cover of episode This is How To Believe In Yourself! Overcome Self-Doubt, and Learn to Believe You Are Worthy!

This is How To Believe In Yourself! Overcome Self-Doubt, and Learn to Believe You Are Worthy!

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The Jamie Kern Lima Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jamie Kern Lima
Jamie Kern Lima: 本播客旨在帮助听众相信自己,找到自我,并成为无法阻挡的自己。她分享了自己从充满自我怀疑的侍应生到建立十亿美元公司和畅销书作者的历程,鼓励听众相信自己的梦想是可实现的。她强调,人生中的挫折往往是为未来的成功铺路,直觉和内心的声音能够指引方向,即使理性分析会劝退。找到自己深层次的“为什么”才能坚持梦想,并重新定义美的标准,让更多女性感到自信。她分享了自己在创业过程中遇到的无数次拒绝,以及如何将这些拒绝转化为动力,最终取得成功。她认为,他人的质疑不代表自身梦想的失败,保持真实自我,即使不被所有人理解,也是非常重要的。她鼓励听众降低外界否定声音的分贝,放大内心的声音,相信自己的直觉比外界的意见更重要。她认为,不真诚会带来失败,真诚虽然不保证成功,但至少不会失败。她还分享了自己如何重新定义拒绝,将拒绝转化为机遇,并最终取得成功。她相信,提升自我价值,打破自我设限,才能实现梦想。 Jamie Kern Lima: 她还分享了自己在创业过程中遇到的无数次拒绝,以及如何将这些拒绝转化为动力,最终取得成功。她详细描述了自己在与投资人、零售商洽谈的过程中遇到的挫折和挑战,以及如何克服这些挑战,最终实现了自己的梦想。她强调,拒绝可能是上帝的保护,相信时机,重新定义拒绝,将拒绝转化为机遇,才能最终取得成功。她还分享了自己如何将这些经验写成书籍,帮助更多人提升自我价值,战胜自我怀疑。她鼓励听众相信自己,相信自己的直觉,相信自己的梦想是可实现的。

Deep Dive

Jamie Kern Lima shares her personal story of overcoming self-doubt and building IT Cosmetics from the ground up. She discusses her early career aspirations, the setbacks she faced in the news industry due to her rosacea, and the moment of grace that led her to start her own makeup company.
  • Setbacks are often setups for our divine path.
  • Knowing your 'deep why' is crucial for pursuing and persevering with goals.
  • Sometimes letting go of a dream is as important as pursuing one.

Shownotes Transcript

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**Welcome To The Jamie Kern Lima Show! You Belong Here! **

Imagine. . .overcoming self-doubt, learning to believe in yourself and trust yourself and know you’re enough. Imagine stepping into all of who you are, and into the person you were born to be. . . unstoppable. Unstoppable in your joy, your success, your faith and in your belief in yourself! The Jamie Kern Lima Show is for you if you’re ready to ignite that light inside of you, and learn to shine it brightly, even if it’s for the first time, or for the first time in a long time. IT’s YOUR time, today is YOUR day, and THIS is your show. This is How You Trust Yourself. This is How You Love Yourself. This is How You Believe in Yourself. Welcome to the Jamie Kern Lima Show!

In this deeply personal episode, it’s YOU and ME, together! And if you’ve ever doubted you’re enough or wondered if your dreams are possible…then this episode is for you! 

I share the story, behind the story, of how I went from struggling waitress facing non-stop rejection, to building a billion-dollar business from my living room, and becoming a New York Times bestselling author, all by learning to believe in myself. And I’m obsessed with showing you how you can believe in yourself too, plus some of the tactical tools and lessons you can apply to your life right now! If self-doubt has already cost you too much in your life, it’s time to change that together! 

I am so honored you are here! And in this and every episode of The Jamie Kern Lima Show, I hope you’ll come as you are. Heal where you need. Blossom what you choose. Journey toward your calling. And stay as long as you’d like. Because YOU belong here! You, exactly as you are, are enough and fully worthy! You are loved, you are love, and I love you! 

Get my new book WORTHY plus FREE Bonus gifts including a 95+ page Worthy Workbook and more at

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0:00 Welcome to The Jamie Kern Lima Show!

6:20 My HUGE Season Of Setbacks And Self-Doubts That Led To IT Cosmetics

10:44 Moments Of Grace And Finding Your Why

23:25 How to silence the NOs and trust your KNOWing

30:58 - Know Your Why, then Fly Girl Fly 

52:16 Inauthenticity Guarantees Failure Every Time

1:07:38 How To Reframe Rejection

1:10:18 Rejection Is God’s Protection

It’s such an honor to share this podcast together with you. And please note: I am not a licensed therapist, and this podcast is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional.

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Believe IT)