cover of episode Julianne Hough: From “Unraveling” To Stepping Into Your Power & Rebuilding Your Best Life! Pt 3

Julianne Hough: From “Unraveling” To Stepping Into Your Power & Rebuilding Your Best Life! Pt 3

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The Jamie Kern Lima Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jamie Kern Lima
Julianne Hough
Julianne Hough:在经历了人生的彻底解构,包括婚姻的结束、宠物的离世等重大事件后,我经历了痛苦的解构过程,但最终获得了前所未有的稳定、安全感和爱。我学会了信任自己,并掌控了自己的生活。我与前夫及其女友一起参加婚礼,这体现了我内心的强大和对生活的接纳。我经历了灵魂碎片化,并进行了灵魂检索,找回了失去的灵魂碎片,这让我感到完整。我新书《我们从未知道的一切》讲述了我的英雄之旅,以及如何通过与四元素连接来获得内在的智慧和力量。我还经常经历超自然体验,这些体验让我更加相信自己,并相信宇宙的指引。 Jamie Kern Lima:Julianne 的经历体现了解构和自我掌控的重要性。许多女性都遭受冒名顶替综合征的困扰,她们依靠共识而非内在直觉做决定。了解四元素(土、火、水、风)可以帮助人们更好地了解自己,并与自身连接。Julianne 的故事鼓舞人心,她经历了痛苦的解构,但最终变得更加完整,并能够设计和创造自己梦想中的生活。

Deep Dive

Julianne Hough shares her experience of "unraveling" and rebuilding her life, discussing attending her ex-husband's wedding and her journey to finding stability and security within herself.
  • Julianne felt stable and secure after letting go of attachments like her dogs and partner.
  • Shedding the things that weren't serving her allowed her to take her power back.
  • Julianne's experience at her ex-husband's wedding demonstrated her wholeness and growth.

Shownotes Transcript

Full Video Available on YouTube @JamieKernLimaOfficial). Are You Ready to believe in YOU?🙌 👈 Sign up for my FREE Inspirational Newsletter here and you’ll ALSO get special prompt questions to help you grow in your self-worth-building that pair with each episode!🩷 

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If you’re ready to spark revelations in your own self-worth journey, embrace healing, and build or rebuild your best life, then today's incredible brand NEW part 3 episode of The Jamie Kern Lima Show with two-time Dancing with the Stars Champion and host of the show, the Emmy Award-winning Julianne Hough is for YOU! 

Julianne reveals life-changing lessons and stories she’s never shared before including how to make it through hard things, including shedding or “unraveling” parts of your life that are holding you back or aren’t supporting your highest good. Plus inspiring stories on how to make peace with heartbreak, how to take your power back and learn to trust yourself! 

Her brand new book Everything We Never Knew, get your copy here), takes you on your own journey, side by side with the main character or learning to reclaim your voice, trust yourself, step into your power! I’ SO excited for part 3 of this INCREDIBLE conversation together. 

For more resources related to today’s episode, click here for the podcast episode page.


0:00 Welcome to The Jamie Kern Lima Show 

9:04 - "Unraveling" & Rebuilding Your Life

9:56 - Shedding To Become Whole Again

10:46 – Julianne at Wedding With Ex-Husband and His Girlfriend, How She Reacted

11:30 - You Can Do Hard Things

14:40 – Julianne Shares if She Wants to Find a Partner, and If She Wants Kids 

13:36 - Healing From Heartbreak 

19:28 – Julianne’s Soulmate Dogs Being Killed by Coyotes 

23:00 – Julianne shares details of burial and of “Soul Fragmentation” and doing a “Soul Retrieval” 

29:07 - Transformation

32:06 - How The Four Elements Impact You

35:39 - Everything We Never Knew

46:00 Julianne Talks About Having Supernatural Experiences “I was like, Whoa!” 

51:00 “This is God” Julianne talks about her soul coming back 

It’s such an honor to share this podcast together with you. And please note: I am not a licensed therapist, and this podcast is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional.

This episode of The Jamie Kern Lima Show contains discussions of sensitive topics including sexual assault. Our aim is to approach this topic with sensitivity and respect, but viewer/listener discretion is advised. 


To receive 24/7 support from the National Sexual Assault Hotline, call 800-656-HOPE (4673).

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