because they know their old system is about to die. They want to have the great reset that I cover in my book, The Great Awakening. That's already a bestseller.

to have even greater tyranny out of the collapse of their old parasitic financial system. And so we're now at that point where they're trying to double down instead of in the cycle of,

of hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times, and then bad times make strong men. Obama and others call it the end of history. And they want such a scientific, factory-farmed, dumbed-down population that they even allow to be around. They want 500 million. That's official number. So they want to get rid of 7.5 million people. And they want factory-farmed people

that they mind control, they control, they read the thoughts of, they control the thoughts of, and the dreams of, so they can play God. This is the dystopic, mad scientist hell they're building, and that's why they're at war against the natural order, because the natural order isn't conducive to the cancer taking over. And so, how would you define, when you say they, how do you define they? Who is the they?

There are sociopaths and psychopaths in the Chinese government and corporations. There are sociopaths and psychopaths in the German government. There are sociopaths and psychopaths in the U.S. government. There are sociopaths and psychopaths in the Israeli government. There are sociopaths and psychopaths in the Russian government. But they've already been through 80-plus years of this, so they're in many ways having a renaissance and trying to get away from it, whereas we haven't fully gone to the bottom yet, so we're...

going deeper into it. But if you want to know who runs it, BlackRock is, you know this, you've covered it, BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard.

All controlled by the same group of less than a dozen managers control 88% of world assets and wealth. And they've said, we'll use this to control people. They want to cut off our resources or saying, you know, we can't take showers or wash our clothes. It's an Obama told Africans, you can't have a car air conditioning, but he can have jumbo jets and palatial things all over the place. And so it's a religion of do as I say, not as I do. I,

I'm an anointed one. I'm a priest class. I rule over you. You're a serf. You have nothing. And we know who runs it. The handful of families and groups that control BlackRock, just like you mentioned network, is there revelation of the method? They're telling you right there. They have a plan for humanity.

They want to just dumb us down and brush us aside. And then they control the defense contractors, big pharma. They bring up the politicians they control. They penetrate the cabinets, as Klaus Schwab said. The WEF is just their spokesperson group. It's just their PR firm.

and they they have stolen the world's wealth and they believe it's owned by them and they believe like when you go into your pantry to get some flour and there's weevils in it uh you kill the weevils and that they see us as just i mean they say this we there's too many people we got to get rid of them we don't need all these humans anymore well we don't need you claus schwab or you've all know a harare and then so people say well is it this conspiracy or is it that group claus schwab's family were nazis if all horaries weren't uh

You know, Xi Jinping helped round up his own family in the Cultural Revolution and watches his father and family were attacked and his sister was tortured. He agreed with it.

So he was rewarded by the parasitic system to be the leader of the country and a dictator to serve that ruling communist oligarchy because he literally stood by while his father was pilloried in the town square and while his sister was beaten to death. And so he's so committed to the party, he was rewarded in the top slot. And so he's just a manifestation. So if you look at the brain of a Henry Kissinger and the brain of a Zbigniew Brzezinski,

One is Chinese, one is Jewish. Or the mind of Adolf Hitler. Hitler said everybody else is weak and dumb, survival of the fittest, social Darwinism, we're going to kill everybody that doesn't go along with us, and some will be left as slaves, but really we'll get rid of them later. And people say, well, why is Yuval Noah Harari saying we don't need humans, it's time to get rid of people, the future's not human. Hitler just said the future isn't anybody but an Aryan, which is bad enough.

Yuval Noah Harari says the future ain't even human. That's a quote. He says humans are gone by 2047. And you can read NBC headlines, the same thing. New York Times headlines, looking forward to the end of humanity. I'm in the grocery store checkout lane, saw a similar headline last week. It's

Telling you, you're garbage. You're filth. You killed the earth. Don't have a life force. Don't have a survival instinct. You're killing everything. Look at the garbage. Look at the homeless. Look at the everything. Die. Roll over. Don't live. Don't thrive. Don't contend for the future. Don't affect the future. Because we have the renaissance.

of believing in humans and egalitarianism and classical liberalism and really empowering people, but doing it through the classical human system. That's the great awakening that we're in that's countering the great reset, the war against the globalists, defeating the globalists and launching the...

The next great renaissance, and they can't compete with that. They are a evil, stinking witch that's literally trying to hand out poison apples versus Marilyn Monroe in their prime. Freedom in the renaissance and liberalism, real liberalism, is Marilyn Monroe in prime.

her prime and the new world order is like a skexy from the dark crystal they have to make everything ugly because they're ugly spiritually culturally metaphysically and they need everything ugly to camouflage themselves because they're so fallen so i just learned recently did that the ap the news service the ap the owners of the ap is it the rothschilds

They own a lot of stuff through BlackRock. They also own The Economist magazine. And yeah, the Rothschilds, that's a whole other story. I'm sure you know it. But the British Empire was dominant until 1815. But it was in complete control for 100 years after that because the Battle of Waterloo was so decisive, defeating the continental forces of Napoleon Bonaparte for the second time with the Prussian-British pincer attack

that the Rothschilds, this is on record, sent a carrier pigeon to a fast Corvette ship to race across and to tell everyone when the stock market opened that morning that Napoleon had won and that Lord Wellington had been smashed. And the stock market went down 99%.

The Rothschilds then bought up 99% of the stock market. So they weren't just the richest family in the world up until that point. They were the richest family in the world up until that point on record. Married into the British royalty, everything. Then after 1815, the Battle of Waterloo, they owned the British Empire. All the major stocks, they got it. Of course, Napoleon really lost. And they only had six hours. Six hours before they came in and said, no, Wellington has won.

Wellington has won, and then it all shot back up above where it even was. So look for them to do this again with a cyber attack. They're saying Trump supporters with no evidence working with Putin are going to cyber attack to cancel the election. The election he's 10 points ahead in or more. So yeah, they'll use major crises and calamities.

to consolidate power and the Anglo-American establishment, there's a tripolar world. There's the Russians who are the junior. There are the Chinese that are the middle group. The Anglo-American British Empire, that Carol Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor, wrote an 1100 page book bragging about from their perspective,

Their right to rule, how they were going to take over the world in 1967, he wrote it. And so Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote books admitting this. They all admit this at the academic level like we're dumb animals. I'm just reading what they're actually saying. And they, in mainline PhD history books, they admit all this about the Rothschilds. Now, I go on air and say it. They go anti-Semitic.

It has nothing to do with Jews to say that the Rothschilds did this and are super powerful or the Chinese because Xi Jinping is bad. Am I saying Chinese are bad? No, I'm not. But it really is true that that's how –

A German Jewish banking family who ran pawn shops basically in Germany and loaned money to people, that's how they parlayed their wealth from 500 years ago by 1815 to rule most of the earth. The sun never set on the British Empire. Then World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire had gotten so dominant. I don't mean to give a history lesson, but it's important to know.

that the British intelligence of the Black Hand assassinate Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke, the Germans all go crazy because they were winning with all the new patents, all the new science. The British newspapers were talking about the German problem. So the British Empire was corrupt.

And so World War I was started by them. World War II was Hitler. He was bad. But the Versailles Treaty and all that led to Hitler coming to power. There's a lot of evidence British intelligence didn't control Hitler, but nudged him and funded him early on to have a new enemy. And so that's really how this world has been operating. It's how it's been done. And so after World War I, the British Empire said, made a deal, and even Teddy Roosevelt wrote about this,

It was Churchill, Winston Churchill wrote the three-volume set, The Histories of the British-Speaking Peoples. He was half American. He says in there, we came over after World War I, we set up the CFR, we merged British intelligence.

with US intelligence. And then that is the Anglo-American empire. They call it themselves. And Putin says, I'm fighting the Anglo-American elite. I have no problems with the Americans. He said, I have a problem with your Anglo-American oligarchs. He calls us the Anglo-Americans. And who are they?

The Anglo-Americans come from a Norse tribe that later became William the Conqueror and took over France. And they came and took over England. So if you go back to all of this, they take the name of William the Conqueror's group from a thousand years ago.

Alex, have you seen a... It is unbelievable if you've ever seen it. There's a movie about the Rothschilds that's black and white that's made by them to promote them, and it looks like something Hitler made to smear them. And it's their thing bragging about their family history. It's unbelievable. No, I haven't seen that. Yeah. Keep in mind, they made it themselves. This is great. It's crazy if you ever... You'll find it. ♪

The new mafia, which a lot of people, one of them is the new mafia, Silicon Valley, the WEF, the military industrial complex. Well, look at this story. Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook of the future will be powered by telepathic thoughts.

He's Facebook users. And this is according to him. Facebook users in the future will share telepathic thoughts and feelings to each other. Mark Zuckerberg claims you're going to just be able to capture a thought, what you're thinking or feeling in kind of its ideal and perfect form in your head and be able to share that with the world in a format. They can get that. He called on people to think less in nations,

but as a citizen of a global community using innovations and technology for progress. Well, this sounds like exactly what every person who was deemed a conspiracy theorist. Here it is. Here's the head of Silicon Valley, the head of Facebook, Instagram, the billionaire himself, Mark Zuckerberg, saying, hey, don't think of... Just like, you know, you remember that movie...

network where Ned Beatty gave that speech where he says, there are no countries, there are only companies in the international transfer of dollars. And you have upset the natural order of the transfer of dollars and you must atone. That's what he's saying right there. He's giving the Ned Beatty speech. He's saying there are no countries, there are only companies. You have meddled with the tidal forces of nature, Mr. Neal, and you...

Must atone. You get up there on your little bitty 18-inch screen and you talk about nations and borders and peoples. There are no nations. There are no borders. There are no peoples. There are only – and that's actually –

the globalist speech. I've actually been in boardrooms similar to that, and those are off-record meetings. They were trying to get me to join News Corp and trying to get me 15 years ago to go to Fox and meetings like, listen, this is all over. It's a corporate global system, Alex. You'll have more in effect joining us. Come work with us. Henry Kissinger.

The head of his history group one time in front of my producer, and this wasn't off record, so I've told the story, say, come to New York. We want you to work for us. You can lead the liberty movement, but that's how you'll have a seat at the table. So they go around and buy people up like they just buy up baseball cards, but go back to Zuckerberg.

He's literally saying, we're going to read your mind. Facebook's going to read your mind. Well, that's super creepy. Well, how are you going to read our mind? Again, but he also put 24 billion or whatever it was into the metaverse, which was a hellscape. But it shows you where they want to take us. They don't want just the Internet of Things. They want us. They want our minds. They want our bodies.

You can order pizza with your mind. You see that in 60 Minutes? Yes, you can order. That idiot, the one guy, the guy was like, did you just order pizza with your mind? Like he couldn't believe. It's the matrix. It's the matrix. It's the matrix. You're going to be in a pod. And they have patents now for beds you lay in and the heat from your body powers the computers.

Wow. Wow, that's very Matrix-like. That's unbelievable. You know, originally the Matrix, it wasn't supposed to be batteries because humans are shitty batteries. It was supposed to be they were hooked up as a neural network for the computer, but the dipshit producer said, no one's going to get that. Say they're batteries. Oh, really? And so that idiocy of it being batteries, it was originally something much, like, not too smart.

Just a good thing. That battery thing scientifically doesn't hold up at all because a dumb fuck producer said that. Oh, okay. And that's true. And so let me add a caveat. There is a Wired Magazine article came out about 12 years ago. It was talking about Eric Schmidt and the founding with In-Q-Tel and the CIA and the NSA who already had the search engine system where they would grab all the data and emails and internet traffic and phone calls and create

word messages. And then if they wanted to search what we were saying, Google was the NSA bestseller.

search engine for a program called Echelon. This is all declassified. And so Google at their first meeting when the Pentagon signed on said, we're going to create the first AI, but it's going to be a cybernetic AI where you're a neural network and we get millions of people in live time dialed into us. And then we'll be able to send messages back and stimuli to control them as the original inventors of the internet.

In an ARPA DARPA program in 1960, where a Pentagon psychiatrist looked this up, created the intergalactic communication system. It was on paper and said there would be big TVs everywhere that gave you messages. You would carry a handheld computer that would track everything you did. And daily, you download it into the system. It was all theoretical. And then

they would then use the intergalactic communication system to program humanity. So this is an original theoretical plan that they developed the, the, the, the theoretic blueprint for in 1960, look it up. You can't make this up. And that's what Google is today. And it is artificially intelligent because it's a computer interfacing with us and it is AI. But the secret is AI is us. That's why when you see AI art, it's,

It's just throwing what we've done

plagiarizing our writing, our videos, our photos, our, our poetry. And we go, this is beautiful because it's narcissistic. We're looking at ourselves in the pool of water. Representation. That's stupid shit. Yeah. I always thought Twitter seemed like a crazy, big, crazy brain. When you look at the whole thing and I'm like, Oh, how do we know Twitter's not already alive? No, no, no. That's a secret. Elon Musk is using it to program his AI GROK. And,

And so they took everybody else off the internet because Google's training its system and didn't want anybody like us on there. I've been told this by high-level people, even at that. And so, yes, Musk actually bought Twitter to promote his stuff and politically be involved, but the real reason is to program his AI.

So here's something that's even creepier. So Mark Zuckerberg says that this is going to happen in the future. It's here. Well, here's the WEF telling you that it's already here. So this is about a two, maybe a three minute video and watch what they have to say. This is kind of mind blowing. Sensing your joy, your playlist shifts to your favorite song. Sending chills up your spine as the music begins to play. You glance at the screen and you're like,