cover of episode Anti-War Politician Abandons Democrats & Announces INDEPENDENT Run For Congress! w/Dennis Kucinich

Anti-War Politician Abandons Democrats & Announces INDEPENDENT Run For Congress! w/Dennis Kucinich

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The Jimmy Dore Show

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Dennis Kucinich
Jimmy Dore
Dennis Kucinich 认为由于民主党对战争的立场,他选择以独立人士身份竞选,以在几乎平分秋色的国会中发挥关键作用。他认为,美国持续不断的战争正在损害国家经济和人民福祉,他竞选是为了改变这一局面,将资源用于国内民生问题,而不是战争。他还批评了美国对以色列和乌克兰的支持,认为这些政策可能会适得其反,并危及美国的自身利益。他主张优先关注美国人民的需求,解决国内问题,如住房、医疗保健和就业。他呼吁结束战争,停止对以色列的资助,并改革边境政策。他还强调了言论自由和反对审查制度的重要性,并支持释放朱利安·阿桑奇。 Jimmy Dore 同意 Kucinich 的观点,认为选民应该为自己的选票争取利益,并批评伯尼·桑德斯在 2016 年和 2020 年没有这样做。他认为媒体利用种族问题来分裂民众,掩盖由寡头政治造成的经济危机。 Russell Dobular 提出问题,并与 Kucinich 讨论了美国对以色列和巴勒斯坦的政策。 Kurt Metzger 也参与讨论,并表达了他对美国政治现状的担忧。

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Dennis Kucinich discusses his decision to run as an independent for Congress, citing the Democratic Party's shift towards supporting wars and his ability to reach a broader constituency.

Shownotes Transcript

Former Democratic Congressman and two time presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich appeared on The Jimmy Dore Show for a wide-ranging interview about his recently announced candidacy as an independent for a U.S. House seat in Ohio, the danger of the United States pursuing endless wars, the need to bring Americans together and how he feels uniquely positioned to operate as an independent in a nearly evenly divided House of Representatives. Jimmy is joined by Due Dissidence’s Russell Dobular and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger in conversation with the self-described candidate of peace.